
Atlassian is telling Mercurial users to Eat Shit
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 23 Dec 2019 17:21:23 -0500 (2019-12-23)
parents 3bb68fd73de3
children 68b60e4b8116 6bb8080b3909
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files content/projects.markdown themes/stevelosh/layouts/partials/footer.html


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 for them when I have the time.
 * [badwolf](https://github.com/sjl/badwolf/) is a Vim color scheme.
-* [beast](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/beast/) is a Basic Entity/Aspect/System Toolkit for Common Lisp.
+* [beast](https://docs.stevelosh.com/beast/) is a Basic Entity/Aspect/System Toolkit for Common Lisp.
 * [chancery](https://github.com/sjl/chancery/) is a library for procedurally generating text in Common Lisp, heavily inspired by [Tracery](http://tracery.io).
-* [cl-digraph](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/cl-digraph/) is a simple directed graph implementation for Common Lisp.
-* [cl-ggp](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/cl-ggp/) is a tiny framework for writing GGP players in Common Lisp.
+* [cl-digraph](https://docs.stevelosh.com/cl-digraph/) is a simple directed graph implementation for Common Lisp.
+* [cl-ggp](https://docs.stevelosh.com/cl-ggp/) is a tiny framework for writing GGP players in Common Lisp.
 * [cl-losh](https://github.com/sjl/cl-losh/) is my utility belt library for Common Lisp.
-* [cl-pcg](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/cl-pcg/) is a [permuted congruential generator](http://www.pcg-random.org/) implementation in pure Common Lisp.
+* [cl-pcg](https://docs.stevelosh.com/cl-pcg/) is a [permuted congruential generator](http://www.pcg-random.org/) implementation in pure Common Lisp.
 * [clam.vim](https://github.com/sjl/clam.vim) is a lightweight Vim plugin for working with shell commands.
-* [d](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/d/) is a tool for writing documentation in Markdown.
+* [d](https://docs.stevelosh.com/d/) is a tool for writing documentation in Markdown.
 * [friendly-find](https://github.com/sjl/friendly-find) is a friendlier `find(1)`.
 * [gdl.vim](https://github.com/sjl/gdl.vim) is a Vim plugin for writing GDL files.
-* [gundo.vim](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/gundo.vim/) is a Vim plugin to visualize your undo tree.
-* [hg-prompt](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/hg-prompt/) is a Mercurial plugin to view repository information, designed to be used in a shell prompt.
+* [gundo.vim](https://docs.stevelosh.com/gundo.vim/) is a Vim plugin to visualize your undo tree.
+* [hg-prompt](https://hg.sr.ht/~sjl/hg-prompt/) is a Mercurial plugin to view repository information, designed to be used in a shell prompt.
 * [peat](https://github.com/sjl/peat) repeats shell commands.
 * [sand](https://github.com/sjl/sand) is my personal Common Lisp sandbox.
 * [strftimedammit.vim](https://github.com/sjl/strftimedammit.vim) is a single Vim documentation file that lists `strftime`-like formatting characters for a variety of languages.
 * [t](https://github.com/sjl/t) is a command-line todo list manager for people that want to finish tasks, not organize them.
-* [vim-bencode](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/vim-bencode) is a Vim plugin to handle encoding/decoding Bencoded data.
+* [vim-bencode](https://hg.sr.ht/~sjl/vim-bencode) is a Vim plugin to handle encoding/decoding Bencoded data.
 ## Under Development
 These are projects I'm poking around with which may or may not ever see the
 light of day.  You shouldn't use them for anything important (yet).
-* [temperance](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/temperance/) is a logic programming library for Common Lisp.
+* [temperance](https://docs.stevelosh.com/temperance/) is a logic programming library for Common Lisp.
 * [vex](https://github.com/sjl/vex/) is yet another vector math library for Common Lisp.
 ## Looking for Maintainers
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 the license the same.
 * [clojurecraft](https://github.com/sjl/clojurecraft) is a framework for writing Minecraft bots in Clojure.
-* [flask-csrf](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/flask-csrf/) is a Flask plugin to protect against CSRF attacks.
-* [hg-review](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/hg-review/) is a Mercurial plugin for performing distributed code review.  This is a **really goddamned cool** idea that I just don't have the time to follow up on.
-* [red-tape](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/red-tape/) is a Clojure library for processing user-submitted data. It's heavily inspired by Django's forms (the good parts).
-* [roul](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/roul/) is a tiny Clojure library for working with random numbers.
+* [flask-csrf](https://docs.stevelosh.com/flask-csrf/) is a Flask plugin to protect against CSRF attacks.
+* [hg-review](https://docs.stevelosh.com/hg-review/) is a Mercurial plugin for performing distributed code review.  This is a **really goddamned cool** idea that I just don't have the time to follow up on.
+* [red-tape](https://docs.stevelosh.com/red-tape/) is a Clojure library for processing user-submitted data. It's heavily inspired by Django's forms (the good parts).
+* [roul](https://docs.stevelosh.com/roul/) is a tiny Clojure library for working with random numbers.
 * [splice.vim](https://github.com/sjl/splice.vim) is a Vim plugin for managing three-way merges.
 * [tis100.vim](https://github.com/sjl/tis100.vim) contains Vim syntax highlighting and folding support for TIS-100 save files.
 * [vitality.vim](https://github.com/sjl/vitality.vim) makes Vim play nicely with iTerm 2 and tmux.
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 These are projects I started but no longer intend to maintain.  I won't delete
 them from the internet, but please don't use them.
-* [bookmarkdown](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/) was an experimental tool for writing books in Markdown.
+* [bookmarkdown](https://docs.stevelosh.com/) was an experimental tool for writing books in Markdown.
 * [Caves of Clojure](https://github.com/sjl/caves) was the code for a series of blog posts I did about writing a roguelike in Clojure.
 * [cherryflavoredbugseverywhere](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/cherryflavoredbugseverywhere/) was a Bugs Everywhere web UI written with CherryPy.
 * [cl-nrepl](https://github.com/sjl/cl-nrepl) was a bare-bones NREPL server for Common Lisp.
--- a/themes/stevelosh/layouts/partials/footer.html	Sat Sep 28 15:20:54 2019 -0400
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-                    <a href="https://bitbucket.org/sjl/">Bitbucket</a> ・ 
+                    <a href="https://hg.sr.ht/~sjl/">Source Hut</a> ・ 
                     <a href="https://github.com/sjl/">GitHub</a> ・ 
                     <a href="https://twitter.com/stevelosh/">Twitter</a> ・ 
                     <a href="https://mastodon.social/@sjl">Mastodon</a> ・ 
                     <a href="https://instagram.com/thirtytwobirds/">Instagram</a> ・ 
-                    <a href="https://bitbucket.org/sjl/.plan">.plan</a>
+                    <a href="https://hg.sr.ht/~sjl/.plan">.plan</a>