--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-03-2.html Sun Jul 08 20:40:04 2012 -0400
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+ {% extends "_post.html" %}
+ {% hyde
+ title: "The Caves of Clojure: Part 3.2"
+ snip: "World smoothing."
+ created: 2012-07-10 9:45:00
+ flattr: true
+ %}
+{% block article %}
+This post is part of an ongoing series. If you haven't already done so, you
+should probably start at [the beginning][].
+This entry corresponds to [post three in Trystan's tutorial][trystan-tut].
+If you want to follow along, the code for the series is [on Bitbucket][bb] and
+[on GitHub][gh]. Update to the `entry-03-2` tag to see the code as it stands
+after this post.
+[the beginning]: /blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-01/
+[trystan-tut]: http://trystans.blogspot.com/2011/08/roguelike-tutorial-03-scrolling-through.html
+[bb]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/caves/
+[gh]: http://github.com/sjl/caves/
+When the last post left off I had a random world generated, but it wasn't very
+pretty. Every tile had an equal chance of being a wall or a floor, which
+results in an uninteresting "white noise" of rock. Not a very nice setting for
+a roguelike.
+This post is going to show how I added Trystan's world smoothing to make
+nicer-looking caves. Read his post and the link to learn the ideas behind it.
+Let's jump right in. The world smoothing code is going to go in `world.clj`.
+Before I start writing the actual smoothing code, I added two helper functions
+to print worlds to the console so I could see what I was doing:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn print-row [row]
+ (println (apply str (map :glyph row))))
+ (defn print-world [world]
+ (dorun (map print-row (:tiles world))))
+Simple, but very helpful because `(:tiles world)` contains `Tile` records
+instead of just the raw glyphs, so printing it without these helpers makes it
+impossible to read.
+Okay, on to the real code. I'll go through it from the bottom up this time
+because I think it's easier to understand that way.
+First I added a `smooth-world` function that will be what I eventually need to
+call repeatedly to smooth out the terrain:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn smooth-world [{:keys [tiles] :as world}]
+ (assoc world :tiles (get-smoothed-tiles tiles)))
+It's pretty much a helper function that handles getting the tile map in and out
+of the world object. The smoothing process only cares about the tile map, not
+anything else the world might later contain.
+Next up:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-smoothed-tiles [tiles]
+ (mapv (fn [y]
+ (get-smoothed-row tiles y))
+ (range (count tiles))))
+I use Clojure 1.4's new `mapv` function, which is basically a version of `map`
+that creates a vector as the end product instead of a lazy sequence. Our
+`:tiles` object is a vector of vectors going in, so it should be the same coming
+I loop map over the row indices. For each row number I get the result of
+`get-smoothed-row`, and the `mapv` concatenates all of those into a vector for
+me, so I end up with `[[smoothed row], [smoothed row], ...]`.
+You might notice that I'm using an index-based approach here. Isn't that a bad
+idea in Clojure? Shouldn't I be using sequenced-based things instead?
+I spent about twenty minutes trying to get the sequence-based approach in the
+Programming Clojure book to work and eventually gave up. It sounds like
+a beautiful idea but I couldn't deal with it for a number of reasons:
+* Harder to debug, with infinite padding sequences making some intermediate
+ steps unprintable.
+* Very general, which sounds good, but makes it harder to understand because we
+ can't talk about "the row of tiles" any more but now talk about stuff like
+ "the sequence of row triples".
+* In general just very alien and hard to use for what should be a
+ straightforward, 10 minute task.
+Here's an example of a few of the functions from the book I would have been
+using if I had gone that route:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn window
+ "Returns a lazy sequence of 3-item windows centered
+ around each item of coll, padded as necessary with
+ pad or nil."
+ ([coll] (window nil coll))
+ ([pad coll]
+ (partition 3 1 (concat [pad] coll [pad]))))
+ (defn cell-block
+ "Creates a sequences of 3x3 windows from a triple of 3 sequences."
+ [[left mid right]]
+ (window (map vector left mid right)))
+I personally find it easier to read things like `(get-smoother-row tiles y)`
+than `(map vector left right mid)`. You might feel differently, but this was
+what I ended up with because I didn't want to spend a ton of time on the
+smoothing process.
+Anyway, back to the code. Now I need a way to smooth a single row:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-smoothed-row [tiles y]
+ (mapv (fn [x]
+ (get-smoothed-tile (get-block tiles x y)))
+ (range (count (first tiles)))))
+Once again I use `mapv` because a row needs to be a vector. This time I'm
+mapping over the column indices, but for the most part it's very similar to the
+previous function.
+I need a function to smooth a tile, but first I need a way to get a "block" of
+The basic rule I'm using for the smoothing comes from the [page about cellular
+automata smoothing on RogueBasin][ca-wiki]:
+[ca-wiki]: http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Cellular_Automata_Method_for_Generating_Random_Cave-Like_Levels
+A tile will become a floor tile if and only if the 3 by 3 square of tiles
+centered on it contains 5 or more floor tiles.
+This means I need a way to get the 3 by 3 block of tiles centered on any given
+ :::clojure
+ (defn block-coords [x y]
+ (for [dx [-1 0 1]
+ dy [-1 0 1]]
+ [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]))
+ (defn get-block [tiles x y]
+ (map (fn [[x y]]
+ (get-tile tiles x y))
+ (block-coords x y)))
+First we have a helper function that returns the coordinates of all the tiles
+we're going to look at. For example, if you pass it `[22 30]` it will return:
+ :::clojure
+ [[21 29] [22 29] [23 29]
+ [21 30] [22 30] [23 30]
+ [21 31] [22 31] [23 31]]
+Note that `get-block` doesn't do any bounds checking, so passing it `[0 0]` will
+happily return coordinates like `[-1 -1]`, which are off the edge of the map.
+This isn't a problem because our `get-tile` method will return `:bound` tiles
+for those coordinates, which are not `:floor` tiles and so are effectively walls
+for the purposes of this algorithm.
+`get-block` itself is just a glue function that gets coordinates from
+`block-coords` and maps `get-tile` over them.
+So now I have a way to get a sequence of all the tiles in a block centered
+around a target. The last step is actually figuring out what the resulting
+block for that target should be:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-smoothed-tile [block]
+ (let [tile-counts (frequencies (map :kind block))
+ floor-threshold 5
+ floor-count (get tile-counts :floor 0)
+ result (if (>= floor-count floor-threshold)
+ :floor
+ :wall)]
+ (tiles result)))
+This looks long, but that's mostly because I like using named intermediate
+variables to make it more readable. It should be pretty easy to understand,
+just go ahead and read through it.
+So now the `smooth-world` function has all the machinery it needs to smooth
+a world. The last step is to actually *use* it. I changed the `random-world`
+function to look like this:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn random-world []
+ (let [world (new World (random-tiles))
+ world (nth (iterate smooth-world world) 0)]
+ world))
+At the moment it takes the zeroth iteration, which actually means the unsmoothed
+world. What gives?
+Interactive Development
+I wasn't sure right away how much smoothing would look good, so I wanted to try
+out a bunch of levels and see how they behaved. I could have done it by
+printing to the console, but it's a pain to compare the multiple hunks of text.
+I decided to just add it to the game itself for now to make it easy to see how
+the smoothing behaves. Back in `core.clj` I pulled in the `smooth-world`
+ :::clojure
+ (ns caves.core
+ (:use [caves.world :only [random-world smooth-world]])
+ (:require [lanterna.screen :as s]))
+Next I added another command to the `:play` UI: pressing `s` will smooth the
+current world by one more level:
+ :::clojure
+ (defmethod process-input :play [game input]
+ (case input
+ :enter (assoc game :uis [(new UI :win)])
+ :backspace (assoc game :uis [(new UI :lose)])
+ \s (assoc game :world (smooth-world (:world game)))
+ game))
+Yes, it only took one line to add that. I simply replace the world with the
+smooth world and return the resulting game. I don't need to touch the UI stack
+because I want to remain at the play UI for subsequent commands.
+I'm really liking this immutable game structure so far!
+Once you fire up the game and press a key to begin, you're presented with the
+white-noise map from the last entry:
+But now you can press `s` and the caves will smooth out a bit:
+Another press of `s` smooths them further:
+You can use enter or backspace to win or lose, then any key to go back to the
+start screen and get a new world to play with.
+Screenshots really don't do this justice, because seeing the world change before
+your eyes is *really* cool. I made a 30-second [screencast][] that demonstrates
+the effect if you don't want to actually run it locally.
+[screencast]: http://www.screenr.com/FSk8
+I still haven't decided exactly how smooth I want to make the caves, so I'll
+leave that `0` in the `nth` call for now and figure it out later.
+{% endblock article %}