
Exclude .htaccess from the feed.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 09 Jan 2010 04:41:10 -0500
parents 29514bb12ef0
children 79c7b9a47eb5
branches/tags (none)
files layout/skeleton/_atom.xml


--- a/layout/skeleton/_atom.xml	Sat Jan 09 04:36:49 2010 -0500
+++ b/layout/skeleton/_atom.xml	Sat Jan 09 04:41:10 2010 -0500
@@ -22,20 +22,22 @@
     {% for node_page in page.node.walk_pages %}
         {% ifnotequal node_page page %}
             {% if not node_page.listing and not node_page.exclude %}
-                <entry>
-                    <title type="html">{{ node_page.title }}</title>
-                    <author><name>{{ site.author }}</name></author>
-                    <link href="{{ node_page.full_url }}"/>
-                    <updated>{{ node_page.created|xmldatetime }}</updated>
-                    <published>{{ node_page.created|xmldatetime }}</published>
-                    <id>{{ node_page.full_url }}</id>
-                    {% block entry_extra %}{% endblock %}
-                    <content type="html">
-                        {% filter force_escape %}
-                            {% render_article node_page %}
-                        {% endfilter %}
-                    </content>
-                </entry>
+                {% ifnotequal node_page.name ".htaccess" %}
+                    <entry>
+                        <title type="html">{{ node_page.title }}</title>
+                        <author><name>{{ site.author }}</name></author>
+                        <link href="{{ node_page.full_url }}"/>
+                        <updated>{{ node_page.created|xmldatetime }}</updated>
+                        <published>{{ node_page.created|xmldatetime }}</published>
+                        <id>{{ node_page.full_url }}</id>
+                        {% block entry_extra %}{% endblock %}
+                        <content type="html">
+                            {% filter force_escape %}
+                                {% render_article node_page %}
+                            {% endfilter %}
+                        </content>
+                    </entry>
+                {% endifnotequal %}
     {% endfor %}