media/css/base.css @ 5aed689b7896

Add a dict of links to the context and use it.
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 15 Jan 2010 19:52:47 -0500
parents 738729a5055d
children 08d7552b6237
/* @override http://localhost:8080/media/css/base.css */
/* Main layout styles. */
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div#main-wrap {
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div#content {
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/* Link styles. */
a {
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a:hover {
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/* Page header styles. */
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/* Navigation bar styles. */
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/* Splash page styles. */
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/* Section listing styles. */
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/* Code styles. */
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/* Quoting styles. */
blockquote {
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blockquote p:last-child {
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span.dquo {
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/* Table of Contents styles. */
div.toc ul {
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div.toc ul:first-child>li {
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/* Ampersand styles. */
span.amp {
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div#section-listing ol li a span.amp {
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/* Article styles. */
div#leaf-stats p {
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/* Image styles. */
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/* Comment styles. */
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div#disqus_thread ul#dsq-comments li div div {
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div#dsq-comments-title h3 {
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