--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2012/10/caves-of-clojure-07-1.html Sat Oct 13 16:30:33 2012 -0400
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+ {% extends "_post.html" %}
+ {% hyde
+ title: "The Caves of Clojure: Part 7.1"
+ snip: "Region mapping."
+ created: 2012-10-15 09:50:00
+ flattr: true
+ %}
+{% block article %}
+This post is part of an ongoing series. If you haven't already done so, you
+should probably start at [the beginning][].
+This entry corresponds to the beginning of [post seven in Trystan's
+If you want to follow along, the code for the series is [on Bitbucket][bb] and
+[on GitHub][gh]. Update to the `entry-07-1` tag to see the code as it stands
+after this post.
+It's been a while since the last post, but I've been taking care of things and
+hopefully should be able to write a bit more now.
+This post is going to be short. It'll cover a relatively self-contained but
+interesting bit of Trystan's seventh post. The rest of it will be covered in
+the next entry.
+[the beginning]: /blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-01/
+[trystan-tut]: http://trystans.blogspot.com/2011/09/roguelike-tutorial-07-z-levels-and.html
+[bb]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/caves/
+[gh]: http://github.com/sjl/caves/
+In Trystan's seventh post he adds vertical levels and stairs connecting them.
+I'm going to cover the first part of that now: mapping out regions.
+There's been a bit of refactoring since my last post which I'm not going to
+cover. If you want to see what changed, diff the tags in your VCS of choice.
+Region Mapping
+In order to decide where to place stairs, Trystan maps out "regions" of
+contiguous, walkable tiles after he generates and smooths the world. I'm going
+to do the same thing.
+My goal is to create a "region map", which is a map of coordinates to region
+numbers. For example, consider the following tiny world map:
+ :::text
+ ..##..
+ ..#...
+ ..#.##
+ ..#.#.
+There are three distinct regions in this map:
+ :::text
+ 11##22
+ 11#222
+ 11#2##
+ 11#2#3
+So the region map would look like:
+ :::clojure
+ ; x y region
+ {[0 0] 1
+ [1 0] 1
+ [4 0] 2
+ [5 0] 2
+ ...
+ [5 3] 3}
+This makes it easy to tell which region a particular tile is in (if any).
+As usual, I'll start with a few helper functions. These two functions are just
+for convenience and readability:
+ :::clojure
+ (def all-coords
+ (let [[cols rows] world-size]
+ (for [x (range cols)
+ y (range rows)]
+ [x y])))
+ (defn get-tile-from-level [level [x y]]
+ (get-in level [y x] (:bound tiles)))
+The `all-coords` function simply returns a lazy sequence of `[x y]` coordinates
+representing every coordinate in a level.
+`get-tile-from-level` encapsulates the act of pulling out a tile from a level
+given an `[x y]` coordinate. This is helpful because of the way I'm storing
+tiles (note the ugly `[y x]`).
+Next up is a function that filters a set of coordinates to only contain those
+that are actually walkable in the given level (i.e.: those that don't contain
+a wall tile):
+ :::clojure
+ (defn filter-walkable
+ "Filter the given coordinates to include only walkable ones."
+ [level coords]
+ (set (filter #(tile-walkable? (get-tile-from-level level %))
+ coords)))
+This uses the `get-tile-from-level` function as well as `tile-walkable?` from
+Next is a function to take a coordinate and return which of its neighboring
+coordinates are walkable:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn walkable-neighbors
+ "Return the neighboring coordinates walkable from the given coord."
+ [level coord]
+ (filter-walkable level (neighbors coord)))
+This one is almost trivial, but I like building up functions in small steps like
+this because it's easier for me to read.
+Now we come to a function with a bit more meat. This is the core of the "flood
+fill" algorithm I'm going to use to fill in the region map.
+ :::clojure
+ (defn walkable-from
+ "Return all coordinates walkable from the given coord (including itself)."
+ [level coord]
+ (loop [walked #{}
+ to-walk #{coord}]
+ (if (empty? to-walk)
+ walked
+ (let [current (first to-walk)
+ walked (conj walked current)
+ to-walk (disj to-walk current)
+ candidates (walkable-neighbors level current)
+ to-walk (union to-walk (difference candidates walked))]
+ (recur walked to-walk)))))
+In a nutshell, this function loops over two sets: `walked` and `to-walk`.
+Each iteration it grabs a coordinate from `to-walk` and sticks it into the
+`walked` set. It then finds all the coordinates it can walk to from that
+coordinate using a helper function. It uses `clojure.set/difference` to
+determine which of those are new (i.e.: still need to be walked) and sticks them
+into the `to-walk` set. Then it recurs.
+The code for this is surprisingly simple and easy to read. It's mostly just
+shuffling things between sets. Eventually the `to-walk` set will be empty and
+`walked` will contain all the coordinates that we want.
+Finally comes the function to create the region map for an entire level:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-region-map
+ [level]
+ (loop [remaining (filter-walkable level all-coords)
+ region-map {}
+ n 0]
+ (if (empty? remaining)
+ region-map
+ (let [next-coord (first remaining)
+ next-region-coords (walkable-from level next-coord)]
+ (recur (difference remaining next-region-coords)
+ (into region-map (map vector
+ next-region-coords
+ (repeat n)))
+ (inc n))))))
+This function also uses Clojure sets to its advantage. Once again, I loop
+over a couple of variables.
+`remaining` is a set containing all the coordinates whose regions has not yet
+been determined.
+Each iteration it pulls off one of the remaining coordinates. Note that I'm
+using `first` to do this. `remaining` is a set, which is unordered, so `first`
+effectively could return any element in the set. For this loop that doesn't
+matter, but it's important to be aware of if you're going to use the same
+After pulling off a coordinate, it finds all coordinates walkable from that
+coordinate with the `walkable-from` flood-fill function. It removes all of
+those from the `remaining` set, shoves them into the region map, and increments
+the region number before recurring.
+I'm going to save the rest of Trystan's seventh post for another entry, but
+since this one ended up pretty short I'm also going to go over visualizing the
+region map I've just created.
+First I need to generate the region map when I create the world, and attach it
+to the world itself so we can access it from other places:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn random-world []
+ (let [world (->World (random-tiles) {})
+ world (nth (iterate smooth-world world) 3)
+ world (populate-world world)
+ world (assoc world :regions (get-region-map (:tiles world)))]
+ world))
+The last line in the `let` is where it gets generated. It's pretty
+I'd like to be able to toggle the visualization of regions off and on, so I'm
+going to introduce a new concept to the game: "debug flags".
+I updated the `Game` record to include a slot for these flags:
+ :::clojure
+ (defrecord Game [world uis input debug-flags])
+I then updated the `new-game` function to initialize them (currently there's
+only one) to default values:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn new-game []
+ (map->Game {:world nil
+ :uis [(->UI :start)]
+ :input nil
+ :debug-flags {:show-regions false}}))
+The user needs a way to toggle them. For now I'll just bind it to a key. In
+the future I could make a debug UI with a nice menu.
+ :::clojure
+ (defmethod process-input :play [game input]
+ (case input
+ :enter (assoc game :uis [(->UI :win)])
+ :backspace (assoc game :uis [(->UI :lose)])
+ \q (assoc game :uis [])
+ \h (update-in game [:world] move-player :w)
+ \j (update-in game [:world] move-player :s)
+ ; ...
+ \R (update-in game [:debug-flags :show-regions] not)
+ game))
+Now when the user presses `R` (Shift and R) it will toggle the state of the
+`:show-regions` debug flag in the game.
+All that's left is to actually *draw* the regions somehow. First, we only want
+to do this if `:show-regions` is `true`. I edited the `:play` UI's drawing
+function to do this:
+ :::clojure
+ (defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
+ (let [world (:world game)
+ {:keys [tiles entities regions]} world
+ player (:player entities)
+ [cols rows] (s/get-size screen)
+ vcols cols
+ vrows (dec rows)
+ origin (get-viewport-coords game (:location player) vcols vrows)]
+ (draw-world screen vrows vcols origin tiles)
+ ; ******************
+ (when (get-in game [:debug-flags :show-regions])
+ (draw-regions screen regions vrows vcols origin))
+ ; ******************
+ (doseq [entity (vals entities)]
+ (draw-entity screen origin vrows vcols entity))
+ (draw-hud screen game)
+ (draw-messages screen (:messages player))
+ (highlight-player screen origin player)))
+The marked lines are the only new ones. I'm going to draw regions after/above
+the world tiles (so they'll show up at all) but before/below the entities (so we
+can still see what's going on).
+Drawing the regions is fairly simple, if a bit tedious:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn draw-regions [screen region-map vrows vcols [ox oy]]
+ (letfn [(get-region-glyph [region-number]
+ (str
+ (nth
+ "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ region-number)))]
+ (doseq [x (range ox (+ ox vcols))
+ y (range oy (+ oy vrows))]
+ (let [region-number (region-map [x y])]
+ (when region-number
+ (s/put-string screen (- x ox) (- y oy)
+ (get-region-glyph region-number)
+ {:fg :blue}))))))
+For now, bad things will happen if we have more than 62 regions in a single
+level. In practice I usually end up with about 20 to 30, so it's not a big
+To sum up this function: it iterates through every coordinate in the level
+that's displayed in the viewport, looks up its region number in the region map,
+and draws the appropriate letter if it has a region number.
+Now that I've got a way to visualize regions it becomes much easier to check
+whether they're getting set correctly. Here's an example of what it looks like
+when you toggle `:show-regions` with `R`:
+As you can see, the small, closed off areas have their own numbers, while the
+larger regions sprawl across the map.
+You can view the code [on GitHub][result-code] if you want to see the end
+[result-code]: https://github.com/sjl/caves/tree/entry-07-1/src/caves
+The next article will finish Trystan's seventh post by adding multiple z-levels
+to the caves.
+{% endblock article %}