Commit Log

commit description author date
b261c086fa4e Start working on fluxplayer grounder Steve Losh 2016-09-26
167ffd6a7a6a Lisp grounder, work-in-progress Steve Losh 2016-09-26
39b13193bce2 Fix and/or stuff Steve Losh 2016-09-24
6281f8557971 Add GDL-II player Steve Losh 2016-09-16
86ab44c2dfa8 Tear out socket bullshit and implement the random player Steve Losh 2016-09-14
77db7de3a21c Sketch out an initial skeleton architecture Steve Losh 2016-09-08
87b80a1dabb2 Initial project skeleton Steve Losh 2016-09-08
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