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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 22 May 2011 20:18:15 -0400 (2011-05-23)
parents 595d86dc9b7a
children ed31fd9aa251 16794453cea5
branches/tags (none)
files content/blog/2011/01/django-advice.html


--- a/content/blog/2011/01/django-advice.html	Sun May 22 17:25:48 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-    {% extends "_post.html" %}
-    {% hyde
-        title: "Django Advice"
-        snip: "Some useful things I've learned."
-        created: 2011-01-07 08:30:00
-        flattr: true
-    %}
-    {% block article %}
-For the past year or so I've been working full-time at [Dumbwaiter Design][]
-doing [Django][] development. I've picked up a bunch of useful tricks along the
-way that help me work, and I figured I'd share them.
-I'm sure there are better ways to do some of the things that I mention.  If you
-know of any feel free to hit me up on [Twitter][] and let me know.
-[Dumbwaiter Design]: http://dwaiter.com/
-[Django]: {{links.django}}
-[Twitter]: http://twitter.com/stevelosh
-Sandboxing with Virtualenv
-First of all: if you're working with Django (or even Python) at all, you need
-to be using [virtualenv][] and [virtualenvwrapper][].  They will make your life
-much more [pleasant][whyvenv]. Here are a few tricks I use to make them even
-[virtualenv]: http://virtualenv.openplans.org/
-[virtualenvwrapper]: http://www.doughellmann.com/docs/virtualenvwrapper/
-### The .venv File
-In every Python project (and therefore Django project) I work with I create
-a `.venv` file at the project root.  This file contains a single line with the
-name of the virtualenv for that project.
-This lets me create a `wo` shell alias to easily switch to the virtualenv for
-that project once I'm in its directory:
-    :::bash
-    function wo() {
-        [ -z "$1" ] && workon "$1" || workon `cat ./.venv`
-    }
-This little function lets you run `wo somevenv` to switch to that environment,
-but the real trick is that running `wo` by itself will read the `.venv` file in
-the current directory and switch to the environment with that name.
-### Making Pip Safer
-Once you start using virtualenv you'll inevitably forget to switch to an
-environment at some point before running `pip install whatever`.  You'll swear
-as you realize you just installed some package system-wide.
-To prevent this I use a pair of shell aliases:
-    :::bash
-    PIP_BIN="`which pip`"
-    alias pip-sys="$PIP_BIN"
-    pip() {
-        if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]
-        then $PIP_BIN -E "$VIRTUAL_ENV" "$@"
-        else echo "Not currently in a venv -- use pip-sys to work system-wide."
-        fi
-    }
-This makes `pip` work normally when you're in a virtualenv, but bails if you're
-not.  If you really do want to install something system-wide you can use
-`pip-sys` instead.
-### Making Pip Faster
-A little-known feature of pip is that it can cache downloaded packages so you
-don't need to re-download them every time you start a new project.
-You'll want to set the [PIP\_DOWNLOAD\_CACHE][pipcache] environment variable to enable
-[pipcache]: http://tartley.com/?p=1133
-### Handling App Media Directories
-Some Django applications have media files of their own. I like to create
-a `symlink-media.sh` script at the root of my Django projects so I can easily
-symlink those media directories into my media folder when I start working on
-a new machine:
-    :::bash
-    #!/bin/bash
-    ln -s "$VIRTUAL_ENV/src/django-grappelli/grappelli/media" "media/admin"
-    ln -s "$VIRTUAL_ENV/src/django-filebrowser/filebrowser/media/filebrowser" "media/filebrowser"
-    ln -s "$VIRTUAL_ENV/src/django-page-cms/pages/media/pages" "media/pages"
-Wrangling Databases with South
-If you're not using [South][], you need to start.  Now.
-No, really, I'll wait.  Take 30 minutes, try the [tutorial][Southtut], wrap
-your head around it and come back.  It's far more important than this blog
-[South]: http://south.aeracode.org/
-[Southtut]: http://south.aeracode.org/docs/tutorial/index.html
-### Useful Shell Aliases
-South is awesome, but its commands are very long-winded.  Here's the set of
-shell aliases I use to save quite a bit of typing:
-    :::bash
-    alias pmdm='python manage.py datamigration'
-    alias pmsm='python manage.py schemamigration --auto'
-    alias pmsi='python manage.py schemamigration --initial'
-    alias pmm='python manage.py migrate'
-    alias pmml='python manage.py migrate --list'
-    alias pmmf='python manage.py migrate --fake'
-    alias pmcats='python manage.py convert_to_south'
-Remember that running a migration without specifying an app will migrate
-everything, so a simple `pmm` will do the trick.
-Running Locally
-When I'm working on a Django site I run a server on my local machine for quick
-development. I want this server to be as close to production as possible, and
-I use [Gunicorn][] for deployment, so I like running it on my local
-machine for testing as well.
-[Gunicorn]: http://gunicorn.org/
-### Running Gunicorn Locally
-First, a caveat: I use OS X. These tips will work on Linux too, but if you're
-on Windows you're out of luck, sorry.
-Gunicorn is a pip-installable Python package, so you can install it in your
-virtualenv by just adding a line to your `requirements.txt` file.
-Here's the Gunicorn config I use when running locally:
-    :::python
-    bind = "unix:/tmp/gunicorn.myproj.sock"
-    daemon = True                    # Whether work in the background
-    debug = True                     # Some extra logging
-    logfile = ".gunicorn.log"        # Name of the log file
-    loglevel = "info"                # The level at which to log
-    pidfile = ".gunicorn.pid"        # Path to a PID file
-    workers = 1                      # Number of workers to initialize
-    umask = 0                        # Umask to set when daemonizing
-    user = None                      # Change process owner to user
-    group = None                     # Change process group to group
-    proc_name = "gunicorn-myproj"    # Change the process name
-    tmp_upload_dir = None            # Set path used to store temporary uploads
-I also create two simple files at the root of my project.  The first is `gs`,
-a script to start the Gunicorn server for this project:
-    :::bash
-    #!/usr/bin/env bash
-    gunicorn -c gunicorn.conf.py debug_wsgi:application
-It's pretty basic.  Don't worry about the `debug_wsgi` bit, we'll get to that
-The other file is `gk`, a script to *kill* that server:
-    :::bash
-    #!/usr/bin/env bash
-    kill `cat .gunicorn.pid`
-You may prefer making these aliases instead of scripts.  That's probably a good
-idea.  I don't because I have some older projects that need to be launched in
-a different way and I don't want to have to remember separate commands for
-### Watching for Changes
-When developing locally you'll want to make a change to your code and have the
-server reload that code automatically.  The Django development server does
-this, and we can hack it into our Gunicorn setup too.
-First, add a `monitor.py` file at the root of your project (I believe I found
-this code [here][monitor], but I may be wrong):
-    :::python
-    import os
-    import sys
-    import time
-    import signal
-    import threading
-    import atexit
-    import Queue
-    _interval = 1.0
-    _times = {}
-    _files = []
-    _running = False
-    _queue = Queue.Queue()
-    _lock = threading.Lock()
-    def _restart(path):
-        _queue.put(True)
-        prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid()
-        print >> sys.stderr, '%s Change detected to \'%s\'.' % (prefix, path)
-        print >> sys.stderr, '%s Triggering process restart.' % prefix
-        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
-    def _modified(path):
-        try:
-            # If path doesn't denote a file and were previously
-            # tracking it, then it has been removed or the file type
-            # has changed so force a restart. If not previously
-            # tracking the file then we can ignore it as probably
-            # pseudo reference such as when file extracted from a
-            # collection of modules contained in a zip file.
-            if not os.path.isfile(path):
-                return path in _times
-            # Check for when file last modified.
-            mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime
-            if path not in _times:
-                _times[path] = mtime
-            # Force restart when modification time has changed, even
-            # if time now older, as that could indicate older file
-            # has been restored.
-            if mtime != _times[path]:
-                return True
-        except:
-            # If any exception occured, likely that file has been
-            # been removed just before stat(), so force a restart.
-            return True
-        return False
-    def _monitor():
-        while 1:
-            # Check modification times on all files in sys.modules.
-            for module in sys.modules.values():
-                if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
-                    continue
-                path = getattr(module, '__file__')
-                if not path:
-                    continue
-                if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ['.pyc', '.pyo', '.pyd']:
-                    path = path[:-1]
-                if _modified(path):
-                    return _restart(path)
-            # Check modification times on files which have
-            # specifically been registered for monitoring.
-            for path in _files:
-                if _modified(path):
-                    return _restart(path)
-            # Go to sleep for specified interval.
-            try:
-                return _queue.get(timeout=_interval)
-            except:
-                pass
-    _thread = threading.Thread(target=_monitor)
-    _thread.setDaemon(True)
-    def _exiting():
-        try:
-            _queue.put(True)
-        except:
-            pass
-        _thread.join()
-    atexit.register(_exiting)
-    def track(path):
-        if not path in _files:
-            _files.append(path)
-    def start(interval=1.0):
-        global _interval
-        if interval < _interval:
-            _interval = interval
-        global _running
-        _lock.acquire()
-        if not _running:
-            prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid()
-            print >> sys.stderr, '%s Starting change monitor.' % prefix
-            _running = True
-            _thread.start()
-        _lock.release()
-Next add a `post_fork` hook to your Gunicorn config file that uses the monitor
-to watch for changes:
-    :::python
-    def post_fork(server, worker):
-        import monitor
-        if debug:
-            server.log.info("Starting change monitor.")
-            monitor.start(interval=1.0)
-Now the Gunicorn server will automatically restart whenever code is changed.
-It will *not* restart when you add new code (e.g. when you install a new app),
-so you'll need to handle that manually with `./gk ; ./gs`, but that's not too
-[monitor]: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ReloadingSourceCode
-### Using the Werkzeug Debugger with Gunicorn
-The final piece of the puzzle is being able to use the fantastic
-[Werkzeug Debugger][debug] while running locally with Gunicorn.
-To do this, create a `debug_wsgi.py` file at the root of your project.  This is
-what the `gs` script tells Gunicorn to serve, and it will enable the debugger:
-    :::python
-    import os
-    import sys
-    import site
-    parent = os.path.dirname
-    site_dir = parent(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    project_dir = parent(parent(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
-    sys.path.insert(0, project_dir)
-    sys.path.insert(0, site_dir)
-    site.addsitedir('VIRTUALENV_SITE_PACKAGES')
-    from django.core.management import setup_environ
-    import settings
-    setup_environ(settings)
-    import django.core.handlers.wsgi
-    application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
-    from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
-    application = DebuggedApplication(application, evalex=True)
-    def null_technical_500_response(request, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
-        raise exc_type, exc_value, tb
-    from django.views import debug
-    debug.technical_500_response = null_technical_500_response
-Make sure to replace `'VIRTUALENV_SITE_PACKAGES'` with the _full_ path to your
-virtualenv's `site_packages` directory.  You might want to make this a setting
-in a machine-specific settings file, which I'll talk about later.
-[debug]: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/debug/
-Automating Tasks with Fabric
-[Fabric][] is an awesome little Python utility for scripting tasks (like
-deployments).  We use it constantly at Dumbwaiter.
-[Fabric]: http://fabfile.org/
-### Pulling Uploads
-Once you give a client access to a site they'll probably be uploading images
-(through Django's built-in file uploading features or with django-filebrowser).
-When you're making changes locally it's often useful to have these uploaded
-files on your local machine, otherwise you end up with a bunch of broken
-Here's a simple Fabric task that will pull down all the uploads from the
-    :::python
-    def pull_uploads():
-        '''Copy the uploads from the site to your local machine.'''
-        require('uploads_path')
-        sudo('chmod -R a+r "%s"' % env.uploads_path)
-        rsync_command = r"""rsync -av -e 'ssh -p %s' %s@%s:%s %s""" % (
-            env.port,
-            env.user, env.host,
-            env.uploads_path.rstrip('/') + '/',
-            'media/uploads'
-        )
-        print local(rsync_command, capture=False)
-In your host task you'll need to set the `uploads_path` variable to something
-like this:
-    :::python
-    import os
-    env.site_path = os.path.join('var', 'www', 'myproject')
-    env.uploads_path = os.path.join(env.site_path, 'media', 'uploads')
-Now you can run `fab production pull_uploads` to pull down all the files people
-have uploaded to the production server.
-### Sanity Checking
-As part of a deployment I like to do a very basic sanity check to make sure the
-home page of the site loads properly.  If it doesn't then I've broken something
-and need to fix it *immediately*.
-Here's a simple Fabric task to make sure you haven't completely borked the
-    :::python
-    def check():
-        '''Check that the home page of the site returns an HTTP 200.
-        If it does not, a warning is issued.
-        '''
-        require('site_url')
-        if not '200 OK' in run('curl --silent -I "%s"' % env.site_url):
-            warn("Something is wrong (we didn't get a 200 response)!")
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
-Your host task will need to set the `site_url` variable to the full URL of the
-home page.
-You can run this task on its own with `fab production check`, and you can also
-run it at the end of your deployment task.
-### Preventing Accidents
-Deploying to test and staging servers should be quick and easy. Deploying to
-production servers should be harder to prevent people from accidentally doing
-I've created a little function that I call before deploying to production
-servers.  It forces me to type in random words from the system word list before
-proceeding to make sure I *really* know what I'm doing:
-    :::python
-    import os, random
-    from fabric.api import *
-    from fabric.operations import prompt
-    from fabric.utils import abort
-    WORDLIST_PATHS = [os.path.join('/', 'usr', 'share', 'dict', 'words')]
-    DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "Are you sure you want to do this?"
-    WORD_PROMPT = '  [%d/%d] Type "%s" to continue (^C quits): '
-    def prevent_horrible_accidents(msg=DEFAULT_MESSAGE, horror_rating=1):
-        """Prompt the user to enter random words to prevent doing something stupid."""
-        valid_wordlist_paths = [wp for wp in WORDLIST_PATHS if os.path.exists(wp)]
-        if not valid_wordlist_paths:
-            abort('No wordlists found!')
-        with open(valid_wordlist_paths[0]) as wordlist_file:
-            words = wordlist_file.readlines()
-        print msg
-        for i in range(int(horror_rating)):
-            word = words[random.randint(0, len(words))].strip()
-            p_msg = WORD_PROMPT % (i+1, horror_rating, word)
-            answer = prompt(p_msg, validate=r'^%s$' % word)
-You may need to adjust `WORDLIST_PATHS` if you're not on OS X.
-Working with Third-Party Apps
-One of the best parts about working with Django is that many problems have
-already been solved and the solutions released as open-source applications.
-We use quite a few open-source apps, and there are a couple of tricks I've
-learned to make working with them easier.
-### Installing Apps from Repositories
-If I'm going to use an open-source Django app in a project I'll almost always
-install it as an editable repository with pip.
-Others may disagree with me on this, but I think it's the best way to work.
-Often I'll find a bug that I think may be in one of the third-party apps I'm
-using. Installing the apps as repositories makes it easy to read their source
-and figure out if the bug is really in the app.
-If it is, having the app installed as a repository makes it simple to fix the
-bug, fork the project on BitBucket or GitHub, send a pull request, and get back
-to work.
-### Useful Shell Aliases
-I can't remember where I found this little gem, but I use a `cdp` shell
-function that makes it simple to get to the directory where the app is
-installed in the current virtualenv:
-    :::bash
-    function cdp () {
-        cd "$(python -c "import os.path as _, ${1}; \
-            print _.dirname(_.realpath(${1}.__file__[:-1]))"
-        )"
-    }
-With this function you can simply type `cdp somepythonmodule` to `cd` into the
-directory where that module is being loaded from.
-If anyone knows who originally wrote this, please let me know and I'll add
-a link.
-Improving the Admin Interface
-### Installing Grappelli (and Everything Else)
-### Customizing the Dashboard
-### Making Pretty Fields
-### An Ugly Hack to Show Usable Foreign Key Fields
-Managing Machine-Specific Settings
-### Using local\_settings Files
-Using Django-Annoying
-If you haven't heard of [django-annoying][] you should definitely check it out.
-It's got a bunch of miscellaneous functions that fix some common, annoying
-parts of Django.
-My two personal favorites from the package are a pair of decorators that help
-make your views much, much cleaner.
-[django-annoying]: https://bitbucket.org/offline/django-annoying/wiki/Home
-### The render\_to Decorator
-The decorator is called `render_to` and it eliminates the ugly
-`render_to_response` calls that Django normally forces you to use in every
-single view.
-Normally you'd use something like this:
-    :::python
-    def videos(request):
-        videos = Video.objects.all()
-        return render_to_response('video_list.html', { 'videos': videos },
-                                  context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-With `render_to` your view gets much cleaner:
-    :::python
-    @render_to('video_list.html')
-    def videos(request):
-        videos = Video.objects.all()
-        return { 'videos': videos }
-Less typing `context_instance=...` over and over, and less syntax to remember.
-### The ajax\_request Decorator
-User Profiles that Don't Suck
-### Profile Basics
-### Hacking Django's User Admin
-Templating Tricks
-### Null Checks and Fallbacks
-### Manipulating Query Strings
-### Satisfying Your Designer with Typogrify
-The Flat Page Trainwreck
-### Installing Page-CMS
-### (Almost) Solving the Trailing Slash Problem
-Editing with Vim
-I [use Vim][vimpost] to edit everything.  Naturally I've found a bunch of
-plugins, mappings and other tricks that make it even better when working on
-Django projects.
-[vimpost]: /blog/2010/09/coming-home-to-vim/
-### Vim Plugins for Django
-### Filetype Mappings
-Most files in a Django project have one of two extensions: `.py` and `.html`.
-Unfortunately these extensions aren't unique to Django, so Vim doesn't
-automatically set the correct `filetype` when you open one.
-I've added a few mappings to my `.vimrc` to make it quick and easy to set the
-correct `filetype`:
-    :::text
-    nnoremap _dt :set ft=htmldjango<CR>
-    nnoremap _pd :set ft=python.django<CR>
-### HTML Template Symlinks
-### Python Sanity Checking
-### Javascript Sanity Checking
-### Django Autocommands
-I rarely work with raw HTML files any more.  Whenever I open a file ending in
-`.html` it's almost always a Django template (or a [Jinja][] template, which
-has a very similar syntax).  I've added an autocommand to automatically set the
-correct filetyle whenever I open a `.html` file:
-[Jinja]: http://jinja.pocoo.org/
-    :::text
-    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html setlocal filetype=htmldjango
-I also have some autocommands that tweak how a few specific files are handled:
-    :::text
-    au BufNewFile,BufRead urls.py      setlocal nowrap
-    au BufNewFile,BufRead settings.py  normal! zR
-    au BufNewFile,BufRead dashboard.py normal! zR
-This automatically unfolds `urls.py`, `dashboard.py` and `settings.py` (I
-prefer seeing those unfolded) and unsets line wrapping for `urls.py` (lines in
-a `urls.py` file can get long and are hard to read when wrapped).
-{% endblock %}