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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 28 Dec 2016 12:47:07 -0500 (2016-12-28)
parents ce11a64d569c
children 78b32a9a02c3
branches/tags (none)
files content/about/index.markdown content/blog/2016/12/chip8-debugging-infrastructure.markdown content/blog/2016/12/chip8-sound.markdown content/projects/index.markdown layouts/shortcodes/toc.html


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 [Twitter]: http://twitter.com/stevelosh/
 [BitBucket]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/
 [GitHub]: http://github.com/sjl/
-I went to [Rochester Institute of Technology](http://rit.edu/) for a degree in
-Computer Science.
-I've done a lot of different things in the field so far. Right now the things
-that are captivating me are artificial intelligence and clean, simple,
-*useful* web applications.
-I find programming beautiful. That might sound strange, but there are aspects
-of programming and math that I can't describe any other way.
-You can take a look at my [projects][] to see some of the major stuff I've
-worked on, or cut to the chase and look at [my BitBucket account][BitBucket].
-[projects]: /projects/
-I like photographing people. Other things as well, but especially people.
-I tend to gravitate toward the "art" aspects of photography more than the
-"journalism" aspects, but I can appreciate both.
-I shoot digital and film (35mm and medium format) depending on my time limits
-and mood. I develop film in my bathroom and print it in a rented darkroom.
-When I print digital I use a lab nearby; I don't have the money for a
-professional printer just yet.
-I teach blues dancing here in Rochester as part of [Lady Luck Blues][].
-I started blues dancing a few years ago and haven't stopped since. My favorite
-aspect of dancing is connection and blues seems to bring that out more than any
-other dance.
-I've also been swing dancing for about seven years. My first love is Lindy Hop; I
-go to classes, workshops and exchanges as often as my schedule and budget will
-Lately I've begun getting my feet wet in tango. Whether it'll ever become as
-important to me as blues or Lindy remains to be seen.
-[Lady Luck Blues]: http://ladyluckblues.com/
-I play electric and upright bass. I've played in a metal band in the past, but
-right now my focus is on jazz and blues.
-I DJ at swing and blues dances fairly often. My taste is pretty broad, and
-I'll cater to whatever the floor wants, but I tend to personally enjoy
-slightly down-tempo, small-group music. Let me know if you need a DJ for a
-About the Site
-If you want to know more about my site you should check out the [blog
-post][hyderewrite] about how I rewrote it.
-[hyderewrite]: /blog/2010/01/moving-from-django-to-hyde/
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+title = "CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Debugging Infrastructure"
+snip = "What's happening inside this computer?"
+date = 2016-12-31T18:50:00Z
+draft = true
+Our [CHIP-8][] emulator in Common Lisp is coming along nicely.  It can play
+games, and in the last post we added a disassembler so we can dump the code of
+In this post we'll add some low-level debugging infrastructure so we can set
+breakpoints and step through code.
+The full series of posts so far:
+1. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: The CPU](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-cpu/)
+2. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Graphics](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-graphics/)
+3. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Input](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-input/)
+4. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Sound](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-sound/)
+The full emulator source is on [BitBucket][] and [GitHub][].
+[CHIP-8]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP-8
+[BitBucket]: https://bitbucket.org/sjl/cl-chip8
+[GitHub]: https://github.com/sjl/cl-chip8
+<div id="toc"></div>
+## Architecture
+## The Debugger Data Structure
+## Pausing
+## Stepping
+## Printing
+## Breakpoints
+## UI
+## Result
+## Future
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 We could have used a lock from bordeaux threads to manage this portably (though
 more slowly), but I wanted to play around with SBCL's concurrency stuff.
-Finally we just need to start up the timer thread:
-(defun run (rom-filename)
-  (let ((chip (make-chip)))
-    (setf *c* chip)
-    (load-rom chip rom-filename)
-    (bt:make-thread (curry #'run-cpu chip))
-    (bt:make-thread (curry #'run-timers chip)) ; NEW
-    (chip8.gui.screen::run-gui chip)))
 [SBCL manual]: http://www.sbcl.org/manual/#Atomic-Operations
 ## Sound From Scratch
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+date = "2016-12-27T12:00:11Z"
+draft = true
+title = "Projects"
+The following is a list of projects I've created.  They're grouped by
+maintenance status:
+* [Actively Maintained](#actively-maintained)
+* [Looking for Maintainers](#looking-for-maintainers)
+* [Transferred Ownership](#transferred-ownership)
+* [Finished](#finished)
+* [Deprecated/Abandoned](#deprecated-abandoned)
+## Actively Maintained
+These are projects that I'm actively maintaining (for now).  I'll accept patches
+for them when I have the time.
+* [badwolf](https://github.com/sjl/badwolf/) is a Vim color scheme.
+* [beast](https://sjl.bitbucket.org/beast/) is a Basic Entity/Aspect/System Toolkit for Common Lisp.
+* [bookmarkdown](https://sjl.bitbucket.org/) is an experimental tool for writing books in Markdown.
+* [cl-digraph](https://sjl.bitbucket.org/cl-digraph/) is a simple directed graph implementation for Common Lisp.
+* [cl-ggp](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/cl-ggp/) is a tiny framework for writing GGP players in Common Lisp.
+* [cl-losh](https://github.com/sjl/cl-losh/) is my utility belt library for Common Lisp.
+* [cl-nrepl](https://github.com/sjl/cl-nrepl) is a bare-bones NREPL server for Common Lisp.
+* [clam.vim](https://github.com/sjl/clam.vim) is a lightweight Vim plugin for working with shell commands.
+* [d](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/d/) is a tool for writing documentation in Markdown.
+* [friendly-find](https://github.com/sjl/friendly-find) is a friendlier `find(1)`.
+* [gdl.vim](https://github.com/sjl/gdl.vim) is a Vim plugin for writing GDL files.
+* [gundo.vim](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/gundo.vim/) is a Vim plugin to visualize your undo tree.
+* [hg-prompt](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/hg-prompt/) is a Mercurial plugin to view repository information, designed to be used in a shell prompt.
+* [Learn Vimscript the Hard Way](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com) is a book about Vimscript.  [peat](https://github.com/sjl/peat) repeats shell commands.
+* [sand](https://github.com/sjl/sand) is my personal Common Lisp sandbox.
+* [strftimedammit.vim](https://github.com/sjl/strftimedammit.vim) is a single Vim documentation file that lists strftime-like formatting characters for a variety of languages.
+* [temperance](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/temperance/) is a logic programming library for Common Lisp.
+* [t](https://github.com/sjl/t) is a command-line todo list manager for people that want to finish tasks, not organize them.
+* [vim-bencode](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/vim-bencode) is a Vim plugin to handle encoding/decoding Bencoded data.
+## Looking for Maintainers
+These projects are ones that I started but no longer have the time or motivation
+to maintain.
+I think they could still be useful to people, so if you're interested in taking
+over ownership of them please let me know.  My only requirement is that you keep
+the license the same.
+* [clojure-lanterna](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/clojure-lanterna/) is a thin wrapper around the Lanterna Java library to make it more Clojure-friendly.
+* [clojure-postmark](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/clojure-postmark/) lets you talk to Postmark from Clojure.
+* [clojurecraft](https://github.com/sjl/clojurecraft) is a framework for writing Minecraft bots in Clojure.
+* [flask-csrf](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/flask-csrf/) is a Flask plugin to protect against CSRF attacks.
+* [flask-lesscss](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/flask-lesscss/) is a Flask plugin to render LessCSS files when they change.
+* [hg-review](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/hg-review/) is a Mercurial plugin for performing distributed code review.  This is a **really goddamned cool** idea that I just don't have the time to follow up on.
+* [python-dribbble](https://github.com/sjl/python-dribbble) is Python bindings for the Dribbble API.
+* [red-tape](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/red-tape/) is a Clojure library for processing user-submitted data. It's heavily inspired by Django's forms (the good parts).
+* [rerun](https://github.com/sjl/rerun) is a tiny utility to make it easy to run a bunch of commands over and over again.
+* [roul](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/roul/) is a tiny Clojure library for working with random numbers.
+* [splice.vim](https://github.com/sjl/splice.vim) is a Vim plugin for managing three-way merges.
+* [tis100.vim](https://github.com/sjl/tis100.vim) contains Vim syntax highlighting and folding support for TIS-100 save files.
+* [vitality.vim](https://github.com/sjl/vitality.vim) makes Vim play nicely with iTerm 2 and tmux.
+## Transferred Ownership
+These are projects that I started but have since passed ownership to someone
+else.  Please contact them if you have any questions about the current state of
+* [django-goodfields](https://github.com/dwaiter/django-goodfields/) is a Django plugin I created when I was at Dumbwaiter Design to make Django form fields less painful to render.
+* [hgtip](http://hgtip.com/) is a website with tips about using Mercurial that I started and eventually sold a long time ago.
+* [metrics-clojure](https://github.com/sjl/metrics-clojure) is a thin façade around Coda Hale's metrics library.  It's now maintained by [Michael Klishin](https://github.com/michaelklishin).
+## Finished
+These are projects that are finished.  I have no plans to update them — they're
+a snapshot of a moment in time.
+* [cl-chip8](https://github.com/sjl/cl-chip8) is a CHIP-8 emulator written in Common Lisp.  I wrote a series of blog posts about it.
+* [mazes](https://github.com/sjl/mazes) is some Common Lisp code written while I worked through the book Mazes for Programmers.
+* [silt2](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/08/lisp-jam-postmortem/) was my entry in the August 2016 Lisp Game Jam.
+* [silt](https://stevelosh.com/blog/2015/12/ludum-dare-34/) was my entry in Ludum Dare 34.
+* [ymir](http://ymir.stevelosh.com/) is a Wisp/Javascript terrain generation demo.
+* [zen](https://github.com/sjl/zen) was a throwaway roguelike non-game in Clojure.
+## Deprecated/Abandoned
+These are projects I started but no longer feel are useful to the world at
+large.  I won't delete them from the internet, but please don't use them.
+* [Caves of Clojure](https://github.com/sjl/caves) was the code for a series of blog posts I did about writing a roguelike in Clojure.
+* [cherryflavoredbugseverywhere](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/cherryflavoredbugseverywhere/) was a Bugs Everywhere web UI written with CherryPy.
+* [django-hoptoad](https://github.com/sjl/django-hoptoad) was a Django plugin for sending exceptions to Hoptoad.
+* [grabtweets](https://bitbucket.org/sjl/grabtweets/src) was a brute-force utility for backing up your tweets.
+* [newseasons](https://github.com/sjl/newseasons) was a simple Clojure webapp for notifying users when new seasons of their favorite TV shows hit iTunes.
+* [stoat](https://stoat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) was an attempt at making a less painful Django CMS.
+* [typkov](https://github.com/sjl/typkov) was a small Clojure/Noir webapp that generates gtypist lessons from users' own text.
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-{{ .Page.TableOfContents }}
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