--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore Sat Dec 12 15:44:46 2015 +0000
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--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.md Sat Dec 12 15:44:46 2015 +0000
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+# silt
+FIXME: description
+## Installation
+Download from http://example.com/FIXME.
+## Usage
+FIXME: explanation
+ $ java -jar silt-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
+## Options
+FIXME: listing of options this app accepts.
+## Examples
+### Bugs
+### Any Other Sections
+### That You Think
+### Might be Useful
+## License
+Copyright © 2015 FIXME
+Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at
+your option) any later version.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project.clj Sat Dec 12 15:44:46 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(defproject silt "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ :description "FIXME: write description"
+ :url "http://example.com/FIXME"
+ :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
+ :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
+ :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
+ [clojure-lanterna "0.9.5"]
+ [roul "0.2.0"]
+ ]
+ :main ^:skip-aot silt.core
+ :target-path "target/%s"
+ :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/silt/core.clj Sat Dec 12 15:44:46 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(ns silt.core
+ (:require [lanterna.screen :as s]
+ [roul.random :as rr]
+ [clojure.stacktrace :refer [print-stack-trace]])
+ (:gen-class))
+; Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(def fps 20)
+(def world-width 600)
+(def world-height 400)
+(def screen (s/get-screen :swing))
+(defonce running (atom true))
+(def window-loc (ref [0 0]))
+(defonce last-timestamp (atom 0))
+(defonce terrain (ref []))
+(def terrain-rate 1)
+(def terrain-objects
+ [{:name :rock :glyph "*"}
+ {:name :shrub :glyph "%"}])
+(def landmarks (ref
+ #{{:name :monolith :glyph "#" :loc [0 0] :styles {:fg :black :bg :yellow}}
+ {:name :colossus :glyph "@" :loc [200 100] :styles {:fg :black :bg :red}}
+ }))
+; Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defmacro while-let [binding-form & body]
+ `(loop []
+ (when-let ~binding-form
+ ~@body
+ (recur))))
+; World Generation ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn generate-terrain []
+ (for [x (range world-width)
+ y (range world-height)
+ :when (rr/rand-bool terrain-rate)]
+ (assoc (rr/rand-nth terrain-objects)
+ :loc [x y])))
+(defn reset-terrain! []
+ (let [new-terrain (generate-terrain)]
+ (dosync
+ (ref-set terrain new-terrain))
+ nil))
+; Drawing ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn normalize-coord [v limit]
+ (cond
+ (< v 0) (normalize-coord (+ limit v) limit)
+ (>= v limit) (normalize-coord (- v limit) limit)
+ :else v))
+(defn normalize-world-coords [[wx wy]]
+ [(normalize-coord wx world-width)
+ (normalize-coord wy world-height)])
+(defn calc-screen-coords [[wx wy]]
+ (let [[ox oy] @window-loc]
+ (normalize-world-coords [(- wx ox) (- wy oy)])))
+(defn draw-terrain! [screen]
+ (let [[swidth sheight] (s/get-size screen)]
+ (doseq [{:keys [loc glyph]} @terrain
+ :let [[sx sy] (calc-screen-coords loc)]
+ :when (and (< -1 sx swidth)
+ (< -1 sy sheight))]
+ (s/put-string screen sx sy glyph))))
+(defn draw-landmarks! [screen]
+ (let [[swidth sheight] (s/get-size screen)]
+ (doseq [{:keys [loc glyph styles]} @landmarks
+ :let [[sx sy] (calc-screen-coords loc)]
+ :when (and (< -1 sx swidth)
+ (< -1 sy sheight))]
+ (s/put-string screen sx sy glyph styles))))
+(defn draw-screen! [screen]
+ (s/clear screen)
+ (draw-terrain! screen)
+ (draw-landmarks! screen)
+ (s/put-string screen (- (nth (s/get-size screen) 0) 7) 0 " SILT ")
+ (s/move-cursor screen (- (nth (s/get-size screen) 0) 6) 0)
+ (s/redraw screen))
+; Input -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn move-window! [key]
+ (dosync
+ (commute window-loc
+ #(let [[x y] %1]
+ (case %2
+ :up [x (dec y)]
+ :down [x (inc y)]
+ :left [(dec x) y]
+ :right [(inc x) y]))
+ key)))
+(defn handle-input! [screen]
+ (while-let [key (s/get-key screen)]
+ (case key
+ :escape (reset! running false)
+ (:up :down :left :right) (move-window! key)
+ nil)))
+; Game loop -------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn throttle! []
+ (let [current (System/currentTimeMillis)
+ sofar (- current @last-timestamp)
+ desired (/ 1000 fps)
+ wait (- desired sofar)]
+ (reset! last-timestamp current)
+ (if (> wait 0)
+ (Thread/sleep wait))))
+(defn main-loop []
+ (s/in-screen
+ screen
+ (while @running
+ (draw-screen! screen)
+ (handle-input! screen)
+ (throttle!)))
+ (reset! running true))
+; Scratch ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn -main
+ "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
+ [& args]
+ (println "Hello, World!"))
+ (reset! running false)
+ (reset! running true)
+ (reset-terrain!)
+ (future (main-loop))
+ )