content/projects/hg-prompt.html @ c256da53789f

Add a publish task to the fabfile.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:18:15 -0500
parents 45de198aa529
children 597b7684e378
{% extends "_post.html" %}

{% hyde
    title: "hg-prompt"
    snip: "A Mercurial extension for adding repository info to your shell prompt."
    created: 2009-06-19 22:25:17

{% block article %}

hg-prompt adds an 'hg prompt' command to Mercurial for viewing repository
information. It's designed to be used in a shell prompt. You can grab the code
from [the repository on BitBucket](

Here's what it looks like:

![My bash prompt while using hg-prompt.](/media/images/projects/{{ page.page_name }}/prompt.png "My bash prompt while using hg-prompt.")



hg-prompt requires Python 2.5+ and (obviously) Mercurial.


Clone the repository:

    $ hg clone

Edit the `[extensions]` section in your `~/.hgrc` file:

    prompt = (path to)/hg-prompt/

Using the Command

The `hg prompt` command takes a single string as an argument and outputs it.
Here's a simple (and useless) example:

    $ hg prompt "test"

Keywords in curly braces can be used to output repository information:

    $ hg prompt "currently on {branch}"
    currently on default

Keywords also have an extended form:

    {optional text{branch}more optional text}

This form will output the text and the expanded keyword **only** if the
keyword successfully expands. This can be useful for displaying extra text
only if it's applicable:

    $ hg prompt "currently on {branch} and at {bookmark}"
    currently on branch default and at 
    $ hg prompt "currently on {branch} {and at {bookmark}}"
    currently on branch default 
    $ hg bookmark my-book
    $ hg prompt "currently on {branch} {and at {bookmark}}"
    currently on branch default and at my-book

Available Keywords

There a number of keywords available. If you have any suggestions for more
please let me know.

* **bookmark:** the current bookmark (requires the [bookmarks][] extension)
* **branch:** the current branch
* **node:** the (full) changeset hash of the current parent
* **node|short:** a short form of the changeset hash of the current parent
* **node|merge:** the (full) changeset hash of the changeset you're merging with if you're currently merging, otherwise nothing.
* **node|merge|short:** a short form of the changeset hash of the changeset you're merging with if you're currently merging, otherwise nothing
* **patch:** the topmost currently-applied patch (requires the mq extension)
* **patch|count:** the number of patches in the queue
* **patch|applied:** the number of currently applied patches
* **patch|unapplied:** the number of unapplied patches in the queue
* **rev:** the repository-local changeset number of the current parent
* **rev|merge:** the repository-local changeset number of the changeset you're merging with if you're currently merging, otherwise nothing
* **root:** the full path to the root of the current repository, without a trailing slash
* **root|basename:** the directory name of the root of the current repository.  For example, if the repository is in `/home/u/myrepo` then this keyword would expand to `myrepo`.
* **status:**  `!` if the repository has any changed/added/removed files, otherwise `?` if it has any untracked (but not ignored) files, otherwise nothing
* **status|modified:** `!` if the current repository contains files that have been modified, added, removed, or deleted, otherwise nothing
* **status|unknown:** `?` if the current repository contains untracked files, otherwise nothing
* **status|modified|unknown:** `!` if the current repository contains files that have been modified, added, removed, or deleted, *and* `?` if it contains untracked (and not ignored) files, otherwise nothing
* **tags:** the tags of the current parent, separated by a space
* **tags|SEP:** the tags of the current parent, separated by `SEP`
* **task:** the current task (requires the [tasks][] extension)
* **tip:** the repository-local changeset number of the current tip
* **tip|node:** the (full) changeset hash of the current tip
* **tip|node|short:** a short form of the changeset hash of the current tip
* **update:** `^` if the current parent is not the tip of the current branch, otherwise nothing.  In effect, this lets you see if running `hg update` would do something.


Remote Status Keywords

There are several keywords available to monitor the status of remote
repositories. Because this can be an expensive operation if the remote
repository is across a network, they cache their results in
`.hg/prompt/cache/`. The cache is updated roughly every fifteen minutes.

* **incoming:** this keyword prints nothing on its own.  If the default path contains incoming changesets the extra text will be expanded. For example: `{incoming changes{incoming}}` will expand to `incoming changes` if there are changes, or nothing otherwise.
* **incoming|count:** the number of incoming changesets if greater than 0
* **outgoing:** this keyword prints nothing on its own.  If the current repository contains outgoing changesets (to default) the extra text will be expanded. For example: `{outgoing changes{outgoing}}` will expand to `outgoing changes` if there are changes, or nothing otherwise.
* **outgoing|count:** the number of outgoing changesets if greater than 0

Putting it in a Bash Prompt

To put it in your bash prompt, edit your `~/.bashrc` file to include something
like this:

    hg_ps1() {
        hg prompt "{ on {branch}}{ at {bookmark}}{status}" 2> /dev/null
    export PS1='\u at \h in \w$(hg_ps1)\n$ '

`source ~/.bashrc` after to test it out. Make sure you're in a Mercurial
repository or you won't see anything. This little prompt will give you
something like this:

    steve at myhost in ~/src/hg-prompt on default at feature-bookmark?

How about something a little more interesting?

    hg_ps1() {
        hg prompt "{[+{incoming|count}]-->}{root|basename}{/{branch}}{-->[+{outgoing|count}]}{ at {bookmark}}{status}" 2> /dev/null
    export PS1='$(hg_ps1)\n\u at \h in \w\n$ '

And the result (this example assumes one incoming changeset and two outgoing):

    [+1]-->hg-prompt/default-->[+2] at feature-bookmark
    steve at myhost in ~/src/hg-prompt

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

The code was kind of thrown together in one night after I got tired of
chaining three or four hg runs together to get what I wanted. I'm sure it's
not perfect, so if you've got a way to improve it please [add an
issue]( and let me know.

{% endblock %}