Finish the fucking diamond square entry already2016-06-25, by Steve Losh
Timestamp2016-03-07, by Steve Losh
Recursive MPD2016-03-05, by Steve Losh
Add node_modules to .hgignore.2016-02-28, by Steve Losh
Just Use Make™2016-02-28, by Steve Losh
Final tweaks2016-02-19, by Steve Losh
Midpoint displacement2016-02-19, by Steve Losh
Add support for Wisp2016-02-19, by Steve Losh
telnet'2015-12-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the fucking timestamp2015-12-15, by Steve Losh
LD342015-12-15, by Steve Losh
Permutation patterns2015-12-10, by Steve Losh
just beat the data out of it2015-11-30, by Steve Losh
how do i copy paste2015-11-21, by Steve Losh
Merge.2015-11-20, by Steve Losh
fix the date im dumb2015-11-20, by Steve Losh
lets put a happy little blog post right here2015-11-20, by Steve Losh
Fix typo2015-09-17, by Jordan Eldredge
I guess I moved.2015-08-16, by Steve Losh
Another bag review2015-07-26, by Steve Losh
Nat Geo A2540 review post2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
Oh maybe I should commit my articles2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
Update a bit2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
Fix a bunch of shit2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
timestamp2013-04-08, by Steve Losh
git.2013-04-08, by Steve Losh
Fix sub() in list-out-of-lambda.html2013-03-31, by Ivan Vyshnevskyi
Merge.2013-03-30, by Steve Losh
Add gittip.2013-03-30, by Steve Losh
List out of Lambda2013-03-30, by Steve Losh
Add ffind and peat.2012-11-20, by Steve Losh
Fix typo.2012-10-25, by Steve Losh
Mention timeout.2012-10-14, by Steve Losh
Caves of Clojure part 7.1.2012-10-13, by Steve Losh
Replace scrolly headers on resize too.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Fix timezones2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Fix Vims idiotic lack of a bare domain.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Time2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Two space entry.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Times, unhdr_order2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Proofreading.2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Time2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Space cadet2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Times.2012-10-01, by Steve Losh
Rename threesome to splice.2012-09-30, by Steve Losh
Add the Mutt entry.2012-09-30, by Steve Losh
all things are pain2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Are you fucking serious Cloudflare?2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Dammit Cloudflare.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Update Flattr script.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Remove Forrst link, replace Flickr with 500px.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Merge.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
footer: use https:// where appropriate2012-09-27, by David Chambers
footer: change "BitBucket" to "Bitbucket"2012-09-27, by David Chambers
Remove half-finished entry for now so I can publish.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-07-30, by Steve Losh
Moar.2012-07-29, by Steve Losh
hurr typing durr2012-07-14, by Steve Losh
Another entry.2012-07-14, by Steve Losh
time2012-07-13, by Steve Losh
another blog post2012-07-13, by Steve Losh
moar2012-07-12, by Steve Losh
taimes2012-07-11, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-07-11, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
...2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
...2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
an blog post2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
another blog post2012-07-08, by Steve Losh
hurr durr time2012-07-08, by Steve Losh
another blog post2012-07-08, by Steve Losh
holy shit a blog post2012-07-07, by Steve Losh
Volatile software.2012-04-23, by Steve Losh
bitrot2012-04-23, by Steve Losh
Add vitality.2012-04-13, by Steve Losh
Add Clam and Roul project pages.2012-04-08, by Steve Losh
Typo.2012-03-18, by Steve Losh
Moar.2012-02-12, by Steve Losh
Rochester Made2012-02-04, by Steve Losh
.2012-02-04, by Steve Losh
.2012-02-04, by Steve Losh
Add a screenshot of t.2012-01-29, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-01-24, by Steve Losh
Fix broken link.2011-12-31, by Steve Losh
Remove broken link.2011-12-23, by Steve Losh
Typo.2011-12-22, by Steve Losh
Remove colorbox.2011-12-22, by Steve Losh
Holy shit I updated my site.2011-10-10, by Steve Losh
Gaug.es2011-10-07, by Steve Losh
Typo.2011-09-06, by Steve Losh
Date.2011-09-06, by Steve Losh
The Twitters -- I has them.2011-09-04, by Steve Losh
Add the Writing Vim Plugins entry.2011-09-04, by Steve Losh
Move.2011-09-04, by Steve Losh
Fix typo.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Add the outline of the Vim Plugin post.2011-07-13, by Steve Losh
Filetypes.2011-07-13, by Steve Losh
Typo.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
HAY GUYS I KNOW ABOUT RENDER()2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Switch to Syntastic.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
A couple of updates to the Django entry.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Fixed a couple of typos.2011-06-30, by Alex Vidal
Merge.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Formatting.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Add the Django entry.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Add paper-free.2011-05-26, by Steve Losh
DERP2011-05-23, by Steve Losh
Derp.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Fix steps.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Fix steps.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Fix steps.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Teaching article.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-02-17, by Steve Losh
More work on the Django entry.2011-02-07, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-02-06, by Steve Losh
Add YUI and start the Django blog entry.2011-02-06, by Steve Losh
Clean up some styling.2011-02-17, by Steve Losh
Removed an extra slash from the title of splash2011-02-17, by myfreeweb
Microformatted the splash page2011-02-17, by myfreeweb
Add the damn YUI compressor.2011-01-25, by Steve Losh
Make the front page suck less.2011-01-25, by Steve Losh
Finish keep calm.2010-11-05, by Steve Losh
More content.2010-11-04, by Steve Losh
Keep Calm post.2010-11-04, by Steve Losh
Mention Gundo.2010-10-18, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Fix the pathogen/filetype bit of the Vim entry.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Fix the stupid link.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Mention Command-T in the Vim entry.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Link the other Vim post.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Fix some mistakes in the Vim entry.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Ugh, fix the time.2010-09-20, by Steve Losh
Turn on Flattr for the Vim entry.2010-09-20, by Steve Losh
Add the Vim entry.2010-09-20, by Steve Losh
Fix the size of h3 elements.2010-09-19, by Steve Losh
Switch to Google Analytics.2010-09-15, by Steve Losh
Redesign the site.2010-09-09, by Steve Losh
Add the "MQ for Git Users" entry.2010-08-11, by Steve Losh
Add print links.2010-07-04, by Steve Losh
Fix work status.2010-07-04, by Steve Losh
Change the Rochester link.2010-07-04, by Steve Losh
Mention pushable bookmarks.2010-07-03, by Steve Losh
Fix the feed, for now.2010-06-20, by Steve Losh
Move the unnecessarily nested pages out.2010-06-18, by Steve Losh
More server updates.2010-06-18, by Steve Losh
Remove the apache file.2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Merge2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Fuck you, nginx.2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Update the fabfile for the new server.2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Add OpenID delegation.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
blog: add the translation branches entry2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Style tweaks.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Split the fabfile tasks a bit more.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Clean up a URL.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Add the stable/default entry.2010-05-17, by Steve Losh
Merge with the MODI change.2010-05-01, by Steve Losh
Add the AFFA entry.2010-05-01, by Steve Losh
Add the "Branching as Needed" entry and refactor some HTML/CSS/blocks.2010-02-28, by Steve Losh
Add a requirements.txt file.2010-02-27, by Steve Losh
Change the virtualenv name.2010-02-27, by Steve Losh
Add MODI to my javascript utils.2010-03-03, by Steve Losh
Fix a typo in the Hyde entry.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Update the Hyde entry with recent changes.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Move the main CSS file (mostly) over to LessCSS.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Add the LessCSS processor and rename base.css2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Add timeago.js to generate "ago" dates on the fly.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Update with the beginnings of a Linux battery cap script.2010-02-02, by Steve Losh
Update to mention the new collapse_pwd method.2010-02-01, by Steve Losh
Reduce margins on blockquotes in disqus comments.2010-02-01, by Steve Losh
Add the Zsh Prompt entry.2010-02-01, by Steve Losh
Update the Deploying with Fab/Hg entry.2010-01-31, by Steve Losh
Fix the feed header link.2010-01-28, by Steve Losh
Oh great, Disqus' sample code isn't valid XHTML. That's nice.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Restructure tag lists to pass validation.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Adjust the tag structures and styles a bit.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Remove an extra attribute that was causing validation to fail.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Www is evil. Kill it with mod_rewrite.2010-01-23, by Steve Losh
Update the About page.2010-01-23, by Steve Losh
Fix the AAL link in the Hyde post.2010-01-22, by Steve Losh
Update resume to mention Dumbwaiter.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Fix the MVG date.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Add the Mercurial vs. Git entry.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Exclude the 404 page to prevent it from showing up in the feed.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Update the t project documentation.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Make jquery local, and adjust the header size.2010-01-19, by Steve Losh
Fix Disqus code blocks.2010-01-19, by Steve Losh
Make a 404 page.2010-01-18, by Steve Losh
Fix the resume links.2010-01-17, by Steve Losh
Update resume.2010-01-17, by Steve Losh
Update the Hyde Rewrite entry to mention category changes.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the projects/photography title.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Add categories.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Massive cleanup (linebreaks, tocs, doc links, etc).2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the date on the Hyde entry.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Add the Hyde Rewrite entry.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Properly codehilite the blog entries.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Properly codehilite the projects.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Add a dict of links to the context and use it.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the extra / problem in .htaccess.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Don't wrap inline code snippets.2010-01-15, by Steve Losh
Add code styles.2010-01-15, by Steve Losh
Fix the iPhone font resizing issue on listing pages.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Exclude .htaccess from the feed.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Well that certianly did not work.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Exclude the .htaccess file from the RSS feed.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Switch back to FeedBurner.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add an MIT/X11 LICENSE file.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Merge the Hyde rewrite.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add Mint stats.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add Disqus comments.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Go to hell, trailing slashes.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
I hate you, mod_rewrite, I hate you so goddamned much.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Fix the diagram backgrounds.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add a publish task to the fabfile.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add a smush task to the fabfile.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Smush images with, by Steve Losh
Add an ATOM feed.2010-01-08, by Steve Losh
Add and use the jQuery ColorBox plugin.2010-01-08, by Steve Losh
Add thumbnailing and remove the custom gallery JS.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Get the images working, except for the gallery.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Float the About page image to the right.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Wrap lines on the About page.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Adjust the ampersand size.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Add the rest of the project photos, and the gallery script.2009-12-26, by Steve Losh
Add more images.2009-12-26, by Steve Losh
Add the first set of images.2009-12-26, by Steve Losh
Move the bottom padding in the CSS.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Add dquo styles.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Link the article titles.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Add the post stats.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Switch a header around in the DJ post.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Add TOC styles.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Adjust the markdown and typogrify tags.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Lots of style adjustments.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Adjust list margins.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Adjust more styles (code blocks).2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add the project content.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add the rest of the blog entries.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add a modified version of Aardvark legs.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Remove the useless Hyde post.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Fix the article comment tag issue.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
More style changes.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Switch around the title.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add real snippet support.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add snippet support.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Adjust listing styles.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Finish adding the 2008 articles.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Add some articles to have some content to play with.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
More style changes.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
More style changes.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Start fixing the splash page.2009-12-22, by Steve Losh
Remove some extraneous titles.2009-12-22, by Steve Losh
More structure changes.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Start reworking the layout.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
More cleanup.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
More cleanup.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Remove the footer.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Format the templates to keep me sane.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
More shuffling.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Shuffling.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Switch back to index.html for listings.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Add some sample content.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Add more directories to the ignore file.2009-12-16, by Steve Losh
Add a simple fabfile.2009-12-16, by Steve Losh
Initial commit.2009-12-16, by Steve Losh
Fix some comment exporting issues.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add the comment export script.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Move the settings to work.2009-12-12, by Steve Losh
Add django-simplebackup settings.2009-12-12, by Steve Losh
Change the source link to point at the REAL BitBucket link.2009-10-01, by Steve Losh
Okay, okay, names can be two letters.2009-09-17, by Steve Losh
Adjust the code font in blog comments.2009-09-01, by Steve Losh
Add an extra style for unbordered images.2009-08-31, by Steve Losh
Group the snip code so it appears correctly.2009-08-23, by Steve Losh
Add the snip functions and use them for the admin.2009-08-22, by Steve Losh
Split the projects by type really fast. This can be done better.2009-08-21, by Steve Losh
Add the .venv file.2009-07-30, by Steve Losh
Add the TOC extension to project and entry bodies.2009-07-26, by Steve Losh
Fix the project code comments.2009-07-16, by Steve Losh
Add aardvark legs to make the CSS stronger.2009-07-16, by Steve Losh
Add a meta element to specify the charset as UTF-8.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Remove a lot of useless stuff from the feed templates.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Reduce the number of items in the RSS feed to five.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Add RSS autodiscovery to every page.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Switch the RSS link to point to feedburner.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Remove extraneous feeds and bird feeder stuff.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Move the link URLs to lists when printing.2009-06-16, by Steve Losh
Add a print stylesheet to hide unnecessary elements.2009-06-15, by Steve Losh
Fix the formatting of inline code snippets in list items.2009-06-02, by Steve Losh
Cleaned up the silly hardcoding of the BASE_DIR.2009-04-08, by Steve Losh
Updated some MB styles, templates.2009-03-27, by Steve Losh
Update the MB templates.2009-03-27, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Cleaned up the project URLs.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Cleaned up the entry URLs in the templates.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Cleaned the URLs up a bit.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Forgot some of the photoblog stuff.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Removed the silly ProjectFile model. I know how to use FTP...2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Removed the photoblog, removed the silly ProjectPhoto thing too.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Really, Firefox? I actually have to tell you to inherit the font-weight for a *div*?2009-03-20, by Steve Losh
Mmm, candy.2009-03-19, by Steve Losh
Thats what I get for demoing with my live repo...2009-03-19, by Steve Losh
Removed the photoblog link, replaced with source.2009-03-19, by Steve Losh
Reversed the site title - definitely better this way.2009-03-18, by Steve Losh
Added a bad loginurl.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Fixing the ampersand color in links.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Stupid hgignore!2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Adding styling for messengerbag.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Added messengerbag to URLs and settings.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Updated the ignore to hide messengerbag.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Goodbye thoughts, youll live on in version control!2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Everything feed is once again unborked, and the templates are cleaner!2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
De-borking the Everything feed, part 1.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Made the spec path mroe specific.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Pretty much done with the photo blog.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
More changes for the photo blog.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Got a working photoblog (almost).2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Fixed the plural for blog entries too.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Figured out the verbose_name_plural stuff.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Started the photoblog app.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Pulled out the URLs into app-specific files.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Adjusted the blogs orphan value.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
The blog now uses Djangos paginator.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
Added some spacing to the thoughts.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
Refactored Thoughts to use Djangos built-in pagination.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
Fixed what I just screwed up.2009-02-10, by Steve Losh
Centered non-inline blog images.2009-02-10, by Steve Losh
No, really, I did.2009-02-09, by Steve Losh
Added an h4 style.2009-02-09, by Steve Losh
Added some extra css classes for non-blog photos.2009-02-07, by Steve Losh
Added a tiny border to blog post images.2009-02-06, by Steve Losh
Started using Bugs Everywhere for bug tracking.2009-01-30, by Steve Losh
Added the Typogrify template tag and started using it everywhere!2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Fixed the import bug. Stupid cwd being on the python path by default...2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Added Akismet spam filtering for comments.2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Filtered spam from the RSS comment feeds.2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Added a field to mark spams to the Comment models.2009-01-23, by Steve Losh
Fixed a gallery bug.2009-01-21, by Steve Losh
Added image styling for projects.2009-01-21, by Steve Losh
Mobileadmin install instructions = slight fail.2009-01-19, by Steve Losh
Installed the django-mobileadmin stuff.2009-01-19, by Steve Losh
Added support for photos to the projects app.2009-01-19, by Steve Losh
Fixed some comment formatting issues.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
A few changes in the CSS styles for the site.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Added syntax highlighting support for blog entries.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
CSS changes for inline code blocks.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Changed the styling of h3's on the site.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Self-dot, damn you, self-dot!2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Stupid mistake.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Oh my god Bird Feeder is a pain to use with dynamic feeds.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Got *all* the feeds working this time.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Got the Seeds working with Mint's Bird Feeder plugin.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fixed the feed Mint stats.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Added Mint tracking to the RSS feeds (part 1).2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Added a template for, by Steve Losh
Fixed the baseline rhythm issue on the iPhone.2009-01-15, by Steve Losh
Finished implementing all the feeds.2009-01-15, by Steve Losh
Added project and comment feeds.2009-01-14, by Steve Losh
Blog post RSS implemented.2009-01-14, by Steve Losh
Initial open-source revision of the site.2009-01-14, by Steve Losh