
Start type/class post
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 20 Aug 2018 14:16:52 +0000 (2018-08-20)
parents 252468e5ebf0
children 06e892f638d8
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files content/blog/2018/08/types-and-classes-in-common-lisp.markdown


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2018/08/types-and-classes-in-common-lisp.markdown	Mon Aug 20 14:16:52 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+title = "Types and Classes in Common Lisp"
+snip = "They're not the same thing!"
+date = 2018-08-16T16:00:00Z
+draft = false
+One thing that often confuses people new to Common Lisp is the differences
+(and interactions) between types and classes in the language.  Type and classes
+are two completely separate things in Common Lisp, but if you're coming from
+modern languages it's easy to get the two blurred and confused.  Hopefully this
+post will make the distinction more clear.
+<div id="toc"></div>
+## Objects
+Before we dive into defining types and classes we should define what an "object"
+is, because the term will come up immediately.  The following definition will be
+good enough for our purposes here:
+**An object is a hunk of bits somewhere in memory.**
+Objects are the things the garbage collector manages.  They're the things you
+pass to functions, and the things you return from them.  Objects have identity,
+and that identity can be compared with `eq`.
+I realize that this is a little handwavey, but I think it's good enough to work
+with for now.
+TODO values
+(There are a few corner cases (e.g. fixnums), but you can safely ignore them
+while trying to wrap your head around this post.)
+## Types
+Types in Common Lisp can be summed up in one single line:
+**A type is a set of objects.**
+We already saw what objects are.  "Set" in this definition is a set in the
+mathematical sense: an unordered collection of elements (possibly *infinitely
+many* elements) with no duplicates.
+That's it.  That's all there is to it.  This probably seems like a weird
+definition if you've never thought much about it before, but let's look at some
+examples to see what falls out of it.
+### Type Designators
+First we need a way to specify types.  Common Lisp has a concept called [type
+designators][TODO] for this purpose.  A type designator is something that
+represents the given type.
+Let's look at a common type: the set of all integers.  Obviously it would be
+impractical to talk about this set by listing out all of its members.
+A mathematician would denote this type as Z TODO.  A Common Lisp programmer
+would use the type designator `integer`.
+### Being Of a Type
+What are some things we might want to do with a type?  One thing might be to ask
+whether a particular object "is of that type", done with `typep` in Common Lisp
+(and `instanceOf` in Java, TODO in Python, etc).  But what does this actually
+When you're thinking of types as sets of objects, asking whether an object is of
+a particular type essentially asking if the object is a member of that set!
+Let's look at couple of examples:
+    (typep 42 'integer)
+Here we're asking "Is `42` a member of the set of all integers?"
+    (typep x 'symbol)
+Now we're asking "Is the object that `x` evaluates to a member of the set of all
+    (typecase foo
+      (symbol ...a...)
+      (integer ...b...)
+      (number ...c...))
+And now we're saying "Evaluate `foo`.  If the result is a member of the set of
+all symbols, do `a`.  Otherwise if it's a member of the set of all integers, do
+`b`.  Otherwise if it's a member of the set of all numbers, do `c`.  Otherwise
+return `nil`.".
+### Subtypes and Supertypes
+So checking if an object is of a particular type is simply the set membership
+operation.  It turns out that other set operations also have useful definitions
+when you think this way:
+* If `foo` is a supertype of `bar`, that means `foo` is a superset of `bar`.
+* If `bar` is a subtype of `foo`, that means `bar` is a subtype of `foo`.
+For example:
+* The set of all integers is a subset of the set of all real numbers, which
+  makes `integer` a subtype of `real`.
+* The set of all symbols is a superset of the set of all keyword symbols, so
+  `symbol` is a supertype of `keyword`.
+* The set of all floating point numbers is neither a subset nor a superset of
+  the set of all symbols, so neither is a subtype of the other.
+Common Lisp's numeric tower consists of nice sequences of types that get more
+and more specific as you take further subsets:
+`number` ⊆ `real` ⊆ `rational` ⊆ `integer` ⊆ `fixnum`
+### Explicit Designation
+There are other ways to designate sets too.  You can use the `member` type
+designator to just list out the members of a set by hand if you want:
+    (member 1 2 3) ; => designates the set {1, 2, 3}
+### Everything and Nothing
+The type `t` is the set of all objects.  The type `nil` is the empty set.
+This last one can sometimes cause confusion.  The symbol `nil` is *not* of type
+`nil` because the symbol `nil` is not a member of the empty set (because it's
+empty!).  If you want to talk about the set containing the symbol `nil`, that's
+called `null`:
+(typep nil nil)  ; => NIL, nil is NOT a member of the empty set
+(typep nil null) ; => T,   nil IS a member of { nil }
+### Type Combinations
+Let's look at some more set operations.  Set complement is probably the
+simplest, and Common Lisp supports this with the `not` compound type specifier
+(typep 1/2     '(not integer)) ; => T
+(typep "hello" '(not integer)) ; => T
+(typep 42      '(not integer)) ; => NIL
+Set union is covered with `and`:
+(typep 1     '(or integer string)) ; => T
+(typep "hi"  '(or integer string)) ; => T
+(typep :what '(or integer string)) ; => NIL
+And of course set intersection is done with `and`:
+(typep 1 )
+## Classes
+## Blurring the Line