--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-06.html Sun Jul 29 15:50:36 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ {% extends "_post.html" %}
+ {% hyde
+ title: "The Caves of Clojure: Part 6"
+ snip: "Real combat and messages."
+ created: 2012-07-30 10:15:00
+ flattr: true
+ %}
+{% block article %}
+This post is part of an ongoing series. If you haven't already done so, you
+should probably start at [the beginning][].
+This entry corresponds to [post six in Trystan's tutorial][trystan-tut].
+If you want to follow along, the code for the series is [on Bitbucket][bb] and
+[on GitHub][gh]. Update to the `entry-06` tag to see the code as it stands
+after this post.
+Sorry for the long wait for this entry. I've been working on lots of other
+stuff and haven't had a lot of time to write. Hopefully I can get back to it
+more often!
+[the beginning]: /blog/2012/07/caves-of-clojure-01/
+[trystan-tut]: http://trystans.blogspot.com/2011/09/roguelike-tutorial-06-hitpoints-combat.html
+[bb]: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/caves/
+[gh]: http://github.com/sjl/caves/
+In Trystan's sixth post he adds a combat system and messaging infrastructure.
+Once again I'm following his lead and implementing the same things, but in the
+entity/aspect way of doing things.
+As usual I ended up refactoring a few things, which I'll briefly cover first.
+So far, the functions entities implement to fulfill aspects have looked like
+ :::clojure
+ (defaspect Digger
+ (dig [this world dest]
+ ...)
+ (can-dig? [this world dest]
+ ...))
+The entity has to be the first argument, because that's how protocols work.
+I don't have any flexibility there. I originally made the world always be the
+second argument, but it turns out that it's more convenient to make the world
+the *last* argument.
+To see why, imagine we want to allow players to dig and move at the same time,
+instead of forcing them to be separate actions. Updating the world might look
+like this:
+ :::clojure
+ (let [new-world (dig player world dest)
+ new-world (move player world dest)]
+ new-world)
+You could make this one specific case a bit prettier, but in general chaining
+together world-modifying actions is going to be a pain. If I change the aspect
+functions to take the player, then other args, and *then* the world, I can use
+`->>` to chain actions:
+ :::clojure
+ (->> world
+ (dig player dest)
+ (move player dest))
+Much cleaner! I went ahead and switched all the aspect functions to use this
+new scheme.
+I also did some other minor refactoring. You can look through the changesets if
+you're really curious.
+Attacking and Defending
+Instead of simply killing everything in one hit, I'm now going to give some
+creatures a bit of hp. I also added a `:max-hp` attribute, since I'll likely
+need that in the future. Here's a sample of what the `Bunny` creation function
+looks like:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn make-bunny [location]
+ (map->Bunny {:id (get-id)
+ :name "bunny"
+ :glyph "v"
+ :color :yellow
+ :location location
+ :hp 4
+ :max-hp 4}))
+I started using the `map->Foo` record constructors because the `->Foo` versions
+that relied on positional arguments started getting hard to read.
+Bunnies have 4 hp. It'd be trivial to randomize this in the future, but for now
+I'll stick with a simple number.
+Trystan uses a simple attack and defense system. I toyed with the idea of using
+a different one (like Brogue's) but figured I should stick to his tutorial when
+there's no clear reason not to.
+Trystan's system needs attack and defense values, so I added functions to the
+`Attacker` and `Destructible` aspects to retrieve these:
+ :::clojure
+ (defaspect Attacker
+ (attack [this target world]
+ ...)
+ (attack-value [this world]
+ (get this :attack 1)))
+ (defaspect Destructible
+ (take-damage [this damage world]
+ ...)
+ (defense-value [this world]
+ (get this :defense 0)))
+The default attack value is `1`. If an entity has an `:attack` attribute that
+will be used instead. Or the entity could provide a completely custom version
+of `attack-value` (e.g.: werewolves could have a larger attack if there's a full
+moon in the game or something). Defense values work the same way.
+Now that I'm starting to actually use HP I'll display it in the bottom row of
+info on the screen:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn draw-hud [screen game]
+ (let [hud-row (dec (second (s/get-size screen)))
+ player (get-in game [:world :entities :player])
+ {:keys [location hp max-hp]} player
+ [x y] location
+ info (str "hp [" hp "/" max-hp "]")
+ info (str info " loc: [" x "-" y "]")]
+ (s/put-string screen 0 hud-row info)))
+The bottom row of the screen now looks like: "hp [20/20] loc: [82-103]". I'll
+probably get rid of the loc soon, but for now it won't hurt to keep it onscreen.
+Now for the damage calculation. I added a little helper function to take care
+of this in `attacker.clj`:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-damage [attacker target world]
+ (let [attack (attack-value attacker world)
+ defense (defense-value target world)
+ max-damage (max 0 (- attack defense))
+ damage (inc (rand-int max-damage))]
+ damage))
+This matches what Trystan does. In a nutshell, the damage done is: "If defense
+is higher than attack, then 1. Otherwise, a random number between 1 and (attack
+- defense)."
+I kept it separate from the `attack` function so that an entity can override
+attack without having to reimplement this logic.
+The `attack` default implementation needs to use this new damage calculator:
+ :::clojure
+ (defaspect Attacker
+ (attack [this target world]
+ {:pre [(satisfies? Destructible target)]}
+ (let [damage (get-damage this target world)]
+ (take-damage target damage)))
+ (attack-value [this world]
+ (get this :attack 1)))
+`Destructible` already handles reducing HP appropriately. The only thing left
+is to give my entities some non-1 attack, defense, and/or hp values. For now
+I used the following values:
+* Bunnies have 4 HP, default defense.
+* Lichens have 6 HP, default defense.
+* Silverfish have 15 HP, default defense.
+* Players have 40 HP, 10 attack, default defense.
+These are really just placeholder numbers until I add the ability for monsters
+to attack back. Once I do that I'll be able to play the game a bit and
+determine if it's too easy or hard.
+Now the player can attack things and it may take a few swings to kill them. The
+problem is that there's no feedback while this is going on, so it's hard to tell
+that you're actually doing damage until the monster dies.
+A messaging system will let me display informational messages to give the player
+some feedback. I decided to implement this like everything else: as an aspect.
+An entity that implements the `Receiver` protocol will be able to receive
+messages. Here's `entities/aspects/receiver.clj`:
+ :::clojure
+ (ns caves.entities.aspects.receiver
+ (:use [caves.entities.core :only [defaspect]]
+ [caves.world :only [get-entities-around]]))
+ (defaspect Receiver
+ (receive-message [this message world]
+ (update-in world [:entities (:id this) :messages] conj message)))
+ (defn send-message [entity message args world]
+ (if (satisfies? Receiver entity)
+ (receive-message entity (apply format message args) world)
+ world))
+I've got a helper function `send-message` which is what entities will use to
+send messages, instead of performing the `(satisfies? Receiver entity)` check
+themselves every time. If the entity they're sending the message to isn't
+a `Receiver` it will simply drop the message on the floor by returning the world
+unchanged. It also handles formatting the message string for them.
+The default `receive-message` simply appends the message to a `:messages`
+attribute in the entity.
+I have a lot of ideas about extending this system in the future, but for now
+I'll just keep it simple to match Trystan's.
+Now I need to send some messages. The most obvious place to do this is when
+something attacks something else, so I updated the `Attacker` aspect once more:
+ :::clojure
+ (defaspect Attacker
+ (attack [this target world]
+ {:pre [(satisfies? Destructible target)]}
+ (let [damage (get-damage this target world)]
+ (->> world
+ (take-damage target damage)
+ (send-message this "You strike the %s for %d damage!"
+ [(:name target) damage])
+ (send-message target "The %s strikes you for %d damage!"
+ [(:name this) damage]))))
+ (attack-value [this world]
+ (get this :attack 1)))
+This is starting to get a little crowded. If I need to do much more in here
+I'll refactor some stuff out into helper functions. But for now it's still
+Here you can see how making world-altering functions take the world as the last
+argument pays off by letting me use `->>` to chain together actions.
+I also added a `:name` attribute to entities so I can say "You strike the bunny"
+instead of "You strike the v". Nothing too special there.
+Finally, I need a way to notify nearby entities when something happens. Here's
+what I came up with:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn send-message-nearby [coord message world]
+ (let [entities (get-entities-around world coord 7)
+ sm (fn [world entity]
+ (send-message entity message [] world))]
+ (reduce sm world entities)))
+First I grab all the entities within 7 squares of the message coordinate. Then
+I create a little helper function called `sm` that wraps `send-message`. It
+will take a world and an entity and return the modified world. I use `reduce`
+here to iterate over the entities and send the message to each one. It's
+a pretty way of handling that looping.
+The `get-entities-around` function is new:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn get-entities-around
+ ([world coord] (get-entities-around world coord 1))
+ ([world coord radius]
+ (filter #(<= (radial-distance coord (:location %))
+ radius)
+ (vals (:entities world)))))
+It looks through all the entities in the world and returns a sequence of those
+whose "radial" distance is less than or equal to the given radius. The "radial
+distance" (also called the "king's move" distance by some) looks like this:
+ :::text
+ 3333333
+ 3222223
+ 3211123
+ 3210123
+ 3211123
+ 3222223
+ 3333333
+And the function:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn radial-distance
+ "Return the radial distance between two points."
+ [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
+ (max (abs (- x1 x2))
+ (abs (- y1 y2))))
+I may end up needing to modify this `send-message-nearby` function to be a bit
+more powerful in the future. Trystan's version modifies the verbs and such.
+For now this is good enough for me.
+Now I can make lichens notify nearby creatures when they grow:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn grow [{:keys [location]} world]
+ (if-let [target (find-empty-neighbor world location)]
+ (let [new-lichen (make-lichen target)
+ world (assoc-in world [:entities (:id new-lichen)] new-lichen)
+ world (send-message-nearby location "The lichen grows." world)]
+ world)
+ world))
+The last step is to actually display these messages to the player. I added
+a `draw-messages` function to the `ui/drawing.clj` file:
+ :::clojure
+ (defn draw-messages [screen messages]
+ (doseq [[i msg] (enumerate messages)]
+ (s/put-string screen 0 i msg {:fg :black :bg :white})))
+And then I modified the main `draw-ui` function for `:play` UIs to draw the
+messages on top of the map:
+ :::clojure
+ (defmethod draw-ui :play [ui game screen]
+ (let [world (:world game)
+ {:keys [tiles entities]} world
+ player (:player entities)
+ [cols rows] (s/get-size screen)
+ vcols cols
+ vrows (dec rows)
+ origin (get-viewport-coords game (:location player) vcols vrows)]
+ (draw-world screen vrows vcols origin tiles)
+ (doseq [entity (vals entities)]
+ (draw-entity screen origin vrows vcols entity))
+ (draw-hud screen game)
+ (draw-messages screen (:messages player))
+ (highlight-player screen origin player)))
+This does mean that messages will cover a bit of the screen. For now I'll live
+with that, but in the future it's something to fix.
+Finally we need to clear the message queue out periodically, otherwise it'll
+grow until it covers the entire screen! I modified the main game loop in
+ :::clojure
+ (defn clear-messages [game]
+ (assoc-in game [:world :entities :player :messages] nil))
+ (defn run-game [game screen]
+ (loop [{:keys [input uis] :as game} game]
+ (when (seq uis)
+ (if (nil? input)
+ (let [game (update-in game [:world] tick-all)
+ _ (draw-game game screen)
+ game (clear-messages game)]
+ (recur (get-input game screen)))
+ (recur (process-input (dissoc game :input) input))))))
+After fixing a few other bugs (you can read the changelog if you're interested)
+I've now got a working combat system, and a messaging system so I can tell
+what's going on:
+It's actually starting to feel like a real game now, instead of just a sandbox
+where you can break things.
+You can view the code [on GitHub][result-code] if you want to see the end
+[result-code]: https://github.com/sjl/caves/tree/entry-06/src/caves
+The next article will move on to Trystan's seventh post, which adds multiple
+z-levels to the caves.
+{% endblock article %}
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2012/07/the-homely-mutt.html Sun Jul 29 15:50:36 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+ {% extends "_post.html" %}
+ {% hyde
+ title: "The Homely Mutt"
+ snip: "Sparrow's dead? Why not try Mutt?"
+ created: 2012-07-23 10:00:00
+ flattr: true
+ %}
+{% block article %}
+Now that [Sparrow][] is [effectively dead][sparrow-dead] many of its users will
+be looking for a new email client. If you're not afraid of the terminal you may
+want to give [Mutt][] a try.
+Mutt certainly isn't the prettiest email client around, and its
+setup/configuration process is one of the ugliest out there. But once you get
+it set up it's got a lot of advantages over many other email clients.
+In this post I'll show you how to set up Mutt on OS X like I do.
+[Sparrow]: http://sparrowmailapp.com/
+[sparrow-dead]: http://www.theverge.com/2012/7/20/3172222/google-buys-sparrow-mail
+[Mutt]: http://www.mutt.org/
+How I Use Email
+This setup is going to be specific to the way I work with email. Notably:
+* I have a Google Apps account that provides my steve@stevelosh.com email address.
+* I have a lot of other email addresses, but they all simply forward to my main one.
+* All mail I send comes from steve@stevelosh.com.
+* I store my contacts in the OS X address book.
+* All email comes into my inbox (or to a folder for a specific mailing list).
+* Once I'm done with an email, I remove it from my inbox and it lives in the
+ "All Mail" archive. I don't sort email into folders.
+* Sometimes I write email without an internet connection and send it once I get
+ connected again.
+My email setup is tailored around those requirements, so that's what it does
+best. Mutt is very configurable though, so if you work differently you can
+probably bend it to make it work like you want.
+In particular, extending this setup to work with multiple email accounts
+wouldn't be too much trouble. I used to work with two separate accounts until
+I said "screw it, I'll just use the one".
+Other Guides and Resources
+I've used a lot of other guides to figure out how to get this giant Rube
+Goldberg machine of an email client working. Here are a few of them:
+* <http://thomas.pelletier.im/2010/10/low-memory-mail-client/>
+* <http://www.andrews-corner.org/mutt.html>
+* <http://jstorimer.com/shells/2010/01/19/using-mutt-with-gmail-on-osx.html>
+* <http://www.vijaykiran.com/2010/01/27/mutt-for-gmail-imap-on-mac-os-x/>
+* <http://hynek.me/articles/my-mutt-gmail-setup/>
+* <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mutt>
+* <http://linsec.ca/Using_mutt_on_OS_X>
+* <http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual.html>
+* <http://pbrisbin.com/posts/two_accounts_in_mutt>
+I'm going to give it to you straight: getting this whole contraption set up is
+going to take at least an hour from start to finish, not counting the time it'll
+take to download all of your email and install stuff.
+It's an investment, and you might not want to make it. If not, go use
+Thunderbird, er, Sparrow, er, I don't know, the Gmail web interface or
+Mutt on its own doesn't do very much, so we're going to combine it with a few
+other things to get the job done. Here's a bird's eye view of what it'll look
+like when we're done:
+If this diagram doesn't make you run screaming, you might just be masochistic
+enough to make it through the initial setup of Mutt. If you do, you'll be
+rewarded with email bliss that won't go away when Google or Facebook decide to
+toss some money around.
+Getting Email
+First thing's first: we're going to pull down our email from Gmail to our local
+machine. All of it. It'll take a while the first time you sync, but has a few
+### Why Local Email?
+Having a local copy of all of your email means you've always got access to it,
+no matter where you are. Looking for that one person's address they emailed you
+six years ago when you're trying to find their house and you don't have an
+internet connection? No problem, it's on your hard drive.
+This also acts as a backup in case Google ever decides to kill your Gmail
+account. It'll be stored in a common format that a lot of programs can read, so
+you've got a safety net. And the email is stored as normal files, so if you use
+something like Time Machine or [Backblaze][] that's yet another backup.
+In this setup all of your email is stored as plain text. If you want it
+encrypted just use OS X's full-disk encryption and you're set.
+I use [offlineimap][] to pull email down from Gmail and get it on my hard drive.
+Offlineimap will also sync any changes you make to this local copy back up to
+[offlineimap]: http://offlineimap.org/
+[Backblaze]: http://www.backblaze.com/partner/af3574
+### Installing offlineimap
+I've gone through a number of laptops in the past few years, and each time
+I spend a painful half hour or so screwing around with the lastest version of
+offlineimap's backwards-incompatible changes.
+If you're determined to run the latest version of offlineimap, you can install
+it with pip or something. If you just want to download your fucking email and
+get on with your life, you can follow the instructions I've laid out for you
+* `git clone git://github.com/spaetz/offlineimap.git`
+* `cd offlineimap`
+* `git checkout 679c491c56c981961e18aa43b31955900491d7a3`
+* `python setup.py install`
+That's the version I'm using. It works. You can use a newer one if you want,
+but expect to spend some time figuring out how to fix the configuration in this
+post to work with whatever breaking changes have been made since then. The last
+time I tried this I got to rewrite all my nametrans stuff. That was fun.
+### Configuring offlineimap
+Once you've got offlineimap installed, you'll need to create
+a `~/.offlineimaprc` file. You can keep it in your dotfiles repo and symlink it
+into place if you want. Here's a sample to get you started:
+ [general]
+ ui = TTY.TTYUI
+ accounts = SteveLosh
+ pythonfile=~/.mutt/offlineimap.py
+ fsync = False
+ [Account SteveLosh]
+ localrepository = SteveLosh-Local
+ remoterepository = SteveLosh-Remote
+ status_backend = sqlite
+ postsynchook = notmuch new
+ [Repository SteveLosh-Local]
+ type = Maildir
+ localfolders = ~/.mail/steve-stevelosh.com
+ nametrans = lambda folder: {'drafts': '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+ 'sent': '[Gmail]/Sent Mail',
+ 'flagged': '[Gmail]/Starred',
+ 'trash': '[Gmail]/Trash',
+ 'archive': '[Gmail]/All Mail',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+ [Repository SteveLosh-Remote]
+ maxconnections = 1
+ type = Gmail
+ remoteuser = steve@stevelosh.com
+ remotepasseval = get_keychain_pass(account="steve@stevelosh.com", server="imap.gmail.com")
+ realdelete = no
+ nametrans = lambda folder: {'[Gmail]/Drafts': 'drafts',
+ '[Gmail]/Sent Mail': 'sent',
+ '[Gmail]/Starred': 'flagged',
+ '[Gmail]/Trash': 'trash',
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail': 'archive',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+ folderfilter = lambda folder: folder not in ['[Gmail]/Trash',
+ 'Nagios',
+ 'Django',
+ 'Flask',
+ '[Gmail]/Important',
+ '[Gmail]/Spam',
+ ]
+It's kind of a beast, so let's go through it line by line and see what's going
+ [general]
+ ui = TTY.TTYUI
+ accounts = SteveLosh
+ pythonfile=~/.mutt/offlineimap.py
+ fsync = False
+First we tell offlineimap to use the `TTY.TTYUI` ui. Yes, this program that
+syncs yoiur email has multiple user interfaces. I guess if you can't decide
+what color the bikeshed should be you can just build a whole bunch of bikesheds
+Then we specify the accounts. There's only one, because as I said before:
+I only use a single email account that all my addresses forward to. If you
+wanted to have many, you'd change this line.
+The `pythonfile` is just a file that offlineimap will parse (as Python) before
+loading the rest of the config, so you can define custom helper functions more
+easily. We'll see more of this later.
+We're also telling offlineimap that it doesn't need to fsync after every single
+operation. This will speed things up, and since it's just a local copy it's
+typically not a big deal if we lose an email here and there from a crash (it'll
+just be synced the next time anyway).
+ [Account SteveLosh]
+ localrepository = SteveLosh-Local
+ remoterepository = SteveLosh-Remote
+ status_backend = sqlite
+This next section hooks up a few things. First, it tells offlineimap which
+local and remote repositories to use for the account. Manual configuration
+instead of sane defaults is a recurring theme we'll see throughout this process.
+Hey, I titled the entry "The *Homely* Mutt" for a reason.
+We're also going to use a SQLite-based cache for this account. If you don't
+already have SQLite you'll want to get it with `brew install sqlite`.
+ [Repository SteveLosh-Local]
+ type = Maildir
+ localfolders = ~/.mail/steve-stevelosh.com
+ nametrans = lambda folder: {'drafts': '[Gmail]/Drafts',
+ 'sent': '[Gmail]/Sent Mail',
+ 'flagged': '[Gmail]/Starred',
+ 'trash': '[Gmail]/Trash',
+ 'archive': '[Gmail]/All Mail',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+Now we're getting to the meat of the configuration. This "local repository" is
+going to be the mail as it sites on our hard drive. We're going to use the
+[Maildir format][maildir] because it plays nicely with Mutt (and tons of other
+Then we specify the path where we're going to keep the mail. This is going to
+take a lot of space if you've got a lot of mail. Attachments are downloaded
+too. When I said you're getting an offline copy of your email I meant all of
+I think offlineimap needs the `~/.mail` directory created for it. It's been
+a while since I did this, so I might be wrong, but if it complains about not
+being able to access the mail folders just go ahead and `mkdir ~/.mail`.
+Next we have the craziest part of the offlineimap configuration: name
+Here's the issue: offlineimap needs to know how to translate the names of
+folders on the IMAP server to folder names on your hard drive.
+Also, Gmail doesn't actually use *folders* but its own concept called "labels".
+But since the IMAP protocol doesn't know about labels, it fakes them by making
+them appear to be folders.
+User-created labels in Gmail (like "Mercurial" or "Clients") will appear as
+folders with those names through IMAP.
+Built-in, special Gmail folders have names that start with `[Gmail]/`. We need
+to turn those into something sane for our hard drive, so that's what this
+nametrans setting is for. It's a Python function that takes the remote folder
+name and returns the name that should be used on your local hard drive.
+Yes, you read that right. This is Python code embedded in the right hand side
+of an INI file's setting assignment. I am not fucking with you, this is
+seriously how you do it. Go ahead and crack open that beer now.
+So the "Sent Mail" folder in your Gmail account will be synced to
+`~/.mail/steve-stevelosh.com/sent`. Cool.
+(No, I don't know what would happen if you created a label called `[Gmail]/All
+Mail` in Gmail. If you try, let me know, but I take no responsibility if it
+ends with all your email deleted.)
+[maildir]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maildir
+ [Repository SteveLosh-Remote]
+ maxconnections = 1
+ type = Gmail
+ remoteuser = steve@stevelosh.com
+ remotepasseval = get_keychain_pass(account="steve@stevelosh.com", server="imap.gmail.com")
+ realdelete = no
+ nametrans = lambda folder: {'[Gmail]/Drafts': 'drafts',
+ '[Gmail]/Sent Mail': 'sent',
+ '[Gmail]/Starred': 'flagged',
+ '[Gmail]/Trash': 'trash',
+ '[Gmail]/All Mail': 'archive',
+ }.get(folder, folder)
+ folderfilter = lambda folder: folder not in ['[Gmail]/Trash',
+ 'Nagios',
+ 'Django',
+ 'Flask',
+ '[Gmail]/Important',
+ '[Gmail]/Spam',
+ ]
+Finally, the home stretch. The last section described the folder on our local
+hard drive, and this one describes our Gmail account.
+First, we tell offlineimap to only ever use a single connection at a time. You
+can try increasing this number for better performance, but in my experience
+Google is not stingy with its rate limits and would cut me off fairly often when
+I tried that. Just leave it at one if you want to be safe.
+Next is the type. Luckily offlineimap provides a `Gmail` type that handles
+a lot of the craziness that is Gmail's IMAP setup. Nice.
+Then we have the username. Nothing special here, except that if you have
+a non-apps account (i.e.: an actual vanilla Gmail account) you may or may not
+need to include the `@gmail.com` in the username. I don't know. If one doesn't
+work, just try the other.
+Next we have `remotepasseval`. This is a bit of Python code (drink!) that
+should return the password for the account.
+What is this `get_keychain_pass` function? Well, remember when we saw the
+`pythonfile` setting back in the general section? It's a function defined in
+there. I'll talk about that in the next section, for now just accept that it
+Next we set `realdelete` to no. If this is set to yes, then deleting an email
+in your inbox would actually delete it entirely. When you set it to no, then
+deleting an email from your inbox (or any label's folder) will leave it in
+Gmail's All Mail.
+If you want to really delete an email, you'll need to delete it from All Mail
+(which is named archive on our local filesystem, remember?). I feel like this
+is a good compromise. I rarely care about actually deleting mail, given that
+I have many unused gigabytes available on Gmail.
+Next we have another nametrans setting. This is a Python function (drink!) just
+like the one for the local repository, except it goes in the other direction.
+It takes the name of a local folder and returns the name of the folder on the
+IMAP server. Knowing this, it should be easy to understand this setting.
+Finally, we have `folderfilter`. This is a Python function (drink!) that takes
+a **remote** folder name and returns `True` if that folder should be synced, or
+`False` if it should *not* be synced. I've chosen to skip syncing my Spam and
+Trash folders, as well as a few mailing list labels I don't check all that
+often. Customize this to your own taste.
+### Retrieving Passwords
+We're almost ready, but there's one more thing we need to do, and that's
+implement a secure way for offlineimap to get access to our Gmail password.
+If you don't care too much about security, you *can* configure offlineimap with
+a plaintext password right in the config file. But don't do that. It'll only
+take a minute to do this securely.
+First, you need to add your Gmail password into your OS X keychain. Open the
+Keychain Access app and press the `+` button:
+Then fill out the form. The "Keychain Item Name" should be
+`http://imap.gmail.com`. The "Account Name" should be your email address. The
+password should be your password:
+Press "Add". Now repeat the process for the SMTP server. The "Keychain Item
+Name" should be `smtp://smtp.gmail.com`. The "Account Name" should be your
+email address. The password should be your password:
+Now we need to create the `offlineimap.py` file we pointed offlineimap to
+earlier. It needs to contain the `get_keychain_pass` function, which takes an
+`account` and `server` and return the password. Here's the file I'm using:
+ :::python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import re, subprocess
+ def get_keychain_pass(account=None, server=None):
+ params = {
+ 'security': '/usr/bin/security',
+ 'command': 'find-internet-password',
+ 'account': account,
+ 'server': server,
+ 'keychain': '/Users/sjl/Library/Keychains/login.keychain',
+ }
+ command = "sudo -u sjl %(security)s -v %(command)s -g -a %(account)s -s %(server)s %(keychain)s" % params
+ output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ outtext = [l for l in output.splitlines()
+ if l.startswith('password: ')][0]
+ return re.match(r'password: "(.*)"', outtext).group(1)
+In a nutshell, it uses `/usr/bin/security` to retrieve the password. Read
+through the code if you're curious.
+This is not *completely* secure, but it's better than having your password in
+a plaintext file in your home directory.
+Whew! Time to actually run this thing and pull down our email!
+### Running offlineimap
+Assuming everything is in place, open a terminal and run offlineimap:
+ offlineimap
+Go read a book, because this is going to pull down all the email (with
+attachments) in any folders you didn't exclude in the config file.
+**If there's an error, stop and figure out what went wrong**. Remember,
+offlineimap is a *two-way* sync, so there's always the possibility it'll eat
+your email if you seriously mess something up! I wish it had a
+`--dont-touch-remote` option you could use as a safety net for the original
+sync, but it doesn't, so be careful!
+In the future you can use `offlineimap -q` to run it in "quick mode". It'll
+perform fewer checks but will generally be much faster.
+If you want to set up offlineimap to run every 5 minutes or so, you can use
+launchd. `cron` does not work for some reason. I'm not entirely sure why.
+Personally I actually *like* having to press a key to fetch new mail. It's less
+of a distraction than having new mail rolling in all the time. I can get new
+email when I'm ready to actually look at it, rather than having it nagging me
+all the time.
+Now that you've got your email on your computer, it's finally time to start
+using Mutt itself!
+### Installing
+Mutt can be installed in a bunch of different ways, but the easiest is through
+ brew install mutt --sidebar-patch
+The sidebar patch is a third-party patch that adds a sidebar to Mutt. I don't
+know why it's not in core Mutt because it's insanely useful. Oh well, at least
+Homebrew makes it simple to get.
+That's pretty much it for installation, but don't get too relaxed because you're
+far from done.
+### Configuring
+Mutt is *very* configurable. This is great once you've become a power user and
+want to mold it to your will, but terrible when you're just getting started.
+Mutt settings are kept in a `~/.muttrc` file. If this file doesn't exist Mutt
+will look for `~/.mutt/muttrc` (note the lack of a dot in the filename), so you
+can put it there if you prefer.
+Here's a basic `~/.muttrc` to get you started (a lot of which was taken from
+[this article][pris]). Once you've got a bit of Mutt under your belt you'll
+want to read [the documentation][muttdoc] for these settings, but for now just
+use them to keep things sane:
+[pris]: http://pbrisbin.com/posts/two_accounts_in_mutt
+[muttdoc]: http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-6.html
+ # Paths
+ set alias_file = ~/.mutt/alias # where to store aliases
+ set header_cache = ~/.mutt/cache/headers # where to store headers
+ set message_cachedir = ~/.mutt/cache/bodies # where to store bodies
+ set certificate_file = ~/.mutt/certificates # where to store certs
+ set tmpdir = ~/.mutt/temp # where to keep temp files
+ set signature = ~/.mutt/sig # signature file
+ # Use Vim to compose email, with a few default options.
+ set editor = "vim -c 'normal! }' -c 'redraw'"
+ # Colors!
+ source ~/.vim/bundle/badwolf/contrib/badwolf.muttrc
+ # Basic Options
+ set wait_key = no # shut up, mutt
+ set mbox_type = Maildir # mailbox type
+ set folder = ~/.mail # mailbox location
+ set timeout = 3 # idle time before scanning
+ set mail_check = 0 # minimum time between scans
+ unset move # gmail does that
+ set delete # don't ask, just do
+ unset confirmappend # don't ask, just do!
+ set quit # don't ask, just do!!
+ unset mark_old # read/new is good enough for me
+ set beep_new # bell on new mails
+ set pipe_decode # strip headers and eval mimes when piping
+ set thorough_search # strip headers and eval mimes before searching
+ # Sidebar Patch
+ set sidebar_delim = ' │'
+ set sidebar_visible = yes
+ set sidebar_width = 24
+ color sidebar_new color221 color233
+ bind index,pager <down> sidebar-next
+ bind index,pager <up> sidebar-prev
+ bind index,pager <right> sidebar-open
+ # Status Bar
+ set status_chars = " *%A"
+ set status_format = "───[ Folder: %f ]───[%r%m messages%?n? (%n new)?%?d? (%d to delete)?%?t? (%t tagged)? ]───%>─%?p?( %p postponed )?───"
+ # Index View
+ set date_format = "%m/%d"
+ set index_format = "[%Z] %D %-20.20F %s"
+ set sort = threads # like gmail
+ set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received # like gmail
+ set uncollapse_jump # don't collapse on an unread message
+ set sort_re # thread based on regex
+ set reply_regexp = "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*"
+ # Pager View
+ set pager_index_lines = 10 # number of index lines to show
+ set pager_context = 3 # number of context lines to show
+ set pager_stop # don't go to next message automatically
+ set menu_scroll # scroll in menus
+ set tilde # show tildes like in vim
+ unset markers # no ugly plus signs
+ set quote_regexp = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
+ alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
+ # Compose View
+ set realname = "Steve Losh" # who am i?
+ set envelope_from # which from?
+ set sig_dashes # dashes before sig
+ set edit_headers # show headers when composing
+ set fast_reply # skip to compose when replying
+ set askcc # ask for CC:
+ set fcc_attach # save attachments with the body
+ unset mime_forward # forward attachments as part of body
+ set forward_format = "Fwd: %s" # format of subject when forwarding
+ set forward_decode # decode when forwarding
+ set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:" # format of quoting header
+ set reply_to # reply to Reply to: field
+ set reverse_name # reply as whomever it was to
+ set include # include message in replies
+ set forward_quote # include message in forwards
+ # Headers
+ ignore * # ignore all headers
+ unignore from: to: cc: date: subject: # show only these
+ hdr_order from: to: cc: date: subject: # and in this order
+ # steve@stevelosh.com {{{
+ # Default inbox.
+ set spoolfile = "+steve-stevelosh.com/INBOX"
+ # Alternate email addresses.
+ alternates sjl@pculture.org still\.?life@gmail.com steve@ladyluckblues.com steve@pculture.org
+ # Mailboxes to show in the sidebar.
+ mailboxes +steve-stevelosh.com/INBOX \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/vim \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/clojure \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/python \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/mercurial \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/archive \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/sent \
+ +steve-stevelosh.com/drafts \
+ # Other special folders.
+ set mbox = "+steve-stevelosh.com/archive"
+ set postponed = "+steve-stevelosh.com/drafts"
+ # Sending email.
+ set from = "steve@stevelosh.com"
+ set sendmail = "/usr/local/bin/msmtp -a stevelosh"
+ set sendmail_wait = 0 # no please don't silently fail, email is important
+ unset record
+ # }}}
+ # Account Hooks {{{
+ # folder-hook steve-stevelosh.com/* source ~/.mutt/steve-stevelosh.com.muttrc
+ # }}}
+ # Key Bindings {{{
+ # Unbind Stupid Keys {{{
+ bind index,pager \# noop
+ bind index i noop
+ bind index w noop
+ # }}}
+ # Pager {{{
+ bind pager i exit
+ bind pager / search
+ bind pager k previous-line
+ bind pager j next-line
+ bind pager gg top
+ bind pager G bottom
+ bind pager R group-reply
+ macro pager \Cu "|urlview<enter>" "call urlview to open links"
+ macro pager s "<pipe-message>cat > ~/Desktop/" "save message as"
+ # }}}
+ # Index {{{
+ bind index R group-reply
+ bind index <tab> sync-mailbox
+ bind index k previous-entry
+ bind index j next-entry
+ bind index gg first-entry
+ bind index G last-entry
+ bind index p recall-message
+ bind index <space> collapse-thread
+ macro index s "<pipe-message>cat > ~/Desktop/" "save message as"
+ # Mark all as read
+ macro index \Cr "T~U<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>N<untag-pattern>.<enter>" "mark all messages as read"
+ # Quickly change date formats
+ macro index <esc>f ":set date_format = \"%m/%d\"<enter>" "short date format"
+ macro index <esc>F ":set date_format = \"%m/%d at %I:%M %P\"<enter>" "long date format"
+ # Sync email
+ macro index O "<shell-escape>offlineimap -q<enter>" "run offlineimap to sync mail in the foreground"
+ macro index o "<shell-escape>offlineimap -q >/dev/null 2>&1 &<enter>" "run offlineimap to sync mail in the background"
+ # Saner copy/move dialogs
+ macro index C "<copy-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "copy a message to a mailbox"
+ macro index M "<save-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "move a message to a mailbox"
+ # Quickly change mailboxes
+ macro index \' "<change-folder>+steve-stevelosh.com/INBOX<enter>" "go to stevelosh/INBOX"
+ macro index \" "<change-folder>+steve-stevelosh.com/archive<enter>" "go to stevelosh/archive"
+ # Just use notmuch for everything
+ macro index / "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>read -p 'notmuch query: ' x; echo \$x >~/.cache/mutt_terms<enter><limit>~i \"\`notmuch search --output=messages \$(cat ~/.cache/mutt_terms) | head -n 600 | tr '+' '.' | perl -le '@a=<>;chomp@a;s/\^id:// for@a;$,=\"|\";print@a'\`\"<enter>" "show only messages matching a notmuch pattern"
+ # Unlimit aka show [a]ll
+ macro index a "<limit>all\n" "show all messages (undo limit)"
+ # }}}
+ # Compose {{{
+ bind compose p postpone-message
+ # }}}
+ # Attachment {{{
+ # View, god dammit!
+ bind attach <return> view-mailcap
+ # }}}
+ # "Open in Vim" {{{
+ macro index,pager V "|vim -c 'setlocal ft=mail' -c 'setlocal buftype=nofile' -<enter>" "open in vim"
+ macro index,pager M "|mvim -c 'setlocal ft=mail' -c 'setlocal buftype=nofile' - >/dev/null<enter>" "open in macvim"
+ # }}}
+ # }}}
+### Running
+Now that you've got Mutt configured you can run it:
+ mutt
+I like to always be in my `~/Desktop` folder when in Mutt, so that when I save
+emails or attachments they go there by default. I have a little shell function
+set up that cd's there for be before running Mutt.
+If you run the [new fish shell][fish], this is going to cause problems later
+(long story, but it's related to the `read` builtin). Do yourself a favor and
+head those confusing issues off at the pass with a fish function:
+ :::text
+ function mutt
+ bash -c 'cd ~/Desktop; /usr/local/bin/mutt' $argv;
+ end
+[fish]: http://ridiculousfish.com/shell/
+Reading Email
+Reading email is pretty straightforward in Mutt. You select a message in the
+index and pretty return, and Mutt will display the "pager" with the contents of
+the email:
+Let's add a few settings to our `~/.muttrc` to make reading email a bit
+ set pager_index_lines = 10
+This sets the number of lines of the index (the top "pane") to show while
+reading email. I like to have 10 so I can tell where I'm at in the list of
+ set pager_context = 3
+This tells Mutt how far it should scroll when you "page down" in the pager with
+space. I have it set to three, so when I press space Mutt scrolls down far
+enough that the last three lines on the screen become the first three lines.
+It's there to help you avoid losing your place when reading.
+ set pager_stop
+Prevents Mutt from automatically going to the next message when you page down
+when already at the end of a message. I'll move to the next message when I'm
+good and ready, thank you.
+ set tilde
+Shows tildes at the end of the message, like Vim does after the end of the file.
+This is personal preference, but as a Vim user I like it.
+ unset markers
+By default, when Mutt wraps long lines of text in the pager it will display
+a `+` and the beginning of the wrapped lines. That's kind of ugly, so this
+setting turns it off.
+ set quote_regexp = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
+This defines how Mutt finds "quoted text" in emails. Mutt will highlight quoted
+text differently:
+This regex will tell Mutt to look for lines prefixed with `>` characters as
+quoted text. Each `>` is one level of quoting. This is pretty standard.
+Writing Email
+Sending Email
+Mutt does have (some) built-in SMTP support, but we're going to use a separate
+program to do our sending for a few reasons.
+First, Mutt's SMTP support was considered "experimental" the last time
+I checked. Sending email is kind of important, so we'll stick with something
+tried and true.
+Second, we want a method that won't require our password in a plaintext config
+Go ahead and install the `msmtp` program through Homebrew:
+ brew install msmtp
+Next we're going to need to create a `~/.msmtprc` file with the following
+ account stevelosh
+ host smtp.gmail.com
+ port 587
+ protocol smtp
+ auth on
+ from steve@stevelosh.com
+ user steve@stevelosh.com
+ tls on
+ tls_trust_file ~/.mutt/Equifax_Secure_CA.cert
+ account default : stevelosh
+`msmtp` will look in your keychain for your SMTP password, which we added
+earlier. No plaintext passwords!
+The other "interesting" bit here is the `tls_trust_file`. We're going to be
+connecting to Gmail's SMTP server over SSL, and `msmtp` needs to know if it can
+trust the certificate that the server on the other end is sending back.
+Copy the following and paste it into the path `tls_trust_file` is set to:
+ :::text
+ B0VxdWlmYXgxLTArBgNVBAsTJEVxdWlmYXggU2VjdXJlIENlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eTCB
+ nzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAwV2xWGcIYu6gmi0fCG2RFGiYCh7+2gRvE4RiIcPR
+ fM6fBeC4AfBONOziipUEZKzxa1NfBbPLZ4C/QgKO/t0BCezhABRP/PvwDN1Dulsr4R+AcJkVV5MW
+ 8Q+XarfCaCMczE1ZMKxRHjuvK9buY0V7xdlfUNLjUA86iOe/FP3gx7kCAwEAAaOCAQkwggEFMHAG
+ zgK5F7WF0bnj4JXMJTENAKaSbn+2kmOeUJXRmm/kEd5jhW6Y7qj/WsjTVbJmcVfewCHrPSqnI0kB
+ BIZCe/zuf6IWUrVnZ9NA2zsmWLIodz2uFHdh1voqZiegDfqnc1zqcPGUIWVEX/r87yloqaKHee95
+ 70+sB3c4
+If you're paranoid and don't trust that I'm giving you the right cert (or that
+someone has hacked my site and changed it), you can generate it yourself. I'll
+leave that as an exercise for the reader.
+Now we need to tell Mutt to use msmtp. Add the following to your `~/.muttrc`
+ set from = "steve@stevelosh.com"
+ set sendmail = "/usr/local/bin/msmtp -a stevelosh"
+ set sendmail_wait = 0
+ unset record
+The `-a stevelosh` will need to change to whatever you named your account in the
+msmtp config.
+The `unset record` line tells Mutt to not append a copy of every email you send
+to a file on your hard drive. Gmail will save the emails you send in the sent
+folder, so you'll get the the next time you sync with offlineimap anyway.
+The `sendmail_wait` line tells Mutt to wait for the msmtp program to finish
+sending the mail before returning control, instead of running it in the
+background. This makes it obvious if there's a problem sending a message, which
+I prefer to silent, backgrounded failures.
+Now you can send email! Awesome!
+Once you've composed a test email and saved it you'll be presented with a screen
+like this:
+The keys you need are listed along the top. Pressing `y` now will invoke msmtp
+and send your email!
+You'll see "Sending message..." at the bottom of the screen while msmtp is
+working. If there's a problem, Mutt will tell you the error. Figure it out
+before moving on.
+Next we'll want to get Mutt to autocomplete our contacts from the OS X address
+book. Unfortunately I've got some bad news for you:
+You're going to need to install XCode.
+No, not the command-line developer tools. The full XCode. I'm sorry, but trust
+me when I say it's going to save you a lot of pain, so just grumble to yourself
+a bit and do it.
+Okay, now that you've got XCode you can install the `contacts` program through
+ brew install contacts
+`contacts` is a command-line program that you can use to query your address
+book. To tell Mutt how to use it add the following lines to your
+ set query_command = "contacts -Sf '%eTOKEN%n' '%s' | sed -e 's/TOKEN/\t/g'"
+ bind editor <Tab> complete-query
+ bind editor ^T complete
+Now when you're filling out an email address field you can type a few characters
+and hit Tab to get a screen like this:
+You can use `j` and `k` to select an item, press return to complete it. Press
+`q` if you've changed your mind and want to cancel the completion. Look at the
+top of the screen for more handy little keys you can use here.
+If there's only one item in the list Mutt won't bother showing you this screen
+and will just complete it right away.
+This completion searches more than just the email address. It'll also search
+the names and possibly other fields from the address book entries as well.
+Searching Email
+{% endblock article %}