--- a/silt.lisp Mon Aug 08 15:00:27 2016 +0000
+++ b/silt.lisp Mon Aug 08 15:06:30 2016 +0000
@@ -851,15 +851,39 @@
;;; Mysteries
(define-entity monolith (coords visible sentient flavor)
- (countdown :initarg :countdown :accessor monolith-countdown))
+ (countdown :initarg :countdown))
(define-entity fountain (coords visible sentient flavor inspectable)
- (recent :initform (make-ticklist) :accessor fountain-recent))
+ (recent :initform (make-ticklist)))
(define-entity colossus (coords visible sentient flavor inspectable)
- (counter :initform 1 :accessor colossus-counter)
- (next :initform 1000 :accessor colossus-next))
+ (counter :initform 1)
+ (next :initform 1000))
+(defun monolith-act (m)
+ (when (zerop *population*)
+ (with-slots (countdown) m
+ (case (decf countdown)
+ (40 (log-message "The monolith begins to glow."))
+ (0 (progn
+ (setf countdown 100)
+ (-<> (make-creature (coords/x m) (1+ (coords/y m)))
+ creature-name
+ (log-message
+ "The monolith flashes brightly and ~A appears in front of it!"
+ <>))))))))
+(defun fountain-act (f)
+ (with-slots (recent) f
+ (zapf recent #'ticklist-tick)
+ (iterate
+ (for creature :in (remove-if-not #'creature? (nearby f)))
+ (unless (member creature (ticklist-contents recent))
+ (creature-mutate creature)
+ (ticklist-push recent creature 1000)
+ (log-message "~A drinks from the fountain and... changes."
+ (creature-name creature))))))
(defun colossus-act (c)
(with-slots (counter next) c
@@ -870,28 +894,6 @@
(coords-move-entity c (1+ (coords/x c)) (coords/y c))
(log-message "The colossus takes a step."))))
-(defun monolith-act (m)
- (when (zerop *population*)
- (case (decf (monolith-countdown m))
- (40 (log-message "The monolith begins to glow."))
- (0 (progn
- (setf (monolith-countdown m) 100)
- (-<> (make-creature (coords/x m) (1+ (coords/y m)))
- creature-name
- (log-message
- "The monolith flashes brightly and ~A appears in front of it!"
- <>)))))))
-(defun fountain-act (f)
- (zapf (fountain-recent f) #'ticklist-tick)
- (iterate
- (for creature :in (remove-if-not #'creature? (nearby f)))
- (unless (member creature (ticklist-contents (fountain-recent f)))
- (creature-mutate creature)
- (ticklist-push (fountain-recent f) creature 1000)
- (log-message "~A drinks from the fountain and... changes."
- (creature-name creature)))))
(defun make-monolith ()
(create-entity 'monolith