
Rename to Splice, and change default prefix.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:16:48 +0100 (2012-04-20)
parents c3f318a26db2
children 3f8f08e73be9
branches/tags (none)
files LICENSE LICENSE.markdown README.markdown autoload/splice.py autoload/splice.vim autoload/splicelib/__init__.py autoload/splicelib/init.py autoload/splicelib/modes.py autoload/splicelib/settings.py autoload/splicelib/util/__init__.py autoload/splicelib/util/bufferlib.py autoload/splicelib/util/io.py autoload/splicelib/util/keys.py autoload/splicelib/util/windows.py autoload/threesome.py autoload/threesome.vim autoload/threesomelib/__init__.py autoload/threesomelib/init.py autoload/threesomelib/modes.py autoload/threesomelib/settings.py autoload/threesomelib/util/__init__.py autoload/threesomelib/util/bufferlib.py autoload/threesomelib/util/io.py autoload/threesomelib/util/keys.py autoload/threesomelib/util/windows.py doc/splice.txt doc/threesome.txt package.sh plugin/splice.vim plugin/threesome.vim site/index.markdown site/layout.html site/publish.sh syntax/splice.vim syntax/threesome.vim


--- a/LICENSE	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2011 by Steve Losh and contributors
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
-software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
-without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
-merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
-or substantial portions of the Software.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LICENSE.markdown	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (C) 2011 by Steve Losh and contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- a/README.markdown	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ b/README.markdown	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Threesome is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.
+Splice is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.
-Visit [the site](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/threesome.vim/) for more information.
+Visit [the site](http://sjl.bitbucket.org/splice.vim/) for more information.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splice.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import vim, os, sys
+# Add the library to the Python path.
+for p in vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(','):
+   plugin_dir = os.path.join(p, "autoload")
+   if os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugin_dir, "splicelib")):
+      if plugin_dir not in sys.path:
+         sys.path.append(plugin_dir)
+      break
+import splicelib.init as splice
+# Wrapper functions ----------------------------------------------------------------
+def SpliceInit():
+    splice.init()
+def SpliceOriginal():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_original()
+def SpliceOne():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_one()
+def SpliceTwo():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_two()
+def SpliceResult():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_result()
+def SpliceGrid():
+    splice.modes.key_grid()
+def SpliceLoupe():
+    splice.modes.key_loupe()
+def SpliceCompare():
+    splice.modes.key_compare()
+def SplicePath():
+    splice.modes.key_path()
+def SpliceDiff():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_diff()
+def SpliceDiffoff():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_diffoff()
+def SpliceScroll():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_scrollbind()
+def SpliceLayout():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_layout()
+def SpliceNext():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_next()
+def SplicePrev():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_prev()
+def SpliceUse():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_use()
+def SpliceUse1():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_use1()
+def SpliceUse2():
+    splice.modes.current_mode.key_use2()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splice.vim	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File:        splice.vim
+" Description: vim global plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts
+" Maintainer:  Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
+" License:     MIT X11
+" ============================================================================
+" Init {{{
+" Vim version check {{{
+if v:version < '703'
+    function! s:SpliceDidNotLoad()
+        echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Splice unavailable: requires Vim 7.3+"|echohl None
+    endfunction
+    command! -nargs=0 SpliceInit call s:SpliceDidNotLoad()
+    finish
+" Python version check {{{
+if has('python')
+    let s:has_supported_python = 2
+python << ENDPYTHON
+import sys, vim
+if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 5):
+    vim.command('let s:has_supported_python = 0')
+    let s:has_supported_python = 0
+if !s:has_supported_python
+    function! s:SpliceDidNotLoad()
+        echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Splice requires Vim to be compiled with Python 2.5+"|echohl None
+    endfunction
+    command! -nargs=0 SpliceInit call s:SpliceDidNotLoad()
+    finish
+" Configuration variables {{{
+if !exists('g:splice_disable') "{{{
+    let g:splice_disable = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_mode') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_mode = 'grid'
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_layout_grid') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_layout_grid = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_layout_loupe') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_layout_loupe = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_layout_compare') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_layout_compare = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_layout_path') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_layout_path = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_diff_grid') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_diff_grid = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_diff_loupe') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_diff_loupe = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_diff_compare') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_diff_compare = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_diff_path') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_diff_path = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_scrollbind_grid') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_scrollbind_grid = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_scrollbind_loupe') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_scrollbind_loupe = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_scrollbind_compare') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_scrollbind_compare = 0
+endif "}}}
+if !exists('g:splice_initial_scrollbind_path') "{{{
+    let g:splice_initial_scrollbind_path = 0
+endif "}}}
+" }}}
+" }}}
+" Wrappers {{{
+function! splice#SpliceInit() "{{{
+    let python_module = fnameescape(globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/splice.py'))
+    exe 'pyfile ' . python_module
+    python SpliceInit()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceGrid() "{{{
+    python SpliceGrid()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceLoupe() "{{{
+    python SpliceLoupe()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceCompare() "{{{
+    python SpliceCompare()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SplicePath() "{{{
+    python SplicePath()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceOriginal() "{{{
+    python SpliceOriginal()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceOne() "{{{
+    python SpliceOne()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceTwo() "{{{
+    python SpliceTwo()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceResult() "{{{
+    python SpliceResult()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceDiff() "{{{
+    python SpliceDiff()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceDiffoff() "{{{
+    python SpliceDiffoff()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceScroll() "{{{
+    python SpliceScroll()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceLayout() "{{{
+    python SpliceLayout()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceNext() "{{{
+    python SpliceNext()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SplicePrev() "{{{
+    python SplicePrev()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceUse() "{{{
+    python SpliceUse()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceUse1() "{{{
+    python SpliceUse1()
+endfunction "}}}
+function! splice#SpliceUse2() "{{{
+    python SpliceUse2()
+endfunction "}}}
+" }}}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/init.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import vim
+import modes
+from settings import setting
+from util import buffers, keys, windows
+def process_result():
+    windows.close_all()
+    buffers.result.open()
+    lines = []
+    in_conflict = False
+    for line in buffers.result.lines:
+        if in_conflict:
+            if CONFLICT_MARKER_MARK in line:
+                lines.append(line)
+            if CONFLICT_MARKER_END in line:
+                in_conflict = False
+            continue
+        if CONFLICT_MARKER_START in line:
+            in_conflict = True
+            continue
+        lines.append(line)
+    buffers.result.set_lines(lines)
+def bind_global_keys():
+    keys.bind('g', ':SpliceGrid<cr>')
+    keys.bind('l', ':SpliceLoupe<cr>')
+    keys.bind('c', ':SpliceCompare<cr>')
+    keys.bind('p', ':SplicePath<cr>')
+    keys.bind('o', ':SpliceOriginal<cr>')
+    keys.bind('1', ':SpliceOne<cr>')
+    keys.bind('2', ':SpliceTwo<cr>')
+    keys.bind('r', ':SpliceResult<cr>')
+    keys.bind('d', ':SpliceDiff<cr>')
+    keys.bind('D', ':SpliceDiffoff<cr>')
+    keys.bind('s', ':SpliceScroll<cr>')
+    keys.bind('n', ':SpliceNext<cr>')
+    keys.bind('N', ':SplicePrev<cr>')
+    keys.bind('<space>', ':SpliceLayout<cr>')
+    keys.bind('u', ':SpliceUse<cr>')
+    keys.bind('q', ':wa<cr>:qa<cr>')
+    keys.bind('CC', ':cq<cr>')
+def setlocal_buffers():
+    buffers.original.open()
+    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+    if setting('wrap'):
+        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+    buffers.one.open()
+    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+    if setting('wrap'):
+        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+    buffers.two.open()
+    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+    if setting('wrap'):
+        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+    buffers.result.open()
+    if setting('wrap'):
+        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+    buffers.hud.open()
+    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+    vim.command('setlocal nobuflisted')
+    vim.command('setlocal buftype=nofile')
+    vim.command('setlocal noundofile')
+    vim.command('setlocal nolist')
+    vim.command('setlocal ft=splice')
+    vim.command('setlocal nowrap')
+    vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
+def create_hud():
+    vim.command('new __Splice_HUD__')
+def init():
+    process_result()
+    create_hud()
+    setlocal_buffers()
+    bind_global_keys()
+    vim.command('set hidden')
+    initial_mode = setting('initial_mode', 'grid').lower()
+    if initial_mode not in ['grid', 'loupe', 'compare', 'path']:
+        initial_mode = 'grid'
+    modes.current_mode = getattr(modes, initial_mode)
+    modes.current_mode.activate()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/modes.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import vim
+from util import buffers, keys, windows
+from settings import boolsetting, setting
+current_mode = None
+class Mode(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        return super(Mode, self).__init__()
+    def diff(self, diffmode):
+        with windows.remain():
+            getattr(self, '_diff_%d' % diffmode)()
+        # Reset the scrollbind to whatever it was before we diffed.
+        if not diffmode:
+            self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
+    def key_diff(self, diffmode=None):
+        next_diff_mode = self._current_diff_mode + 1
+        if next_diff_mode >= self._number_of_diff_modes:
+            next_diff_mode = 0
+        self.diff(next_diff_mode)
+    def diffoff(self):
+        with windows.remain():
+            for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
+                windows.focus(winnr)
+                curbuffer = buffers.current
+                for buffer in buffers.all:
+                    buffer.open()
+                    vim.command('diffoff')
+                    if setting('wrap'):
+                        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+                curbuffer.open()
+    def key_diffoff(self):
+        self.diff(0)
+    def scrollbind(self, enabled):
+        if self._current_diff_mode:
+            return
+        with windows.remain():
+            self._current_scrollbind = enabled
+            for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
+                windows.focus(winnr)
+                if enabled:
+                    vim.command('set scrollbind')
+                else:
+                    vim.command('set noscrollbind')
+            if enabled:
+                vim.command('syncbind')
+    def key_scrollbind(self):
+        self.scrollbind(not self._current_scrollbind)
+    def layout(self, layoutnr):
+        getattr(self, '_layout_%d' % layoutnr)()
+        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_layout(self, diffmode=None):
+        next_layout = self._current_layout + 1
+        if next_layout >= self._number_of_layouts:
+            next_layout = 0
+        self.layout(next_layout)
+    def key_original(self):
+        pass
+    def key_one(self):
+        pass
+    def key_two(self):
+        pass
+    def key_result(self):
+        pass
+    def key_use(self):
+        pass
+    def activate(self):
+        self.layout(self._current_layout)
+        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+        self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
+    def deactivate(self):
+        pass
+    def key_next(self):
+        self.goto_result()
+        vim.command(r'exe "silent! normal! /\\v^\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=*$\<cr>"')
+    def key_prev(self):
+        self.goto_result()
+        vim.command(r'exe "silent! normal! ?\\v^\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=*$\<cr>"')
+    def open_hud(self, winnr):
+        windows.split()
+        windows.focus(winnr)
+        buffers.hud.open()
+        vim.command('wincmd K')
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def hud_lines(self):
+        def pad(lines):
+            l = max([len(line) for line in lines])
+            return [line.ljust(l) for line in lines]
+        sep = '    |    '
+        modes = pad([
+            r'Splice Modes',
+            r'x[g]rid   y[c]ompare'.replace('x', self._id == 'grid' and '*' or ' ')
+                                   .replace('y', self._id == 'comp' and '*' or ' '),
+            r'x[l]oupe  y[p]ath'.replace('x', self._id == 'loup' and '*' or ' ')
+                                .replace('y', self._id == 'path' and '*' or ' '),
+        ])
+        diagram = pad(self.hud_diagram())
+        commands = pad([
+            r'Splice Commands',
+            r'd: cycle diffs   n: next conflict   space: cycle layouts   u: use hunk   o: original   1: one   q: save and quit',
+            r'D: diffs off     N: prev conflict   s: toggle scrollbind                 r: result     2: two   CC: exit with error',
+        ])
+        lines = []
+        for line in modes:
+            lines.append(line + sep)
+        for i, line in enumerate(diagram):
+            lines[i] += line + sep
+        for i, line in enumerate(commands):
+            lines[i] += line + sep
+        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+            lines[i] = line.rstrip()
+        return lines
+    def redraw_hud(self):
+        with windows.remain():
+            windows.focus(1)
+            vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
+            buffers.hud.set_lines(self.hud_lines())
+            vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+            vim.command('set winfixheight')
+            vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
+            vim.command('wincmd =')
+class GridMode(Mode):
+    """
+    Layout 0                 Layout 1                        Layout 2
+    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
+    |     Original      |    | One    | Result | Two    |    |      One      |
+    |2                  |    |        |        |        |    |2              |
+    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
+    |  One    |    Two  |    |        |        |        |    |     Result    |
+    |3        |4        |    |        |        |        |    |3              |
+    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
+    |      Result       |    |        |        |        |    |      Two      |
+    |5                  |    |2       |3       |4       |    |4              |
+    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._id = 'grid'
+        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_grid', 0))
+        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_grid', 0))
+        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_grid')
+        self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
+        self._number_of_layouts = 3
+        return super(GridMode, self).__init__()
+    def _layout_0(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 4
+        self._current_layout = 0
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.split()
+        windows.split()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        windows.vsplit()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        buffers.original.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.one.open()
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.two.open()
+        windows.focus(4)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        self.open_hud(5)
+        windows.focus(5)
+    def _layout_1(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 3
+        self._current_layout = 1
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.vsplit()
+        windows.vsplit()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        buffers.one.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.two.open()
+        self.open_hud(4)
+        windows.focus(3)
+    def _layout_2(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 4
+        self._current_layout = 2
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.split()
+        windows.split()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        buffers.one.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.two.open()
+        self.open_hud(4)
+        windows.focus(3)
+    def _diff_0(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 0
+    def _diff_1(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 1
+        for i in range(2, self._number_of_windows + 2):
+            windows.focus(i)
+            vim.command('diffthis')
+    def key_original(self):
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            windows.focus(2)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            return
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            return
+    def key_one(self):
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            windows.focus(3)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            windows.focus(2)
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            windows.focus(2)
+    def key_two(self):
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            windows.focus(4)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            windows.focus(4)
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            windows.focus(4)
+    def key_result(self):
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            windows.focus(5)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            windows.focus(3)
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            windows.focus(3)
+    def _key_use_0(self, target):
+        targetwin = 3 if target == 1 else 4
+        with windows.remain():
+            self.diffoff()
+            windows.focus(5)
+            vim.command('diffthis')
+            windows.focus(targetwin)
+            vim.command('diffthis')
+    def _key_use_12(self, target):
+        targetwin = 2 if target == 1 else 4
+        with windows.remain():
+            self.diffoff()
+            windows.focus(3)
+            vim.command('diffthis')
+            windows.focus(targetwin)
+            vim.command('diffthis')
+    def key_use1(self):
+        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            self._key_use_0(1)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            self._key_use_12(1)
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            self._key_use_12(1)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+            vim.command('diffget')
+        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+            vim.command('diffput')
+        self.diff(current_diff)
+    def key_use2(self):
+        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            self._key_use_0(2)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            self._key_use_12(2)
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            self._key_use_12(2)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+            vim.command('diffget')
+        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+            vim.command('diffput')
+        self.diff(current_diff)
+    def goto_result(self):
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            windows.focus(5)
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            windows.focus(3)
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            windows.focus(3)
+    def activate(self):
+        keys.unbind('u')
+        keys.bind('u1', ':SpliceUse1<cr>')
+        keys.bind('u2', ':SpliceUse2<cr>')
+        return super(GridMode, self).activate()
+    def deactivate(self):
+        keys.unbind('u1')
+        keys.unbind('u2')
+        keys.bind('u', ':SpliceUse<cr>')
+        return super(GridMode, self).deactivate()
+    def hud_diagram(self):
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            return [
+                r'           Original',
+                r'Layout ->  One  Two',
+                r'            Result',
+            ]
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            return [
+                r'',
+                r'Layout ->  One  Result  Two',
+                r'',
+            ]
+        elif self._current_layout == 2:
+            return [
+                r'           One',
+                r'Layout ->  Result',
+                r'           Two',
+            ]
+class LoupeMode(Mode):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._id = 'loup'
+        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_loupe', 0))
+        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_loupe', 0))
+        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_loupe')
+        self._number_of_diff_modes = 1
+        self._number_of_layouts = 1
+        self._current_buffer = buffers.result
+        return super(LoupeMode, self).__init__()
+    def _diff_0(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 0
+    def _layout_0(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 1
+        self._current_layout = 0
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        self._current_buffer.open()
+        self.open_hud(2)
+        windows.focus(2)
+    def key_original(self):
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.original.open()
+        self._current_buffer = buffers.original
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_one(self):
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.one.open()
+        self._current_buffer = buffers.one
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_two(self):
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.two.open()
+        self._current_buffer = buffers.two
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_result(self):
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        self._current_buffer = buffers.result
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_use(self):
+        pass
+    def goto_result(self):
+        self.key_result()
+    def hud_diagram(self):
+        buf = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer.name]
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            return [
+                r'',
+                r'Layout ->  %s ' % (buf,),
+                r'',
+            ]
+class CompareMode(Mode):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._id = 'comp'
+        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_compare', 0))
+        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_compare', 0))
+        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_compare')
+        self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
+        self._number_of_layouts = 2
+        self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
+        self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
+        return super(CompareMode, self).__init__()
+    def _diff_0(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 0
+    def _diff_1(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 1
+        windows.focus(2)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+        windows.focus(3)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+    def _layout_0(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 2
+        self._current_layout = 0
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.vsplit()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        self._current_buffer_first.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        self._current_buffer_second.open()
+        self.open_hud(3)
+        windows.focus(3)
+    def _layout_1(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 2
+        self._current_layout = 1
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.split()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        self._current_buffer_first.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        self._current_buffer_second.open()
+        self.open_hud(3)
+        windows.focus(3)
+    def key_original(self):
+        windows.focus(2)
+        buffers.original.open()
+        self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
+        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_one(self):
+        def open_one(winnr):
+            buffers.one.open(winnr)
+            if winnr == 2:
+                self._current_buffer_first = buffers.one
+            else:
+                self._current_buffer_second = buffers.one
+            self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+            self.redraw_hud()
+        curwindow = windows.currentnr()
+        if curwindow == 1:
+            curwindow = 2
+        # If file one is showing, go to it.
+        windows.focus(2)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.one:
+            return
+        windows.focus(3)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.one:
+            return
+        # If both the original and result are showing, open file one in the
+        # current window.
+        windows.focus(2)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.original:
+            windows.focus(3)
+            if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+                open_one(curwindow)
+                return
+        # If file two is in window 1, then we open file one in window 1.
+        windows.focus(2)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+            open_one(2)
+            return
+        # Otherwise, open file one in the current window.
+        open_one(curwindow)
+    def key_two(self):
+        def open_two(winnr):
+            buffers.two.open(winnr)
+            if winnr == 2:
+                self._current_buffer_first = buffers.two
+            else:
+                self._current_buffer_second = buffers.two
+            self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+            self.redraw_hud()
+        curwindow = windows.currentnr()
+        if curwindow == 1:
+            curwindow = 2
+        # If file two is showing, go to it.
+        windows.focus(2)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+            return
+        windows.focus(3)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+            return
+        # If both the original and result are showing, open file two in the
+        # current window.
+        windows.focus(2)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.original:
+            windows.focus(3)
+            if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+                open_two(curwindow)
+                return
+        # If file one is in window 2, then we open file two in window 2.
+        windows.focus(3)
+        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+            open_two(3)
+            return
+        # Otherwise, open file two in window 2.
+        open_two(3)
+    def key_result(self):
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
+        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_use(self):
+        active = (self._current_buffer_first, self._current_buffer_second)
+        if buffers.result not in active:
+            return
+        if buffers.one not in active and buffers.two not in active:
+            return
+        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+        with windows.remain():
+            self._diff_1()  # diff the windows
+        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+            vim.command('diffget')
+        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+            vim.command('diffput')
+        self.diff(current_diff)
+    def goto_result(self):
+        self.key_result()
+    def hud_diagram(self):
+        first = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_first.name]
+        second = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_second.name]
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            return [
+                r'',
+                r'Layout ->  %s %s' % (first, second),
+                r'',
+            ]
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            return [
+                r'',
+                r'Layout ->  %s' % first,
+                r'           %s' % second,
+            ]
+class PathMode(Mode):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._id = 'path'
+        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_path', 0))
+        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_path', 0))
+        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_path')
+        self._number_of_diff_modes = 5
+        self._number_of_layouts = 2
+        self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
+        return super(PathMode, self).__init__()
+    def _diff_0(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 0
+    def _diff_1(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 1
+        windows.focus(2)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+        windows.focus(4)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+    def _diff_2(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 2
+        windows.focus(2)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+        windows.focus(3)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+    def _diff_3(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 3
+        windows.focus(3)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+        windows.focus(4)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+    def _diff_4(self):
+        self.diffoff()
+        self._current_diff_mode = 4
+        windows.focus(2)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+        windows.focus(3)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+        windows.focus(4)
+        vim.command('diffthis')
+    def _layout_0(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 3
+        self._current_layout = 0
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.vsplit()
+        windows.vsplit()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        buffers.original.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        self._current_mid_buffer.open()
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        self.open_hud(4)
+        windows.focus(4)
+    def _layout_1(self):
+        self._number_of_windows = 3
+        self._current_layout = 1
+        # Open the layout
+        windows.close_all()
+        windows.split()
+        windows.split()
+        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+        windows.focus(1)
+        buffers.original.open()
+        windows.focus(2)
+        self._current_mid_buffer.open()
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.result.open()
+        self.open_hud(4)
+        windows.focus(4)
+    def key_original(self):
+        windows.focus(2)
+    def key_one(self):
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.one.open()
+        self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
+        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+        windows.focus(3)
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_two(self):
+        windows.focus(3)
+        buffers.two.open()
+        self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.two
+        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+        windows.focus(3)
+        self.redraw_hud()
+    def key_result(self):
+        windows.focus(4)
+    def key_use(self):
+        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+        with windows.remain():
+            self._diff_3()  # diff the middle and result windows
+        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+            vim.command('diffget')
+        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+            vim.command('diffput')
+        self.diff(current_diff)
+    def goto_result(self):
+        windows.focus(4)
+    def hud_diagram(self):
+        if self._current_mid_buffer == buffers.one:
+            buf = 'One'
+        else:
+            buf = 'Two'
+        if self._current_layout == 0:
+            return [
+                r'',
+                r'Layout ->  Original  %s  Result' % buf,
+                r'',
+            ]
+        elif self._current_layout == 1:
+            return [
+                r'           Original',
+                r'Layout ->  %s' % buf,
+                r'           Result',
+            ]
+grid = GridMode()
+loupe = LoupeMode()
+compare = CompareMode()
+path = PathMode()
+def key_grid():
+    global current_mode
+    current_mode.deactivate()
+    current_mode = grid
+    grid.activate()
+def key_loupe():
+    global current_mode
+    current_mode.deactivate()
+    current_mode = loupe
+    loupe.activate()
+def key_compare():
+    global current_mode
+    current_mode.deactivate()
+    current_mode = compare
+    compare.activate()
+def key_path():
+    global current_mode
+    current_mode.deactivate()
+    current_mode = path
+    path.activate()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/settings.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import vim
+def setting(name, default=None):
+    full_name = 'g:splice_' + name
+    if not int(vim.eval('exists("%s")' % full_name)):
+        return default
+    else:
+        return vim.eval(full_name)
+def boolsetting(name):
+    if int(setting(name, 0)):
+        return True
+    else:
+        False
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/util/__init__.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# This is kind of a dirty hack.  Feels bad, man.
+from bufferlib import buffers
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/util/bufferlib.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import os
+import vim
+import windows
+ap = os.path.abspath
+class Buffer(object):
+    def __init__(self, i):
+        self.number = i + 1
+        self._buffer = vim.buffers[i]
+        self.name = self._buffer.name
+    def open(self, winnr=None):
+        if winnr is not None:
+            windows.focus(winnr)
+        vim.command('%dbuffer' % self.number)
+    def set_lines(self, lines):
+        self._buffer[:] = lines
+    @property
+    def lines(self):
+        for line in self._buffer:
+            yield line
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.name == other.name
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.name != other.name
+class _BufferList(object):
+    @property
+    def original(self):
+        return Buffer(0)
+    @property
+    def one(self):
+        return Buffer(1)
+    @property
+    def two(self):
+        return Buffer(2)
+    @property
+    def result(self):
+        return Buffer(3)
+    @property
+    def hud(self):
+        return Buffer(int(vim.eval("bufnr('__Splice_HUD__')")) - 1)
+    @property
+    def current(self):
+        bufname = ap(vim.eval('bufname("%")'))
+        if bufname == ap(self.original.name):
+            return self.original
+        elif bufname == ap(self.one.name):
+            return self.one
+        elif bufname == ap(self.two.name):
+            return self.two
+        elif bufname == ap(self.result.name):
+            return self.result
+    @property
+    def all(self):
+        return [self.original, self.one, self.two, self.result]
+    @property
+    def labels(self):
+        return { buffers.original.name: 'Original',
+                 buffers.one.name: 'One',
+                 buffers.two.name: 'Two',
+                 buffers.result.name: 'Result' }
+    class remain:
+        def __enter__(self):
+            self.curbuf = vim.eval('bufnr(bufname("%"))')
+            self.pos = windows.pos()
+        def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+            vim.command('%dbuffer' % self.curbuf)
+            vim.current.window.cursor = self.pos
+buffers = _BufferList()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/util/io.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import sys
+def error(m):
+    sys.stderr.write(str(m) + '\n')
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/util/keys.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import vim
+from bufferlib import buffers
+from ..settings import setting
+def bind(key, to, options='', mode=None, leader=None):
+    if not leader:
+        leader = setting('leader', '-')
+    vim.command('nnoremap %s %s%s %s' % (options, leader, key, to))
+def unbind(key, options='', leader=None):
+    if not leader:
+        leader = setting('leader', '-')
+    vim.command('unmap %s %s%s' % (options, leader, key))
+def bind_for_all(key, to, options='', mode=None, leader=None):
+    if not leader:
+        leader = setting('leader', '<localleader>')
+    with buffers.remain():
+        for b in buffers.all:
+            b.open()
+            bind(key, to, options, mode, leader)
+def unbind_for_all(key, options='', leader=None):
+    if not leader:
+        leader = setting('leader', '<localleader>')
+    with buffers.remain():
+        for b in buffers.all:
+            b.open()
+            unbind(key, options, leader)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/splicelib/util/windows.py	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import vim
+def focus(winnr):
+    vim.command('%dwincmd w' % winnr)
+def close(winnr):
+    focus(winnr)
+    vim.command('wincmd c')
+def close_all():
+    for winnr in range(len(vim.windows) - 1):
+        close(winnr)
+def split():
+    vim.command('wincmd s')
+def vsplit():
+    vim.command('wincmd v')
+def currentnr():
+    return int(vim.eval('winnr()'))
+def pos():
+    return vim.current.window.cursor
+class remain:
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.curwindow = currentnr()
+        self.pos = pos()
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        focus(self.curwindow)
+        vim.current.window.cursor = self.pos
--- a/autoload/threesome.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import vim, os, sys
-# Add the library to the Python path.
-for p in vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(','):
-   plugin_dir = os.path.join(p, "autoload")
-   if os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugin_dir, "threesomelib")):
-      if plugin_dir not in sys.path:
-         sys.path.append(plugin_dir)
-      break
-import threesomelib.init as threesome
-# Wrapper functions ----------------------------------------------------------------
-def ThreesomeInit():
-    threesome.init()
-def ThreesomeOriginal():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_original()
-def ThreesomeOne():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_one()
-def ThreesomeTwo():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_two()
-def ThreesomeResult():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_result()
-def ThreesomeGrid():
-    threesome.modes.key_grid()
-def ThreesomeLoupe():
-    threesome.modes.key_loupe()
-def ThreesomeCompare():
-    threesome.modes.key_compare()
-def ThreesomePath():
-    threesome.modes.key_path()
-def ThreesomeDiff():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_diff()
-def ThreesomeDiffoff():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_diffoff()
-def ThreesomeScroll():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_scrollbind()
-def ThreesomeLayout():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_layout()
-def ThreesomeNext():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_next()
-def ThreesomePrev():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_prev()
-def ThreesomeUse():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use()
-def ThreesomeUse1():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use1()
-def ThreesomeUse2():
-    threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use2()
--- a/autoload/threesome.vim	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File:        threesome.vim
-" Description: vim global plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts
-" Maintainer:  Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
-" License:     MIT X11
-" ============================================================================
-" Init {{{
-" Vim version check {{{
-if v:version < '703'
-    function! s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
-        echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Threesome unavailable: requires Vim 7.3+"|echohl None
-    endfunction
-    command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
-    finish
-" Python version check {{{
-if has('python')
-    let s:has_supported_python = 2
-python << ENDPYTHON
-import sys, vim
-if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 5):
-    vim.command('let s:has_supported_python = 0')
-    let s:has_supported_python = 0
-if !s:has_supported_python
-    function! s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
-        echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Threesome requires Vim to be compiled with Python 2.5+"|echohl None
-    endfunction
-    command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
-    finish
-" Configuration variables {{{
-if !exists('g:threesome_disable') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_disable = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_mode') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_mode = 'grid'
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_grid') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_layout_grid = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_compare') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_layout_compare = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_path') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_layout_path = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_grid') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_diff_grid = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_compare') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_diff_compare = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_path') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_diff_path = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare = 0
-endif "}}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path') "{{{
-    let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path = 0
-endif "}}}
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" Wrappers {{{
-function! threesome#ThreesomeInit() "{{{
-    let python_module = fnameescape(globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/threesome.py'))
-    exe 'pyfile ' . python_module
-    python ThreesomeInit()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeGrid() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeGrid()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeLoupe() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeLoupe()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeCompare() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeCompare()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomePath() "{{{
-    python ThreesomePath()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeOriginal() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeOriginal()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeOne() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeOne()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeTwo() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeTwo()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeResult() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeResult()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeDiff() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeDiff()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeDiffoff() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeDiffoff()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeScroll() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeScroll()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeLayout() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeLayout()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeNext() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeNext()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomePrev() "{{{
-    python ThreesomePrev()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeUse() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeUse()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeUse1() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeUse1()
-endfunction "}}}
-function! threesome#ThreesomeUse2() "{{{
-    python ThreesomeUse2()
-endfunction "}}}
-" }}}
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/init.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-import modes
-from settings import setting
-from util import buffers, keys, windows
-def process_result():
-    windows.close_all()
-    buffers.result.open()
-    lines = []
-    in_conflict = False
-    for line in buffers.result.lines:
-        if in_conflict:
-            if CONFLICT_MARKER_MARK in line:
-                lines.append(line)
-            if CONFLICT_MARKER_END in line:
-                in_conflict = False
-            continue
-        if CONFLICT_MARKER_START in line:
-            in_conflict = True
-            continue
-        lines.append(line)
-    buffers.result.set_lines(lines)
-def bind_global_keys():
-    keys.bind('g', ':ThreesomeGrid<cr>')
-    keys.bind('l', ':ThreesomeLoupe<cr>')
-    keys.bind('c', ':ThreesomeCompare<cr>')
-    keys.bind('p', ':ThreesomePath<cr>')
-    keys.bind('o', ':ThreesomeOriginal<cr>')
-    keys.bind('1', ':ThreesomeOne<cr>')
-    keys.bind('2', ':ThreesomeTwo<cr>')
-    keys.bind('r', ':ThreesomeResult<cr>')
-    keys.bind('d', ':ThreesomeDiff<cr>')
-    keys.bind('D', ':ThreesomeDiffoff<cr>')
-    keys.bind('s', ':ThreesomeScroll<cr>')
-    keys.bind('n', ':ThreesomeNext<cr>')
-    keys.bind('N', ':ThreesomePrev<cr>')
-    keys.bind('<space>', ':ThreesomeLayout<cr>')
-    keys.bind('u', ':ThreesomeUse<cr>')
-    keys.bind('q', ':wa<cr>:qa<cr>')
-    keys.bind('CC', ':cq<cr>')
-def setlocal_buffers():
-    buffers.original.open()
-    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
-    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-    if setting('wrap'):
-        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
-    buffers.one.open()
-    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
-    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-    if setting('wrap'):
-        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
-    buffers.two.open()
-    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
-    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-    if setting('wrap'):
-        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
-    buffers.result.open()
-    if setting('wrap'):
-        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
-    buffers.hud.open()
-    vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
-    vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-    vim.command('setlocal nobuflisted')
-    vim.command('setlocal buftype=nofile')
-    vim.command('setlocal noundofile')
-    vim.command('setlocal nolist')
-    vim.command('setlocal ft=threesome')
-    vim.command('setlocal nowrap')
-    vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
-def create_hud():
-    vim.command('new __Threesome_HUD__')
-def init():
-    process_result()
-    create_hud()
-    setlocal_buffers()
-    bind_global_keys()
-    vim.command('set hidden')
-    initial_mode = setting('initial_mode', 'grid').lower()
-    if initial_mode not in ['grid', 'loupe', 'compare', 'path']:
-        initial_mode = 'grid'
-    modes.current_mode = getattr(modes, initial_mode)
-    modes.current_mode.activate()
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/modes.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,910 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import vim
-from util import buffers, keys, windows
-from settings import boolsetting, setting
-current_mode = None
-class Mode(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        return super(Mode, self).__init__()
-    def diff(self, diffmode):
-        with windows.remain():
-            getattr(self, '_diff_%d' % diffmode)()
-        # Reset the scrollbind to whatever it was before we diffed.
-        if not diffmode:
-            self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
-    def key_diff(self, diffmode=None):
-        next_diff_mode = self._current_diff_mode + 1
-        if next_diff_mode >= self._number_of_diff_modes:
-            next_diff_mode = 0
-        self.diff(next_diff_mode)
-    def diffoff(self):
-        with windows.remain():
-            for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
-                windows.focus(winnr)
-                curbuffer = buffers.current
-                for buffer in buffers.all:
-                    buffer.open()
-                    vim.command('diffoff')
-                    if setting('wrap'):
-                        vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
-                curbuffer.open()
-    def key_diffoff(self):
-        self.diff(0)
-    def scrollbind(self, enabled):
-        if self._current_diff_mode:
-            return
-        with windows.remain():
-            self._current_scrollbind = enabled
-            for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
-                windows.focus(winnr)
-                if enabled:
-                    vim.command('set scrollbind')
-                else:
-                    vim.command('set noscrollbind')
-            if enabled:
-                vim.command('syncbind')
-    def key_scrollbind(self):
-        self.scrollbind(not self._current_scrollbind)
-    def layout(self, layoutnr):
-        getattr(self, '_layout_%d' % layoutnr)()
-        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_layout(self, diffmode=None):
-        next_layout = self._current_layout + 1
-        if next_layout >= self._number_of_layouts:
-            next_layout = 0
-        self.layout(next_layout)
-    def key_original(self):
-        pass
-    def key_one(self):
-        pass
-    def key_two(self):
-        pass
-    def key_result(self):
-        pass
-    def key_use(self):
-        pass
-    def activate(self):
-        self.layout(self._current_layout)
-        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-        self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
-    def deactivate(self):
-        pass
-    def key_next(self):
-        self.goto_result()
-        vim.command(r'exe "silent! normal! /\\v^\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=*$\<cr>"')
-    def key_prev(self):
-        self.goto_result()
-        vim.command(r'exe "silent! normal! ?\\v^\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=\\=*$\<cr>"')
-    def open_hud(self, winnr):
-        windows.split()
-        windows.focus(winnr)
-        buffers.hud.open()
-        vim.command('wincmd K')
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def hud_lines(self):
-        def pad(lines):
-            l = max([len(line) for line in lines])
-            return [line.ljust(l) for line in lines]
-        sep = '    |    '
-        modes = pad([
-            r'Threesome Modes',
-            r'x[g]rid   y[c]ompare'.replace('x', self._id == 'grid' and '*' or ' ')
-                                   .replace('y', self._id == 'comp' and '*' or ' '),
-            r'x[l]oupe  y[p]ath'.replace('x', self._id == 'loup' and '*' or ' ')
-                                .replace('y', self._id == 'path' and '*' or ' '),
-        ])
-        diagram = pad(self.hud_diagram())
-        commands = pad([
-            r'Threesome Commands',
-            r'd: cycle diffs   n: next conflict   space: cycle layouts   u: use hunk   o: original   1: one   q: save and quit',
-            r'D: diffs off     N: prev conflict   s: toggle scrollbind                 r: result     2: two   CC: exit with error',
-        ])
-        lines = []
-        for line in modes:
-            lines.append(line + sep)
-        for i, line in enumerate(diagram):
-            lines[i] += line + sep
-        for i, line in enumerate(commands):
-            lines[i] += line + sep
-        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
-            lines[i] = line.rstrip()
-        return lines
-    def redraw_hud(self):
-        with windows.remain():
-            windows.focus(1)
-            vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
-            buffers.hud.set_lines(self.hud_lines())
-            vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-            vim.command('set winfixheight')
-            vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
-            vim.command('wincmd =')
-class GridMode(Mode):
-    """
-    Layout 0                 Layout 1                        Layout 2
-    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
-    |     Original      |    | One    | Result | Two    |    |      One      |
-    |2                  |    |        |        |        |    |2              |
-    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
-    |  One    |    Two  |    |        |        |        |    |     Result    |
-    |3        |4        |    |        |        |        |    |3              |
-    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
-    |      Result       |    |        |        |        |    |      Two      |
-    |5                  |    |2       |3       |4       |    |4              |
-    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._id = 'grid'
-        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_grid', 0))
-        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_grid', 0))
-        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_grid')
-        self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
-        self._number_of_layouts = 3
-        return super(GridMode, self).__init__()
-    def _layout_0(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 4
-        self._current_layout = 0
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.split()
-        windows.split()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        windows.vsplit()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        buffers.original.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.one.open()
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.two.open()
-        windows.focus(4)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        self.open_hud(5)
-        windows.focus(5)
-    def _layout_1(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 3
-        self._current_layout = 1
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.vsplit()
-        windows.vsplit()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        buffers.one.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.two.open()
-        self.open_hud(4)
-        windows.focus(3)
-    def _layout_2(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 4
-        self._current_layout = 2
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.split()
-        windows.split()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        buffers.one.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.two.open()
-        self.open_hud(4)
-        windows.focus(3)
-    def _diff_0(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 0
-    def _diff_1(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 1
-        for i in range(2, self._number_of_windows + 2):
-            windows.focus(i)
-            vim.command('diffthis')
-    def key_original(self):
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            windows.focus(2)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            return
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            return
-    def key_one(self):
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            windows.focus(3)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            windows.focus(2)
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            windows.focus(2)
-    def key_two(self):
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            windows.focus(4)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            windows.focus(4)
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            windows.focus(4)
-    def key_result(self):
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            windows.focus(5)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            windows.focus(3)
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            windows.focus(3)
-    def _key_use_0(self, target):
-        targetwin = 3 if target == 1 else 4
-        with windows.remain():
-            self.diffoff()
-            windows.focus(5)
-            vim.command('diffthis')
-            windows.focus(targetwin)
-            vim.command('diffthis')
-    def _key_use_12(self, target):
-        targetwin = 2 if target == 1 else 4
-        with windows.remain():
-            self.diffoff()
-            windows.focus(3)
-            vim.command('diffthis')
-            windows.focus(targetwin)
-            vim.command('diffthis')
-    def key_use1(self):
-        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            self._key_use_0(1)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            self._key_use_12(1)
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            self._key_use_12(1)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
-            vim.command('diffget')
-        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
-            vim.command('diffput')
-        self.diff(current_diff)
-    def key_use2(self):
-        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            self._key_use_0(2)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            self._key_use_12(2)
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            self._key_use_12(2)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
-            vim.command('diffget')
-        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
-            vim.command('diffput')
-        self.diff(current_diff)
-    def goto_result(self):
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            windows.focus(5)
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            windows.focus(3)
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            windows.focus(3)
-    def activate(self):
-        keys.unbind('u')
-        keys.bind('u1', ':ThreesomeUse1<cr>')
-        keys.bind('u2', ':ThreesomeUse2<cr>')
-        return super(GridMode, self).activate()
-    def deactivate(self):
-        keys.unbind('u1')
-        keys.unbind('u2')
-        keys.bind('u', ':ThreesomeUse<cr>')
-        return super(GridMode, self).deactivate()
-    def hud_diagram(self):
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            return [
-                r'           Original',
-                r'Layout ->  One  Two',
-                r'            Result',
-            ]
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            return [
-                r'',
-                r'Layout ->  One  Result  Two',
-                r'',
-            ]
-        elif self._current_layout == 2:
-            return [
-                r'           One',
-                r'Layout ->  Result',
-                r'           Two',
-            ]
-class LoupeMode(Mode):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._id = 'loup'
-        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_loupe', 0))
-        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_loupe', 0))
-        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_loupe')
-        self._number_of_diff_modes = 1
-        self._number_of_layouts = 1
-        self._current_buffer = buffers.result
-        return super(LoupeMode, self).__init__()
-    def _diff_0(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 0
-    def _layout_0(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 1
-        self._current_layout = 0
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        self._current_buffer.open()
-        self.open_hud(2)
-        windows.focus(2)
-    def key_original(self):
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.original.open()
-        self._current_buffer = buffers.original
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_one(self):
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.one.open()
-        self._current_buffer = buffers.one
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_two(self):
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.two.open()
-        self._current_buffer = buffers.two
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_result(self):
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        self._current_buffer = buffers.result
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_use(self):
-        pass
-    def goto_result(self):
-        self.key_result()
-    def hud_diagram(self):
-        buf = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer.name]
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            return [
-                r'',
-                r'Layout ->  %s ' % (buf,),
-                r'',
-            ]
-class CompareMode(Mode):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._id = 'comp'
-        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_compare', 0))
-        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_compare', 0))
-        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_compare')
-        self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
-        self._number_of_layouts = 2
-        self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
-        self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
-        return super(CompareMode, self).__init__()
-    def _diff_0(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 0
-    def _diff_1(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 1
-        windows.focus(2)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-        windows.focus(3)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-    def _layout_0(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 2
-        self._current_layout = 0
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.vsplit()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        self._current_buffer_first.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        self._current_buffer_second.open()
-        self.open_hud(3)
-        windows.focus(3)
-    def _layout_1(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 2
-        self._current_layout = 1
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.split()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        self._current_buffer_first.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        self._current_buffer_second.open()
-        self.open_hud(3)
-        windows.focus(3)
-    def key_original(self):
-        windows.focus(2)
-        buffers.original.open()
-        self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
-        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_one(self):
-        def open_one(winnr):
-            buffers.one.open(winnr)
-            if winnr == 2:
-                self._current_buffer_first = buffers.one
-            else:
-                self._current_buffer_second = buffers.one
-            self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-            self.redraw_hud()
-        curwindow = windows.currentnr()
-        if curwindow == 1:
-            curwindow = 2
-        # If file one is showing, go to it.
-        windows.focus(2)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.one:
-            return
-        windows.focus(3)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.one:
-            return
-        # If both the original and result are showing, open file one in the
-        # current window.
-        windows.focus(2)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.original:
-            windows.focus(3)
-            if buffers.current == buffers.result:
-                open_one(curwindow)
-                return
-        # If file two is in window 1, then we open file one in window 1.
-        windows.focus(2)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
-            open_one(2)
-            return
-        # Otherwise, open file one in the current window.
-        open_one(curwindow)
-    def key_two(self):
-        def open_two(winnr):
-            buffers.two.open(winnr)
-            if winnr == 2:
-                self._current_buffer_first = buffers.two
-            else:
-                self._current_buffer_second = buffers.two
-            self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-            self.redraw_hud()
-        curwindow = windows.currentnr()
-        if curwindow == 1:
-            curwindow = 2
-        # If file two is showing, go to it.
-        windows.focus(2)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
-            return
-        windows.focus(3)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
-            return
-        # If both the original and result are showing, open file two in the
-        # current window.
-        windows.focus(2)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.original:
-            windows.focus(3)
-            if buffers.current == buffers.result:
-                open_two(curwindow)
-                return
-        # If file one is in window 2, then we open file two in window 2.
-        windows.focus(3)
-        if buffers.current == buffers.two:
-            open_two(3)
-            return
-        # Otherwise, open file two in window 2.
-        open_two(curwindow)
-    def key_result(self):
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
-        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_use(self):
-        active = (self._current_buffer_first, self._current_buffer_second)
-        if buffers.result not in active:
-            return
-        if buffers.one not in active and buffers.two not in active:
-            return
-        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
-        with windows.remain():
-            self._diff_1()  # diff the windows
-        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
-            vim.command('diffget')
-        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
-            vim.command('diffput')
-        self.diff(current_diff)
-    def goto_result(self):
-        self.key_result()
-    def hud_diagram(self):
-        first = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_first.name]
-        second = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_second.name]
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            return [
-                r'',
-                r'Layout ->  %s %s' % (first, second),
-                r'',
-            ]
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            return [
-                r'',
-                r'Layout ->  %s' % first,
-                r'           %s' % second,
-            ]
-class PathMode(Mode):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._id = 'path'
-        self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_path', 0))
-        self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_path', 0))
-        self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_path')
-        self._number_of_diff_modes = 5
-        self._number_of_layouts = 2
-        self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
-        return super(PathMode, self).__init__()
-    def _diff_0(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 0
-    def _diff_1(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 1
-        windows.focus(2)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-        windows.focus(4)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-    def _diff_2(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 2
-        windows.focus(2)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-        windows.focus(3)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-    def _diff_3(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 3
-        windows.focus(3)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-        windows.focus(4)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-    def _diff_4(self):
-        self.diffoff()
-        self._current_diff_mode = 4
-        windows.focus(2)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-        windows.focus(3)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-        windows.focus(4)
-        vim.command('diffthis')
-    def _layout_0(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 3
-        self._current_layout = 0
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.vsplit()
-        windows.vsplit()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        buffers.original.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        self._current_mid_buffer.open()
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        self.open_hud(4)
-        windows.focus(4)
-    def _layout_1(self):
-        self._number_of_windows = 3
-        self._current_layout = 1
-        # Open the layout
-        windows.close_all()
-        windows.split()
-        windows.split()
-        # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
-        windows.focus(1)
-        buffers.original.open()
-        windows.focus(2)
-        self._current_mid_buffer.open()
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.result.open()
-        self.open_hud(4)
-        windows.focus(4)
-    def key_original(self):
-        windows.focus(2)
-    def key_one(self):
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.one.open()
-        self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
-        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-        windows.focus(3)
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_two(self):
-        windows.focus(3)
-        buffers.two.open()
-        self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.two
-        self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
-        windows.focus(3)
-        self.redraw_hud()
-    def key_result(self):
-        windows.focus(4)
-    def key_use(self):
-        current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
-        with windows.remain():
-            self._diff_3()  # diff the middle and result windows
-        if buffers.current == buffers.result:
-            vim.command('diffget')
-        elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
-            vim.command('diffput')
-        self.diff(current_diff)
-    def goto_result(self):
-        windows.focus(4)
-    def hud_diagram(self):
-        if self._current_mid_buffer == buffers.one:
-            buf = 'One'
-        else:
-            buf = 'Two'
-        if self._current_layout == 0:
-            return [
-                r'',
-                r'Layout ->  Original  %s  Result' % buf,
-                r'',
-            ]
-        elif self._current_layout == 1:
-            return [
-                r'           Original',
-                r'Layout ->  %s' % buf,
-                r'           Result',
-            ]
-grid = GridMode()
-loupe = LoupeMode()
-compare = CompareMode()
-path = PathMode()
-def key_grid():
-    global current_mode
-    current_mode.deactivate()
-    current_mode = grid
-    grid.activate()
-def key_loupe():
-    global current_mode
-    current_mode.deactivate()
-    current_mode = loupe
-    loupe.activate()
-def key_compare():
-    global current_mode
-    current_mode.deactivate()
-    current_mode = compare
-    compare.activate()
-def key_path():
-    global current_mode
-    current_mode.deactivate()
-    current_mode = path
-    path.activate()
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/settings.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-def setting(name, default=None):
-    full_name = 'g:threesome_' + name
-    if not int(vim.eval('exists("%s")' % full_name)):
-        return default
-    else:
-        return vim.eval(full_name)
-def boolsetting(name):
-    if int(setting(name, 0)):
-        return True
-    else:
-        False
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/util/__init__.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# This is kind of a dirty hack.  Feels bad, man.
-from bufferlib import buffers
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/util/bufferlib.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import vim
-import windows
-ap = os.path.abspath
-class Buffer(object):
-    def __init__(self, i):
-        self.number = i + 1
-        self._buffer = vim.buffers[i]
-        self.name = self._buffer.name
-    def open(self, winnr=None):
-        if winnr is not None:
-            windows.focus(winnr)
-        vim.command('%dbuffer' % self.number)
-    def set_lines(self, lines):
-        self._buffer[:] = lines
-    @property
-    def lines(self):
-        for line in self._buffer:
-            yield line
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.name == other.name
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return self.name != other.name
-class _BufferList(object):
-    @property
-    def original(self):
-        return Buffer(0)
-    @property
-    def one(self):
-        return Buffer(1)
-    @property
-    def two(self):
-        return Buffer(2)
-    @property
-    def result(self):
-        return Buffer(3)
-    @property
-    def hud(self):
-        return Buffer(int(vim.eval("bufnr('__Threesome_HUD__')")) - 1)
-    @property
-    def current(self):
-        bufname = ap(vim.eval('bufname("%")'))
-        if bufname == ap(self.original.name):
-            return self.original
-        elif bufname == ap(self.one.name):
-            return self.one
-        elif bufname == ap(self.two.name):
-            return self.two
-        elif bufname == ap(self.result.name):
-            return self.result
-    @property
-    def all(self):
-        return [self.original, self.one, self.two, self.result]
-    @property
-    def labels(self):
-        return { buffers.original.name: 'Original',
-                 buffers.one.name: 'One',
-                 buffers.two.name: 'Two',
-                 buffers.result.name: 'Result' }
-    class remain:
-        def __enter__(self):
-            self.curbuf = vim.eval('bufnr(bufname("%"))')
-            self.pos = windows.pos()
-        def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-            vim.command('%dbuffer' % self.curbuf)
-            vim.current.window.cursor = self.pos
-buffers = _BufferList()
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/util/io.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-def error(m):
-    sys.stderr.write(str(m) + '\n')
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/util/keys.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-from bufferlib import buffers
-from ..settings import setting
-def bind(key, to, options='', mode=None, leader=None):
-    if not leader:
-        leader = setting('leader', '<localleader>')
-    vim.command('nnoremap %s %s%s %s' % (options, leader, key, to))
-def unbind(key, options='', leader=None):
-    if not leader:
-        leader = setting('leader', '<localleader>')
-    vim.command('unmap %s %s%s' % (options, leader, key))
-def bind_for_all(key, to, options='', mode=None, leader=None):
-    if not leader:
-        leader = setting('leader', '<localleader>')
-    with buffers.remain():
-        for b in buffers.all:
-            b.open()
-            bind(key, to, options, mode, leader)
-def unbind_for_all(key, options='', leader=None):
-    if not leader:
-        leader = setting('leader', '<localleader>')
-    with buffers.remain():
-        for b in buffers.all:
-            b.open()
-            unbind(key, options, leader)
--- a/autoload/threesomelib/util/windows.py	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-def focus(winnr):
-    vim.command('%dwincmd w' % winnr)
-def close(winnr):
-    focus(winnr)
-    vim.command('wincmd c')
-def close_all():
-    for winnr in range(len(vim.windows) - 1):
-        close(winnr)
-def split():
-    vim.command('wincmd s')
-def vsplit():
-    vim.command('wincmd v')
-def currentnr():
-    return int(vim.eval('winnr()'))
-def pos():
-    return vim.current.window.cursor
-class remain:
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.curwindow = currentnr()
-        self.pos = pos()
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        focus(self.curwindow)
-        vim.current.window.cursor = self.pos
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/splice.txt	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+*splice.txt*   A plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts.
+Splice is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.
+It's designed to be used as a merge tool for version control systems like
+Mercurial, Git and Bazaar.
+CONTENTS                                                     *Splice-contents*
+    1. Version Control Integration ............... |SpliceVCS|
+        1.1 Mercurial ............................ |SpliceVCS_hg|
+        1.2 Git .................................. |SpliceVCS_git|
+        1.3 Bazaar ............................... |SpliceVCS_bzr|
+    2. Basic Usage ............................... |SpliceUsage|
+        2.1 Files ................................ |SpliceUsage_files|
+        2.2 Modes ................................ |SpliceUsage_modes|
+    3. Key Bindings .............................. |SpliceKeys|
+        3.1 Mode Selection Keys .................. |SpliceKeys_mode|
+        3.2 File Selection Keys .................. |SpliceKeys_file|
+        3.3 Other Keys ........................... |SpliceKeys_other|
+    4. Modes ..................................... |SpliceModes|
+        4.1 Grid ................................. |SpliceModes_grid|
+        4.2 Loupe ................................ |SpliceModes_loupe|
+        4.3 Compare .............................. |SpliceModes_compare|
+        4.4 Path ................................. |SpliceModes_path|
+    5. Configuration ............................. |SpliceConfig|
+        5.1 splice_debug ......................... |SpliceConfig_debug|
+        5.2 splice_disable ....................... |SpliceConfig_disable|
+        5.3 splice_initial_diff_grid ............. |SpliceConfig_id_grid|
+        5.4 splice_initial_diff_loupe ............ |SpliceConfig_id_loupe|
+        5.5 splice_initial_diff_compare .......... |SpliceConfig_id_compare|
+        5.6 splice_initial_diff_path ............. |SpliceConfig_id_path|
+        5.7 splice_initial_layout_grid ........... |SpliceConfig_il_grid|
+        5.8 splice_initial_layout_loupe .......... |SpliceConfig_il_loupe|
+        5.9 splice_initial_layout_compare ........ |SpliceConfig_il_compare|
+        5.10 splice_initial_layout_path .......... |SpliceConfig_il_path|
+        5.11 splice_initial_scrollbind_grid ...... |SpliceConfig_is_grid|
+        5.12 splice_initial_scrollbind_loupe ..... |SpliceConfig_is_loupe|
+        5.13 splice_initial_scrollbind_compare ... |SpliceConfig_is_compare|
+        5.14 splice_initial_scrollbind_path ...... |SpliceConfig_is_path|
+        5.15 splice_initial_mode ................. |SpliceConfig_im|
+        5.16 splice_prefix ....................... |SpliceConfig_prefix|
+        5.17 splice_wrap ......................... |SpliceConfig_wrap|
+    6. License ................................... |SpliceLicense|
+    7. Bugs ...................................... |SpliceBugs|
+    8. Contributing .............................. |SpliceContributing|
+    9. Changelog ................................. |SpliceChangelog|
+   10. Credits ................................... |SpliceCredits|
+1. Version Control Integration                                     *SpliceVCS*
+Splice is meant to be called by your version control system when it needs you
+to resolve merge conflicts.  You will need to configure your VCS to do this
+before you can use Splice.
+*Note: If you'd like to use a Vim GUI instead of console vim, replace
+       "vim" in the following commands with your choice of "mvim" or "gvim".
+1.1 Mercurial                                                   *SpliceVCS_hg*
+Add the following lines to "~/.hgrc": >
+    [merge-tools]
+    splice.executable = vim
+    splice.args = -f $base $local $other $output -c 'SpliceInit'
+    splice.premerge = keep
+    splice.priority = 1
+Mercurial will now open Vim with Splice whenever a file has merge conflicts
+which need to be resolved.
+1.2 Git                                                        *SpliceVCS_git*
+Add the following lines to "~/.gitconfig": >
+    [merge]
+    tool = splice
+    [mergetool "splice"]
+    cmd = "vim -f $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c 'SpliceInit'"
+    trustExitCode = true
+If a "git merge" or "git pull" fails with merge conflicts you can now run
+"git mergetool".  Git will loop over all the files with conflicts and allow
+you to resolve them with Vim and Splice.
+1.3 Bazaar                                                     *SpliceVCS_bzr*
+For Bazaar 2.4 or greater, add the following line to bazaar.conf:
+    bzr.mergetool.splice = vim {base} {this} {other} {result} -c 'SpliceInit'
+Optionally, change the default merge tool by setting:
+    bzr.default_mergetool = splice
+For earlier versions of Bazaar, set the following entry in bazaar.conf:
+    external_merge = vim %b %t %o %r -c 'SpliceInit'
+You can now use Vim with Splice from "bzr qconflicts".
+2. Basic Usage                                                   *SpliceUsage*
+Splice takes a lot of inspiration for its user interface from Adobe Lightroom,
+a photo editing program.
+When resolving merge conflicts your goal is:
+  - Examine the three files describing the changes being merged.
+  - Combine these changes into a fourth file (the "result").
+  - Save the result to disk.
+  - Exit Vim with a non-error status code to tell the VCS the merge succeeded.
+Splice has several "modes" to help you work with the various files.
+2.1 Files                                                  *SpliceUsage_files*
+When resolving a merge there are four files you will work with:
+Original                                       *SpliceUsage_files_original*
+    The original file, as it appears in the parent revision of the two
+    revisions being merged.
+One                                                 *SpliceUsage_files_one*
+    The file as it appears in the first revision being merged.
+    This is usually the "current" revision, or the one you are at when you
+    run "hg merge REV").
+Two                                                 *SpliceUsage_files_two*
+    The file as it appears in the second revision being merged.
+    This is usually the "target" revision, or the one you specify in the
+    "hg merge REV" command).
+Result                                           *SpliceUsage_files_result*
+    The result of merging the two revisions of the file.
+    This is the file that your version control system expects to contain the
+    final result once you're done.
+2.2 Modes                                                  *SpliceUsage_modes*
+Splice has four "modes" or "views" for working with the files.
+Grid                                               *SpliceUsage_modes_grid*
+    Shows all four files at once to give you an overview of the merge.
+    See |SpliceModes-grid| for more information.
+Loupe                                             *SpliceUsage_modes_loupe*
+    Shows a single file at a time for close examination of a single file.
+    See |SpliceModes-loupe| for more information.
+Compare                                         *SpliceUsage_modes_compare*
+    Shows two files at a time for examining the movement of changes between
+    pairs of files.
+    See |SpliceModes-compare| for more information.
+Path                                               *SpliceUsage_modes_path*
+    Shows three files at a time:
+      - The original
+      - Either one or two
+      - The result
+    Used for examining how a change moves through one "path" or "branch"
+    of the merge.
+    See |SpliceModes-path| for more information.
+3. Key Bindings                                                   *SpliceKeys*
+All of Splice's key mappings are prefixed with a single key to group them
+together and avoid shadowing other mappings.  By default this key is '-'
+See the |SpliceConfig_prefix| setting if you'd like to change this prefix to
+something else.
+All keybindings are used across (almost) all modes.
+The behavior of some of them changes depending on the current mode, but the
+effects should be fairly intuitive.
+3.1 Mode Selection Keys                                      *SpliceKeys_mode*
+<prefix>g                                       *Grid*
+                        Switch to grid view.
+<prefix>l                                      *Loupe*
+                        Switch to loupe view.
+<prefix>c                                    *Compare*
+                        Switch to compare view.
+<prefix>p                                       *Path*
+                        Switch to path view.
+3.2 File Selection Keys                                      *SpliceKeys_file*
+<prefix>o                                   *Original*
+                        Select the original file.
+<prefix>1                                        *One*
+                        Select file one.
+<prefix>2                                        *Two*
+                        Select file two.
+<prefix>r                                     *Result*
+                        Select the result file.
+3.3 Other Keys                                              *SpliceKeys_other*
+<prefix>d                                       *Diff*
+                        Cycle through various diff combinations.
+<prefix>D                                    *DiffOff*
+                        Turn off all diffs.
+<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk*
+                        Place a hunk from file one or two into
+                        the result file.
+<prefix>s                                     *Scroll*
+                        Toggle scroll locking on and off.
+<prefix><space>                               *Layout*
+                        Cycle through various layouts of the
+                        current view.
+<prefix>n                                       *Next*
+                        Move to the next unresolved conflict.
+<prefix>N                                   *Previous*
+                        Move to the previous unresolved conflict.
+<prefix>q                                       *Quit*
+                        Save the result file and exit Vim.
+                        Indicates to the VCS that the merge was
+                        successful and it should use the current
+                        contents of the result file as the result.
+<prefix>CC                                    *Cancel*
+                        Exits Vim with an error code (like |:cquit|).
+                        Indicates to the VCS that the merge was
+                        NOT successful.
+4. Modes                                                         *SpliceModes*
+This section describes each mode in detail.
+4.1 Grid                                                    *SpliceModes_grid*
+The grid view is used to get an overview of all files at once to get a birds'
+eye view of the merge.
+Grid Layouts                                     *SpliceModes_grid_layouts*
+    Layout 0                 Layout 1                        Layout 2
+    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
+    |     Original      |    | One    | Result | Two    |    |      One      |
+    |                   |    |        |        |        |    |               |
+    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
+    |  One    |    Two  |    |        |        |        |    |     Result    |
+    |         |         |    |        |        |        |    |               |
+    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
+    |      Result       |    |        |        |        |    |      Two      |
+    |                   |    |        |        |        |    |               |
+    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
+Grid-Specific Key Bindings                          *SpliceModes_grid_keys*
+<prefix>o                                   *Original-Grid*
+                        Select the original file, but only in layout 1.
+<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Grid*
+                        Disabled in this mode.
+<prefix>u1                                  *UseHunk1-Grid*
+                        Place a hunk from file one into the result file.
+<prefix>u2                                  *UseHunk2-Grid*
+                        Place a hunk from file two into the result file.
+Grid Diffs                                         *SpliceModes_grid_diffs*
+1. No diff.
+2. Diff all files.
+4.2 Loupe                                                  *SpliceModes_loupe*
+The loupe view is used to focus on and examine a single file in detail.
+Loupe Layouts                                   *SpliceModes_loupe_layouts*
+    Layout 0
+    +-----------------+
+    | Any Single File |
+    |                 |
+    |                 |
+    |                 |
+    |                 |
+    |                 |
+    +-----------------+
+Loupe-Specific Key Bindings                        *SpliceModes_loupe_keys*
+<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Loupe*
+                        Disabled in this mode.
+Loupe Diffs                                       *SpliceModes_loupe_diffs*
+No diffs are possible in loupe mode.
+4.3 Compare                                              *SpliceModes_compare*
+The compare view is used to examine the differences between two files at
+a time.
+Compare Layouts                               *SpliceModes_compare_layouts*
+    Layout 0                 Layout 1
+    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
+    | Orig    | Result  |    | Orig              |
+    |         |         |    | or One            |
+    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
+    |         |         |    |                   |
+    | One     | One     |    +-------------------+
+    |         |         |    | One               |
+    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
+    |         |         |    | or Result         |
+    | Two     | Two     |    |                   |
+    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
+Compare-Specific Key Bindings                    *SpliceModes_compare_keys*
+<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Compare*
+                        If the result file and file one/two are
+                        both visible, place a hunk from one/two
+                        into the result file.  Otherwise: disabled.
+Compare Diffs                                   *SpliceModes_compare_diffs*
+1. No diff.
+2. Diff both files.
+4.4 Path                                                    *SpliceModes_path*
+The path view is used to view the flow of changed through one "path" or
+"branch" of the merge.
+Path Layouts                                     *SpliceModes_path_layouts*
+    Layout 0                        Layout 1
+    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+
+    | Orig   |        | Result |    | Orig              |
+    |        | One    |        |    |                   |
+    |        |        |        |    +-------------------+
+    |        |   or   |        |    | One               |
+    |        |        |        |    | or Two            |
+    |        | Two    |        |    +-------------------+
+    |        |        |        |    | Result            |
+    |        |        |        |    |                   |
+    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+
+Path-Specific Key Bindings                          *SpliceModes_path_keys*
+<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Path*
+                        Place a hunk from file one or two (whichever
+                        is currently in the center window) into the
+                        result file.
+Path Diffs                                         *SpliceModes_path_diffs*
+1. No diff.
+2. Diff the original and center windows.
+3. Diff the center and result windows.
+4. Diff the original and result windows.
+5. Configuration                                                *SpliceConfig*
+You can tweak the behavior of Splice by setting a few variables in your
+|vimrc| file. For example: >
+    let g:splice_initial_mode = "compare"
+    let g:splice_initial_layout_grid = 2
+    let g:splice_initial_layout_compare = 1
+5.1 g:splice_debug                                        *SpliceConfig_debug*
+Set this to 1 to force Splice to reload every time its file is sourced.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0 (Splice is loaded only once)
+5.2 g:splice_disable                                    *SpliceConfig_disable*
+Set this to 1 to disable Splice entirely.
+Useful if you use the same ~/.vim folder on multiple machines and some of
+them may not have Python support.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0 (Splice is enabled as usual)
+5.3 g:splice_initial_diff_grid                          *SpliceConfig_id_grid*
+Set this to change the diff the grid mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-grid-diffs| for the list of diffs.
+Options: 0, or 1
+Default: 0
+5.4 g:splice_initial_diff_loupe                        *SpliceConfig_id_loupe*
+Set this to change the diff the loupe mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-loupe-diffs| for the list of diffs.
+Options: 0
+Default: 0
+5.5 g:splice_initial_diff_compare                    *SpliceConfig_id_compare*
+Set this to change the diff the compare mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-compare-diffs| for the list of diffs.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.6 g:splice_initial_diff_path                          *SpliceConfig_id_path*
+Set this to change the diff the path mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-path-diffs| for the list of diffs.
+options: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
+Default: 0
+5.7 g:splice_initial_layout_grid                        *SpliceConfig_il_grid*
+Set this to change the layout the grid mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-grid-layouts| for the list of layouts.
+Options: 0, 1, or 2
+Default: 0
+5.8 g:splice_initial_layout_loupe                      *SpliceConfig_il_loupe*
+Set this to change the layout the loupe mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-loupe-layouts| for the list of layouts.
+Options: 0
+Default: 0
+5.9 g:splice_initial_layout_compare                  *SpliceConfig_il_compare*
+Set this to change the layout the compare mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-compare-layouts| for the list of layouts.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.10 g:splice_initial_layout_path                       *SpliceConfig_il_path*
+Set this to change the layout the path mode starts in.
+See |SpliceModes-path-layouts| for the list of layouts.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.11 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_grid                   *SpliceConfig_is_grid*
+Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in grid mode.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.12 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_loupe                 *SpliceConfig_is_loupe*
+Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in loupe mode.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.13 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_compare             *SpliceConfig_is_compare*
+Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in compare mode.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.14 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_path                   *SpliceConfig_is_path*
+Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in path mode.
+Options: 0 or 1
+Default: 0
+5.15 g:splice_initial_mode                                   *SpliceConfig_im*
+Set this to change the mode Splice initially starts up in.
+See |SpliceModes| for a description of each mode.
+Options: "grid", "loupe", "compare", or "path"
+Default: "grid"
+5.16 g:splice_prefix                                     *SpliceConfig_prefix*
+Set this to change the prefix Splice will bind all of its mappings to.
+For example: >
+    let g:splice_prefix = "<leader>t"
+Will make all Splice commands start with <leader>t instead of the default '-'.
+Options: Any valid key mapping string
+Default: "-"
+5.17 g:splice_wrap                                         *SpliceConfig_wrap*
+Set this to "wrap" or "nowrap" to set |wrap| or |nowrap| on all windows by
+By default Splice will use your default settings.
+Options: "wrap", "nowrap"
+Default: None (use the default settings)
+6. License                                                     *SpliceLicense*
+Splice is copyright Steve Losh & contributors, 2011+ and is licensed
+under the MIT/X11 license.
+7. Bugs                                                           *SpliceBugs*
+Please report any bugs you may find on the GitHub issue tracker:
+    http://github.com/sjl/splice.vim/issues
+8. Contributing                                           *SpliceContributing*
+Think you can make Splice better?  Awesome.  New contributors are always
+Fork the project on BitBucket or GitHub and send a pull request.
+    BitBucket: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/splice.vim
+    GitHub:    http://github.com/sjl/splice.vim
+9. Changelog                                                 *SpliceChangelog*
+    * Rename to Splice.
+    * Change the default prefix to '-' instead of <localleader>.
+    * Add threesome_leader as a config option.
+    * Fix a bug when the user doesn't use :set hidden.
+    * Preliminary "it probably won't eat your data" release!
+    * A bunch of cleanup.
+    * Add use hunk functionality.
+    * Add the HUD.
+    * Configurable wrapping.
+    * Configurable scrollbinding.
+    * Basic configuration settings.
+    * Multiple layout support.
+    * There's still not much working, but at least there's some help now!
+    * Oh god nothing works please don't use this for real work yet.
+10. Credits                                                    *SpliceCredits*
+Splice was originally written by Steve Losh after he got fed up with the lack
+of a powerful, intuitive, beautiful three-way merge program on OS X.
+A lot of the inspiration for the layout of the code came from vim-orgmode.
+The UI is a combination of ideas from Conflict2Diff.vim, Fugitive.vim, and
+Adobe Lightroom.
+ vim:ts=4:et:ft=help:
--- a/doc/threesome.txt	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-*threesome.txt*   A plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts.
-               This plugin is still under active development.
-         It probably won't eat your data, but don't hate me if it does.
-Threesome is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.
-It's designed to be used as a merge tool for version control systems like
-Mercurial, Git and Bazaar.
-CONTENTS                                                  *Threesome-contents*
-    1. Version Control Integration ................. |ThreesomeVCS|
-        1.1 Mercurial .............................. |ThreesomeVCS_hg|
-        1.2 Git .................................... |ThreesomeVCS_git|
-        1.3 Bazaar ................................. |ThreesomeVCS_bzr|
-    2. Basic Usage ................................. |ThreesomeUsage|
-        2.1 Files .................................. |ThreesomeUsage_files|
-        2.2 Modes .................................. |ThreesomeUsage_modes|
-    3. Key Bindings ................................ |ThreesomeKeys|
-        3.1 Mode Selection Keys .................... |ThreesomeKeys_mode|
-        3.2 File Selection Keys .................... |ThreesomeKeys_file|
-        3.3 Other Keys ............................. |ThreesomeKeys_other|
-    4. Modes ....................................... |ThreesomeModes|
-        4.1 Grid ................................... |ThreesomeModes_grid|
-        4.2 Loupe .................................. |ThreesomeModes_loupe|
-        4.3 Compare ................................ |ThreesomeModes_compare|
-        4.4 Path ................................... |ThreesomeModes_path|
-    5. Configuration ............................... |ThreesomeConfig|
-        5.1 threesome_debug ........................ |ThreesomeConfig_debug|
-        5.2 threesome_disable ...................... |ThreesomeConfig_disable|
-        5.3 threesome_initial_diff_grid ............ |ThreesomeConfig_id_grid|
-        5.4 threesome_initial_diff_loupe ........... |ThreesomeConfig_id_loupe|
-        5.5 threesome_initial_diff_compare ......... |ThreesomeConfig_id_compare|
-        5.6 threesome_initial_diff_path ............ |ThreesomeConfig_id_path|
-        5.7 threesome_initial_layout_grid .......... |ThreesomeConfig_il_grid|
-        5.8 threesome_initial_layout_loupe ......... |ThreesomeConfig_il_loupe|
-        5.9 threesome_initial_layout_compare ....... |ThreesomeConfig_il_compare|
-        5.10 threesome_initial_layout_path ......... |ThreesomeConfig_il_path|
-        5.11 threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid ..... |ThreesomeConfig_is_grid|
-        5.12 threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe .... |ThreesomeConfig_is_loupe|
-        5.13 threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare .. |ThreesomeConfig_is_compare|
-        5.14 threesome_initial_scrollbind_path ..... |ThreesomeConfig_is_path|
-        5.15 threesome_initial_mode ................ |ThreesomeConfig_im|
-        5.16 threesome_leader ...................... |ThreesomeConfig_leader|
-        5.17 threesome_wrap ........................ |ThreesomeConfig_wrap|
-    6. License ..................................... |ThreesomeLicense|
-    7. Bugs ........................................ |ThreesomeBugs|
-    8. Contributing ................................ |ThreesomeContributing|
-    9. Changelog ................................... |ThreesomeChangelog|
-   10. Credits ..................................... |ThreesomeCredits|
-1. Version Control Integration                                  *ThreesomeVCS*
-Threesome is meant to be called by your version control system when it needs
-you to resolve merge conflicts.  You will need to configure your VCS to do
-this before you can use Threesome.
-*Note: If you'd like to use a Vim GUI instead of console vim, replace
-       "vim" in the following commands with your choice of "mvim" or "gvim".
-1.1 Mercurial                                                *ThreesomeVCS_hg*
-Add the following lines to "~/.hgrc": >
-    [merge-tools]
-    threesome.executable = vim
-    threesome.args = -f $base $local $other $output -c 'ThreesomeInit'
-    threesome.premerge = keep
-    threesome.priority = 1
-Mercurial will now open Vim with Threesome whenever a file has merge conflicts
-which need to be resolved.
-1.2 Git                                                     *ThreesomeVCS_git*
-Add the following lines to "~/.gitconfig": >
-    [merge]
-    tool = threesome
-    [mergetool "threesome"]
-    cmd = "vim -f $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c 'ThreesomeInit'"
-    trustExitCode = true
-If a "git merge" or "git pull" fails with merge conflicts you can now run
-"git mergetool".  Git will loop over all the files with conflicts and allow
-you to resolve them with Vim and Threesome.
-1.3 Bazaar                                                  *ThreesomeVCS_bzr*
-For Bazaar 2.4 or greater, add the following line to bazaar.conf:
-    bzr.mergetool.threesome = vim {base} {this} {other} {result} -c 'ThreesomeInit'
-Optionally, change the default merge tool by setting:
-    bzr.default_mergetool = threesome
-For earlier versions of Bazaar, set the following entry in bazaar.conf:
-    external_merge = vim %b %t %o %r -c 'ThreesomeInit'
-You can now use Vim with Threesome from "bzr qconflicts".
-2. Basic Usage                                                *ThreesomeUsage*
-Threesome takes a lot of inspiration for its user interface from Adobe
-Lightroom, a photo editing program.
-When resolving merge conflicts your goal is:
-  - Examine the three files describing the changes being merged.
-  - Combine these changes into a fourth file (the "result").
-  - Save the result to disk.
-  - Exit Vim with a non-error status code to tell the VCS the merge succeeded.
-Threesome has several "modes" to help you work with the various files.
-2.1 Files                                               *ThreesomeUsage_files*
-When resolving a merge there are four files you will work with:
-Original                                       *ThreesomeUsage_files_original*
-    The original file, as it appears in the parent revision of the two
-    revisions being merged.
-One                                                 *ThreesomeUsage_files_one*
-    The file as it appears in the first revision being merged.
-    This is usually the "current" revision, or the one you are at when you
-    run "hg merge REV").
-Two                                                 *ThreesomeUsage_files_two*
-    The file as it appears in the second revision being merged.
-    This is usually the "target" revision, or the one you specify in the
-    "hg merge REV" command).
-Result                                           *ThreesomeUsage_files_result*
-    The result of merging the two revisions of the file.
-    This is the file that your version control system expects to contain the
-    final result once you're done.
-2.2 Modes                                               *ThreesomeUsage_modes*
-Threesome has four "modes" or "views" for working with the files.
-Grid                                               *ThreesomeUsage_modes_grid*
-    Shows all four files at once to give you an overview of the merge.
-    See |ThreesomeModes-grid| for more information.
-Loupe                                             *ThreesomeUsage_modes_loupe*
-    Shows a single file at a time for close examination of a single file.
-    See |ThreesomeModes-loupe| for more information.
-Compare                                         *ThreesomeUsage_modes_compare*
-    Shows two files at a time for examining the movement of changes between
-    pairs of files.
-    See |ThreesomeModes-compare| for more information.
-Path                                               *ThreesomeUsage_modes_path*
-    Shows three files at a time:
-      - The original
-      - Either one or two
-      - The result
-    Used for examining how a change moves through one "path" or "branch"
-    of the merge.
-    See |ThreesomeModes-path| for more information.
-3. Key Bindings                                                *ThreesomeKeys*
-Threesome makes use of <localleader> for all of its key bindings to avoid
-clashing with global mappings. If you've never used <localleader> now
-would be a good time to read the |maplocalleader| documentation and
-configure a key for it.
-All keybindings are used across (almost) all modes.
-The behavior of some of them changes depending on the current mode, but the
-effects should be fairly intuitive.
-3.1 Mode Selection Keys                                   *ThreesomeKeys_mode*
-<localleader>g                                       *Grid*
-                        Switch to grid view.
-<localleader>l                                      *Loupe*
-                        Switch to loupe view.
-<localleader>c                                    *Compare*
-                        Switch to compare view.
-<localleader>p                                       *Path*
-                        Switch to path view.
-3.2 File Selection Keys                                    *ThreesomeKeys_file*
-<localleader>o                                   *Original*
-                        Select the original file.
-<localleader>1                                        *One*
-                        Select file one.
-<localleader>2                                        *Two*
-                        Select file two.
-<localleader>r                                     *Result*
-                        Select the result file.
-3.3 Other Keys                                           *ThreesomeKeys_other*
-<localleader>d                                       *Diff*
-                        Cycle through various diff combinations.
-<localleader>D                                    *DiffOff*
-                        Turn off all diffs.
-<localleader>u                                    *UseHunk*
-                        Place a hunk from file one or two into
-                        the result file.
-<localleader>s                                     *Scroll*
-                        Toggle scroll locking on and off.
-<localleader><space>                               *Layout*
-                        Cycle through various layouts of the
-                        current view.
-<localleader>n                                       *Next*
-                        Move to the next unresolved conflict.
-<localleader>N                                   *Previous*
-                        Move to the previous unresolved conflict.
-<localleader>q                                       *Quit*
-                        Save the result file and exit Vim.
-                        Indicates to the VCS that the merge was
-                        successful and it should use the current
-                        contents of the result file as the result.
-<localleader>CC                                    *Cancel*
-                        Exits Vim with an error code (like |:cquit|).
-                        Indicates to the VCS that the merge was
-                        NOT successful.
-4. Modes                                                      *ThreesomeModes*
-This section describes each mode in detail.
-4.1 Grid                                                 *ThreesomeModes_grid*
-The grid view is used to get an overview of all files at once to get a birds'
-eye view of the merge.
-Grid Layouts                                     *ThreesomeModes_grid_layouts*
-    Layout 0                 Layout 1                        Layout 2
-    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
-    |     Original      |    | One    | Result | Two    |    |      One      |
-    |                   |    |        |        |        |    |               |
-    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
-    |  One    |    Two  |    |        |        |        |    |     Result    |
-    |         |         |    |        |        |        |    |               |
-    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
-    |      Result       |    |        |        |        |    |      Two      |
-    |                   |    |        |        |        |    |               |
-    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
-Grid-Specific Key Bindings                          *ThreesomeModes_grid_keys*
-<localleader>o                                   *Original-Grid*
-                        Select the original file, but only in layout 1.
-<localleader>u                                    *UseHunk-Grid*
-                        Disabled in this mode.
-<localleader>u1                                  *UseHunk1-Grid*
-                        Place a hunk from file one into the result file.
-<localleader>u2                                  *UseHunk2-Grid*
-                        Place a hunk from file two into the result file.
-Grid Diffs                                         *ThreesomeModes_grid_diffs*
-1. No diff.
-2. Diff all files.
-4.2 Loupe                                               *ThreesomeModes_loupe*
-The loupe view is used to focus on and examine a single file in detail.
-Loupe Layouts                                   *ThreesomeModes_loupe_layouts*
-    Layout 0
-    +-----------------+
-    | Any Single File |
-    |                 |
-    |                 |
-    |                 |
-    |                 |
-    |                 |
-    +-----------------+
-Loupe-Specific Key Bindings                        *ThreesomeModes_loupe_keys*
-<localleader>u                                    *UseHunk-Loupe*
-                        Disabled in this mode.
-Loupe Diffs                                       *ThreesomeModes_loupe_diffs*
-No diffs are possible in loupe mode.
-4.3 Compare                                           *ThreesomeModes_compare*
-The compare view is used to examine the differences between two files at
-a time.
-Compare Layouts                               *ThreesomeModes_compare_layouts*
-    Layout 0                 Layout 1
-    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
-    | Orig    | Result  |    | Orig              |
-    |         |         |    | or One            |
-    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
-    |         |         |    |                   |
-    | One     | One     |    +-------------------+
-    |         |         |    | One               |
-    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
-    |         |         |    | or Result         |
-    | Two     | Two     |    |                   |
-    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
-Compare-Specific Key Bindings                    *ThreesomeModes_compare_keys*
-<localleader>u                                    *UseHunk-Compare*
-                        If the result file and file one/two are
-                        both visible, place a hunk from one/two
-                        into the result file.  Otherwise: disabled.
-Compare Diffs                                   *ThreesomeModes_compare_diffs*
-1. No diff.
-2. Diff both files.
-4.4 Path                                                 *ThreesomeModes_path*
-The path view is used to view the flow of changed through one "path" or
-"branch" of the merge.
-Path Layouts                                     *ThreesomeModes_path_layouts*
-    Layout 0                        Layout 1
-    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+
-    | Orig   |        | Result |    | Orig              |
-    |        | One    |        |    |                   |
-    |        |        |        |    +-------------------+
-    |        |   or   |        |    | One               |
-    |        |        |        |    | or Two            |
-    |        | Two    |        |    +-------------------+
-    |        |        |        |    | Result            |
-    |        |        |        |    |                   |
-    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+
-Path-Specific Key Bindings                          *ThreesomeModes_path_keys*
-<localleader>u                                    *UseHunk-Path*
-                        Place a hunk from file one or two (whichever
-                        is currently in the center window) into the
-                        result file.
-Path Diffs                                         *ThreesomeModes_path_diffs*
-1. No diff.
-2. Diff the original and center windows.
-3. Diff the center and result windows.
-4. Diff the original and result windows.
-5. Configuration                                             *ThreesomeConfig*
-You can tweak the behavior of Threesome by setting a few variables in your
-|vimrc| file. For example: >
-    let g:threesome_initial_mode = "compare"
-    let g:threesome_initial_layout_grid = 2
-    let g:threesome_initial_layout_compare = 1
-5.1 g:threesome_debug                                  *ThreesomeConfig_debug*
-Set this to 1 to force Threesome to reload every time its file is sourced.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0 (Threesome is loaded only once)
-5.2 g:threesome_disable                              *ThreesomeConfig_disable*
-Set this to 1 to disable Threesome entirely.
-Useful if you use the same ~/.vim folder on multiple machines and some of
-them may not have Python support.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0 (Threesome is enabled as usual)
-5.3 g:threesome_initial_diff_grid                    *ThreesomeConfig_id_grid*
-Set this to change the diff the grid mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-grid-diffs| for the list of diffs.
-Options: 0, or 1
-Default: 0
-5.4 g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe                  *ThreesomeConfig_id_loupe*
-Set this to change the diff the loupe mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-loupe-diffs| for the list of diffs.
-Options: 0
-Default: 0
-5.5 g:threesome_initial_diff_compare              *ThreesomeConfig_id_compare*
-Set this to change the diff the compare mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-compare-diffs| for the list of diffs.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.6 g:threesome_initial_diff_path                    *ThreesomeConfig_id_path*
-Set this to change the diff the path mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-path-diffs| for the list of diffs.
-options: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
-Default: 0
-5.7 g:threesome_initial_layout_grid                  *ThreesomeConfig_il_grid*
-Set this to change the layout the grid mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-grid-layouts| for the list of layouts.
-Options: 0, 1, or 2
-Default: 0
-5.8 g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe                *ThreesomeConfig_il_loupe*
-Set this to change the layout the loupe mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-loupe-layouts| for the list of layouts.
-Options: 0
-Default: 0
-5.9 g:threesome_initial_layout_compare            *ThreesomeConfig_il_compare*
-Set this to change the layout the compare mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-compare-layouts| for the list of layouts.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.10 g:threesome_initial_layout_path                 *ThreesomeConfig_il_path*
-Set this to change the layout the path mode starts in.
-See |ThreesomeModes-path-layouts| for the list of layouts.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.11 g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid             *ThreesomeConfig_is_grid*
-Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in grid mode.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.12 g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe           *ThreesomeConfig_is_loupe*
-Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in loupe mode.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.13 g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare       *ThreesomeConfig_is_compare*
-Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in compare mode.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.14 g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path             *ThreesomeConfig_is_path*
-Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in path mode.
-Options: 0 or 1
-Default: 0
-5.15 g:threesome_initial_mode                             *ThreesomeConfig_im*
-Set this to change the mode Threesome initially starts up in.
-See |ThreesomeModes| for a description of each mode.
-Options: "grid", "loupe", "compare", or "path"
-Default: "grid"
-5.16 g:threesome_leader                               *ThreesomeConfig_leader*
-Set this to change the leader Threesome will bind all of its mappings to.
-For example: >
-    let g:threesome_leader = "<leader>t"
-Will make all Threesome commands start with <leader>t instead of the default
-Options: Any valid key mapping string
-Default: "<localleader>"
-5.17 g:threesome_wrap                                   *ThreesomeConfig_wrap*
-Set this to "wrap" or "nowrap" to set |wrap| or |nowrap| on all windows by
-By default Threesome will use your default settings.
-Options: "wrap", "nowrap"
-Default: None (use the default settings)
-6. License                                                  *ThreesomeLicense*
-Threesome is copyright Steve Losh & contributors, 2011+ and is licensed
-under the MIT/X11 license.
-7. Bugs                                                        *ThreesomeBugs*
-Please report any bugs you may find on the GitHub issue tracker:
-    http://github.com/sjl/threesome.vim/issues
-8. Contributing                                        *ThreesomeContributing*
-Think you can make Threesome better?  Awesome.  New contributors are always
-Fork the project on BitBucket or GitHub and send a pull request.
-    BitBucket: http://bitbucket.org/sjl/threesome.vim
-    GitHub:    http://github.com/sjl/threesome.vim
-9. Changelog                                              *ThreesomeChangelog*
-    * Add threesome_leader as a config option.
-    * Fix a bug when the user doesn't use :set hidden.
-    * Preliminary "it probably won't eat your data" release!
-    * A bunch of cleanup.
-    * Add use hunk functionality.
-    * Add the HUD.
-    * Configurable wrapping.
-    * Configurable scrollbinding.
-    * Basic configuration settings.
-    * Multiple layout support.
-    * There's still not much working, but at least there's some help now!
-    * Oh god nothing works please don't use this for real work yet.
-10. Credits                                                 *ThreesomeCredits*
-Threesome was originally written by Steve Losh after he got fed up with the
-lack of a powerful, intuitive, beautiful three-way merge program on OS X.
-A lot of the inspiration for the layout of the code came from vim-orgmode.
-The UI is a combination of ideas from Conflict2Diff.vim, Fugitive.vim, and
-Adobe Lightroom.
- vim:ts=4:et:ft=help:
--- a/package.sh	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ b/package.sh	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-hg archive ~/Desktop/threesome.zip -I 'doc' -I 'plugin' -I 'autoload' -I 'syntax' -I 'LICENSE' -I 'README.markdown'
+hg archive ~/Desktop/splice.zip -I 'doc' -I 'plugin' -I 'autoload' -I 'syntax' -I 'LICENSE' -I 'README.markdown'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugin/splice.vim	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File:        splice.vim
+" Description: vim global plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts
+" Maintainer:  Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
+" License:     MIT X11
+" ============================================================================
+" Init {{{
+if !exists('g:splice_debug') && (exists('g:splice_disable') || exists('loaded_splice') || &cp)
+    finish
+let loaded_splice = 1
+" }}}
+" Commands {{{
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceInit call splice#SpliceInit()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceGrid call splice#SpliceGrid()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceLoupe call splice#SpliceLoupe()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceCompare call splice#SpliceCompare()
+command! -nargs=0 SplicePath call splice#SplicePath()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceOriginal call splice#SpliceOriginal()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceOne call splice#SpliceOne()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceTwo call splice#SpliceTwo()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceResult call splice#SpliceResult()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceDiff call splice#SpliceDiff()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceDiffoff call splice#SpliceDiffoff()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceScroll call splice#SpliceScroll()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceLayout call splice#SpliceLayout()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceNext call splice#SpliceNext()
+command! -nargs=0 SplicePrev call splice#SplicePrev()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceUse call splice#SpliceUse()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceUse1 call splice#SpliceUse1()
+command! -nargs=0 SpliceUse2 call splice#SpliceUse2()
+" }}}
--- a/plugin/threesome.vim	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File:        threesome.vim
-" Description: vim global plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts
-" Maintainer:  Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
-" License:     MIT X11
-" ============================================================================
-" Init {{{
-if !exists('g:threesome_debug') && (exists('g:threesome_disable') || exists('loaded_threesome') || &cp)
-    finish
-let loaded_threesome = 1
-" }}}
-" Commands {{{
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call threesome#ThreesomeInit()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeGrid call threesome#ThreesomeGrid()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeLoupe call threesome#ThreesomeLoupe()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeCompare call threesome#ThreesomeCompare()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomePath call threesome#ThreesomePath()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeOriginal call threesome#ThreesomeOriginal()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeOne call threesome#ThreesomeOne()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeTwo call threesome#ThreesomeTwo()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeResult call threesome#ThreesomeResult()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeDiff call threesome#ThreesomeDiff()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeDiffoff call threesome#ThreesomeDiffoff()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeScroll call threesome#ThreesomeScroll()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeLayout call threesome#ThreesomeLayout()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeNext call threesome#ThreesomeNext()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomePrev call threesome#ThreesomePrev()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse call threesome#ThreesomeUse()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse1 call threesome#ThreesomeUse1()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse2 call threesome#ThreesomeUse2()
-" }}}
--- a/site/index.markdown	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ b/site/index.markdown	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Threesome - a Vim plugin for resolving three-way merges-
+Splice - a Vim plugin for resolving three-way merges-
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 Yes, that's some (relatively) new stuff.  No, I'm not going to support anything less
 than that.
-Threesome is a merge tool which means you'll be working with it on your development
+Splice is a merge tool which means you'll be working with it on your development
 machine, not over SSH on your servers.
 If you can't be bothered to run up-to-date versions of your tools on your main
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 Use [Pathogen][] to install the plugin from your choice of repositories:
-    hg clone https://bitbucket.org/sjl/threesome.vim ~/.vim/bundle/threesome
-    git clone https://github.com/sjl/threesome.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/threesome
+    hg clone https://bitbucket.org/sjl/splice.vim ~/.vim/bundle/splice
+    git clone https://github.com/sjl/splice.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/splice
 [Pathogen]: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
 Add the following lines to `~/.hgrc`:
-    threesome.executable = mvim
-    threesome.args = -f $base $local $other $output -c 'ThreesomeInit'
-    threesome.premerge = keep
-    threesome.priority = 1
+    splice.executable = mvim
+    splice.args = -f $base $local $other $output -c 'SpliceInit'
+    splice.premerge = keep
+    splice.priority = 1
 **Note:** replace `mvim` with `gvim` if you're on Linux, or just plain `vim` if you prefer to keep the editor in the console.
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
 Add the following lines to `~/.gitconfig`:
-    tool = threesome
+    tool = splice
-    [mergetool "threesome"]
-    cmd = "mvim -f $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c 'ThreesomeInit'"
+    [mergetool "splice"]
+    cmd = "mvim -f $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c 'SpliceInit'"
     trustExitCode = true
 **Note:** replace `mvim` with `gvim` if you're on Linux, or just plain `vim` if you prefer to keep the editor in the console.
@@ -67,25 +67,25 @@
 For Bazaar 2.4 or greater, add the following line to bazaar.conf:
-    bzr.mergetool.threesome = mvim {base} {this} {other} {result} -c 'ThreesomeInit'
+    bzr.mergetool.splice = mvim {base} {this} {other} {result} -c 'SpliceInit'
 Optionally, change the default merge tool by setting:
-    bzr.default_mergetool = threesome
+    bzr.default_mergetool = splice
 For earlier versions of Bazaar, set the following entry in bazaar.conf:
-    external_merge = mvim %b %t %o %r -c 'ThreesomeInit'
+    external_merge = mvim %b %t %o %r -c 'SpliceInit'
 **Note:** replace `mvim` with `gvim` if you're on Linux, or just plain `vim` if you prefer to keep the editor in the console.
 More Information
-**Full Documentation:** `:help threesome`  
-**Source (Mercurial):** <http://bitbucket.org/sjl/threesome.vim>  
-**Source (Git):** <http://github.com/sjl/threesome.vim>  
-**Issues:** <http://github.com/sjl/threesome.vim/issues>  
+**Full Documentation:** `:help splice`  
+**Source (Mercurial):** <http://bitbucket.org/sjl/splice.vim>  
+**Source (Git):** <http://github.com/sjl/splice.vim>  
+**Issues:** <http://github.com/sjl/splice.vim/issues>  
 **License:** [MIT/X11][license]
 [license]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
--- a/site/layout.html	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ b/site/layout.html	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
     <meta charset="utf-8" />
-    <base href="/threesome.vim/">
+    <base href="/splice.vim/">
     <title>{{ title }}</title>
-    <meta name="description" content="Threesome is a Vim plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts"/>
+    <meta name="description" content="Splice is a Vim plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts"/>
     <meta name="author" content="Steve Losh"/>
     <!--[if lt IE 9]>
         <script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
     <div class="container">
         <div class="five columns sidebar">
-            <h1 class="logo"><a href="">threesome</a></h1>
+            <h1 class="logo"><a href="">splice</a></h1>
-                Threesome is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during&nbsp;three-way&nbsp;merges.
+                Splice is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during&nbsp;three-way&nbsp;merges.
--- a/site/publish.sh	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ b/site/publish.sh	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 python render.py
 hg -R ~/src/sjl.bitbucket.org pull -u
-rsync --delete -az . ~/src/sjl.bitbucket.org/threesome.vim
-hg -R ~/src/sjl.bitbucket.org commit -Am 'threesome.vim: Update site.'
+rsync --delete -az . ~/src/sjl.bitbucket.org/splice.vim
+hg -R ~/src/sjl.bitbucket.org commit -Am 'splice.vim: Update site.'
 hg -R ~/src/sjl.bitbucket.org push
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/syntax/splice.vim	Fri Apr 20 15:16:48 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+let b:current_syntax = 'splice'
+syn match SpliceModes '\v^[^|]+'
+syn match SpliceLayout '\v\|[^\|]+\|'
+syn match SpliceCommands '\v[^\|]+\|$'
+syn match SpliceHeading '\v(Splice Modes|Splice Commands|Layout -\>)' contained containedin=SpliceModes,SpliceLayout,SpliceCommands
+syn match SpliceSep '\v\|' contained containedin=SpliceLayout,SpliceCommands
+syn match SpliceCurrentMode '\v\*\S+' contained containedin=SpliceModes
+hi def link SpliceSep Comment
+hi def link SpliceHeading Comment
+hi def link SpliceModes Normal
+hi def link SpliceCurrentMode Keyword
--- a/syntax/threesome.vim	Tue Apr 10 10:19:23 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-let b:current_syntax = 'threesome'
-syn match ThreesomeModes '\v^[^|]+'
-syn match ThreesomeLayout '\v\|[^\|]+\|'
-syn match ThreesomeCommands '\v[^\|]+\|$'
-syn match ThreesomeHeading '\v(Threesome Modes|Threesome Commands|Layout -\>)' contained containedin=ThreesomeModes,ThreesomeLayout,ThreesomeCommands
-syn match ThreesomeSep '\v\|' contained containedin=ThreesomeLayout,ThreesomeCommands
-syn match ThreesomeCurrentMode '\v\*\S+' contained containedin=ThreesomeModes
-hi def link ThreesomeSep Comment
-hi def link ThreesomeHeading Comment
-hi def link ThreesomeModes Normal
-hi def link ThreesomeCurrentMode Keyword