templates/blog/list.html @ 09b70d37fb65

Added the Typogrify template tag and started using it everywhere!
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:51:16 -0500
parents 5d5a567385bb
children a4cf6f60dd02
{% extends "blog/base.html" %}
{% load typogrify %}

{% block content %}
	<div id="blog-list">
		{% for entry in entries %}
			<div class="blog-list-entry">
				<h2 class="blog-list-entry-title">
					<a href="{% url stevelosh.blog.views.entry entry.pub_date.year, entry.pub_date.month, entry.pub_date.day, entry.slug %}">
						{{ entry.title|typogrify }}
				<p class="blog-list-entry-snip">{{ entry.snip|typogrify }}</p>
		{% endfor %}
		{% ifnotequal newer_page older_page  %}
			<div class="blog-list-entry">
			{% ifnotequal newer_page None %}
				{% ifequal newer_page 0 %}
					{% url blog-list-newest as new_page %}
				{% else %}
					{% url blog-list-page newer_page as new_page %}
				{% endifequal %}
				<h2 id="blog-list-newer"><a href="{{ new_page }}">
					Newer &raquo;
			{% endifnotequal %}
			{% ifnotequal older_page None %}
				<h2 id="blog-list-older">
					<a href="{% url blog-list-page older_page %}">
						&laquo; Older
			{% else %}
				<h2 id="blog-list-older">&nbsp;</h2>
			{% endifnotequal %}
		{% endifnotequal %}
{% endblock %}