doc/splice.txt @ a3dc06785e35

Set the filetype properly in each buffer during init.
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 12 Dec 2012 13:02:00 -0500
parents 22feac7bc424
children 86a478f40df6
*splice.txt*   a plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts.

                 _____       ___            ___       _____    ~
                / ___/____  / (_)__________(_) \  ____\___ \   ~
                \__ \/ __ \/ / / ___/ _ \__ \ \ \/ __ \/ __/   ~
               ___/ / /_/ / / / /__/  __/__\ \ \ \ \_\ \ \___  ~
              /____/ .___/_/_/\___/\___/ \___/\_\_\___. \____\ ~
                  /_/                                  \_\     ~

                                  SPLICE ~
       is a Vim plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.

     It's designed to be used as a merge tool for version control systems
                       like Mercurial, Git and Bazaar.

CONTENTS                                                     *Splice-contents*

    1. Version Control Integration ............... |SpliceVCS|
        1.1 Mercurial ............................ |SpliceVCS_hg|
        1.2 Git .................................. |SpliceVCS_git|
        1.3 Bazaar ............................... |SpliceVCS_bzr|
    2. Basic Usage ............................... |SpliceUsage|
        2.1 Files ................................ |SpliceUsage_files|
        2.2 Modes ................................ |SpliceUsage_modes|
    3. Key Bindings .............................. |SpliceKeys|
        3.1 Mode Selection Keys .................. |SpliceKeys_mode|
        3.2 File Selection Keys .................. |SpliceKeys_file|
        3.3 Other Keys ........................... |SpliceKeys_other|
    4. Modes ..................................... |SpliceModes|
        4.1 Grid ................................. |SpliceModes_grid|
        4.2 Loupe ................................ |SpliceModes_loupe|
        4.3 Compare .............................. |SpliceModes_compare|
        4.4 Path ................................. |SpliceModes_path|
    5. Configuration ............................. |SpliceConfig|
        5.1 splice_debug ......................... |SpliceConfig_debug|
        5.2 splice_disable ....................... |SpliceConfig_disable|
        5.3 splice_initial_diff_grid ............. |SpliceConfig_id_grid|
        5.4 splice_initial_diff_loupe ............ |SpliceConfig_id_loupe|
        5.5 splice_initial_diff_compare .......... |SpliceConfig_id_compare|
        5.6 splice_initial_diff_path ............. |SpliceConfig_id_path|
        5.7 splice_initial_layout_grid ........... |SpliceConfig_il_grid|
        5.8 splice_initial_layout_loupe .......... |SpliceConfig_il_loupe|
        5.9 splice_initial_layout_compare ........ |SpliceConfig_il_compare|
        5.10 splice_initial_layout_path .......... |SpliceConfig_il_path|
        5.11 splice_initial_scrollbind_grid ...... |SpliceConfig_is_grid|
        5.12 splice_initial_scrollbind_loupe ..... |SpliceConfig_is_loupe|
        5.13 splice_initial_scrollbind_compare ... |SpliceConfig_is_compare|
        5.14 splice_initial_scrollbind_path ...... |SpliceConfig_is_path|
        5.15 splice_initial_mode ................. |SpliceConfig_im|
        5.16 splice_prefix ....................... |SpliceConfig_prefix|
        5.17 splice_wrap ......................... |SpliceConfig_wrap|
    6. License ................................... |SpliceLicense|
    7. Bugs ...................................... |SpliceBugs|
    8. Contributing .............................. |SpliceContributing|
    9. Changelog ................................. |SpliceChangelog|
   10. Credits ................................... |SpliceCredits|

1. Version Control Integration                                     *SpliceVCS*

Splice is meant to be called by your version control system when it needs you
to resolve merge conflicts.  You will need to configure your VCS to do this
before you can use Splice.

*Note: If you'd like to use a Vim GUI instead of console vim, replace
       "vim" in the following commands with your choice of "mvim" or "gvim".

1.1 Mercurial                                                   *SpliceVCS_hg*

Add the following lines to "~/.hgrc": >

    splice.executable = vim
    splice.args = -f $base $local $other $output -c 'SpliceInit'
    splice.premerge = keep
    splice.priority = 1

Mercurial will now open Vim with Splice whenever a file has merge conflicts
which need to be resolved.

1.2 Git                                                        *SpliceVCS_git*

Add the following lines to "~/.gitconfig": >

    tool = splice

    [mergetool "splice"]
    cmd = "vim -f $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED -c 'SpliceInit'"
    trustExitCode = true

If a "git merge" or "git pull" fails with merge conflicts you can now run
"git mergetool".  Git will loop over all the files with conflicts and allow
you to resolve them with Vim and Splice.

1.3 Bazaar                                                     *SpliceVCS_bzr*

For Bazaar 2.4 or greater, add the following line to bazaar.conf:
    bzr.mergetool.splice = vim {base} {this} {other} {result} -c 'SpliceInit'
Optionally, change the default merge tool by setting:
    bzr.default_mergetool = splice
For earlier versions of Bazaar, set the following entry in bazaar.conf:
    external_merge = vim %b %t %o %r -c 'SpliceInit'
You can now use Vim with Splice from "bzr qconflicts".

2. Basic Usage                                                   *SpliceUsage*

Splice takes a lot of inspiration for its user interface from Adobe Lightroom,
a photo editing program.

When resolving merge conflicts your goal is:

  - Examine the three files describing the changes being merged.
  - Combine these changes into a fourth file (the "result").
  - Save the result to disk.
  - Exit Vim with a non-error status code to tell the VCS the merge succeeded.

Splice has several "modes" to help you work with the various files.

2.1 Files                                                  *SpliceUsage_files*

When resolving a merge there are four files you will work with:

Original                                       *SpliceUsage_files_original*
    The original file, as it appears in the parent revision of the two
    revisions being merged.

One                                                 *SpliceUsage_files_one*
    The file as it appears in the first revision being merged.

    This is usually the "current" revision, or the one you are at when you
    run "hg merge REV").

Two                                                 *SpliceUsage_files_two*
    The file as it appears in the second revision being merged.

    This is usually the "target" revision, or the one you specify in the
    "hg merge REV" command).

Result                                           *SpliceUsage_files_result*
    The result of merging the two revisions of the file.

    This is the file that your version control system expects to contain the
    final result once you're done.

2.2 Modes                                                  *SpliceUsage_modes*

Splice has four "modes" or "views" for working with the files.

Grid                                               *SpliceUsage_modes_grid*
    Shows all four files at once to give you an overview of the merge.

    See |SpliceModes-grid| for more information.

Loupe                                             *SpliceUsage_modes_loupe*
    Shows a single file at a time for close examination of a single file.

    See |SpliceModes-loupe| for more information.

Compare                                         *SpliceUsage_modes_compare*
    Shows two files at a time for examining the movement of changes between
    pairs of files.

    See |SpliceModes-compare| for more information.

Path                                               *SpliceUsage_modes_path*
    Shows three files at a time:

      - The original
      - Either one or two
      - The result

    Used for examining how a change moves through one "path" or "branch"
    of the merge.

    See |SpliceModes-path| for more information.

3. Key Bindings                                                   *SpliceKeys*

All of Splice's key mappings are prefixed with a single key to group them
together and avoid shadowing other mappings.  By default this key is '-'

See the |SpliceConfig_prefix| setting if you'd like to change this prefix to
something else.

All keybindings are used across (almost) all modes.

The behavior of some of them changes depending on the current mode, but the
effects should be fairly intuitive.

3.1 Mode Selection Keys                                      *SpliceKeys_mode*

<prefix>g                                       *Grid*
                        Switch to grid view.

<prefix>l                                      *Loupe*
                        Switch to loupe view.

<prefix>c                                    *Compare*
                        Switch to compare view.

<prefix>p                                       *Path*
                        Switch to path view.

3.2 File Selection Keys                                      *SpliceKeys_file*

<prefix>o                                   *Original*
                        Select the original file.

<prefix>1                                        *One*
                        Select file one.

<prefix>2                                        *Two*
                        Select file two.

<prefix>r                                     *Result*
                        Select the result file.

3.3 Other Keys                                              *SpliceKeys_other*

<prefix>d                                       *Diff*
                        Cycle through various diff combinations.

<prefix>D                                    *DiffOff*
                        Turn off all diffs.

<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk*
                        Place a hunk from file one or two into
                        the result file.

<prefix>s                                     *Scroll*
                        Toggle scroll locking on and off.

<prefix><space>                               *Layout*
                        Cycle through various layouts of the
                        current view.

<prefix>n                                       *Next*
                        Move to the next unresolved conflict.

<prefix>N                                   *Previous*
                        Move to the previous unresolved conflict.

<prefix>q                                       *Quit*
                        Save the result file and exit Vim.

                        Indicates to the VCS that the merge was
                        successful and it should use the current
                        contents of the result file as the result.

<prefix>CC                                    *Cancel*
                        Exits Vim with an error code (like |:cquit|).
                        Indicates to the VCS that the merge was
                        NOT successful.

4. Modes                                                         *SpliceModes*

This section describes each mode in detail.

4.1 Grid                                                    *SpliceModes_grid*

The grid view is used to get an overview of all files at once to get a birds'
eye view of the merge.

Grid Layouts                                     *SpliceModes_grid_layouts*

    Layout 0                 Layout 1                        Layout 2
    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+
    |     Original      |    | One    | Result | Two    |    |      One      |
    |                   |    |        |        |        |    |               |
    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
    |  One    |    Two  |    |        |        |        |    |     Result    |
    |         |         |    |        |        |        |    |               |
    +-------------------+    |        |        |        |    +---------------+
    |      Result       |    |        |        |        |    |      Two      |
    |                   |    |        |        |        |    |               |
    +-------------------+    +--------------------------+    +---------------+

Grid-Specific Key Bindings                          *SpliceModes_grid_keys*

<prefix>o                                   *Original-Grid*
                        Select the original file, but only in layout 1.

<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Grid*
                        Disabled in this mode.

<prefix>u1                                  *UseHunk1-Grid*
                        Place a hunk from file one into the result file.

<prefix>u2                                  *UseHunk2-Grid*
                        Place a hunk from file two into the result file.

Grid Diffs                                         *SpliceModes_grid_diffs*

1. No diff.
2. Diff all files.

4.2 Loupe                                                  *SpliceModes_loupe*

The loupe view is used to focus on and examine a single file in detail.

Loupe Layouts                                   *SpliceModes_loupe_layouts*

    Layout 0
    | Any Single File |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |

Loupe-Specific Key Bindings                        *SpliceModes_loupe_keys*

<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Loupe*
                        Disabled in this mode.

Loupe Diffs                                       *SpliceModes_loupe_diffs*

No diffs are possible in loupe mode.

4.3 Compare                                              *SpliceModes_compare*

The compare view is used to examine the differences between two files at
a time.

Compare Layouts                               *SpliceModes_compare_layouts*

    Layout 0                 Layout 1
    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
    | Orig    | Result  |    | Orig              |
    |         |         |    | or One            |
    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
    |         |         |    |                   |
    | One     | One     |    +-------------------+
    |         |         |    | One               |
    |    or   |    or   |    | or Two            |
    |         |         |    | or Result         |
    | Two     | Two     |    |                   |
    +-------------------+    +-------------------+

Compare-Specific Key Bindings                    *SpliceModes_compare_keys*

<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Compare*
                        If the result file and file one/two are
                        both visible, place a hunk from one/two
                        into the result file.  Otherwise: disabled.

Compare Diffs                                   *SpliceModes_compare_diffs*

1. No diff.
2. Diff both files.

4.4 Path                                                    *SpliceModes_path*

The path view is used to view the flow of changed through one "path" or
"branch" of the merge.

Path Layouts                                     *SpliceModes_path_layouts*

    Layout 0                        Layout 1
    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+
    | Orig   |        | Result |    | Orig              |
    |        | One    |        |    |                   |
    |        |        |        |    +-------------------+
    |        |   or   |        |    | One               |
    |        |        |        |    | or Two            |
    |        | Two    |        |    +-------------------+
    |        |        |        |    | Result            |
    |        |        |        |    |                   |
    +--------------------------+    +-------------------+

Path-Specific Key Bindings                          *SpliceModes_path_keys*

<prefix>u                                    *UseHunk-Path*
                        Place a hunk from file one or two (whichever
                        is currently in the center window) into the
                        result file.

Path Diffs                                         *SpliceModes_path_diffs*

1. No diff.
2. Diff the original and center windows.
3. Diff the center and result windows.
4. Diff the original and result windows.

5. Configuration                                                *SpliceConfig*

You can tweak the behavior of Splice by setting a few variables in your
|vimrc| file. For example: >

    let g:splice_initial_mode = "compare"
    let g:splice_initial_layout_grid = 2
    let g:splice_initial_layout_compare = 1

5.1 g:splice_debug                                        *SpliceConfig_debug*

Set this to 1 to force Splice to reload every time its file is sourced.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0 (Splice is loaded only once)

5.2 g:splice_disable                                    *SpliceConfig_disable*

Set this to 1 to disable Splice entirely.

Useful if you use the same ~/.vim folder on multiple machines and some of
them may not have Python support.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0 (Splice is enabled as usual)

5.3 g:splice_initial_diff_grid                          *SpliceConfig_id_grid*

Set this to change the diff the grid mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-grid-diffs| for the list of diffs.

Options: 0, or 1
Default: 0

5.4 g:splice_initial_diff_loupe                        *SpliceConfig_id_loupe*

Set this to change the diff the loupe mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-loupe-diffs| for the list of diffs.

Options: 0
Default: 0

5.5 g:splice_initial_diff_compare                    *SpliceConfig_id_compare*

Set this to change the diff the compare mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-compare-diffs| for the list of diffs.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.6 g:splice_initial_diff_path                          *SpliceConfig_id_path*

Set this to change the diff the path mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-path-diffs| for the list of diffs.

options: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
Default: 0

5.7 g:splice_initial_layout_grid                        *SpliceConfig_il_grid*

Set this to change the layout the grid mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-grid-layouts| for the list of layouts.

Options: 0, 1, or 2
Default: 0

5.8 g:splice_initial_layout_loupe                      *SpliceConfig_il_loupe*

Set this to change the layout the loupe mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-loupe-layouts| for the list of layouts.

Options: 0
Default: 0

5.9 g:splice_initial_layout_compare                  *SpliceConfig_il_compare*

Set this to change the layout the compare mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-compare-layouts| for the list of layouts.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.10 g:splice_initial_layout_path                       *SpliceConfig_il_path*

Set this to change the layout the path mode starts in.

See |SpliceModes-path-layouts| for the list of layouts.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.11 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_grid                   *SpliceConfig_is_grid*

Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in grid mode.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.12 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_loupe                 *SpliceConfig_is_loupe*

Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in loupe mode.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.13 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_compare             *SpliceConfig_is_compare*

Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in compare mode.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.14 g:splice_initial_scrollbind_path                   *SpliceConfig_is_path*

Set this to 1 to enable |scrollbind| by default in path mode.

Options: 0 or 1
Default: 0

5.15 g:splice_initial_mode                                   *SpliceConfig_im*

Set this to change the mode Splice initially starts up in.

See |SpliceModes| for a description of each mode.

Options: "grid", "loupe", "compare", or "path"
Default: "grid"

5.16 g:splice_prefix                                     *SpliceConfig_prefix*

Set this to change the prefix Splice will bind all of its mappings to.

For example: >

    let g:splice_prefix = "<leader>t"

Will make all Splice commands start with <leader>t instead of the default '-'.

Options: Any valid key mapping string
Default: "-"

5.17 g:splice_wrap                                         *SpliceConfig_wrap*

Set this to "wrap" or "nowrap" to set |wrap| or |nowrap| on all windows by

By default Splice will use your default settings.

Options: "wrap", "nowrap"
Default: None (use the default settings)

6. License                                                     *SpliceLicense*

Splice is copyright Steve Losh & contributors, 2011+ and is licensed
under the MIT/X11 license.

7. Bugs                                                           *SpliceBugs*

Please report any bugs you may find on the GitHub issue tracker:

8. Contributing                                           *SpliceContributing*

Think you can make Splice better?  Awesome.  New contributors are always

Fork the project on BitBucket or GitHub and send a pull request.


9. Changelog                                                 *SpliceChangelog*

    * Rename to Splice.
    * Change the default prefix to '-' instead of <localleader>.
    * Various bugfixes.
    * Add threesome_leader as a config option.
    * Fix a bug when the user doesn't use :set hidden.
    * Preliminary "it probably won't eat your data" release!
    * A bunch of cleanup.
    * Add use hunk functionality.
    * Add the HUD.
    * Configurable wrapping.
    * Configurable scrollbinding.
    * Basic configuration settings.
    * Multiple layout support.
    * There's still not much working, but at least there's some help now!
    * Oh god nothing works please don't use this for real work yet.

10. Credits                                                    *SpliceCredits*

Splice was originally written by Steve Losh after he got fed up with the lack
of a powerful, intuitive, beautiful three-way merge program on OS X.

A lot of the inspiration for the layout of the code came from vim-orgmode.

The UI is a combination of ideas from Conflict2Diff.vim, Fugitive.vim, and
Adobe Lightroom.

