layout/skeleton/_atom.xml @ f6196b96a567

Add the Mercurial vs. Git entry.
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:55:23 -0500
parents d32b37e73149
children 664b58187482
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

{% spaceless %}

<feed xmlns="">
    <title>{% block title %}{{ }}{% endblock %}</title>
    {% block self_url %}
        <link href="{{ page.node.full_url }}/feed/" rel="self" />
    {% endblock %}
    {% block site_url %}
        <link href="{{ site.full_url }}"/>
    {% endblock %}
    {% block feed_extra %}{% endblock %}
    <updated>{{ now|xmldatetime }}</updated>
    <id>{{ site.full_url }}/</id>
    {% for node_page in page.node.walk_pages %}
        {% ifnotequal node_page page %}
            {% if not node_page.listing and not node_page.exclude %}
                {% ifnotequal ".htaccess" %}
                        <title type="html">{{ node_page.title }}</title>
                        <author><name>{{ }}</name></author>
                        <link href="{{ node_page.full_url }}"/>
                        <updated>{{ node_page.created|xmldatetime }}</updated>
                        <published>{{ node_page.created|xmldatetime }}</published>
                        <id>{{ node_page.full_url }}</id>
                        {% block entry_extra %}{% endblock %}
                        <content type="html">
                            {% filter force_escape %}
                                {% render_article node_page %}
                            {% endfilter %}
                {% endifnotequal %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endspaceless %}