content/blog/2018/08/a-road-to-common-lisp.markdown @ 6bb8080b3909

Merge the Lisp refactor.  Good riddance, Hugo.
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 09 Jan 2020 19:36:59 -0800
parents f5556130bda1
children (none)
(:title "A Road to Common Lisp"
 :snip "How and why you can and should learn this old language."
 :date "2018-08-27T15:50:00Z"
 :draft nil)

I've gotten a bunch of emails asking for advice on how to learn Common Lisp in
the present day.  I decided to write down all the advice I've been giving
through email and social media posts in the hopes that someone might find it

One disclaimer up front: this is *a* road to Common Lisp, not *the* road to
Common Lisp.  It's what I followed (without some of the dead ends) and has
a *lot* of my personal opinions baked in, but it is by no means the only way to
learn the language.

This post has been translated into
I can't vouch for the accuracy of any translations.

<div id="toc"></div>

## Context

I think it's important to have a sense of where Common Lisp came from and what
kind of a language it is before you start learning it.  There are some things
that will seem very strange if you're coming straight from modern languages,
but will make more sense if you've got a bit of background context.

### History

Common Lisp has a long, deep history.  I'm not going to try to cover it all here
— if you're interested you should check out some of the following (in roughly
increasing order of detail):

* Wikipedia's [History of Lisp][wiki-history-lisp] and [History of Common Lisp][wiki-history-cl].
* The [Where it Began section in Practical Common Lisp][pcl-history].
* The [History: Where did Lisp come from?][cll-history] section of the comp.lang.lisp FAQ.
* [Common Lisp: the Untold Story][untold] by Kent Pitman.
* [The Evolution of Lisp][evolution] by Guy Steele and Richard Gabriel.

I realize you probably won't want to read all of the links above immediately, so
here's a whirlwind tour of sixty years of Lisp.

Lisp began in the late 1950's.  It was invented by John McCarthy at MIT.

Over the next twenty or so years various versions and dialects of Lisp grew and
flourished.  Some of the more notable dialects were Maclisp, BBN Lisp/Interlisp,
Franz Lisp, Spice Lisp, and Lisp Machine Lisp.  There were others too.  The
point is that there were a *lot* of different implementations, all growing,
changing, and trying out different things.

(Scheme also originated in this time frame, but took a very different route and
diverged from the path we're looking at.  I won't cover Scheme in this post.)

In the early 1980s people decided that having a whole slew of
mutually-incompatible dialects of Lisp might be not be ideal.  An effort was
made to take these different languages that had grown organically and produce
one common language that would satisfy the needs of everyone (or at least
a reasonable subset of "everyone").  In 1984 the first edition of Guy Steele's
[Common Lisp: the Language][cltl] was published.

If you do some math you'll see that at the time the book was published Lisp had
around twenty-five years of real-world use, experimentation, experience, and
history to draw upon.  Even so, the book alone didn't quite satisfy everyone and
in 1986 a committee (X3J13) was formed to produce an ANSI specification for
Common Lisp.

While the committee worked on the standardization process, in 1990 the second
edition of Common Lisp: the Language was published.  This was more
comprehensive and contained some of the things the committee was working on
(see the comp.lang.lisp FAQ linked above for more on this).  At this point the
Lisp family of languages had over thirty years of experience and history to
draw upon.  For comparison: Python (a "modern" language many people think of as
also being "kind of old") [was released][python] for the first time the
following year.

In 1992 the X3J13 committee published the first draft of the new Common Lisp
ANSI standard for public review (see Pitman's paper).  The draft was approved in
1994 and the approved specification was finally published in 1995.  At this
point Lisp was over thirty-five years old.  The first version of Ruby [was
released][rubby] in December of that year.

That's the end of the history lesson.  There has not been another revision of
the ANSI specification of Common Lisp.  The version published in 1995 is the one
that is still used today — if you see something calling itself "an
implementation of Common Lisp" today, that is the specification it's referring

### Consequences

I wanted to give you a quick overview of the history of Common Lisp because I
want you to know what you're getting yourself into.  I want you to realize that
Common Lisp is a stable, large, practical, extensible, ugly language.
Understanding these characteristics will make a lot of things make more sense
as you learn the language, and I want to talk a little bit more about each of
them before I start offering recommendations.

#### Escaping the Hamster Wheel of Backwards Incompatibility

If you're coming from other languages, you're probably used to things breaking
when you "upgrade" your language implementation and/or libraries.  If you want
to run Ruby code you wrote ten years ago on the latest version of Ruby, it's
probably going to take some effort to update it.  My current day job is in Scala,
and if a library's last activity is more than 2 or 3 years old on Github I just
assume it won't work without a significant amount of screwing around on my part.
The Hamster Wheel of Backwards Incompatibility we deal with every day is a fact
of life in most modern languages, though some are certainly better than others.

If you learn Common Lisp, this is usually not the case.  In the next section of
this post I'll be recommending a book written in 1990.  You can run its code,
unchanged, in a Common Lisp implementation released last month.  After years of
jogging on the Hamster Wheel of Backwards Incompatibility I cannot tell you how
much of a *relief* it is to be able to write code and reasonably expect it to
still work in twenty years.

Of course, this is only the case for the language itself — if you depend on any
libraries there's always the chance they might break when you update them.  But
I've found the stability of the core language is contagious, and overall the
Common Lisp community seems fairly good about maintaining backwards

I'll be honest though: there are exceptions.  As you learn the language and
start using libraries you'll start noticing some library authors who don't
bother to document and preserve stable APIs for their libraries, and if
staying off the Hamster Wheel is important to you you'll learn to avoid relying
on code written by those people as much as possible.

#### Practicality Begets Purity

Another thing to understand about Common Lisp is that it's a large, practical
language.  The second edition of Common Lisp: the Language (usually abbreviated
as "CLtL2" by Common Lisp programmers) is 971 pages long, not including the
preface, references, or index.  You can get a surprising amount done by writing
pure Common Lisp without much extra support.

When programming applications in Common Lisp people will often depend on
a small(ish) number of stable libraries, and library writers often try to
minimize dependencies by utilizing as much of the core language as possible.
I try to stick to fewer than ten or so dependencies for my applications and no
more than two or three for my libraries (preferably zero, if possible), but I'm
probably a bit more conservative than most folks.  I *really* don't like the
Hamster Wheel.

It's also worth noting that since Common Lisp has been around and stable for so
long, it has *libraries* older and more stable than many programming languages.
For example: Bordeaux Threads (the de-facto threading library for Common Lisp)
was first proposed in 2004 and released soon after (2006 at the latest but
possibly earlier, it's hard to tell because so many links are dead now), which
makes it about fourteen years old.  So yes, threading is handled by a library,
but I'm not worried about it breaking my code in the next decade or two.

My advice is this: as you learn Common Lisp and look for libraries, try to
suppress the voice in the back of your head that says "This project was last
updated six years ago?  That's probably abandoned and broken."  The stability of
Common Lisp means that sometimes libraries can just be *done*, not *abandoned*,
so don't dismiss them out of hand.

#### Extensibility

Part of Common Lisp's practicality comes from its extensibility.  No one has
been clamoring for a new version of the specification that adds features
because Common Lisp's extensibility allows users to add new features to the
language as plain old libraries, without having to alter the core language.
Macros are what might come to mind when you hear "Lisp extensibility", and of
course that's part of it.  Macros allow users to write libraries that would
need to be core language features in other languages.

Common Lisp doesn't include string interpolation.  You want it?  No problem, you
don't have to wait for [Scala
2.10]( or
[Python 3.6](, just [use
a library][cl-interpol].

Want to try some nondeterministic programming without any boilerplate?  [Grab
a library][screamer].

Pattern matching syntax can make for some really beautiful, readable code.
Common Lisp doesn't include it, but of course [there's a library][trivia].

Enjoying algebraic data types in Haskell or Scala?  Here's your

All of these libraries rely on macros to make using them feel seamless.  Of
course you could *do* all of that without macros, but you've have to add a layer
of boilerplate to manage evaluation.  This:

    (match foo
      '(list x y z) (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z))
      '(vector x y) (lambda (x y) (- x y)))

just doesn't flow off the fingers like:

    (match foo
      ((list x y z) (+ x y z))
      ((vector x y) (- x y)))

No one's up in arms trying to get a new revision of the Common Lisp standard to
add pattern matching because you can write it as a library and get 90% or more
of what you've get if it were built in.  The language gives you enough power to
extend it in a way that feels like the extension was there from the beginning.

Having things that are core features in other languages be provided by libraries
might seem at odds with the previous section about minimizing dependencies, and
to some extent that's true.  But I think there's a happy medium where you can
write stable libraries in the core language and then depend on a small number of
those libraries in your applications to add exactly the features you need for
any particular problem.

#### Power

Macros are one of the things that make Lisp so extensible, because they let you
transform arbitrary code into other arbitrary code.  This is true for macros in
languages like C too, but Common Lisp macros are different because they're *part
of the language*.

In C you have a layer of macros on top, written in a preprocessor macro
language.  The macro layer and the language layer are separate from each other,
with the macro layer providing one one extra level of abstractive power (which,
don't get me wrong, is certainly useful).

In Common Lisp, you write macros *in Common Lisp itself*.  You can then use
those macros to write functions, and use those functions to write more macros.
Instead of two stratified layers it's a *feedback loop* of abstractive power.

But macros aren't the only thing about Common Lisp that make it so practical and
extensible.  Something people often don't realize is that while Common Lisp is
an extremely high-level language thanks to macros, it also has plenty of
low-level facilities as part of the language.  It's never going to be as
low-level as something like C, Rust, or Forth, but you might be surprised at
some of the things that the ANSI spec includes.

Want to see the assembly code a particular function compiles down to?
[`DISASSEMBLE`][dis] it!

Want to stack-allocate something to avoid some garbage collection?  X3J13
[thought of that][dynext].

Need arrays of unboxed floats to ship to a graphics card?  [The standard allows
for that][arrays].

Think `GOTO` should be considered helpful, not harmful?  Well, okay, we're all
adults here.  [Good luck][tagbody], try not to shoot your foot off.

Need to do unsigned 8-bit arithmetic in your Game Boy emulator, but would prefer
it to compile down to just a machine instruction or two?  [It's

Not all Common Lisp implementations actually perform all these optimizations,
but the designers of Common Lisp had the foresight to include the language
features needed to support them.  You can write vanilla Common Lisp as defined
by the standard and trust that it will run everywhere, and implementations that
*do* support these kinds of things will take advantage of the optimization

This combination of supporting extremely high-level programming with macros and
a reasonable amount of low-level optimization mean that even though the
specification is over twenty years old, it's still a good solid base to build on
today.  The thirty years of experience and history the designers were drawing
from allowed them to create a very practical language that has survived for

#### Ugliness

It's also important to realize that while Common Lisp might be very practical,
the need to accommodate existing users and dialects means that there are plenty
of ugly parts.  If you buy a paper copy of the second edition of Common Lisp:
the Language and look up "kludges" in the index you'll find this:

[![Photo of a page of CLtL2's Index, listing "kludges" as pages 1 to 971](/static/images/blog/2018/07/lisp-kludge.jpeg)](/static/images/blog/2018/07/lisp-kludge.jpeg)

Common Lisp is not a beautiful crystal of programming language design.  It's
a scruffy workshop with a big pegboard wall of tools, a thin layer of sawdust on
the floor, a filing cabinet in the office with a couple of drawers that open
perpendicular to the rest, and there's a weird looking saw with `RPLACD` written
on the side sitting off in a corner where no one's touched it for twenty years.

This historical baggage is a price paid to ensure Common Lisp had a future.  It
made it practical for people using the old dialects to actually adopt Common
Lisp with a reasonable amount of effort.  If the designers had tried to make it
perfect and beautiful this could have made it too different to port
implementations and code to and might have resulted in the language being
ignored, instead of being adopted and embraced.


## A Road to Learning Common Lisp

If all of this hasn't scared you away from the language, let's talk about how
you can learn it in 2018.

If you search around on the internet for Common Lisp tutorials and guides,
you're not going to find as much as you might expect.  This is because a lot of
Common Lisp reference material was created before or during the infancy of the
internet.  There are a *lot* of books about Common Lisp out there.  Some are
better than others.  I'll recommend the ones I think are the best, but don't
hesitate to browse around and find others.

### Get a Lisp

To get started with Common Lisp you'll need to install a Common Lisp
implementation.  Common Lisp is an ANSI specification, so there are multiple
implementations of it, which gives you choices.  There are a bunch of options,
but I'll make it simple for you:

* If you're using MacOS and want a single GUI app you can download from the App
  Store, choose [ClozureCL][CCL] (often abbreviated "CCL").
* Otherwise, choose [SBCL][].

That's Clozure with a Z.  Clojure is something entirely different that just
happens to have a confusingly similar name.

You might also hear of something called CLISP, which sounds like it might be
what you want.  It's not.  CLISP is just another implementation, but it hasn't
had a release in eight years (even though development is still ongoing in its
source repos!) and it's not as commonly used as CCL or SBCL, so it'll be harder
to find help if you have questions about the installation, etc.

You might also hear about something called Roswell.  Don't use Roswell, you don't
need it (yet (or at all)).

Just install SBCL or CCL for now, you can explore the other options once you've
got your bearings a bit better.

### Pick an Editor

You might hear people tell you that you *must* learn Emacs before learning
Common Lisp.  They're wrong.  You can get started learning the language just
fine in whatever text editor you're comfortable in.

If you don't have a preference, CCL itself comes bundled with a text editor on
MacOS.  That one will work just fine to start.

Emacs, Vim, Sublime Text, Atom, whatever, for now it doesn't matter.  As long as
it can balance parentheses, highlight comments and strings, and autoindent Lisp
code that's all you need to start.  Worry about shaving the editor yak once
you're more comfortable in the language.

### Hello, Lisp

To check that you've got everything set up properly, make a `hello.lisp` file
with the following contents:

(defun hello ()
  (write-line "What is your name?")
  (let ((name (read-line)))
    (format t "Hello, ~A.~%" name)))

Don't worry about what this means yet, it's just a check that everything's
working properly.

Open an SBCL or CCL REPL ([Read/Eval/Print
Loop]( and
load the file by entering `(load "hello.lisp")`, then call the function and make
sure it works.  It should look something like this if you picked SBCL:

    $ sbcl
    * (load "hello.lisp")

    * (hello)
    What is your name?
    Hello, Steve.

Or if you chose CCL but still want to use the command line, rather than the
MacOS app (the command line program might be annoyingly named `ccl64` if you're
on a 64-bit system):

    $ ccl64
    Clozure Common Lisp Version ...

    ? (load "hello.lisp")
    ? (hello)
    What is your name?
    Hello, Steve.

If your arrow keys and backspace don't work in the REPL, use [`rlwrap`][rlwrap]
to fix that.  `rlwrap sbcl` will give you a non-miserable REPL.  `rlwrap` is
a handy tool to have in your toolbox anyway.


### A Gentle Introduction

The best book I've found for getting started in Common Lisp is [Common Lisp:
A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation][book-gentle].  This book really
does strive to be gentle.  Even if you've programmed before I'd still recommend
starting here because it eases you into the language.

The 1990 edition is available free from the site, and there's a 2013 reprint
which fixes some minor errors in the 1990 version.  If you can afford it I'd
recommend buying the 2013 edition, but the 1990 version will also do fine.

Go through the book and *do all the exercises*.  This will take a while, and
is mainly meant to get you started overcoming some of the main obstacles to
being comfortable in Common Lisp, such as:

* How am I ever going to remember all these weird function names?
* Why do people use strings so rarely?
* When do I need the god damn quotation mark?

If you find the book is moving too slow, just skim forward a bit.  Skimming is
a very useful skill to practice as a programmer.  I think it's better for
authors to err on the side of explaining too much when writing books and
documentation — expert readers should be comfortable skimming if you explain too
*much*, but new users will be stuck wallowing in confusion if you're too terse.
Creating hours of newbie misery and confusion to save a few flicks of an
expert's scroll wheel is a poor tradeoff to make.

You should also join the `#clschool` channel on the Freenode IRC network so you
can ask questions if you get stuck.  For the most part people there are friendly
and helpful, though I'll warn you in advance that there's at least one person
who can sometimes be abrasive.  There's also a `#clnoobs` channel, but that was
mostly abandoned during the latest wave of Freenode spam because no one had ops
to help combat the spam.

If IRC isn't your thing there's also a [Discord
server]( that some of us hang out in.  Join the
`#common-lisp` channel there and we'll be happy to help you.


### Getting Practical

Once you've finished that book the next one you should attack is [Practical
Common Lisp][book-pcl].  You can get a paper copy if you want, but the full book
is available on the site for free.

You can skip the editor/programming environment part because the environment it
recommends (Lisp in a Box) is abandoned and no longer works.  Just keep using
the programming environment you're comfortable with for now.

Unfortunately the book doesn't include exercises.  If you *really* want to get
the most out of it you can type in all the code as you're reading it and poke at
it, but if you've already done the exercises in the previous book it's probably
safe to just sit down and read the book carefully.  Don't read more than
a chapter or two a day.  It will take a while for your brain to digest all the

Make sure you understand everything as you go through the book.  Don't be afraid
to ask questions on IRC or Discord (or email me if you want, I don't mind) if
something's not clear.

You should also begin to get comfortable looking up things in [the Common Lisp
language specification][clhs] itself.  It's the ultimate manual for Common Lisp.
It can be pretty dense at points, but can answer many questions you might have
if you read it slowly and carefully.  You can either use the index page to find
what you're looking for or just search on Google for "clhs whatever" (CLHS
stands for "Common Lisp HyperSpec", which is the hyperlinked, HTML version of
the spec).  If you already use the Dash app for MacOS, it has the Common Lisp
spec available.

(Some people will tell you to learn the language by just reading the spec.  That's
ridiculous — it's like trying to learn French by reading a dictionary.  It's
a useful tool to have, but not the only one you'll need.)


### Make Something

Once you've got those two books under your belt and some practice using the
spec, it's time to make something without someone holding your hand.  It doesn't
have to be anything big or special, the goal is to just write some Lisp without
having the answer on the next page.

If you need some ideas:

* Do some [Project Euler]( problems.
* Do some [Advent of Code]( exercises.
* Make a [stupid Twitter bot](
* Make a personal calendar program that records your appointments, checks the
  weather forecast the day of, etc.
* Use [Sketch][] to implement the stuff in some [Coding Math videos][coding-math].

It doesn't really matter what you make, just make *something* on your own.


### Lisp as a System

At this point it's time to take your Common Lisp skills up a notch.  Up until
now I've told you to just use any text editor because it's more important to
get you some experience with the language, but now it's time to dive into the
deep end.

In most languages the development process looks something like this:

1. Edit some code in the project with an editor.
2. Compile the project (some languages skip this step).
3. Run the project (or the tests).
4. Observe the output (in the console, a browser, etc).
5. Go to 1.

This is not how most Common Lisp users interact with the language.  In Common
Lisp, the development cycle looks more like this:

1. Start a Lisp process.
2. Load the project.
3. Edit some code with your editor.
4. Tell the running process to compile *only the code you edited*.
5. Interact with the changed code in the process via the REPL, an HTTP request, etc.
6. Observe the output (in the console, a browser, etc).
7. Go to 3.

When you embrace the Lisp way of working you'll rarely recompile and reload an
entire project.  Usually you'll write a function (or a macro, or parameter, or
whatever), compile *just that function*, maybe poke at it in the REPL a bit, and
then move on to the next function.  This has some advantages over the
traditional compile-everything-then-run approach.

First: compiling a small chunk of code is fast.  I just timed compiling a few of
the larger functions in one of my projects and they took around 50-80
microseconds.  You don't have to wait for the compiler, so your
concentration/thought process never has time to wander.

Another advantage is that when you get back the results of your compilation (and
running), any errors or warnings you receive are almost certainly related to the
few lines of code you just compiled.  If you compile a ten-line function, run
it, and get a division by zero error you can immediately focus in on the ten
lines you just compiled and think about what changed.

Because the Lisp process is always running, as soon as you compile a function
it's ready to be used in the REPL.  You can throw some arbitrary data at it and
inspect the results to see how it behaves in isolation before you build more
things on top of it.  This cycle of making a function, compiling it, poking at
it to make sure it's working as expected, and moving on happens *constantly*.

In contrast, when working in languages like Scala or Python I almost never find
myself writing one single function and compiling or running the project
immediately.  Spinning up the compiler or running the unit tests takes at
*least* a second or two (or sometimes *minutes* in Scala, unfortunately) so to
avoid having a constant stream of gaps in my thought I end up writing a bunch of
functions at once, and then I run the project or tests once I know they have
a chance of working.

But then when I get back an error I have much more surface area to check,
because I've added a lot of new code!  So now I have to track down a problem
that might be in something I wrote four minutes ago, whereas in Lisp I would
only have to ever look at the code I wrote in the last few seconds.

I've started using IntelliJ with Scala to help make this a bit less painful.  It
does help with the compile times because it recompiles things on the fly, but it
doesn't solve the rest of the problem.  I can write a Scala function in IntelliJ
and it will be compiled immediately, but I can't *interact* with it immediately
like I can in Common Lisp.

When you work in this style with Common Lisp I think you'll really grow to love
it.  Writing in other languages will begin to feel like shipping your code off
to the DMV and getting it back a week later with a page full of red ink
somewhere in the hundred forms you filled out.  Writing in Common Lisp feels
like interacting with a living, breathing organism, or like [teaching things to
an eager assistant][eager].

This philosophy of Lisp being not just a programming *language* but a living,
breathing programming [*system*][gabriel-system] goes beyond just the short
feedback loop and interactive REPL, too. 


As an example: imagine you're making a video game and have a bug somewhere in
your damage calculation that will occasionally cause a division by zero.  Now
let's say you're working on the code for a particular quest.  You'll start the
game, load a save file at the beginning of the quest, and start going through
the steps.  All of a sudden, in the middle of killing the final monster for the
quest, you hit the damage bug!  In traditional languages, one of two things
might happen:

1. The game crashes, and you get a stack trace and maybe a core dump.
2. You've wrapped a `try` block around the main game loop that logs a stack
   trace and ignores errors and allows the game to continue.

Case 1 is pretty bad.  You've got to try to track down the bug from a snapshot
of what things looked like at the time (the stack trace and core dump).  And
even if you manage to fix it, now you've got to redo all that playing to get
back to testing your quest code that you were originally working on.

Case 2 is bad, in a different way.  If you just ignore errors all the time, the
game might now be in a weird state.  You also might lose some critical context
that's necessary to debug the problem, unless you're also saving a core dump
(but I don't know of many people who save a core dump on every exception).

In Common Lisp you can certainly choose to panic on or ignore errors, but
there's a better way to work.  When an error is signaled in Common Lisp, it
doesn't unwind the stack.  The Lisp process will pause execution at that point
and open a window in your editor showing you the stack trace.  Your warrior's
sword is hovering over the monster, waiting for you.  At this point you can
communicate with the running process at the REPL to see what's going on.  You
can examine variables in the stack, or even run any arbitrary code you want.

Once you figure out the problem ("Oh, I see, the `calculate-armor-percentage`
function returns `0` if a shielding spell ran out during the same frame") you
can fix the code, recompile the problematic function, and *restart the execution
of that function (or any other one!) in the call stack*!  Your warrior's sword
lands, and you move back to what you were doing before.

You don't have to track down the bug from just a stack trace, like a detective
trying to piece together what happened by the [blood stains][] on
the wall.  You can examine the crime *as it's happening* and intervene to save
the victim.  It's like if you could run your code in a debugger with
a breakpoint at every single line that only activates if something goes wrong!

[blood stains]:

Maybe you don't make video games, sure, but this process can be useful in all
kinds of contexts.  Maybe you're writing a web app that talks to an API
somewhere, and are debugging a request that fails between two calls to the API,
e.g.  between "create widget `foo`" and "add `foo` to widget list `bar`".
Instead of just aborting the request, logging a stack trace, and now leaving
things in a possibly weird state (`foo` having been created without being in the
expected `bar` list), you can fix the problem and allow the request to finish

Of course this won't always work.  If you've got a big function that does some
side effects and then crashes, restarting execution of the function would make
the side effects happen again.  But if you divide up your functions well ([one
function to a function!][1ftaf]) this case is pretty rare.  And even when it
does happen, it just means you're back in the same situation you're in *by
default* with other languages!

Support for this style of interactive development doesn't just come from some
fancy editor plugins — it's baked into the bones of the language.  For example:
the standard specifies a method named
that lets you customize what happens to objects when their class is redefined!
This isn't something you'll use all the time, but something like Sketch (a
Common Lisp equivalent of Java's Processing library) [uses it][sketch-uifrc] to
automatically update the running sketch when you redefine its class.
Dynamically updating running code in a safe, consistent way doesn't require any
dark magic in Common Lisp because it's the expected, usual way to work.


So how do you actually *get* this wonderful interactive experience?  The bad
news is that you're going to need to shave the editor yak.  You really only have
two choices here:

* Emacs with [SLIME][] or [Sly][].
* Vim (or Neovim) with [Vlime][] or [Slimv][].


I wish this weren't the case, but those are really only the realistic options
today (aside from the editing environments for the (expensive) commercial

If you're like me and already have Vim burned too deeply into your fingers to
ever get it out, I'd recommend Vim with Vlime.  It will give you 80% of the
experience you'll get with Emacs.

Otherwise go with Emacs.  You might want to look into
[Portacle](, which bundles Emacs and SLIME and
a bunch of other things together, or you might want to have a go at setting up
Emacs and SLIME or Sly yourself.  I can't really give you much advice on the
Emacs side of things because I haven't had much experience with it, so you'll
need to do a bit of research here.

Whatever you choose, spend some time setting up your editor and environment of
choice.  This will be a lot of fiddly metawork, but will pay off handsomely as
you continue working in Lisp.

On a side note: if anyone is interested in making a Common Lisp [LSP][]
language server, I think it would be a hugely useful contribution to the
community.  Having an LSP server would mean you could get a much nicer
programming experience in many editors out of the box, which would help new
people quite a lot.

I think you could piggyback on top of Swank to do a lot of the language-side
stuff, and it would mostly be a matter of implementing the LSP interface.  If
this sounds interesting to you, please let me know — I'd be willing to help.
I've done some work at my day job making a Scala LSP language server that uses
IntelliJ as a backend, so I have at least some idea of how that sausage gets
made.  I just don't have the time or motivation to do an entire LSP server for
Common Lisp all by myself.


### Learning Paradigms

At this point you should have a pretty good handle on the basics of Common Lisp,
and have set up one of the more powerful development environments.  Your next
goals should be to learn how to write idiomatic Common Lisp and to get some
practice using your fancy new environment.

I think the perfect book for both of these is [Paradigms of Artificial
Intelligence Programming][PAIP], often abbreviated as PAIP.  The book was
recently made available for free as a PDF, or you can buy a used paper copy if
you prefer.


This book was written in 1992 so it's not about the hyped up AI fields you've
been hearing about in the news like machine learning — instead it's a tour of
[Good Old-Fashioned AI][gofai].  Even if you're not particularly interested in
this kind of AI, the book is a great example of how to write Common Lisp code.

One thing I really love about this book is that almost all the functions in it
have docstrings.  If you look at most other programming books they omit the
documentation strings, presumably for space reasons and because they feel the
surrounding text is documentation enough.  But writing helpful docstrings is an
art in and of itself, and I think books that omit them train readers that "good
code omits docstrings", which is a bad habit to get into.

The book contains *plenty* of exercises, conveniently categorized by how
difficult or involved they are:

* `S` for "seconds".
* `M` for "minutes".
* `H` for "hours".
* `D` for "days".

This is a very good idea which more books should steal.  Do all of the `S` and
`M` exercises, and try your hand at at least a few of the `H` ones.  If a `D`
sounds particularly interesting don't be afraid to spend some time on it
— really digging into a problem is exactly what you need at this point in your
Lisp journey.


### Switch Things Up

Now that you're comfortable in Common Lisp and your programming environment,
it's time to push yourself out of your comfort zone again.  At the beginning I
had you choose either SBCL or CCL.  Now I want you to install whichever one you
didn't originally choose and make sure all the code you've written so far runs
in it.

This may seem a bit like running in place, but making sure your code runs in
more than one implementation will keep you honest.  It will force you to write
portable code that doesn't rely on anything implementation-specific that might
change in the next decade or two.  And you might even discover that you like
this other implementation better than the original — maybe CCL's super-fast
compile times make you smile, or SBCL's strong type inference catches more of
your bugs.

Go through all the code you've written so far and make sure it all runs in the
new implementation.  You might also want to take this opportunity to refactor or
rewrite some of it — you've learned a lot since you first started, so your
earliest Common Lisp code will probably look pretty rough to you now.

### Recipes for Success

The final technical book I'll recommend to every aspiring Lisp programmer is
[Common Lisp Recipes][recipes], sometimes abbreviated as CLR.  Unlike most of
the other books I've recommended so far this one is relatively recent: it was
published in 2015.  It's not free, but I think it's well worth the money it

The book is written by the author of several very heavily used Common Lisp
libraries.  It's a bit of a grab bag of topics (which is why I think you need
a decent amount of Lisp under your belt before you tackle it) but it's a very
well-written grab bag that will teach you a lot of things you won't find in
other books.


### Final Patterns

If you've gotten this far you're pretty invested in Common Lisp, and I want to
recommend one not-strictly-technical book that I think you'll really enjoy:
Patterns of Software by Richard Gabriel.  It's available as a PDF on [the
author's site][pos], and you can still find used print copies online if you

This is *not* the "Gang of Four"/"Design Patterns" book that you might have
already read or heard about, but is a set of essays on a variety of
loosely-related topics.  It's the best book I've read so far this year.  I don't
want to spoil anything in it for you, so I'll just say that I think you'll find
it well worth your time.


## Where to Go From Here

If you made it through all the books and activities in the previous section:
congratulations, you're off to a great start!  Now that you've got a decent
handle on the core language you can explore in many different directions,
depending on your interests.

### Macros

If you want to learn the secrets of macros, you'll probably want to read and
work through [On Lisp][] and [Let Over Lambda][] (in that order).

I'll say that you should take both books (*especially* the latter) with a large
grain of salt.  A lot of Common Lisp users don't agree with all of the arguments
and style in these books, but I think they can still provide plenty of value if
you read them with a critical mind.

[On Lisp]:
[Let Over Lambda]:

### Object-Oriented Programming with CLOS

Common Lisp has some very sophisticated support for Object-Oriented Programming
through CLOS.  If you're like me and have bad memories of OOP from working in
a Java cube farm, I'd urge you to give CLOS a fair chance to change your mind.

Start with [Object-Oriented Programming in COMMON LISP: A Programmer's Guide to
CLOS][Keene].  It's a wonderfully-written, short and to-the-point book that will
give you a good overview of how CLOS is intended to be used.

If you really want to bend your mind, try [The Art of the Metaobject
Protocol][amop] (usually abbreviated as AMOP).  This book will probably take you
a couple of tries to get through.  Read it until you hit a mental wall, go work
on other things for a couple of months, and come back and try again.  Repeat
that process as many times as necessary.


### Low-Level Programming

Low-level programming can mean a lot of different things, so I'll just mention
one possibility here.

If you're interested in writing emulators for old computers, I wrote [a series
of posts][chip8posts] on making a [CHIP-8][] emulator in Common Lisp.
[cl-6502][] is an emulator for the processor used in the NES (and lots of other
things) and has a really nice [literate programming][cl-6502-book] version
that's wonderful to read through.


### Web Development

Unfortunately I don't have too many suggestions for web development in Common
Lisp.  I've made a conscious effort to avoid web development in the past five or
so years, because it seems like the Hamster Wheel of Backwards Incompatibility
has become more of a Hamster Centrifuge in that field.

There is a `#lispweb` channel on Freenode and a `#webdev` channel in the Lisp
Discord, so if you have questions you could start by asking there.  Those
channels are a bit less populated than the other Lisp channels, so don't expect
an answer immediately.

### Game Development

Common Lisp has a small but enthusiastic community of people who like making
games.  There's a `#lispgames` channel on Freenode and a `#gamedev` channel on
the Lisp Discord that you should join if you're interested.

[Land of Lisp]( is a fun book to go through.  The coding
style in the book has some... "eccentricities", which is why I don't recommend
it as a first book on Lisp (e.g. using `ash` instead of `truncate` or `floor`
for integer division), but if you know the language and just want to get started
making some simple games I think you'll enjoy working through it.

If you want an excuse to make a game in Lisp in a week, the Lisp Game Jam is
something you can join.  It's usually held once or twice each year, so you'll
have to search around (or ask in `#lispgames`) to find out when the next one is.

Lisp doesn't have any engine as full-featured as Unity, but several people are
currently working on making 3D game engines.  Ask around to see what people are
using these days.  Unfortunately a 3D game engine will generally need to
interface with the OS to render images and produce audio, and so can't be
written in pure Common Lisp.  This means that some running on the Hamster Wheel
of Backwards Incompatibility will be necessary to keep up with OS changes (e.g.
[Apple deprecating OpenGL][eat-shit-apple]).

If you're interested in old-school ASCII/tile-based games, I've personally done
some work with using [ncurses][] and [bearlibterminal][] in Common Lisp.
There's something really fun about making a game people can play over telnet!
Feel free to get in touch with me if you're interested in that kind of stuff and
want to know more.


### Window Management

If you're running Linux and like tinkering with your desktop environment,
[StumpWM][] is an X window manager written in Common Lisp.  I've just recently
switched back to Linux so I've only been using it for about two months, but it's
really pleasant to be able to customize my working environment with Common Lisp.

StumpWM has a small but friendly community — if you're looking for a non-trivial
open source Common Lisp project to contribute to, StumpWM would be a great


### Unit Testing

If you're coming from a modern language, especially one with a lot of
test-driven development advocates, you might be surprised at the lack of an
emphasis on unit testing in Common Lisp.  I think one reason for this is that in
some languages a unit test is the simplest way to actually *run* a function,
but Lisp's interactive style of development gives you an even easier
alternative: just *run the function* in the REPL!

Despite the lack of heavy unit testing in the community, there are almost as
many unit testing *frameworks* as there are Common Lisp programmers!  This is
probably because making a unit testing framework is so easy with a few macros.
I love [1am][], but there are *plenty* more to choose from.

Whichever one you choose, please make sure to be a good citizen and create
a separate ASDF system for your unit tests, so people can use your library
without having to load Yet Another Testing Framework.


### More Implementations

I had you use SBCL and CCL because those are the most popular free Common Lisp
implementations today, but they aren't the only actively-developed ones out
there.  There's plenty of others you might want to explore:

* [ABCL][] runs on the JVM.
* [ECL][] can be embedded in a C program, and can translate Common Lisp code to C code.
* [CLASP][] is still under development, but is an implementation designed to be easy to interoperate with C++.
* [Lispworks][] and [Allegro CL][] are commercial implementations with a lot of extra features and support, but are not free.

(I omitted CLISP because I'm mad at them for choosing a name that confuses the
heck out of new people.  Hey, I warned you this post would contain Opinions™.)

I tend to use SBCL for my own projects, but I make sure the units tests for all
my libraries run in SBCL, CCL, ABCL, and ECL.  This keeps me honest and gives me
a reasonable degree of confidence that I'm writing portable code.

[Allegro CL]:

## Modern Common Lisp

Common Lisp is old and stable, but that doesn't mean it's stagnant.  The
language gives you plenty of power to build on, and before I wrap this up I want
go over a couple of recent developments in the Common Lisp world that the older
books you've been learning from don't talk about.  I also want to clarify some
things that often trip up new people.

### Structure

Common Lisp's terminology for various parts of projects is often confusing to
new people because it's old and uses a lot of words that we use now (like
“package”) to mean subtly different things than people mean today. Things get
easier once you internalize what Common Lisp means by the terms.

(Side note: I posted a quick-and-dirty version of this section as a [comment][]
on while I was waiting for a plane — this section of the post is an
expanded version of that comment.)


#### Packages

We often see questions in IRC and Discord that look something like: "How do I
export a class from a package"?  Questions worded like this are a sign of a
very common misunderstanding about what packages in Common Lisp *actually are*.

**A package in Common Lisp is a container for symbols**.  That's it.  They're
a way to group related names (symbols) together so you don't have to do the
miserable prefixing of every name with `mylibrary-...` like you need to do in
Emacs Lisp or C to avoid name clashes.

You don't export a class from a package, you export a *symbol*.  You don't
import a function, you import the *symbol* it's attached to.  This sounds
pedantic, but is important to keep clear in your head as you start using the
package system.  If you're not clear on what exactly a symbol *is*, I wrote
a [separate post][symbols] just about symbols which you might find helpful.

Another major tripping point for new people is the relationship between packages
and files.  Or, rather: the completely *lack* of any relationship in Common

In many languages like Python, Java, or Clojure, a file's package and its
location on the hard drive are tied together.  For example: when you say `import` in Python, Python will look for a `` file inside the
`foo/bar/` directory (it's a little more complicated than this, but that doesn't
matter for this example).

In Common Lisp, this is not the case.  **Files and packages are completely
unrelated in Common Lisp.**  You can have many files that all work in the same
package, or one file that switches between many packages, or even create or
modify packages at runtime.

This gives you the flexibility to work however you want.  For example: in my
procedural art library [Flax][] most of the packages are each used in one
specific file, much like you would do in modern languages.  But the
`flax.drawing` package contains not only a drawing protocol but also several
implementations of that protocol (PNG, SVG, etc), and so I split the code into
[a series of separate files][flax-drawing], each one dealing with how to draw
a single format (plus one for the protocol itself).

I could have created separate packages for each implementation and set up the
imports/exports between them, but I didn't feel like the extra boilerplate was
worth it.  Common Lisp is flexible enough to let you make such choices.

So if files and packages aren't related, the next question is: how does Common
Lisp know where to *find* anything on disk when it comes time to load the code?


#### Systems

A system in Common Lisp is a collection of serveral things:

* Some code.
* A description of how to load that code.
* A list of other systems this system depends on, which need to be loaded prior
  to loading this one.
* Some metadata like author, license, version, homepage, etc.

The Common Lisp language itself has no knowledge of systems.  If you look at
[section 11.9][cltl2-packages] of CLtL2 you'll see that it was imagined that
each author would write their own custom file to load their code.  But since
Common Lisp gives you the power to abstract almost anything, people eventually
abstracted the process of loading Common Lisp code.


[ASDF][] is a Common Lisp library bundled with most modern implementations
which handles defining and loading systems.  The name ASDF stands for "Another
System Definition Facility", so as you might guess there have been several
other such libraries.  ASDF is the one everyone uses today.


ASDF standardizes the process of defining a system into something like this:

* The system definition(s) for a project called `foo` would be in a file named `foo.asd`.
* Each system is defined with a `(defsystem ...)` form inside this file.

We'll talk more about what a "project" is shortly.  Note the extension of the
file is `asd`, not `asdf`, which is a little confusing, but was probably chosen
to work in environments with three-letter-extension limits.

The [ASDF manual][] is the definitive resource for the syntax and semantics of
`defsystem`, but can be a little heavy to read if you're just getting started.
Another way to get started is to read some `.asd` files of some small-to-medium
sized open source projects and see how they handle things.

[ASDF manual]:

Systems and packages are orthogonal in Common Lisp.  Some systems (like small
libraries) will define exactly one package.  Some systems will define multiple
packages.  Rarely a system might not define any new packages, but will use or
add to an existing one.

For example:

* My directed graph library [cl-digraph][] contains a system called `cl-digraph`.
* That system has a description of how to load the code, which lives in the
  [`cl-digraph.asd`][cl-digraph-asd] file.
* One of the files specified for loading is [`package.lisp`][cl-digraph-packages],
  which creates a package called `digraph`.

Even though ASDF standardizes some aspects of system definition, it still gives
you plenty of flexibility.  As you read projects by different authors you'll
encounter different ways of organizing systems — this can be a little
overwhelming at first, but it means you can organize a system in the way that
works *best for that system*, which is really nice once you've got some
experience under your belt.

One example of this is how people define packages for their systems.  There are
a couple of common ways to do this you'll see in the wild:

* A single `package.lisp` file which contains all the definitions for all the
  packages in the project, and gets loaded before all other files.  This is the
  strategy I usually prefer.
* Each file defines its package at the top of the file, much like you would in
  Clojure or other modern languages.  Care is taken in the system definition to
  load the files in the correct order so that each package is defined before it
  is ever used.

To review: a system is a collection of code and a description of how to load it,
a list of its dependencies, and some metadata.  Now let's move up one level
higher to the final layer of structure you need to know about.


#### Projects

A project in Common Lisp is not an official term defined anywhere that I know
of, but is a word that's generally used to mean something like a library,
a framework, an application, etc.

A project will usually define at least one system, because systems are where
you describe how to load the code, and if a project didn't define a system how
would you know how to load its code?  My string-wrapping library [Bobbin][] is
a project that defines *two* systems:


* The `bobbin` system contains the actual data structure and API.  It has no

* The `bobbin/test` system contains the unit tests.  It depends on the `bobbin`
  system (because that's the code it's going to test) and the `1am` system (a
  unit test framework).  I made this a separate system because it allows users
  to load the main code without also having to load the unit testing framework
  if they're not going to be running the tests.


Both of these systems are defined in the [`bobbin.asd` file][bobbin-asd].  ASDF
[treats systems with a forward slash in their name specially][asdf-slash] and
knows to look for them in the `asd` file named with the text before the slash.


We saw how Common Lisp has no concept of a system — that concept comes from
ASDF.  Similarly, ASDF has no concept of the internet or of reaching out to
somewhere to download things.  ASDF assumes you have somehow acquired the
systems you want to load and stored them on your hard drive, perhaps by sending
a check to an address and receiving a copy of the code on floppy disk, as many
of my old Lisp books offer in their final pages.

[Quicklisp][] is another library that works on top of ASDF to provide the
"download projects from the internet automatically if necessary" functionality
that people expect in the modern world.  So when you say `(ql:quickload
:bobbin)` you’re asking Quicklisp to download Bobbin (and any dependencies) if
necessary, and then hand it off to ASDF to actually load the code of the
`bobbin` system.

Unlike ASDF, Quicklisp is relatively new in the Common Lisp world (it's only
about eight years old) and so is not bundled with any modern Lisp
implementations that I know of, which is why you need to install it separately.


#### Recap

Here's a quick recap of the different layers of project structure you'll
encounter in Common Lisp.  Jot these down on a post it note you can refer to as
you're learning.

* **Files** are files on your hard drive.
* **Packages** are containers of symbols. They are orthogonal to files.
* **Systems** are collections of code, instructions on how to load that code,
  dependency lists, and metadata. They are orthogonal to packages.
* **Projects** are high-level collections of... "stuff" such as code,
  documentation, maybe some image assets, etc.  They are (mostly) orthogonal to
  systems (are you seeing a trend here?).
* Common Lisp itself knows about files and packages.
* ASDF adds systems.
* Quicklisp adds the internet.

### Common Libraries

Common Lisp doesn't have as *large* of a community as some newer languages, but
it still has a lot of libraries because it's had a community for a longer time.
The stability of the core language means that many libraries written in portable
Common Lisp ten or fifteen years ago can still run just fine today.

In this final section I'll give you a quick overview of some of the more popular
libraries you might run into as you learn the language.  You don't have to use
all of them, but it's helpful to have some idea of what's available.

#### Alexandria

[Alexandria][alexandria] is one of the most popular Common Lisp libraries (the
name is a pun on the [Library of Alexandria][library-of-alex]), and it's
a collection of all kinds of useful little utility functions like
`read-file-into-byte-vector` and `map-permutations`.

There are a *lot* of utility libraries for Common Lisp around — one rite of
passage is building up your own personal utility library over time — but
Alexandria is the most popular one.  Most projects with any dependencies at all
will eventually end up with Alexandria in the dependency graph somewhere.

#### Bordeaux Threads

[Bordeaux Threads][bt] was mentioned earlier.  Threads aren't part of the Common
Lisp standard, but most implementations provide their own custom interface for
working with them.  Bordeaux Threads wraps all these implementation-specific
interfaces and provides an API so you can write threaded code that will work

If you're looking for something like Java's `new Thread(() -> foo()).start()`,
this is what you want.

#### CFFI

[CFFI][] is a foreign-function interface library that lets you load
C libraries (e.g. `foo.dylib` or ``) and call the functions in them.  It
works by wrapping implementation-specific interfaces, because this isn't part of
the Common Lisp standard.

Unfortunately it has the same name as Python's FFI library, so if you're
searching for documentation make sure you're looking at the right version.


[CL-PPCRE][ppcre] is an implementation of Perl-compatible regular expressions.
If you're looking to use regular expressions in Common Lisp, this is what you

#### Drakma

[Drakma][] is an HTTP client.  If you need to make an HTTP request, this is what
you want.  There are other HTTP clients around, but Drakma is commonly used and
is fine for almost anything you might need.

#### Iterate

[Iterate][iterate] is a replacement for the `loop` macro.  It works similarly,
but has a more Lispy syntax and a well-defined API for extending it with new
iteration constructs.  I really like it myself, but beware: if you get used
to `iterate` going back to vanilla `loop` will feel painful.

#### local-time

[local-time][] is a library for working with time and dates in Common Lisp.  The
standard has some basic support for times built in, but if you want to do much
calculation with times (including timezones) this is probably what you want.  If
you're looking for something like [Joda Time][joda-time] in Common Lisp, this is
as close as you're going to get.


#### lparallel

[lparallel][] is a library that builds on top of Bordeaux Threads to make common
parallel processing operations much easier.  Think of it as [GNU Parallel][] for
Lisp, with a few extra features (e.g. channels and tasks).

For example: if you've got a big vector you're mapping over with
`(map 'vector #'work some-vector)` you can split it into chunks and
run in multiple threads by changing it to
`(lparallel:pmap 'vector #'work some-vector)`.

[GNU Parallel]:

#### Named Readtables

[Named readtables][named-readtables] is a library that adds namespaces for

One painful part of the standard is that reader macros are added and removed to
the global readtable on the fly, so if you load multiple systems that define the
same reader macros things can get messy.  Named readtables adds some much-needed
hygiene to that process.  If you're working with reader macros at all you
absolutely want to use this.

#### Roswell

[Roswell][] is a couple of things rolled into one.  It's a C program that
handles installing and running multiple different Common Lisp implementations
(kind of like [NVM]( or
[rvm](, and it also provides a unified way to write small shell
scripts in Common Lisp and compile them into binaries.

I used Roswell for a little over a year, but I eventually stopped and now
I don't think it's worth the trouble, for a couple of reasons.

First: if you write portable code you generally don't need to worry running
a particular version of an implementation, because Common Lisp is so stable.
I usually just install the latest version of each implementation I use with
a package manager or by building from source.

Second: after using it for a while I found that Roswell was always very brittle
to upgrade, and whenever things broke it would spew an almost JVM-sized stack
trace without a decent error message.

For me, the negatives outweighed the positives.  I'd recommend simply using the
latest version of the implementations you care about and writing portable code.
For the compiling-into-binaries functionality I'd recommend using your
implementation's built-in support for this, or using UIOP's wrapper around that,
or using a separate library like [Deploy][].

Of course your mileage might vary.  If you find yourself *really* needing to run
specific versions of specific Common Lisp implementations in rapid succession,
you should look into Roswell.



[SERIES][series] was almost included in Common Lisp (it's in [Appendix A of
CLtL2][series-cltl2]), but didn't quite make it.  It's a library for writing
functional code that looks like the traditional `map` and `filter` and `reduce`
operations but which compiles down to efficient loops.

If you're looking for Clojure's transducers in Common Lisp, this is what you


#### st-json

JSON support in Common Lisp is a god damn mess.  There are [an absurd number of
JSON libraries][sabra] and I don't really *like* any of them.

For me, the most important quality I need in a JSON library is an unambiguous,
one-to-one mapping of types.  For example: some libraries will deserialize JSON
arrays as Lisp lists, and JSON `true`/`false` as `t`/`nil`.  But this means `[]` and
`false` both deserialize to `nil`, so you can't reliably round trip anything!

I've settled on using [st-json][] and wrapping it up to be a little more
ergonomic with some glue code.  It's not the fastest solution out there, but
it works for my needs.  There are plenty of other options out there, so if you
have different needs than me you should look into them.


#### usocket

[usocket][] is a library for networking sockets.  Sockets and networking aren't
part of the Common Lisp standard, but most implementations provide a custom
interface for working with them.  usocket wraps the implementation-specific
interfaces and provides an API so you can write networking code portably.

If you want to make Lisp listen on a port and read streams of bytes from
clients, or want to connect to a port and send raw bytes to it, this is what you


## Good Luck!

I hope this whirlwind tour was useful.  Common Lisp is an old, deep language.
It's not something you can learn in a month, but if you're willing to spend the
time it will reward careful study.

Feel free to email me or pop into IRC or Discord if you have questions.

Good luck!