--- a/src/silt/core.clj Mon Dec 14 20:17:43 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/silt/core.clj Mon Dec 14 21:01:30 2015 +0000
@@ -186,12 +186,15 @@
; eat shit, clojure
(if (< n 0) (- n) n))
+(defn flip-colors [{:keys [fg bg]}]
+ {:fg bg :bg fg})
; Mysteries -------------------------------------------------------------------
(def landmarks
(ref (to-loc-map
#{{:name :monolith :loc [0 0]
- :glyph "#" :styles {:fg :black :bg :yellow}
+ :glyph "#" :styles {:fg :black :bg :cyan}
:description "A sleek, rectangular, octarine monolith. What is its function?"
(fn [self]
@@ -218,6 +221,54 @@
(let [dest (normalize-world-coords [(inc x) y])]
(alter landmarks dissoc loc)
(alter landmarks assoc dest (assoc self :loc dest)))))}
+ {:name :amunet :loc (random-coord)
+ :glyph "ß" :styles {:fg :yellow :bg :white}
+ :description "A sandstone monument to Amunet."
+ :action
+ (fn [{[x y :as self-loc] :loc :as self}]
+ (when (= 4000 (rem @day 5000))
+ (let [{:keys [loc]} (rand-nth (vals @animals))]
+ (alter animals assoc-in [loc :directions]
+ [[[-1 -1] 30] [[0 -1] 1] [[1 -1] 1]
+ [[-1 0] 30] [[0 0] 0] [[1 0] 1]
+ [[-1 1] 30] [[0 1] 1] [[1 1] 1]])
+ (alter landmarks update-in [self-loc :styles] flip-colors))))}
+ {:name :sunstone :loc (random-coord)
+ :glyph "O" :styles {:fg :yellow :bg :white}
+ :description "A glowing stone embedded in a rock pulses gently."
+ :action
+ (fn [{[x y :as self-loc] :loc :as self}]
+ (when (= 1000 (rem @day 5000))
+ (let [{:keys [loc]} (rand-nth (vals @animals))]
+ (alter animals assoc-in [loc :directions]
+ [[[-1 -1] 1] [[0 -1] 1] [[1 -1] 30]
+ [[-1 0] 1] [[0 0] 0] [[1 0] 30]
+ [[-1 1] 1] [[0 1] 1] [[1 1] 30]])
+ (alter landmarks update-in [self-loc :styles] flip-colors))))}
+ {:name :magnet :loc (random-coord)
+ :glyph "M" :styles {:fg :red :bg :white}
+ :description "A strange force tugs your blood to the north."
+ :action
+ (fn [{[x y :as self-loc] :loc :as self}]
+ (when (= 2000 (rem @day 5000))
+ (let [{:keys [loc]} (rand-nth (vals @animals))]
+ (alter animals assoc-in [loc :directions]
+ [[[-1 -1] 30] [[0 -1] 30] [[1 -1] 30]
+ [[-1 0] 1] [[0 0] 0] [[1 0] 1]
+ [[-1 1] 1] [[0 1] 1] [[1 1] 1]])
+ (alter landmarks update-in [self-loc :styles] flip-colors))))}
+ {:name :feather :loc (random-coord)
+ :glyph ")" :styles {:fg :red :bg :white}
+ :description "A single feather lies peacefully on the ground."
+ :action
+ (fn [{[x y :as self-loc] :loc :as self}]
+ (when (= 3000 (rem @day 5000))
+ (let [{:keys [loc]} (rand-nth (vals @animals))]
+ (alter animals assoc-in [loc :directions]
+ [[[-1 -1] 1] [[0 -1] 1] [[1 -1] 1]
+ [[-1 0] 1] [[0 0] 0] [[1 0] 1]
+ [[-1 1] 30] [[0 1] 30] [[1 1] 30]])
+ (alter landmarks update-in [self-loc :styles] flip-colors))))}
{:name :fountain :loc (random-coord)
:glyph "ƒ" :styles {:fg :white :bg :blue}
:description "A marble fountain burbles peacefully."
@@ -230,7 +281,10 @@
(alter animals
#(update % (:loc animal) mutate-animal 100))))}
+;;; (rr/rand-nth [";" "☃" "$" "&" "!" ":" "¥" "£" "¤" "€"
+;;; "‡" "ß" "¶" "µ" "¢" "¬"
+;;; "¿" "?" "§" "@"]))))))
; Animals ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn can-reproduce [animal]
@@ -264,8 +318,8 @@
(defn affect-temp [animal]
(assoc animal :temp
(/ @world-temp
- (:insulation animal)
- (if (in-water animal) 5 1))))
+ (inc (:insulation animal))
+ (if (in-water animal) 10 1))))
(defn fix-temp [{:keys [temp] :as animal}]
(-> animal