content/projects/lindyjam-com.html @ 6efb52eb377e

Add the Writing Vim Plugins entry.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:50:10 -0400
parents def464696a83
children (none)
{% extends "_post.html" %}

{% hyde
    title: ""
    snip: "A page for a local weekly swing dance event (and more)."
    created: 2009-01-21 18:28:35
    exclude: True

{% block article %}

A few days ago I released the new [Lindy Jam][] website. Lindy Jam is a weekly
swing dance in Rochester, NY. I wanted to create a site that was useful for
those that attend the event but also more than just a "here's when it is and
how to get there" page.

[Lindy Jam]:

![ screenshot](/media/images/projects/{{ page.page_name }}/lindyjamcom-splash.png "Screenshot of the Lindy Jam site.")


Let me preface this section by saying: "I'm not a graphic designer." Yes, I
appreciate good design and typography, but I simply haven't studied it as much
as I'd like. That might change in the future, but for now I'll make due with
the knowledge I have.

There are very few images used on the site; the background stripes and the
splash page photo(s) comprise all of them. I did this for a few reasons:

* It saved me time.
* The site loads faster.
* The site scales to larger or smaller sizes very gracefully.

I tried to keep things as clean as possible while still being useful. Comments
and error messages are displayed immediately, without reloading the page. This
makes it easier to see what you've done (or what went wrong) right off the

I'm not 100% pleased with how it came out, but it will do until I learn more
about design. If you have advice or suggestions about the design, please
[email me][]!

[email me]:


### About

The most important part of the site is probably the [About][] page, because it
tells people when and where the event happens. It's as simple and to the point
as I could make it so people can get the information they're looking for right
away. It's linked right from the splash page so it's easier to find.


### DJ Schedule

Another important piece of the site is the [DJ Schedule][] page. Every week
someone can sign up to DJ the event. They get in for free, and we get to hear
a wider variety of music. The schedule page makes it easy to sign up for a
week in the near future.

When you sign up to DJ you can also enter your email address or cell phone
number (or both) if you'd like to be reminded. I know that sometimes I've
almost forgotten to bring my laptop (and arrive right on time), so I hope that
this feature will be useful to other DJs too.

[DJ Schedule]:

### Blog

One thing I believe our Lindy Hop scene lacks is a place for people to write
thoughtful, well-crafted articles about the scene. I hope the Lindy Jam
[Blog][] can become such a place.

It's a fairly simple blog; entries and comments are written in [Markdown][] so
authors don't need to know HTML to make their articles look nice. Anyone can
comment without signing up for anything, so I hope people will take advantage
of that and discuss the articles.

[Markdown]: {{links.markdown}}

### Links

Most sites like this have a list of links to other sites that their viewers
might be interested in, and this site is no different. The [Links][] page is a
simple, clean list of links that anyone can contribute to. If someone knows of
a great page we haven't listed, they can submit it and it will appear on the
page as soon as it's been approved.


### Quotes

Along the top of every page is a random quote. Right now there aren't very
many, but I hope that people will submit some more by going to the [Quotes][]
page or by text messaging them to <>.

I think the quotes add a more personal touch and allowing anyone to add one
can really make it a "community" site.


### RSS

We nerds love our [RSS][] feeds, so I've implemented a couple of different
feeds that people can use to stay up to date.



The site was built with [Django][] because it makes it very, very easy to get
a dynamic site like this up and running quickly. I use [Fabric][] to deploy it
(check out [this
on my personal blog for more information about that). All of the fancy effects
use [jQuery][] so I can avoid programming them from scratch in javascript (and
tearing my hair out).

One thing I would do differently if I were to design the site all over again
is use a CSS framework like [Blueprint][]. I used Blueprint for my personal
site and it made things far, far easier than writing the layout in CSS from
scratch. I definitely recommend it if you want to keep your sanity.

The site itself is hosted on [WebFaction][]. I use them to host my own site
too and they're fantastic. Setting up a Django or Rails (or any other type) of
site is quick and easy, and they're very cheap. If you're looking for a web
host you should check them out.

The site is open source if you'd like to take a look at what makes it tick.
You can browse or download the code from the [Mercurial repository][] on

[Django]: {{links.django}}
[Fabric]: {{links.fabric}}
[WebFaction]: {{links.webfaction}}
[Mercurial repository]:


If you have any comments or questions about the site please let me know! You
can post them here or [email me][].

{% endblock %}