layout/skeleton/_innerlisting.html @ 5aed689b7896

Add a dict of links to the context and use it.
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 15 Jan 2010 19:52:47 -0500
parents 1f5a661bd38b
children 08d7552b6237
{% extends "skeleton/_root.html" %}

{% block all %}

{% for list_page in node.pages %}
    {% ifnotequal list_page node.listing_page %}
        {% if not list_page.exclude %}
                <a href="{{ list_page.url }}">
                    {% with list_page.name_without_extension|remove_date_prefix|unslugify as default_title %}
                        {{ list_page.title|default_if_none:default_title|safe|typogrify }}
                <span class="snip">{{ list_page.snip|safe|typogrify }}</span>
    {% endifnotequal %}
{% endfor %}

{% endblock %}