
Add timing entry
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 10 Oct 2016 14:51:28 +0000 (2016-10-10)
parents fdf01e99fd51
children b65cd309d469
branches/tags (none)
files Makefile content/blog/2016/09/iterate-averaging.markdown content/blog/2016/10/iterate-timing.markdown


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--- a/content/blog/2016/09/iterate-averaging.markdown	Mon Oct 10 14:26:27 2016 +0000
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 I figured I'd post about them in case someone else is looking for examples of
 how to write their own `iterate` clauses and drivers.
+This entry is the first in a series:
+* [Averaging](/blog/2016/09/iterate-averaging/)
+* [Timing](/blog/2016/10/iterate-timing/)
 This first post will show how to make a `averaging` clause that keeps a running
 average of a given expression during the loop.  I've found it handy in a couple
 of places.
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+++ b/content/blog/2016/10/iterate-timing.markdown	Mon Oct 10 14:51:28 2016 +0000
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+title = "Customizing Common Lisp's Iterate: Timing"
+snip = "How long is this loop?"
+date = 2016-10-10T14:50:00Z
+draft = false
+This entry is the second in a series about customizing Common Lisp's [iterate][]
+library.  The full series:
+* [Averaging](/blog/2016/09/iterate-averaging/)
+* [Timing](/blog/2016/10/iterate-timing/)
+This post will show how to make a `timing` clause that keeps track of how much
+time has elapsed between iterations (and across the entire loop).  I've found it
+handy when doing rough benchmarks for things like [maze generation][mazes].
+[mazes]: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1680500554/?tag=stelos-20
+[iterate]: https://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/
+<div id="toc"></div>
+## End Result
+Before we look at the code, let's look at what we're aiming for:
+(defun to-seconds (internal-time-units)
+  (/ internal-time-units internal-time-units-per-second 1.0))
+  (repeat 5)
+  (sleep (random 3.0))
+  (timing real-time :since-start-into total-time
+                    :per-iteration-into loop-time)
+  (collect loop-time :into loop-times)
+  (finally
+    (format t "Individual times: ~S~%Total time: ~F seconds~%"
+            (mapcar #'to-seconds loop-times)
+            (to-seconds total-time))))
+; =>
+Individual times: (0.948 1.359 2.828 2.891 2.744)
+Total time: 10.77 seconds
+The `timing` clause is what we'll be implementing.
+## Code
+The code for `timing` is fairly short but does have a few interesting things to
+talk about.  I've omitted the docstring so it'll fit on one screen:
+(defmacro-clause (TIMING time-type &optional
+                  SINCE-START-INTO since-var
+                  PER-ITERATION-INTO per-var)
+  (let ((timing-function (ecase time-type
+                           ((real-time) #'get-internal-real-time)
+                           ((run-time) #'get-internal-run-time)))
+        (since-var (or since-var
+                       (when (null per-var)
+                         iterate::*result-var*))))
+    (with-gensyms (start-time current-time previous-time)
+      `(progn
+        (with ,start-time = (funcall ,timing-function))
+        (for ,current-time = (funcall ,timing-function))
+        ,@(when since-var
+            `((for ,since-var = (- ,current-time ,start-time))))
+        ,@(when per-var
+            `((for ,previous-time :previous ,current-time
+                                  :initially ,start-time)
+              (for ,per-var = (- ,current-time ,previous-time))))))))
+Times are recorded in "internal time units" to be consistent with other Common
+Lisp functions like [get-internal-real-time][].  Some implementations will be
+more precise than others.
+[get-internal-real-time]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_get_in.htm#get-internal-real-time
+### Argument Pairing
+One thing that I sometimes find annoying about `iterate` clauses is that they
+must contain *pairs* of arguments.  You can't have an odd number of arguments,
+(TIMING &optional SINCE-START since-var PER-ITERATION per-var).
+Often, however, you can make the best of this restriction and come up with
+something at least *moderately* useful to use as an extra argument to pad things
+out.  For the `timing` clause I decided to make the second argument define which
+type of time to measure (process run time or wall clock time).
+### Symbols & Keywords
+In this implementation the type of time to record is given as a symbol in this
+package's namespace.  This means that you'll want to export the `real-time` and
+`run-time` symbols from this package, not just the `timing` symbol.  This is
+a little annoying, but I like how it looks when used.
+Another option would be to change these to keyword symbols, so you would say
+`(timing :real-time ...)` instead.  Or you could just support both (`ecase`
+makes this easy).
+Note the use of `ecase` when checking the time type to signal an error at
+macroexpansion time with a helpful message if the user passed something
+(iterate (timing foo :since-start-into some-var))
+; =>
+debugger invoked on a SB-KERNEL:CASE-FAILURE in thread
+ #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {10028F7473}>:
+   FOO fell through ECASE expression. Wanted one of (REAL-TIME RUN-TIME).
+### Variables
+To fit with the general pattern of `iterate` clauses, we try to do something
+intelligent with the variables depending on what the user says they want.  If
+the user doesn't specify any variable names, we return the total loop time as
+the result of the loop:
+(macroexpand-iterate '(timing real-time))
+; =>
+(iterate (repeat 1) (sleep 2.0) (timing real-time))
+; =>
+There's a bit of inefficiency here, because we're recalculating the time on
+every iteration even though we really only need to do it once at the very end.
+But I suppose someone could be accessing `iterate::*result-var*` in their loop
+body like any other variable, so this will do the right thing in that case (even
+if that case *is* horrifying).
+If the user does specify a variable for either measurement, we assume they know
+what they're doing and don't touch the loop result variable:
+  '(timing real-time :since-start-into x))
+; =>
+ (FOR X = (- #:CURRENT-TIME526 #:START-TIME525)))
+  '(timing real-time :per-iteration-into x))
+; =>
+  #:START-TIME528)
+### Splicing
+Another thing to note is the use of `,@` to splice the appropriate clauses into
+the final `progn`:
+; ...
+        ,@(when since-var
+            `((for ,since-var = (- ,current-time ,start-time))))
+        ,@(when per-var
+            `((for ,previous-time :previous ,current-time
+                                  :initially ,start-time)
+              (for ,per-var = (- ,current-time ,previous-time))))
+; ...
+For the `since-var` clause we could have gotten away with just using a plain `,`
+and returning the `for` clause itself:
+; ...
+        ,(when since-var
+           `(for ,since-var = (- ,current-time ,start-time)))
+; ...
+This would work, but when `since-var` is null (when the user wants only the
+per-iteration time) the `when` statement would evaluate to `nil`, and would
+leave a stray `nil` in the `progn`:
+  '(timing real-time :per-iteration-into x))
+; =>
+  #:START-TIME531)
+Any decent compiler will optimize this away, but it's ugly to read during
+macroexpansion.  If we're going to write this thing let's do it *right* and not
+be lazy.
+Also notice that we don't define the `previous-time` clause at all unless the
+user wants per-iteration time, because the since-start time doesn't need it at
+all.  No reason to waste cycles calculating an extra value on every iteration if
+we don't have to.
+## Composing
+One of the great things about `iterate` is that the extensions you make can use
+each other.  For example, we can use last post's `averaging` clause with the one
+we just made to calculate the average time per loop iteration:
+  (repeat 20)
+  (sleep (random 1.0))
+  (timing real-time :per-iteration-into time)
+  (averaging (to-seconds time)))
+; =>