--- a/content/projects.markdown Mon Dec 18 17:39:21 2017 -0500
+++ b/content/projects.markdown Fri Dec 22 18:31:05 2017 -0500
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
* [clojurecraft](https://github.com/sjl/clojurecraft) is a framework for writing Minecraft bots in Clojure.
* [flask-csrf](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/flask-csrf/) is a Flask plugin to protect against CSRF attacks.
-* [flask-lesscss](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/flask-lesscss/) is a Flask plugin to render LessCSS files when they change.
* [hg-review](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/hg-review/) is a Mercurial plugin for performing distributed code review. This is a **really goddamned cool** idea that I just don't have the time to follow up on.
* [python-dribbble](https://github.com/sjl/python-dribbble) is Python bindings for the Dribbble API.
* [red-tape](https://sjl.bitbucket.io/red-tape/) is a Clojure library for processing user-submitted data. It's heavily inspired by Django's forms (the good parts).
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* [clojure-lanterna](https://github.com/MultiMUD/clojure-lanterna) is a thin wrapper around the Lanterna Java library to make it more Clojure-friendly. It's now maintained by [Martin S Weber](https://github.com/Martin-S-Weber)/[MultiMUD](http://multimud.net/).
* [clojure-postmark](https://github.com/danielcompton/clojure-postmark) lets you talk to Postmark from Clojure. It's now maintained by [Daniel Compton](https://github.com/danielcompton).
* [django-goodfields](https://github.com/dwaiter/django-goodfields/) is a Django plugin I created when I was at Dumbwaiter Design to make Django form fields less painful to render.
+* [flask-lesscss](https://github.com/AbhishekBiswal/flask-lesscss) is a Flask plugin to render LessCSS files when they change. It's now maintained by [Abhishek Biswal](https://github.com/AbhishekBiswal).
* [hgtip](http://hgtip.com/) is a website with tips about using Mercurial that I started and eventually sold a long time ago.
* [metrics-clojure](https://github.com/sjl/metrics-clojure) is a thin façade around Coda Hale's metrics library. It's now maintained by [Michael Klishin](https://github.com/michaelklishin).
* [rerun](https://github.com/mandarg/rerun) is a tiny utility to make it easy to run a bunch of commands over and over again. It's now maintained by [Mandar Gokhale](https://github.com/mandarg).