
New entry, plus some other stuff
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 25 Aug 2022 23:05:04 -0400 (2022-08-26)
parents 351848b6eab4
children 607aa5d110f8
branches/tags (none)
files IDEAS LICENSE README.markdown content/blog/2022/04/clos-dependent-maintenance.markdown content/blog/2022/08/depending-in-common-lisp.markdown content/blog/in-progress/lisp-pens-and-trees.markdown serve.sh static/images/blog/2022/07/trivial-turtle.png watch.sh


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IDEAS	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
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+Macro post on define-sorting-predicate
--- a/LICENSE	Wed Apr 20 20:10:31 2022 -0400
+++ b/LICENSE	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2020 Steve Losh
+Copyright (c) 2022 Steve Losh
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.markdown	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
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+`watch.sh` in one window, `serve.sh` in another.
+`deploy.sh` when ready.
+`make` is used to build particular files, don't use it manually.
+`generate` is the Lisp program to generate the bulk of the HTML from Markdown.
+`build.sh` will do one build, invoking `generate` and a few other things.
+`watch.sh` will watch with `peat` and rebuild on changes.
+`deploy.sh` will build and deploy to the server.
+`serve.sh` will start the simple Python webserver locally.
--- a/content/blog/2022/04/clos-dependent-maintenance.markdown	Wed Apr 20 20:10:31 2022 -0400
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-(:title "Using the CLOS Dependent Maintenance Protocol"
- :snip "Handling all the edge cases."
- :date "2022-04-26T16:10:00Z"
- :draft t)
-TODO: fix times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
-Recently I've been working on a Common Lisp library that makes use of the
-[Metaobject Protocol](http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/).  I ran into a few edge
-cases and it took a while for me to figure out how to solve them, so I wanted to
-write down what I learned in case anyone else might find it useful.  This post
-is an expanded version of [a Reddit thread][reddit] I posted on the topic
-a while ago.
-[reddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/kljyg1/need_advice_on_how_to_handle_metaclass_option/
-<div id="toc"></div>
-## Setting the Stage
-Before we can see the problem, we need a simple example.  We'll use the
-`monitored-class` metaclass from [The Art of the Metaobject Protocol][amop]
-(pages 96-97). Using this class as a metaclass will log all slot reads and
-writes, which could be useful for auditing access to certain objects.
-[amop]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_the_Metaobject_Protocol
-Before we get started, we'll need [Closer to MOP][closer-mop] as an
-implementation compatibility layer:
-[closer-mop]: https://github.com/pcostanza/closer-mop
-(ql:quickload :closer-mop)
-First we define the metaclass:
-(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
-  ())
-Next we'll explicitly say that it's okay for a monitored class to have
-superclasses that are standard classes:
-(defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass
-    ((class monitored-class) (superclass standard-class))
-  t)
-And now we can define the actual monitoring functionality.  We'll use `:before`
-methods on `slot-value-using-class` and its `setf` version to log the reads and
-writes of all slots:
-(defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class :before
-    ((class monitored-class) instance slot)
-  (format t "Reading slot ~A of ~A at ~A.~%"
-          (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot) instance (get-universal-time)))
-(defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class) :before
-    (new-value (class monitored-class) instance slot)
-  (format t "Setting slot ~A of ~A to ~S at ~A.~%"
-          (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot) instance new-value (get-universal-time)))
-With that complete, we can define a new monitored class:
-(defclass user ()
-  ((id   :initarg :id   :accessor id)
-   (name :initarg :name :accessor name))
-  (:metaclass monitored-class))
-And now we can see it in action:
-(defparameter *u* (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "sjl"))
-; => Setting slot ID of #<USER {10074DFD33}> to 1 at 3828527923.
-; => Setting slot NAME of #<USER {10074DFD33}> to "sjl" at 3828527923.
-; => *U*
-(id *u*)
-; => Reading slot ID of #<USER {10074DFD33}> at 3828527937.
-; => 1
-(setf (name *u*) "Steve")
-; => Setting slot NAME of #<USER {10074DFD33}> to "Steve" at 3828527946.
-; => "Steve"
-## Adding More Flexibility
-Now that we have a toy example working, let's make it a little more flexible.
-Instead of always generating a string and writing it to standard out, we'll
-allow users to provide a `:monitoring-function` as a class option that will
-receive the data and can do whatever it wants, for example:
-* Logging to syslog instead of standard out.
-* Inserting a row into a Postgres database as an audit log.
-* Tracking read/write counts in a hash table to find slots that are written more
-  often than they're read and vice versa.
-A monitoring function will receive 2 arguments (the instance and slot name),
-plus an optional third argument when a slot is written (the new value).  We can
-make a default monitoring function that works the same way as before:
-(defun log-slot-access (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
-  (if new-value?
-    (format t "Setting slot ~A of ~A to ~S at ~A.~%"
-              slot-name instance new-value (get-universal-time))
-    (format t "Reading slot ~A of ~A at ~A.~%"
-              slot-name instance (get-universal-time))))
-Note the use of the extended `&optional` form with the
-[`supplied-p-parameter`][supplied] used to check whether a value was given,
-which ensures this works correctly even when setting a slot to `nil`.
-[supplied]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/03_dab.htm
-Also note how we called it `new-value?` and not `new-value-p` as you'll
-sometimes see people do.  The `-p` in `new-value-p` stands for "predicate", and
-a [predicate][predicate] is a *function* that returns a (generalized) boolean,
-*not* a boolean itself.  Using a name that ends in `-p` for a boolean value
-(rather than for a predicate) is a pet peeve of mine.  Unfortunately it happens
-in a couple of places (even in Common Lisp itself), so it's something to watch
-out for.
-[predicate]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_p.htm#predicate
-Now we can update our `monitored-class` to add a slot to store the monitoring
-function for each class, and update the `slot-value-using-class` methods to use
-that instead of writing the string themselves:
-(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
-  ((monitoring-function :initarg :monitoring-function
-                        :accessor monitoring-function)))
-(defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class :before
-    ((class monitored-class) instance slot)
-  (funcall (monitoring-function class)
-           instance
-           (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)))
-(defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class) :before
-    (new-value (class monitored-class) instance slot)
-  (funcall (monitoring-function class)
-           instance
-           (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)
-           new-value))
-When a user creates a new `monitored-class`, we need to set the
-`monitoring-function` slot appropriately.  We might initially consider doing
-this by having an `initform` for the `monitoring-function` slot in the
-metaclass, like this:
-(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
-  ((monitoring-function :initarg :monitoring-function
-                        :accessor monitoring-function
-                        :initform #'log-slot-access))) ; default function
-But this won't work for a number of reasons we'll see shortly.  Instead we'll
-need to handle the initialization ourselves.  We'll do it in `shared-initialize`
-so it will happen both when a class is first created and when it's reinitialized
-(e.g. after it's redefined):
-(defun parse-monitoring-function-class-option (arguments)
-  (case (length arguments)
-    (1 (eval (first arguments)))
-    (0 #'log-slot-access)
-    (t (error "Malformed class option ~S."
-              (list* :monitoring-function arguments)))))
-(defmethod shared-initialize :around
-  ((class monitored-class) slot-names
-   &rest initargs
-   &key monitoring-function &allow-other-keys)
-  (apply #'call-next-method class slot-names
-         :monitoring-function (parse-monitoring-function-class-option
-                                monitoring-function)
-         initargs))
-If the user provided a `(:monitoring-function …)` class option we evaluate and
-use it, otherwise we default to our simple logging function.
-There are a couple of things to note here.
-First, when `defclass` gets a class option like `(:monitoring-function foo)`,
-what it *actually* passes to the `(re)initialize-instance` methods is the list
-`(foo)`.  This allows for class options with more than one argument.  In our
-case we only ever want a single argument, so we ensure the `length` of the
-argument is `0` or `1` and handle the cases individually.
-Second, `defclass` does not evaluate the class option's arguments.  If we say
-`(:monitoring-function (lambda (i s &optional v) (print (list i s v))))` what we
-get as the initarg will be `((lambda (i s &optional v) (print (list i s v))))`.
-That's a list of a list of three elements, *not* a list of an actual function
-object.  If we want the arguments to be evaluated, we have to do it ourselves.
-Unfortunately as far as I can tell there's no way to evaluate these arguments
-from `defclass` in their lexical environment — we have to fall back to `eval`
-and the null lexical environment.  That means that something like this will not
-(flet ((monitor (instance slot-name &optional new-value)
-          …))
-  (defclass foo ()
-    (…slots…)
-    (:monitoring-function #'monitor)))
-I haven't managed to find a way to make this work with `defclass`.  If anyone
-knows of a solution, please let me know.
-Third, you might notice that we're `apply`ing with the full `initargs` list,
-which includes the original (unparsed) `monitoring-function`.  But that keyword
-argument will be shadowed by the `:monitoring-function` we add at the beginning,
-so there's no need to bother removing it from `initargs` before we apply (though
-it wouldn't hurt to do so).  This is another Common Lisp idiom you'll see here
-and there when someone wants to override a single keyword argument but preserve
-all the rest.
-Now we can now talk about all the reasons why `:initform #'log-slot-access`
-doesn't just magically solve all our problems.
-First, the `:initform` *would* work properly when you first define a class, but
-we still need all the code in `shared-initialize` to do the `eval`ing of the
-forms the user provides when they *don't* use it.
-Further, suppose a user runs:
-(defclass foo ()
-  ((some-slot :initarg :some-slot :accessor some-slot))
-  (:metaclass monitored-class)
-  (:monitoring-function monitor-foo))
-Then later they *remove* the `:monitoring-function` from the `defclass` and
-reevaluate it:
-(defclass foo ()
-  ((some-slot :initarg :some-slot :accessor some-slot))
-  (:metaclass monitored-class))
-What the user (probably) expects here is for the class to have the default
-monitoring function.  This is what will happen if they start a fresh Lisp image
-and load the current code into it.  But if we had just used `:initform`, the
-class would already have a value for the `monitoring-function` slot (the old
-function) and since there's no *new* value being specified, the `:initform`
-would never be used and nothing would get updated, so the class would continue
-to use the old monitoring function.  The user would have to clean things up
-manually by killing the class with `(setf (find-class 'foo) nil)` and
-reevaluating the `defclass`, or fixing the slot value up manually, or some other
-ugly alternative.
-With all that out of the way, we can now use a custom `monitoring-function` to
-do whatever we want:
-(defparameter *user-slot-reads* (make-hash-table))
-(defparameter *user-slot-writes* (make-hash-table))
-(defun track-user-slot-access
-    (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
-  (declare (ignore instance new-value))
-  (incf (gethash slot-name
-                 (if new-value? *user-slot-writes* *user-slot-reads*)
-                 0)))
-(defclass user ()
-  ((id   :initarg :id   :accessor id)
-   (name :initarg :name :accessor name))
-  (:metaclass monitored-class)
-  (:monitoring-function #'track-user-slot-access))
-;; Two writes
-(defparameter *u* (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "sjl"))
-;; A read
-(id *u*)
-;; Two more writes
-(setf (name *u*) "steve")
-(setf (name *u*) "sjl")
-;; Results
-(alexandria:hash-table-alist *user-slot-reads*)
-; => ((ID . 1))
-(alexandria:hash-table-alist *user-slot-writes*)
-; => ((NAME . 3) (ID . 1))
-## Toy Example Disclaimer™
-The `monitored-class` example we've used so far is pretty small, and there are
-a number of other ways we could accomplish the same thing, some of which might
-not involve metaclasses at all.  This might make my example seem overly
-I wanted to keep the example small so I can focus on the actual problem I ran
-into without getting bogged down in too many irrelevant details about a specific
-implementation.  If you're bothered by how we're using metaclasses here when
-there are other ways to implement this toy example, feel free to implement
-a more extensive `monitored-class` variant as an exercise:
-(defclass user ()
-  ((id …)
-   ;; Never monitor this slot:
-   (session-id … :monitored nil)
-   ;; We only care when this slot *changes*:
-   (role … :monitored/reads nil)
-   ;; Names are PII, redact their values before logging:
-   (name … :monitored/redact-value t)
-   ;; Redact the user portion of the email address, logging only the domain:
-   (email … :monitored/redact-value #'scrub-email))
-  (:metaclass monitored-class)
-  (:monitoring-function #'log-to-syslog)
-  ;; Allow us to turn monitoring on/off globally:
-  (:monitor-when #'monitoring-enabled-p))
-## The Problem
-(defclass paid-user (user)
-  ((plan :initarg :plan
-         :accessor plan
-         :type (member :bronze :silver :gold)))
-  (:metaclass monitored-class))
-(make-instance 'paid-user :id 2 :name "moneybags" :plan :gold)
-; =>
-; ??????????
-(defclass user ()
-  (…slots…)
-  (:metaclass monitored-class)
-  (:monitoring-function yell))
-; inherits YELL as the monitoring-function from the superclass
-(defclass paid-user (user)
-  (…slots…)
-  (:metaclass monitored-class))
-; actually let's log user slot accesses to Postgres for more safety
-(defclass user ()
-  (…slots…)
-  (:metaclass monitored-class)
-  (:monitoring-function log-to-postgres))
-## The Dependent Maintenance Protocol
-(ql:quickload :closer-mop)
-(defclass dep ()
-  ((val :accessor val :initarg :val)))
-(defclass mc (standard-class)
-  ((x :accessor x)
-   ;; We need to not only store the value, but also store what the user
-   ;; originally gave, so we can recompute later if one of our superclasses
-   ;; changes.
-   ;;
-   ;; This slot will be unbound if the user didn't give an (:x foo) option, or
-   ;; bound to (foo) if they did.
-   (given-x :initarg :x :accessor given-x)))
-(defun mcp (object)
-  (typep object 'mc))
-(defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass ((a mc) (b standard-class)) t)
-(defun dep= (d class)
-  (and (typep d 'dep) ; need to filter out any other deps other code might have added
-       (eql (val d) class)))
-(defun ensure-dep (superclass class)
-  (c2mop:map-dependents superclass
-                        (lambda (d)
-                          (when (dep= d class)
-                            (return-from ensure-dep))))
-  (c2mop:add-dependent superclass (make-instance 'dep :val class)))
-(defun ensure-no-dep (superclass class)
-  (c2mop:map-dependents superclass
-                        (lambda (d)
-                          (when (dep= d class)
-                            (c2mop:remove-dependent superclass d)
-                            (return-from ensure-no-dep)))))
-(defun recompute (&key class superclasses slot given-slot value value? default)
-  (format *debug-io* "~%Recomputing ~A of ~A." slot class)
-  (setf superclasses (remove-if-not #'mcp superclasses))
-  ;; We need to store whether the user gave an explicit value for later.
-  (if value?
-    (setf (slot-value class given-slot) value)
-    (slot-makunbound class given-slot))
-  ;; Set the actual value to the given value, or the superclass value, or the default.
-  ;;
-  ;; I THINK we only need to look at direct superclasses, not the entire class
-  ;; precedence list, because while it's possible for an MC to inherit from
-  ;; a standard-class, the reverse is not possible.  So the only way for an MC
-  ;; to get into the precedence list is to be there directly or come through
-  ;; another MC that IS direct (and which would come first in the full list
-  ;; anyway).
-  (setf (slot-value class slot)
-        (cond
-          (value? (first value))
-          (superclasses (slot-value (first superclasses) slot))
-          (t default))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((class mc) &key
-                                        (x nil x?)
-                                        direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
-  (recompute :class class
-             :superclasses direct-superclasses
-             :slot 'x
-             :given-slot 'given-x
-             :value x
-             :value? x?
-             :default :some-default)
-  (call-next-method)
-  ;; You might think we could get away with only having dependencies on
-  ;; superclasses that happen to be our specific metaclass, instead of on ALL
-  ;; direct superclasses.  Sadly this fails for forward-referenced classes, so
-  ;; we need to add dependencies on all of them and filter out the non-MC
-  ;; classes later.
-  (dolist (superclass (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
-    (ensure-dep superclass class)))
-(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((class mc) &key
-                                          (x nil x?)
-                                          (direct-superclasses nil direct-superclasses?)
-                                          &allow-other-keys)
-  ;; We have to recompute X /before/ we call-next-method because the
-  ;; update-dependent calls happen as part of that next method.  If we wait
-  ;; until after call-next-method to patch up X, then the dependent will still
-  ;; see the old version when it's updated and won't get the new value until
-  ;; a second round of initialization.
-  (recompute :class class
-             :superclasses (if direct-superclasses?
-                             direct-superclasses
-                             (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
-             :slot 'x
-             :given-slot 'given-x
-             :value x
-             :value? x?
-             :default :some-default)
-  (let ((before (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class)))
-    (call-next-method)
-    (let* ((after (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
-           (removed (set-difference before after))
-           (added (set-difference after before)))
-      (dolist (superclass removed)
-        (ensure-no-dep superclass class))
-      (dolist (superclass added)
-        (ensure-dep superclass class)))))
-(defmethod c2mop:update-dependent (obj (dep dep) &rest initargs)
-  (declare (ignore initargs))
-  (when (typep obj 'mc) ; We can ignore changes in non-MC superclasses here.
-    (let ((class (val dep)))
-      (format *debug-io* "~%Updating ~A because ~A changed." class obj)
-      ;; Need to call reinitialize-instance here (instead of just recomputing the
-      ;; slots) because otherwise transitive dependencies won't get updated
-      ;; properly.
-      (apply #'reinitialize-instance class
-             (if (slot-boundp class 'given-x)
-               (list :x (slot-value class 'given-x))
-               '())))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2022/08/depending-in-common-lisp.markdown	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+(:title "Depending in Common Lisp"
+ :snip "Using the CLOS Dependent Maintenance Protocol"
+ :date "2022-08-26T15:10:00Z"
+ :draft nil)
+A while ago I was working on a Common Lisp library that makes use of the
+[Metaobject Protocol](http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/).  I ran into a few edge
+cases around dependencies between classes and it took a while for me to figure
+out how to solve them, so I wanted to write down what I learned in case anyone
+else might find it useful.  This post is an expanded version of [a Reddit
+thread][reddit] I posted.
+[reddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/kljyg1/need_advice_on_how_to_handle_metaclass_option/
+<div id="toc"></div>
+## Setting the Stage
+Before we can see the problem, we need a simple example.  We'll use the
+`monitored-class` metaclass from [The Art of the Metaobject Protocol][amop]
+(pages 96-97). Using this class as a metaclass will log all slot reads and
+writes, which could be useful for auditing access to certain objects.
+[amop]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_the_Metaobject_Protocol
+Before we get started we'll need [Closer to MOP][closer-mop] as an
+implementation compatibility layer:
+[closer-mop]: https://github.com/pcostanza/closer-mop
+(ql:quickload :closer-mop)
+First we define the metaclass:
+(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
+  ())
+Next we'll explicitly say that it's okay for a monitored class to have
+superclasses that are standard classes:
+(defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass
+    ((class monitored-class) (superclass standard-class))
+  t)
+And now we can define the actual monitoring functionality.  We'll use `:before`
+methods on `slot-value-using-class` and its `setf` version to log the reads and
+writes of all slots:
+(defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class :before
+    ((class monitored-class) instance slot)
+  (format t "Reading slot ~A of ~A at ~A.~%"
+          (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot) instance (get-universal-time)))
+(defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class) :before
+    (new-value (class monitored-class) instance slot)
+  (format t "Setting slot ~A of ~A to ~S at ~A.~%"
+          (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot) instance new-value (get-universal-time)))
+With that complete, we can define a new monitored class:
+(defclass user ()
+  ((id   :initarg :id)
+   (name :initarg :name))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+And now we can see it in action:
+(defparameter *u* (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "sjl"))
+; => Setting slot ID of #<USER {10074DFD33}> to 1 at 3828527923.
+; => Setting slot NAME of #<USER {10074DFD33}> to "sjl" at 3828527923.
+; => *U*
+(slot-value *u* 'id)
+; => Reading slot ID of #<USER {10074DFD33}> at 3828527937.
+; => 1
+(setf (slot-value *u* 'name) "Steve")
+; => Setting slot NAME of #<USER {10074DFD33}> to "Steve" at 3828527946.
+; => "Steve"
+### Adding More Flexibility
+Now that we have a toy example working, let's make it a little more flexible.
+Instead of always generating a string and writing it to standard out, we'll
+allow users to provide a `:monitoring-function` as a class option that will
+receive the data and can do whatever it wants.  For example:
+* Logging to syslog instead of standard out.
+* Inserting a row into a Postgres database as an audit log.
+* Tracking read/write counts in a hash table to find slots that are written more
+  often than they're read and vice versa.
+A monitoring function will receive 2 arguments (the instance and slot name),
+plus an optional third argument when a slot is written (the new value).  We can
+make a default monitoring function that works the same way as before:
+(defun log-slot-access (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
+  (if new-value?
+    (format t "Setting slot ~A of ~A to ~S at ~A.~%"
+              slot-name instance new-value (get-universal-time))
+    (format t "Reading slot ~A of ~A at ~A.~%"
+              slot-name instance (get-universal-time))))
+Note the use of the extended `&optional` form with the
+[`supplied-p-parameter`][supplied] used to check whether a value was given,
+which ensures this works correctly even when setting a slot to `nil`.
+[supplied]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/03_dab.htm
+Also note how we called it `new-value?` and not `new-value-p` as you'll
+sometimes see people do.  The `-p` in `new-value-p` stands for "predicate", and
+a [predicate][predicate] is a *function* that returns a (generalized) boolean,
+*not* a boolean itself.  Using a name that ends in `-p` for a boolean value
+(rather than for a predicate) is a `-p`et `-p`eeve of mine.  Unfortunately it
+happens in a couple of places (even in Common Lisp itself), so it's something to
+watch out for.
+[predicate]: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_p.htm#predicate
+Now we can update our `monitored-class` to add a slot to store the monitoring
+function for each class, and update the `slot-value-using-class` methods to use
+that instead of writing the string themselves:
+(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
+  ((monitoring-function :initarg :monitoring-function
+                        :accessor monitoring-function)))
+(defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class :before
+    ((class monitored-class) instance slot)
+  (funcall (monitoring-function class)
+           instance
+           (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)))
+(defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class) :before
+    (new-value (class monitored-class) instance slot)
+  (funcall (monitoring-function class)
+           instance
+           (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)
+           new-value))
+When a user creates a new `monitored-class`, we need to set the
+`monitoring-function` slot appropriately.  We might initially consider doing
+this by having an `initform` for the `monitoring-function` slot in the
+metaclass, like this:
+(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
+  ((monitoring-function :initarg :monitoring-function
+                        :accessor monitoring-function
+                        :initform #'log-slot-access))) ; default function
+But this won't work for a number of reasons we'll see shortly.  Instead we'll
+need to handle the initialization ourselves.  We'll do it in `shared-initialize`
+so it will happen both when a class is first created and when it's reinitialized
+(e.g. after it's redefined):
+(defun parse-monitoring-function-class-option (arguments)
+  (case (length arguments)
+    (1 (eval (first arguments)))
+    (0 #'log-slot-access)
+    (t (error "Malformed monitoring-function option."))))
+(defmethod shared-initialize :around
+    ((class monitored-class) slot-names
+     &rest initargs
+     &key monitoring-function &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply #'call-next-method class slot-names
+         :monitoring-function (parse-monitoring-function-class-option
+                                monitoring-function)
+         initargs))
+If the user provided a `(:monitoring-function …)` class option we evaluate and
+use it, otherwise we default to our simple logging function.
+There are a couple of things to note here.
+First, when `defclass` gets a class option like `(:monitoring-function foo)`,
+what it *actually* passes to the `(re)initialize-instance` methods is the list
+`(foo)`.  This allows for class options with more than one argument.  In our
+case we only ever want a single argument, so we ensure the `length` of the
+argument is `0` or `1` and handle the cases individually.
+Second, `defclass` does not evaluate the class option's arguments.  If we say
+`(:monitoring-function (lambda (i s &optional v) (print (list i s v))))` what we
+get as the initarg will be `((lambda (i s &optional v) (print (list i s v))))`.
+That's a list of a list of three elements, *not* a list of an actual function
+object.  If we want the arguments to be evaluated, we have to do it ourselves.
+Unfortunately as far as I can tell there's no way to evaluate these arguments
+from `defclass` in their lexical environment — we have to fall back to `eval`
+and the null lexical environment.  That means that something like this will not
+(flet ((monitor (instance slot-name &optional new-value)
+          …))
+  (defclass foo ()
+    (…slots…)
+    (:monitoring-function #'monitor)))
+I haven't managed to find a way to make this work with `defclass`.  If anyone
+knows of a solution, please let me know.
+Third, you might notice that we're `apply`ing with the full `initargs` list,
+which includes the original (unparsed) `monitoring-function`.  But that keyword
+argument will be shadowed by the `:monitoring-function` we add at the beginning,
+so there's no need to bother removing it from `initargs` before we apply (though
+it wouldn't hurt to do so).  This is another Common Lisp idiom you'll see here
+and there when someone wants to override a single keyword argument but preserve
+all the rest.
+Now we can talk about all the reasons why `:initform #'log-slot-access` doesn't
+magically solve all our problems.
+First, the `:initform` *would* work properly when you first define a class, but
+we still need all the code in `shared-initialize` to do the `eval`ing of the
+forms the user provides when they *don't* use it.
+Further, suppose a user runs:
+(defclass foo ()
+  ((some-slot :initarg :some-slot))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function monitor-foo))
+Then later they *remove* the `:monitoring-function` from the `defclass` and
+reevaluate it:
+(defclass foo ()
+  ((some-slot :initarg :some-slot))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+What the user (probably) expects here is for the class to have the default
+monitoring function.  This is what will happen if they start a fresh Lisp image
+and load the current code into it.  But if we had just used `:initform`, the
+class would already have a value for the `monitoring-function` slot (the old
+function) and since there's no *new* value being specified, the `:initform`
+would never be used and nothing would get updated, so the class would continue
+to use the old monitoring function.  The user would have to clean things up
+manually by killing the class with `(setf (find-class 'foo) nil)` and
+reevaluating the `defclass`, or fixing the slot value up manually, or some other
+ugly alternative.
+With all that out of the way, we can now use a custom `monitoring-function` to
+do whatever we want:
+(defparameter *user-slot-reads* (make-hash-table))
+(defparameter *user-slot-writes* (make-hash-table))
+(defun track-user-slot-access
+    (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
+  (declare (ignore instance new-value))
+  (incf (gethash slot-name
+                 (if new-value? *user-slot-writes* *user-slot-reads*)
+                 0)))
+(defclass user ()
+  ((id   :initarg :id)
+   (name :initarg :name))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'track-user-slot-access))
+;; Two writes
+(defparameter *u* (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "sjl"))
+;; A read
+(slot-value *u* 'id)
+;; Two more writes
+(setf (slot-value *u* 'name) "steve")
+(setf (slot-value *u* 'name) "sjl")
+;; Results
+(alexandria:hash-table-alist *user-slot-reads*)
+; => ((ID . 1))
+(alexandria:hash-table-alist *user-slot-writes*)
+; => ((NAME . 3) (ID . 1))
+### Toy Example Disclaimer
+The `monitored-class` example we've used so far is pretty small, and there are
+a number of other ways we could accomplish the same thing, some of which might
+not involve metaclasses at all.  This might make my example seem overly
+I wanted to keep the example small so I can focus on the actual problem I ran
+into without getting bogged down in too many irrelevant details about a specific
+implementation.  If you're bothered by how we're using metaclasses here when
+there are other ways to implement this toy example, feel free to implement
+a more extensive `monitored-class` variant as an exercise:
+(defclass user ()
+  ((id …)
+   ;; Never monitor this slot:
+   (session-id … :monitored nil)
+   ;; We only care when this slot *changes*:
+   (role … :monitored/reads nil)
+   ;; Names are PII, redact their values before logging:
+   (name … :monitored/redact-value t)
+   ;; Redact the user portion of the email address, logging only the domain:
+   (email … :monitored/redact-value #'scrub-email))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'log-to-syslog)
+  ;; Allow us to turn monitoring on/off globally:
+  (:monitor-when #'monitoring-enabled-p))
+## The Problem
+Let's return to a toy example that will help demonstrate the problem I ran into.
+Suppose we have a `user` class and want to monitor that class to log a warning
+if someone ever changes the `id` of an instance:
+(defun monitor-user (instance slot &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
+  (when (and (eql slot 'id) new-value?)
+    (when (slot-boundp instance 'id) ; ignore initial setting of the value
+      (format t "WARNING: User ~A is getting a new ID ~A, this is concerning."
+              (slot-value instance 'id)
+              new-value))))
+(defclass user ()
+  ((id    :initarg :id)
+   (name  :initarg :name))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'monitor-user))
+This works as expected:
+(defparameter *u* (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "sjl"))
+(slot-value *u* 'id)
+; => 1
+(setf (slot-value *u* 'id) 999)
+; WARNING: User 1 is getting a new ID 999, this is concerning.
+; => 999
+(slot-value *u* 'id)
+; => 999
+So far, so good.  But what happens if we add a subclass of user?
+(defclass paid-user (user)
+  ((plan :initarg :plan :type (member :bronze :silver :gold)))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+(defparameter *p*
+  (make-instance 'paid-user :id 2 :name "moneybags" :plan :gold))
+; => Setting slot ID of #<PAID-USER {100DE55F43}> to 2 at 3870460545.
+; => Setting slot NAME of #<PAID-USER {100DE55F43}> to "moneybags" at 3870460545.
+; => Setting slot PLAN of #<PAID-USER {100DE55F43}> to :GOLD at 3870460545.
+We can already see the problem: we didn't explicitly specify
+`(:monitoring-function #'monitor-user)` in the `defclass` options, so this class
+used the default monitoring function instead of inheriting the monitoring
+function from its superclass.  This may be what you want in some cases, but for
+this case I'd prefer subclasses to inherit their superclass' monitoring function
+if they don't explicitly specify one themselves.
+When I saw this, my first instinct was to update
+`parse-monitoring-function-class-option` to take the class as an extra option
+and use that to look up a superclass monitoring function (if any) to use as the
+default instead, which would look something like this:
+(defun monitored-class-p (class)
+  (typep class 'monitored-class))
+(defun first-monitored-superclass (class)
+  (let ((superclasses (rest (c2mop:class-precedence-list class))))
+    (first (remove-if-not #'monitored-class-p superclasses))))
+(defun parse-monitoring-function-class-option (class arguments)
+  (case (length arguments)
+    (1 (eval (first arguments)))
+    (0 (let ((super (first-monitored-superclass class)))
+         ;; Inherit the monitoring function from its most specific monitored
+         ;; superclass, or use the default if there isn't one.
+         (if super
+           (monitoring-function super)
+           #'log-slot-access)))
+    (t (error "Malformed monitoring-function option."))))
+(defmethod shared-initialize :around
+    ((class monitored-class) slot-names
+     &rest initargs
+     &key monitoring-function &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply #'call-next-method class slot-names
+         :monitoring-function (parse-monitoring-function-class-option
+                                class monitoring-function)
+         initargs))
+Unfortunately, if you try to actually run that code you'll discover a few
+unpleasant things. First, the class precedence list isn't available the first
+time the class is being initialized.  So we can't use it in `shared-initialize`
+like this.
+Second, I misled you earlier.  There's a line [deep in the bowels of the
+Metaobject protocol][no-shared-init] that says:
+> Portable programs must not define methods on `shared-initialize`.
+So we can't use `shared-initialize` as a shortcut *at all*, and will need to
+define separate methods for `initialize-instance` and `reinitialize-instance`
+after all.
+[no-shared-init]: http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/initialization-of-class-metaobjects2.html
+But even worse, if we think ahead a little bit (which I, of course, did not do
+when I was figuring all this out), we can see this entire strategy is doomed to
+failure from the start.  Consider the following series of actions by a user at
+a REPL:
+;; Create user class, monitor with default function.
+(defclass user ()
+  ((id    :initarg :id)
+   (name  :initarg :name))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+;; Create paid user class, inherits monitoring function from user.
+(defclass paid-user (user)
+  ((plan :initarg :plan :type (member :bronze :silver :gold)))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+;; Redefine user class, because actually we want to log
+;; monitored slots to Postgres.
+(defclass user ()
+  ((id    :initarg :id)
+   (name  :initarg :name))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'log-slots-to-postgres)) ; NEW
+Clearly what should happen here is that the `paid-user` class should now inherit
+the *new* monitoring function.  But the strategy of trying to set the monitoring
+function *once* when a class is initialized or reinitialized falls apart when
+you want to support redefinition of superclasses and have their subclasses
+inherit changes.
+At this point, things are not looking good.  We need a new plan.
+## The Dependent Maintenance Protocol
+Fortunately, as often happens in Common Lisp, the creators of CLOS and the
+Metaobject Protocol had a wonderful amount of foresight and provided a way out
+of this problem in the form of the [CLOS Dependent Maintenance Protocol][].
+From that page:
+[CLOS Dependent Maintenance Protocol]: http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/dependent-maintenance-protocol.html
+> It is convenient for portable metaobjects to be able to memoize information
+> about other metaobjects[…]. Because class […] metaobjects can be
+> reinitialized[…], a means must be provided to update this memoized
+> information.
+This is exactly what we need!  We want to memoize the monitoring function each
+monitored class will use, and we need to keep that up to date when any of the
+classes in the inheritance hierarchy are updated.
+The full details are laid out in the protocol documentation, but let's step
+through an example here to see it in action.
+### Dependency Wrappers
+The protocol states:
+> To prevent conflicts between two portable programs, or between portable
+> programs and the implementation, portable code must not register metaobjects
+> themselves as dependents. Instead, portable programs which need to record
+> a metaobject as a dependent, should encapsulate that metaobject in some other
+> kind of object, and record that object as the dependent.
+With this in mind, we'll need to make a small wrapper we can use to store
+(defclass dependency ()
+  ((dependent :accessor dependent :initarg :dep)))
+And then we'll make some utility functions to add and remove dependencies
+to/from classes, which we'll use shortly:
+(defun dependency= (d class)
+  "Return whether `d` is a dependency on `class`."
+  ;; We need to filter out any other dependents other code might have added.
+  (and (typep d 'dependency)
+       (eql (dependent d) class)))
+(defun ensure-dependency (superclass class)
+  "Ensure that `class` is a dependent of `superclass`."
+  (c2mop:map-dependents superclass
+                        (lambda (d)
+                          (when (dependency= d class)
+                            (return-from ensure-dependency))))
+  (c2mop:add-dependent superclass (make-instance 'dependency :dep class)))
+(defun ensure-no-dependency (superclass class)
+  "Ensure that `class` is NOT a dependent of `superclass`."
+  (c2mop:map-dependents superclass
+                        (lambda (d)
+                          (when (dependency= d class)
+                            (c2mop:remove-dependent superclass d)
+                            (return-from ensure-no-dependency)))))
+When we define a subclass on a monitored class, e.g. when we ran `(defclass
+paid-user (user) …)` before, we'll need to `(ensure-dependency user paid-user)`
+to tell CLOS that `paid-user` is dependent on `user`, and needs to be updated if
+`user` is changed.  We also want to make sure to only add the dependency if it
+doesn't already exist, to avoid useless work.
+But things can get a little trickier than this, because if `paid-user` is then
+redefined to *not* be a subclass of `user` any more (unlikely, but possible) we
+want to *remove* that dependency.  So we'll need both utility functions for
+managing the dependencies.
+### Defining the Metaclass
+We'll need to update our metaclass to not only store the monitoring function,
+but also store what the user *specified* as the monitoring function, in case we
+need to recompute it later.  We'll also tell Lisp it's okay for a monitored
+class to be a subclass of a standard class, add our `slot-value-using-class`
+methods from before, and define a helper type predicate while we're here:
+(defclass monitored-class (standard-class)
+  ((given-monitoring-function
+     :initarg :given-monitoring-function
+     :accessor given-monitoring-function)
+   (computed-monitoring-function
+     :initarg :computed-monitoring-function
+     :accessor computed-monitoring-function)))
+(defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass
+    ((class monitored-class) (superclass standard-class))
+  t)
+(defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class :before
+    ((class monitored-class) instance slot)
+  (funcall (computed-monitoring-function class)
+           instance
+           (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)))
+(defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class) :before
+    (new-value (class monitored-class) instance slot)
+  (funcall (computed-monitoring-function class)
+           instance
+           (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot)
+           new-value))
+(defun monitored-class-p (object)
+  (typep object 'monitored-class))
+### Computing Slots
+We're going to need a function for computing the value of the slot.  It will
+serve the same role `parse-monitoring-function-class-option` was serving before.
+If we only have one class option like `:monitoring-function` we could hardcode
+it into a function like this:
+(defun recompute-monitoring-function (&key class superclasses value value?)
+  "Set the metaclass' monitoring-function slots to the appropriate value.
+  If the user provides an explicit value it will be used, otherwise the value
+  will be inherited from any superclass' value, otherwise the default will be
+  used.
+  In any case, the computed value is stored in the `computed-…` slot, and the
+  original user-given value (if any) is stored in the `given-…` slot so we can
+  use it later if any superclasses change and we need to recompute this.
+  "
+  ;; Only consider monitored superclasses.
+  (setf superclasses (remove-if-not #'monitored-class-p superclasses))
+  ;; We need to store whether the user gave an explicit value for later.
+  (if value?
+    (setf (slot-value class 'given-monitoring-function) value)
+    (slot-makunbound class 'given-monitoring-function))
+  ;; Set the computed value.
+  (setf (slot-value class 'computed-monitoring-function)
+        (cond
+          ;; If the user gave a value, use it (after checking it's well-formed).
+          (value? (progn (assert (= 1 (length value)))
+                         (eval (first value))))
+          ;; Otherwise, if there are any monitored superclasses, use the most
+          ;; specific one's monitoring function.
+          (superclasses (slot-value (first superclasses)
+                                    'computed-monitoring-function))
+          ;; Otherwise use the default.
+          (t #'log-slot-access))))
+First we clean up the superclass list to only consider relevant superclasses.
+Then we store the value the user gave, if any, in the
+`given-monitoring-function` slot of the class.  If they *didn't* specify a value
+(e.g. if they *removed* it and reevaluated the `defclass`), we make sure to
+account for that by `slot-makunbound`ing the slot to clear out any possible old
+Then we compute what the real value should be.  If they gave us a value, we
+`eval` it as we talked about earlier and use that.  Otherwise we use whatever we
+computed for a superclass, if available, otherwise the default.
+This is all we need if we've only got one option to deal with, as in our toy
+example.  In my *actual* project I have a bunch of these options, and so added
+a slightly-tedious layer of abstraction to avoid the very-tedious copy/paste
+(defun recompute-slot
+    (&key class superclasses computed-slot given-slot value value? default)
+  "Set the metaclass' slots to the appropriate value.
+  For metaclass slots if the user provides an explicit value it will be used,
+  otherwise the value will be inherited from any superclass' value, otherwise
+  the default will be used.
+  In any case, the computed value is stored in the `computed-…` slot, and the
+  original user-given value (if any) is stored in the `given-…` slot so we can
+  use it later if any superclasses change and we need to recompute this.
+  "
+  ;; Only consider monitored superclasses.
+  (setf superclasses (remove-if-not #'monitored-class-p superclasses))
+  ;; We need to store whether the user gave an explicit value for later.
+  (if value?
+    (setf (slot-value class given-slot) value)
+    (slot-makunbound class given-slot))
+  ;; Set the actual value to the given value, or the superclass value,
+  ;; or the default.
+  (setf (slot-value class computed-slot)
+        (cond
+          (value? (progn (assert (= 1 (length value)))
+                         (eval (first value))))
+          (superclasses (slot-value (first superclasses) computed-slot))
+          (t default))))
+(defun recompute-slots (class &key
+                        direct-superclasses
+                        (monitoring-function nil monitoring-function?)
+                        &allow-other-keys)
+  (recompute-slot :class        class
+                  :superclasses direct-superclasses
+                  :computed-slot 'computed-monitoring-function
+                  :given-slot    'given-monitoring-function
+                  :value  monitoring-function
+                  :value? monitoring-function?
+                  :default #'log-slot-access))
+Supporting more options is just a matter of adding more calls inside of
+`recompute-slots`.  It's not the most exciting code I've ever written, but it
+### Initialization
+Now we can finally define the `initialize-instance` and `reinitialize-instance`
+methods on our class.  We'll start with `initialize-instance` (and a helper
+(defun strip-initargs (initargs)
+  "Remove any monitored-class initargs from `initargs`.
+  We need to do this because we handle these ourselves before
+  `call-next-method`, in `recompute-slots`, and if we leave them in
+  the initarg list then `call-next-method` will explode.
+  "
+  (loop :for (initarg value) :on initargs :by #'cddr
+        :unless (member initarg '(:monitoring-function))
+        :append (list initarg value)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :around
+    ((class monitored-class) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply #'recompute-slots class initargs)
+  (apply #'call-next-method class (strip-initargs initargs))
+  (dolist (superclass (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
+    (ensure-dependency superclass class)))
+We recompute our special slots, then delegate to `call-next-method` to handle
+everything else, after stripping out our initargs because we've already handled
+The only other thing we have to do is plug into the dependent maintenance
+protocol, to ensure that this new class is a dependent of all its superclasses.
+You might think I'm being wasteful here and we should only add dependencies on
+superclasses that are instances of our particular metaclass.  For example, if we
+(defclass some-other-mixin () ())
+(defclass user ()
+  (…slots…)
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+(defclass paid-user (user some-other-mixin)
+  (…slots…)
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+Then `paid-user` will be a dependent of both `user` *and* `some-other-mixin`.
+This seems unnecessary, because changes in non-monitored superclasses won't have
+any effect on our monitoring function computation.
+Unfortunately, things are not so simple.  If we only add dependencies on
+monitored superclasses, this will fall apart in the face of [forward-referenced
+superclasses][].  In case you weren't aware, Common Lisp allows you to define
+a subclass before its superclass, as long as all the classes are in place before
+you try to actually make an instance of the subclass:
+[forward-referenced superclasses]: http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/class-finalization-protocol.html
+;; Define a subclass.
+(defclass bar (foo)
+  ((b :accessor b :initarg :b)))
+;; Trying to make an instance now will signal an error.
+(make-instance 'bar :a 1 :b 2)
+; => While computing the class precedence list of the class named COMMON-LISP-USER::BAR.
+; => The class named COMMON-LISP-USER::FOO is a forward referenced class.
+; => The class named COMMON-LISP-USER::FOO is a direct superclass of the class named COMMON-LISP-USER::BAR.
+;; Go ahead and define the superclass.
+(defclass foo ()
+  ((a :accessor a :initarg :a)))
+;; Now we can make an instance of the subclass.
+(make-instance 'bar :a 1 :b 2)
+; => #<BAR {101144FFC3}>
+This complicates our lives when we're trying to manage dependents, because we
+can't possibly know whether a forward-referenced superclass will eventually be
+defined as a monitored class or not.  So we'll just take the safe route and add
+a dependent to *all* superclasses.  This will result in a little extra work, but
+it only happens when a class is being defined or redefined which will happen
+relatively infrequently.
+### Reinitialization
+We'll also need to define a method on `reinitialize-instance`:
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around
+    ((class monitored-class) &rest initargs
+     &key (direct-superclasses nil direct-superclasses?)
+     &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply #'recompute-slots class
+         :direct-superclasses (if direct-superclasses?
+                                direct-superclasses
+                                (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
+         initargs)
+  (let ((before (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class)))
+    (apply #'call-next-method class (strip-initargs initargs))
+    (let* ((after (c2mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
+           (removed (set-difference before after))
+           (added (set-difference after before)))
+      (dolist (superclass removed)
+        (ensure-no-dependency superclass class))
+      (dolist (superclass added)
+        (ensure-dependency superclass class)))))
+The overall structure of this method is the same as `initialize-instance`:
+1. Recompute values of our special metaclass slot(s).
+2. `call-next-method` to finish the rest of the (re)initialization.
+3. Ensure our dependencies are correct.
+But there are a couple of fiddly bits to note.
+We may or may not get a new set of direct superclasses, depending on how the
+reinitialization happened.  We *always* need that list when we call
+`recompute-slots` though, so we'll grab it ourselves if we don't get it.
+We also save the list of direct superclasses before and after we defer to
+`call-next-method` to complete the reinitialization, and then compare the list
+before and after to figure out which dependencies we need to add or remove.
+With all that out of the way, we're almost done.
+### Dependent Updates
+Now we can finally tell CLOS to update dependents when a monitored class
+(defun given-to-initarg (class initarg given-slot)
+  (when (slot-boundp class given-slot)
+    (list initarg (slot-value class given-slot))))
+(defmethod c2mop:update-dependent
+    (updated-class (dep dependency) &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignore initargs))
+  (when (monitored-class-p updated-class)
+    (let ((dependent-class (dependent dep)))
+      (apply #'reinitialize-instance dependent-class
+             (append
+               (given-to-initarg dependent-class
+                                 :given-monitoring-function
+                                 'given-monitoring-function))))))
+`update-dependent` is the key method here.  When a superclass with one of these
+dependencies is updated, this method will be called.  When that happens, we know
+we might need to update the subclasses.
+First we check to make sure the class being updated really *is* a monitored
+class (and not something that was forward-referenced but didn't turn out to be
+Assuming we really are updating a monitored class, we call
+`reinitialize-instance` on the dependent class.  We set up the initargs to this
+call as if the user had reran the *dependent's* `defclass` form (because we're
+reinitializing the *dependent*, after the superclass has changed), to ensure
+that the recalculation happens properly.  An example might make this clearer:
+(defclass user ()
+  (…slots…)
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'log-slot))
+(defclass paid-user (user)
+  (…slots…)
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+(defclass audited-user (user)
+  (…slots…)
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'audit-slot-to-postgres))
+If we now redefine `user`, both of its dependencies will be reinitialized.
+For `paid-user` we call `(reinitialize-instance paid-user)` with no initargs,
+because there's no `(:monitoring-function …)` in the `defclass` form and thus
+its `given-monitoring-function` slot is unbound.
+For `audited-user` we call `(reinitialize-instance audited-user
+:monitoring-function '(#'audit-slot-to-postgres))`, because the `audited-user`
+class *does* have a monitoring function that `recompute-slots` will need.
+## The Result
+With all that in place, our metaclass is ready for interactive use!  First we'll
+review the default logging function and create two more:
+(defun log-slot-access (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
+  (if new-value?
+    (format t "Setting slot ~A of ~A to ~S at ~A.~%"
+              slot-name instance new-value (get-universal-time))
+    (format t "Reading slot ~A of ~A at ~A.~%"
+              slot-name instance (get-universal-time))))
+(defun loud-slot-access (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
+  (if new-value?
+    (format t "SETTING SLOT ~A OF ~A TO ~S AT ~A.~%"
+              slot-name instance new-value (get-universal-time))
+    (format t "READING SLOT ~A OF ~A AT ~A.~%"
+              slot-name instance (get-universal-time))))
+(defun quiet-slot-access (instance slot-name &optional (new-value nil new-value?))
+  (if new-value?
+    (format t "~A/~A <- ~S~%" instance slot-name new-value)
+    (format t "<- ~A/~A~%" instance slot-name)))
+Now we can create a few classes:
+(defclass foo ()
+  ((x :initarg :x))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+(defclass bar (foo)
+  ()
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'quiet-slot-access))
+(defclass baz (foo)
+  ()
+  (:metaclass monitored-class))
+* `foo` is the superclass, with the default monitoring function.
+* `bar` subclasses `foo` but changes the monitoring function.
+* `baz` subclasses foo and inherits its monitoring function.
+And everything should work properly:
+;; Foo has the default monitoring function ---------------------
+(defparameter *foo-object* (make-instance 'foo :x 1))
+; => Setting slot X of #<FOO {101190A513}> to 1 at 3870468582.
+(slot-value *foo-object* 'x)
+; => Reading slot X of #<FOO {101190A513}> at 3870468645.
+(setf (slot-value *foo-object* 'x) 2)
+; => Setting slot X of #<FOO {101190A513}> to 2 at 3870468657.
+;; Bar has the quiet one ---------------------------------------
+(defparameter *bar-object* (make-instance 'bar :x 1))
+; => #<BAR {101190EE03}>/X <- 1
+(slot-value *bar-object* 'x)
+; => <- #<BAR {101190EE03}>/X
+(setf (slot-value *bar-object* 'x) 2)
+; => #<BAR {101190EE03}>/X <- 2
+;; Baz inherits foo's function ---------------------------------
+(defparameter *baz-object* (make-instance 'baz :x 1))
+; => Setting slot X of #<BAZ {10119142F3}> to 1 at 3870468733.
+(slot-value *baz-object* 'x)
+; => Reading slot X of #<BAZ {10119142F3}> at 3870468755.
+(setf (slot-value *baz-object* 'x) 2)
+; => Setting slot X of #<BAZ {10119142F3}> to 2 at 3870468756.
+And now for the *real* test.  We'll redefine *only `foo`* to change its function:
+(defclass foo ()
+  ((x :initarg :x))
+  (:metaclass monitored-class)
+  (:monitoring-function #'loud-slot-access))
+Now `foo` slot access will be yelled at us:
+(defparameter *foo-object* (make-instance 'foo :x 1))
+; => SETTING SLOT X OF #<FOO {1011998B03}> TO 1 AT 3870469055.
+`bar` hasn't changed, because it has its own explicit function defined:
+(defparameter *bar-object* (make-instance 'bar :x 1))
+; => #<BAR {101199A913}>/X <- 1
+But, crucially, `baz` was automatically updated to use the new function it
+inherits from `foo`:
+(defparameter *baz-object* (make-instance 'baz :x 1))
+; => SETTING SLOT X OF #<BAZ {101199C293}> TO 1 AT 3870469072.
+## Is It Worth It?
+That was a lot of work.  Why did we bother doing it?
+One of the strengths of Common Lisp programming is interactive development.
+Lispers are used to redefining anything and everything at will and trusting that
+their environments can keep up.  Interactivity is baked into the bones of the
+language — if we want a metaclass to really feel at home, we need to take the
+extra steps to make sure it works well in the face of redefinition.
+The designers of Common Lisp and the Metaobject Protocol had a lot of foresight
+and provided the tools needed to extend the language without destroying its
+interactivity.  Unfortunately this is a hard problem, and the tools are not
+simple to use.  It's almost always *possible* to do things right, but is often
+not *easy*.
+Was it worth doing?  For this toy example: probably not.  For the project I was
+working on when I had to figure this all out: I think it was.  For your next
+project: you'll need to decide that for yourself.  But I, at least, am thankful
+that the designers of Common Lisp and CLOS made it *possible* to do things
+right, even if it's not always easy.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/in-progress/lisp-pens-and-trees.markdown	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(:title "Lisp, Pens, and Trees"
+ :snip "Growing something pretty."
+ :date "2022-07-27T00:00:00Z"
+ :draft t)
+I've been meaning to document a fun little project I did a few years ago, so
+here we go.  The actual project itself is a lot more complicated and has a lot
+more code behind it, but I wanted to distill it down to the essence here.
+<div id="toc"></div>
+## Drawing Lines
+First we want to be able to draw some lines.
+## Turtle Graphics
+[Turtle graphics][] are a simple way to draw lines with instructions like:
+1. Start at the center, facing north.
+2. Move forward.
+3. Turn right 90°.
+4. Move forward.
+5. Turn right 90°.
+6. Move forward.
+7. Move forward again.
+The result would look something like:
+[![Example of a simple Turtle graphics script](/static/images/blog/2022/07/trivial-turtle.png)](/static/images/blog/2022/07/trivial-turtle.png)
+The name "turtle" came from the [original robots][], which looked
+and moved like turtles.
+We can use a more compact notation for our turtle instructions:
+* `F` move forward one step (while drawing).
+* `S` skip forward one step (without drawing).
+* `+` rotate a set amount counterclockwise.
+* `-` rotate a set amount clockwise.
+We'll add some other instructions later, but this is enough for now.  Let's
+implement a simple turtle.
+[Turtle graphics]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics
+[original robots]: https://blog.adafruit.com/2018/05/03/the-history-of-turtle-bots-part-1-hardware/
+## L-Systems
+## Mutation
+## Plotting
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/serve.sh	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+cd build
+python3 -m http.server
Binary file static/images/blog/2022/07/trivial-turtle.png has changed
--- a/watch.sh	Wed Apr 20 20:10:31 2022 -0400
+++ b/watch.sh	Thu Aug 25 23:05:04 2022 -0400
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 set -euo pipefail
-hg files generate.lisp content static | grep -v static/images | peat ./build.sh
+ffind | grep -v static/images | peat ./build.sh