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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 03 Aug 2017 22:49:23 -0400 (2017-08-04)
parents b7cd1be07267 (current diff) 023a1ed13a9b (diff)
children 8589aca5b4ec
branches/tags (none)


--- a/content/resume/index.markdown	Tue Aug 01 14:25:57 2017 -0400
+++ b/content/resume/index.markdown	Thu Aug 03 22:49:23 2017 -0400
@@ -5,164 +5,146 @@
-I'm Steve. I'm a programmer from Rochester, NY. I graduated from [Rochester
-Institute of Technology][rit] in 2008 with a Bachelor's degree in [Computer
+I'm Steve. I'm a programmer currently living in Rochester, NY.  
-I'm currently most interested in rapid web development, version control, and
-artificial intelligence. I'm not looking for full time work at the moment but
-I'm available for interesting freelance projects.
+I graduated from [Rochester Institute of Technology][rit] in 2008 with
+a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, worked full-time for a while, then
+graduated from [Reykjavík University][RU] in 2015 with a Master's degree in
+Computer Science.
-If you'd *really* like to get to know me you should look at the [projects][]
-and [blog posts][] I've written, or cut to the chase and look at my [code][].
+If you'd *really* like to get to know me you should look at the [projects][] and
+[blog posts][] I've written, or just read my code on [Bitbucket][] or
 [rit]: http://rit.edu/
 [ritcs]: http://www.cs.rit.edu/
 [projects]: /projects/
 [blog posts]: /blog/
-[code]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/
-## Skills & Interests
+[bitbucket]: https://bitbucket.org/sjl/
+[github]: https://github.com/sjl/
+[RU]: https://www.ru.is/
-I'm passionate about programming. It may sound odd, but there are aspects of
-programming that I find beautiful (in every sense of the word).
+<div id="toc">
+        <nav id="TableOfContents">
+    <li>
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="#languages">Languages</a></li>
+            <li><a href="#timeline">Timeline</a></li>
+            <li><a href="#contact-me">Contact Me</a></li>
+        </ul>
+    </li>
-### Languages
+    </div>
+## Languages
+My current programming language of choice is for most of my projects is [Common
+Lisp][].  I've used it for a variety of projects, including:
+[Common Lisp]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Lisp
-My favorite programming language at the moment is [Python][]. It's elegant,
-readable, powerful, and makes it easy to *get things done*.
+* A [CHIP-8 emulator](/blog/2016/12/chip8-cpu/)
+* My [Master's thesis in General Game Playing](https://github.com/sjl/scully)
+* Several [fun Twitter bots](https://github.com/sjl/magitek)
+* A [Prolog VM](https://github.com/sjl/temperance)
+* Lots of [Project Euler problems](https://github.com/sjl/euler)
+* An [entry in August 2016 Lisp Game Jam](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/08/lisp-jam-postmortem/)
+* An [entry in Icelandic Game Industry Community Game Jam](https://github.com/sjl/antipodes)
+I also gave [a talk](https://youtu.be/UfZvP0v3NbM) at the 2017 European Lisp
+Symposium in Brussels about General Game Playing with Common Lisp.
+I've also had significant professional experience programming with [Python][],
+[Django][], [Scala][], [Clojure][], [Java][], [PostgreSQL][], [MySQL][], and
+lots of various glue languages like [bash][].
-I've also had experience with [Java][], [C][], [C++][], [Lisp][], [SQL][] and
-[PL/SQL][], [JavaScript][], [Groovy][], and [bash scripting][]. I've used a
-number of markup and templating languages, including [XHTML][], [XML][],
-[CSS][], [JSON][], [Markdown][], [Django][]'s template system, and [Jinja2][].
+I've had some professional experience with frontend languages like
+[JavaScript][], [CSS][], [HTML][], and [Django][]'s template system, but I don't
+consider myself a frontend developer and prefer to work mostly on the backend
+side of things.
+I have some passing familiarity with [C][], [C++][], [Scheme][], [Groovy][],
+[C#][] (through [Unity][]), but I don't consider myself experienced in any of
-In my free time I'm working on learning [R][].
+I also wrote [a book](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/) about
+[Vimscript][vim], which is freely available online and has sold over a thousand
+copies of the ebook edition.
+[vim]: http://www.vim.org/
+[Unity]: https://unity3d.com/
+[C#]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)
+[Scheme]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_(programming_language)
+[HTML]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML
 [Python]: http://www.python.org/
 [Java]: http://java.sun.com/
 [C]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
 [C++]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B
-[Lisp]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_(programming_language)
+[JavaScript]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
+[Groovy]: http://groovy-lang.org/
+[bash]: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
+[CSS]: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS/
+[MySQL]: https://www.mysql.com/
+[PostgreSQL]: https://www.postgresql.org/
 [SQL]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL
 [PL/SQL]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/SQL
-[JavaScript]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
-[Groovy]: http://groovy.codehaus.org/
-[bash scripting]: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
-[XHTML]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/
-[XML]: http://www.w3.org/XML/
-[CSS]: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS/
-[JSON]: http://www.json.org/
-[Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
-[Jinja2]: http://jinja.pocoo.org/2/
-[R]: http://www.r-project.org/
+## Timeline
-### Web Development
-For web development I gravitate toward the [Django][] framework. Django bills
-itself as "The Web framework for professionals with deadlines" and this
-strikes a chord with me.
+### Graduate Student in Computer Science at [Reykjavík University][RU]
-I've used the [CherryPy][] framework for smaller (but still dynamic) projects
-that don't need the additional functionality of Django.
-I hate writing repetitive, difficult-to-maintain code. Even when writing
-completely static websites I prefer to take advantage of templating languages.
-To do that I use [Hyde][] and [Blatter][], both of which generate static HTML
-from templates.
+*Reykjavík, Iceland from August 2015 to June 2017.*
-I've used several CSS frameworks including [Blueprint][], [Tripoli][] and
-[aardvark legs][]. Of these I now prefer aardvark legs because it makes
-setting up a beautiful vertical rhythm simple and doesn't impose itself on the
-horizontal layout.
-When writing [JavaScript][] I use [jQuery][] to eliminate a lot of the
-tediousness and create elegant code.
+At [RU][] I studied a variety of topics including theoretical computer science,
+natural language processing, Prolog VM implementation, and video game
+design and development.  I also wrote and defended a Master's thesis in the field of
+General Game Playing.
-[Django]: http://djangoproject.com/
-[CherryPy]: http://cherrypy.org/
-[Blueprint]: http://www.blueprintcss.org/
-[Tripoli]: http://devkick.com/lab/tripoli/
-[aardvark legs]: https://gist.github.com/btbytes/437704
-[Hyde]: http://github.com/lakshmivyas/hyde
-[Blatter]: https://bitbucket.org/jek/blatter
-[jQuery]: http://jquery.com/
+### Senior Software Engineer at [Simple][]
-### Version Control
-I think version control is essential for a project of almost any size, and
-lately the concepts behind it have captured my interest.
-In my personal work I use [Mercurial][] (usually with [BitBucket][]). I've
-[contributed][] several minor patches to the Mercurial core and written two
-extensions: [hg-prompt][] and [hg-paste][].
-I know my way around [Subversion][], [CVS][], and [git][] as well.
+*Remotely from July 2013 to July 2015.*
-[Mercurial]: http://mercurial-scm.org/
-[BitBucket]: http://bitbucket.org/
-[Subversion]: http://subversion.tigris.org/
-[CVS]: http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/
-[git]: http://git-scm.com/
-[contributed]: http://selenic.com/repo/hg/log?rev=Steve+Losh
-[hg-prompt]: /projects/hg-prompt/
-[hg-paste]: /projects/hg-paste/
+At [Simple][] I worked on the Backend Engineering team creating and maintaining
+services in [Scala][], [Java][], and [Clojure][].  I was also in the primary
+on-call rotation during my time there.
-### How I Work
+[Simple]: https://simple.com/
+[Scala]: https://www.scala-lang.org/
+[Clojure]: https://clojure.org/
-For my personal work I use [Mac OS X][]. I'm comfortable in [Linux][] and can
-deal with [Windows][] (though I don't enjoy it).
-I use [TextMate][] and [vim][] for coding, [CSSEdit][] when designing,
-[Mercurial][] for version control, [t][] to manage my personal tasks, and
-deploy through [SSH][] with [fabric][].
+### Senior Software Engineer at the [Participatory Culture Foundation][PCF]
-[Mac OS X]: http://www.apple.com/macosx/
-[TextMate]: http://macromates.com/
-[SSH]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell
-[fabric]: http://www.fabfile.org/
-[Linux]: http://www.linux.org/
-[Windows]: http://www.microsoft.com/WINDOWS/
-[vim]: http://www.vim.org/
-[CSSEdit]: http://macrabbit.com/cssedit/
-[t]: /projects/t/
-## Personal Projects
-You can find some of my pet projects on the [projects][] page.
-Lately I've been working on a few new things that aren't quite ready for
-general use, but are getting close:
+*Remotely from September 2011 to June 2013.*
-* [hg-review][]: a code-review extension for Mercurial.
-* [LindyHub][]: a site like BitBucket or GitHub for dancers.
-* [gorilla][]: a packaging system for Python.
-* [tinpan][]: a language-agnostic, vcs-agnostic continuous integration system.
+At the [PCF][] I helped maintain and extend the [Amara][] subtitling website.
+My work was primarily in [Django][] and [Python][], using [South][] for database
+migrations and [Vagrant][] for development environments.
-[hg-review]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/hg-review/
-[LindyHub]: http://test.lindyhub.com/
-[gorilla]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/gorilla/
-[tinpan]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/tinpan/
-## Full-Time Work Experience
-I completed two six-month [co-ops][] while at [RIT][]. Since I graduated I've
-worked full time for about a year and a half.
-[co-ops]: https://www.rit.edu/about/coop_careers.html
-[RIT]: http://rit.edu/
+[PCF]: http://www.pculture.org/
+[Amara]: https://amara.org/en/
+[South]: https://south.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+[Vagrant]: https://www.vagrantup.com/
 ### Senior Software Engineer at [Dumbwaiter Design][DWD]
-*Henrietta, NY since January 2010.*
+*Rochester, NY from January 2010 to September 2011.*
-At [Dumbwaiter][DWD] I work with our amazing designers to create beautiful websites backed by [Django][] and [Python][].
+At [Dumbwaiter][DWD] I worked with a small team of designers and developers to
+create beautiful websites backed by [Django][] and [Python][].  I focused
+primarily on backend development and system administration, but also contributed
+frontend [Javascript][] and [CSS][] when necessary.
 [DWD]: http://dwaiter.com/
+[Django]: https://www.djangoproject.com/
+[Javascript]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
+[CSS]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets
 ### Software Engineer at [PAETEC][]
-*Fairport, NY from June 2008 to January 2010.*
+*Rochester, NY from June 2008 to January 2010.*
 At [PAETEC][] I maintained and implemented new features for web applications
 in [Java][] using the [Oracle E-Business Suite][oebs] and worked on underlying
@@ -176,8 +158,8 @@
 *Rochester, NY from June 2007 to November 2007.*
 At [Excellus][] I developed software in [Java][] to interact with and manage
-databases of customer and provider information stored on a mainframe. I also
-created and updated [JUnit][] and [Jemmy][] tests for this software.
+databases of customer and provider information stored on a mainframe, and
+created/maintained [JUnit][] and [Jemmy][] tests for this software.
 [Excellus BlueCross BlueShield]: https://www.excellusbcbs.com/
 [Excellus]: https://www.excellusbcbs.com/
@@ -189,28 +171,24 @@
 *Pittsford, NY from June 2006 to November 2006.*
 At [RightNow][] I developed a set of tools to test the effectiveness of
-voice-automated telephone systems. These tools were written in a combination
-of [bash scripting][] and [Python][]. I assisted in generating statistics
-about the effectiveness of these systems for customers.
+voice-automated telephone systems, written in a combination of [bash
+scripting][] and [Python][], and helped generate statistics about the
+effectiveness of these systems for customers.
 [RightNow Technologies]: http://www.rightnow.com/
 [RightNow]: http://www.rightnow.com/
-## Contact Me
+### Undergraduate Student in Computer Science at the [Rochester Institute of Technology][RIT]
+*Rochester, NY from September 2003 to June 2008.*
-If you'd like to get in touch with me, you can use any method you like.
+At [RIT][] I studied a variety of topics related to Computer Science and
+Software Engineering.  I also studied several other areas, including a Liberal
+Arts concentration in American Sign Language.
+## Contact Me
 My **email address** is: <steve@stevelosh.com>  
 My **phone number** is: (570) 417-1392  
 My **skype username** is: steve.losh  
-My **mailing address** is: 150 Park Avenue, Apartment 7, Rochester, NY 14607
-You can also find me on [Twitter][], [Flickr][], [BitBucket][], [GitHub][],
-[BrightKite][], or [DjangoPeople][].
-[Twitter]: http://twitter.com/stevelosh/
-[Flickr]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sjl7678/
-[BitBucket]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/
-[GitHub]: http://github.com/sjl/
-[BrightKite]: http://brightkite.com/people/stevelosh/
-[DjangoPeople]: http://djangopeople.net/stevelosh/
+My (temporary) **mailing address** is: 74 Hildebrandt Road, Dallas PA, 18612