
Initial commit.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 10 Jun 2011 21:39:41 -0400 (2011-06-11)
children ee71fd579f4f
branches/tags (none)
files .hgignore LICENSE README.markdown docs/threesome.txt


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Fri Jun 10 21:39:41 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+syntax: glob
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.markdown	Fri Jun 10 21:39:41 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+Threesome is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.
+It's designed to be used as a merge tool for version control systems like
+Mercurial and Git.
+* Basic Usage
+* Key Bindings
+* Modes
+* Configuration
+* Contributing
+* Changelog
+* License
+Basic Usage
+Threesome takes a lot of inspiration for its user interface from Adobe
+Lightroom, a photo editing program.
+When resolving a merge there are four files you will work with:
+* **Original**: the original file, as it appears in the parent revision of the two revisions being merged.
+* **One**: the file as it appears in the first revision being merged (usually the "current" revision, or the one you are at when you run 'hg merge REV').
+* **Two**: the file as it appears in the second revision being merged (usually the "target" revision, or the one you specify in the 'hg merge REV' command).
+* **Result**: the result of merging the two revisions of the file (this is the file that your version control system expects to contain the final result once you're done).
+Threesome has four "modes" or "views" for working with these files:
+* **Grid**: shows all four files at once, to give you an overview of the merge.
+* **Loupe**: shows a single file at a time, for close examination of a single file.
+* **Compare**: shows two files at a time, for examining the movement of changes between pairs of files.
+* **Path**: shows three files at a time: the original, either one or two, and the result, for examining how a change moves through one "path" or "branch" of the merge.
+Your goal is to use these views to resolve all merge conflicts by making the
+result file look like it should, saving it to disk, and closing Vim.
+Key Bindings
+Threesome makes use of `<localleader>` for all of its key bindings to avoid
+clashing with global mappings. If you've never used `<localleader>` now
+would be a good time to read the help and configure a key for it.
+All keybindings that are used across all modes.  The behavior of some of them
+changes depending on the current mode, but the effects should be fairly
+Mode Selection
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `g` - Grid    - Switch to grid view.
+* `l` - Loupe   - Switch to loupe view.
+* `c` - Compare - Switch to compare view.
+* `p` - Path    - Switch to path view.
+File Selection
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `o` - Original - Select the original file.
+* `1` - One      - Select file one.
+* `2` - Two      - Select file two.
+* `r` - Result   - Select the result file.
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `d`       - Diff     - Cycle through various diff combinations.
+* `u`       - Use Hunk - Place a hunk from file one or two into the result file.
+* `s`       - Scroll   - Toggle scroll locking on and off.
+* `<space>` - Layout   - Cycle through various layouts of the current view.
+* `n`       - Next     - Move to the next unresolved conflict.
+* `N`       - Previous - Move to the previous unresolved conflict.
+* `q`       - Quit     - Save the result file and exit Vim.  Indicates to the VCS that the merge was successful and it should use the current contents of the result file as the result.
+* `CC`      - Cancel   - Exits Vim with an error code (like :cq).  Indicates to the VCS that the merge was NOT successful.
+This section describes each mode in detail.
+The grid view is used to get an overview of all files at once to get a birds'
+eye view of the merge.
+### Grid Layouts
+    Layout 1                 Layout 2
+    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+
+    |     Original      |    | One    | Result | Two    |
+    |                   |    |        |        |        |
+    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |
+    |  One    |    Two  |    |        |        |        |
+    |         |         |    |        |        |        |
+    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |
+    |      Result       |    |        |        |        |
+    |                   |    |        |        |        |
+    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+
+### Grid-Specific Key Bindings
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `o`  - Original   - Focus the original file (only in layout 1).
+* `1`  - One        - Focus file one.
+* `2`  - Two        - Focus file two.
+* `r`  - Result     - Focus the result file.
+* `d`  - Diff       - Cycle through various diff combinations.
+* `u1` - Use Hunk 1 - Place a hunk from file one into the result file.
+* `u2` - Use Hunk 2 - Place a hunk from file two into the result file.
+### Grid Diffs
+1. No diff.
+2. Diff the original and file one.
+3. Diff the original and file two.
+4. Diff file one and the result.
+5. Diff file two and the result.
+6. Diff the original and the result.
+The loupe view is used to focus on and examine a single file in detail.
+### Loupe Layouts
+    Layout 1
+    +-------------------+
+    |  Any Single File  |
+    |                   |
+    |                   |
+    |                   |
+    |                   |
+    |                   |
+    |                   |
+    |                   |
+    +-------------------+
+### Loupe-Specific Key Bindings
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `o` - Original - View the original file.
+* `1` - One      - View file one.
+* `2` - Two      - View file two.
+* `r` - Result   - View the result file.
+* `d` - Diff     - Disabled.
+* `u` - Use Hunk - Disabled.
+### Loupe Diffs
+No diffs are possible in loupe mode.
+The compare view is used to examine the differences between two files at
+a time.
+### Compare Layouts
+    Layout 1                 Layout 2
+    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
+    | Orig    | Result  |    | Orig              |
+    |         |         |    | or One            |
+    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
+    |         |         |    |                   |
+    | One     | One     |    +-------------------+
+    |         |         |    | One               |
+    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
+    |         |         |    | or Result         |
+    | Two     | Two     |    |                   |
+    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
+### Compare-Specific Key Bindings
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `o` - Original - Place the original file in the left/top window.
+* `1` - One      - Place file one in the right/bottom window if the original is visible, otherwise place it in the left/top window.
+* `2` - Two      - Place file two in the left/top window if the result is visible, otherwise place it in the right/bottom window.
+* `r` - Result   - Place the result file in the right/bottom window.
+* `d` - Diff     - Cycle through various diff combinations.
+* `u` - Use Hunk - If the result file and file one/two are both visible, place a hunk from one/two into the result file.  Otherwise, disabled.
+### Compare Diffs
+1. No diff.
+2. Diff both windows.
+The path view is used to view the flow of changed through one "path" or
+"branch" of the merge.
+### Path Layouts
+    Layout 1                        Layout 2
+    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+
+    | Orig   |        | Result |    | Orig              |
+    |        |        |        |    |                   |
+    |        | One    |        |    |                   |
+    |        |        |        |    +-------------------+
+    |        |   or   |        |    | One               |
+    |        |        |        |    | or Two            |
+    |        | Two    |        |    |                   |
+    |        |        |        |    +-------------------+
+    |        |        |        |    | Result            |
+    +--------------------------+    |                   |
+                                    |                   |
+                                    +-------------------+
+### Path-Specific Key Bindings
+All keybindings begin with `<localleader>`.
+* `o` - Original - Focus the original file.
+* `1` - One      - Place file one in the center window and focus it.
+* `2` - Two      - Place file two in the center window and focus it.
+* `r` - Result   - Focus the result file.
+* `d` - Diff     - Cycle through various diff combinations.
+* `u` - Use Hunk - Place a hunk from file one or two (whichever is currently in
+                 the center window) into the result file.
+### Path Diffs
+1. No diff.
+2. Diff the original and center windows.
+3. Diff the center and result windows.
+4. Diff the original and result windows.