--- a/content/blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-03-1.html Sun Jul 08 22:48:44 2012 -0400
+++ b/content/blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-03-1.html Mon Jul 09 18:59:54 2012 -0400
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
{% hyde
title: "The Caves of Clojure: Part 3.1"
snip: "World generation."
- created: 2012-07-09 9:45:00
+ created: 2012-07-09 9:37:00
flattr: true
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
be `2`, `start-y` would be `3`, `end-x` would be `6`, and `end-y` would be `5`.
Okay, so I've calculated the part of the map that needs to be drawn. Now
-I loop throgh the rows:
+I loop through the rows:
(doseq [[vrow-idx mrow-idx] (map vector
--- a/content/blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-03-3.html Sun Jul 08 22:48:44 2012 -0400
+++ b/content/blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-03-3.html Mon Jul 09 18:59:54 2012 -0400
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
This is going to involve changing the worst function in the code so far
(`draw-ui` for `:player` UIs), so before I start hacking away I want to factor
-out a bit of functionality so things are a bit cleaner.
+out a bit of functionality to clean things up.
Right now that `draw-ui` function in `core.clj` looks like this:
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
:let [{:keys [glyph color]} (row-tiles vcol-idx)]]
(s/put-string screen vcol-idx vrow-idx glyph {:fg color})))))
-I decided to pull out the guts of that function into a helper function:
+I pulled out the guts of that function into a helper function:
(defn draw-world [screen vrows vcols start-x start-y end-x end-y tiles]
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
No functionality has changed, I just pulled the body out into its own function.
This will make things cleaner as we add more functionality.
-I also don't like the distructuring in the argument list here. Let's remove
+As I mentioned in the last post, I don't like the distructuring in the argument
+list here. Let's remove that:
(defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
(draw-world screen vrows vcols start-x start-y end-x end-y tiles)))
It's a few more lines of code but I find it more readable. If you prefer the
-more consice syntax feel free to use the destructuring -- it's not really that
+more concise syntax feel free to use the destructuring -- it's not really that
important either way.
@@ -118,11 +118,20 @@
(defn draw-crosshairs [screen vcols vrows]
(let [crosshair-x (int (/ vcols 2))
- crosshair-y (int (/ vrows 2))]
+ crosshair-y (int (/ vrows 2))]
(s/put-string screen crosshair-x crosshair-y "X" {:fg :red})
(s/move-cursor screen crosshair-x crosshair-y)))
-And I need to call that in the `:play` UI:
+This function seems pretty straightforward. It finds the x and y coordinates of
+the viewport where the `X` should go and puts it there. It also moves the
+cursor on top of it because I like how that looks.
+Yeah, it might not actually end up in the exact center of the screen because the
+`int` will truncate if we've got an odd number of rows or columns. Honestly,
+I'm going to be throwing away this crosshair once we've got a player on the
+screen, so it's not worth fixing.
+I need to call `draw-crosshairs` that in the `:play` UI-drawing function:
(defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
@@ -149,9 +158,243 @@
+Right now the `start-x` and `start-y` in the `draw-ui` function are hardcoded at
+`0`. All I need to do is change those to modify which part of the map the
+viewport draws, and I'll have scrolling!
+First of all, I need a way to keep track of where the viewport should be
+centered. This will get thrown away once we have a player (the player will be
+the center of the viewport), so I'll just slap it right in the `game` object for
+ :::clojure
+ (defn new-game []
+ (assoc (new Game nil [(new UI :start)] nil)
+ :location [40 20]))
+The `new-game` function now `assoc`s a `:location` into the `game` before
+returning it.
+I *could* have modified the `(defrecord Game [world uis input])` to add the
+location as a proper field. But I know I'm going to be removing this soon
+anyway, so I may as well take advantage of the fact that Clojure's record can
+have extra fields `assoc`ed onto them on the fly.
+`[40 20]` is an arbitrary location. It's kind of in the middleish area of the
+map. Good enough.
+Okay, now I need to actually display the correct area of the map in the
+viewport. I'm going to need to modify `draw-ui` again, which, just as
+a reminder, looks like this:
+ :::clojure
+ (defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
+ (let [world (:world game)
+ tiles (:tiles world)
+ [cols rows] screen-size
+ vcols cols
+ vrows (dec rows)
+ start-x 0
+ start-y 0
+ end-x (+ start-x vcols)
+ end-y (+ start-y vrows)]
+ (draw-world screen vrows vcols start-x start-y end-x end-y tiles)
+ (draw-crosshairs screen vcols vrows)))
+I had a feeling this is going to get a bit gross, so I pulled out the code for
+getting the viewport coordinates into its own helper function:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-viewport-coords [game vcols vrows]
+ (let [start-x 0
+ start-y 0
+ end-x (+ start-x vcols)
+ end-y (+ start-y vrows)]]
+ [start-x start-y end-x end-y]))
+ (defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
+ (let [world (:world game)
+ tiles (:tiles world)
+ [cols rows] screen-size
+ vcols cols
+ vrows (dec rows)
+ [start-x start-y end-x end-y] (get-viewport-coords game vcols vrows)]]
+ (draw-world screen vrows vcols start-x start-y end-x end-y tiles)
+ (draw-crosshairs screen vcols vrows)))
+No functionality changed, I just shuffled a bit of code out of that ugly
+`draw-ui` function. As a bonus, the `get-viewport-coords` function is now pure.
+It'll be easy to add unit tests for it later if I want. Cool.
+Now that the viewport coordinates are isolated, it's time to calculate them
+correctly instead of hardcoding them at `0`:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-viewport-coords [game vcols vrows]
+ (let [location (:location game)
+ [center-x center-y] location
+ tiles (:tiles (:world game))
+ map-rows (count tiles)
+ map-cols (count (first tiles))
+ start-x (max 0 (- center-x (int (/ vcols 2))))
+ start-y (max 0 (- center-y (int (/ vrows 2))))
+ end-x (+ start-x vcols)
+ end-x (min end-x map-cols)
+ end-y (+ start-y vrows)
+ end-y (min end-y map-rows)
+ start-x (- end-x vcols)
+ start-y (- end-y vrows)]
+ [start-x start-y end-x end-y]))
+This is long, but very straightforward. I use the fact that `let` doesn't care
+if you rebind variables many times in the same binding vector to write
+imperative code. There may be a more "clever" way to do this, but I like the
+First it finds the location of the crosshair (which will be `[40 20]` from
+`new-game` at the moment). It calls that `center-x` and `center-y`.
+It also pulls the tile vector out of the `game` object and uses it to
+determine the full dimensions of the map. I'm thinking of having a `map-size`
+constant somewhere instead of doing it this way. I may do that in a later post.
+Next come these scary lines:
+ :::clojure
+ start-x (max 0 (- center-x (int (/ vcols 2))))
+ start-y (max 0 (- center-y (int (/ vrows 2))))
+They're not as scary as they look. Both are exactly the same except for which
+dimension they're working on. First I subtract half the viewport size from the
+center coordinate. This should give me either the topmost or leftmost
+coordinate we're going to be drawing.
+Then I use `max` to make sure that if the starting coordinate would be less than
+zero (i.e.: off of the map) I just use 0 instead.
+Okay, so now I've got the coordinates of the top left point I need to draw, and
+I'm sure that it doesn't fall off the top or left edge of the map. Cool. Time
+to get the bottom right coordinate.
+ :::clojure
+ end-x (+ start-x vcols)
+ end-x (min end-x map-cols)
+ end-y (+ start-y vrows)
+ end-y (min end-y map-rows)
+This is similar to how we get the starting coordinates. We calculate a "naive
+end x" by adding the viewport size to the start, and then make sure the end
+doesn't fall off the map.
+I did this all in one line for the start coordinates, but split it into two for
+the end coordinates. I'm not sure why I did it like that -- I just noticed it
+now. I'm going to go ahead and change the start to be the expanded, two-line
+form. I think it's clearer.
+Okay, so now I've ensured that the end coordinate doesn't fall off the map. I'm
+done, right?
+Well, not quite. If I truncated the end coordinate here I'll have ended up with
+a smaller-than-normal viewport. To fix that I'll reset the start coordinates
+one more time:
+ :::clojure
+ start-x (- end-x vcols)
+ start-y (- end-y vrows)
+This time I don't need to check any bounds. I know the end coordinate is good
+because it was based on a known start coordinate (the top/left side is good) and
+I corrected the bottom/right side. So I simply use this known-good end
+coordinate to get a known-good start coordinate and I'm done.
+If the map is smaller than the viewport size this is probably going to explode.
+I'm going to ignore that for now. I may revisit it later, or I may just stick
+with an 80 by 24 viewport for all time like Nethack.
+That was a lot of work, but the only thing that's changed is I'm now displaying
+a section of the map near the middle instead of at the upper left. The last
+piece is to add the ability to adjust the `:location` in the `game` object on
+the fly.
+The player should be able to scroll around when they're at the `:play` UI, so
+let's add the appropriate input handling:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn move [[x y] [dx dy]]
+ [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)])
+ (defmethod process-input :play [game input]
+ (case input
+ :enter (assoc game :uis [(new UI :win)])
+ :backspace (assoc game :uis [(new UI :lose)])
+ \q (assoc game :uis [])
+ \s (assoc game :world (smooth-world (:world game)))
+ \h (update-in game [:location] move [-1 0])
+ \j (update-in game [:location] move [0 1])
+ \k (update-in game [:location] move [0 -1])
+ \l (update-in game [:location] move [1 0])
+ \H (update-in game [:location] move [-5 0])
+ \J (update-in game [:location] move [0 5])
+ \K (update-in game [:location] move [0 -5])
+ \L (update-in game [:location] move [5 0])
+ game))
+I did a few things here. First I added the `q` key mapping to quit the game
+without going through the win or lose screens, just to same myself some time.
+Enter and backspace still win and lose the game respectively.
+`s` still smooths the world map for now. No reason to remove that yet.
+To handle the movement inputs I first made a `move` helper function which takes
+a coordinate and an amount to move by and returns the new coordinate.
+The `process-input` function uses this to get the new coordiate when it gets an
+`h`, `j`, `k`, or `l` keypress. I also added the shifted versions of the
+letters as "fast movement" keys for convenience.
+Right now there's no bounds checking here, so it's possible for your `:location`
+to get scrolled off the edge of the map. This won't be a problem for the
+display (it will just snap the viewport to the edge of the map), but will make
+the input a bit weird.
+For example, if you scroll to the right edge of the map and press right 10 more
+times, you'll need to press left 10 times before it will actually start
+scrolling left again.
+This is a bug, but not one I care to fix right now. I'll be replacing this code
+with player-based code soon enough, so it's just going to get thrown out anyway.
+That's it! Running the game, I can now scroll around the map and/or smooth it
+whenever I like:
+This doesn't look much different in pictures, but I can scroll through the world
+with `hjkl`. Here's a screencast showing what that looks like:
+As always, you can view the code [on GitHub][result-code] if you want to see it
+all at once.
+[result-code]: https://github.com/sjl/caves/tree/entry-03-3/src/caves
+That's it for Trystan's third post. Next time I'll tackle his fourth (adding
+an actual player).
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