
Fix universe matching
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 13 Feb 2017 17:54:31 +0000 (2017-02-13)
parents f135daf29471
children ad00448cd5f9
branches/tags (none)
files gdl/pennies.gdl src/grounders/fluxplayer.lisp src/reasoners/zdd.lisp src/zdd.lisp


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gdl/pennies.gdl	Mon Feb 13 17:54:31 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(role alice)
+(role random)
+(side tails)
+(side heads)
+(init (coin unset))
+(init (coins unset unset))
+(init (control random))
+(<= (legal random (choose ?s1 ?s2))
+  (true (control random))
+  (side ?s1) (side ?s2))
+(<= (legal ?p noop)
+  (role ?p)
+  (not (true (control ?p))))
+(<= (legal alice (play ?s))
+  (true (control alice))
+  (side ?s))
+(<= (next (control alice))
+  (true (control random)))
+(<= (next (coins ?s1 ?s2))
+  (does ?p (choose ?s1 ?s2)))
+(<= (next (coin ?s))
+  (does ?p (play ?s)))
+(<= (next (coins ?s1 ?s2))
+  (true (coins ?s1 ?s2))
+  (not (true (control random))))
+(<= (next (coin ?s))
+  (true (coin ?s))
+  (not (true (control alice))))
+(<= (sees alice (coins ?s1))
+  (true (coins ?s1 ?s2)))
+(<= (goal alice 100)
+  (true (coins ?s ?s))
+  (true (coin ?s)))
+(<= (goal alice 50)
+  (true (coins ?s1 ?s2))
+  (true (coin ?s1))
+  (distinct ?s1 ?s2))
+(<= (goal alice 50)
+  (true (coins ?s1 ?s2))
+  (true (coin ?s2))
+  (distinct ?s1 ?s2))
+(<= terminal 
+  (not (true (coin unset)))
+  (not (true (coins unset unset))))
--- a/src/grounders/fluxplayer.lisp	Tue Feb 07 12:29:12 2017 +0000
+++ b/src/grounders/fluxplayer.lisp	Mon Feb 13 17:54:31 2017 +0000
@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@
 ;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun ground-gdl-string (string)
-  (->> (ground-with-fluxplayer string "-")
-    parse-raw-grounded
-    (apply #'rebuild-rules)))
+  (-<> (ground-with-fluxplayer string "-")
+    (parse-raw-grounded <>)
+    (apply #'rebuild-rules <>)))
 (defun ground-gdl-file (filename)
   (-<> (ground-with-fluxplayer "" filename)
-    parse-raw-grounded
+    (parse-raw-grounded <>)
     (apply #'rebuild-rules <>)))
@@ -149,5 +149,4 @@
 ; (dump-grounded "buttons")
 ; (dump-grounded "8puzzle")
 ; (dump-grounded "tictactoe")
-(dump-grounded "roshambo2")
-; (dump-grounded "hanoi")
+(dump-grounded "pennies")
--- a/src/reasoners/zdd.lisp	Tue Feb 07 12:29:12 2017 +0000
+++ b/src/reasoners/zdd.lisp	Mon Feb 13 17:54:31 2017 +0000
@@ -70,6 +70,16 @@
   (make-rule-forest (mapcar #'build-stratum strata-list)))
+;;;; Universes ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun make-universe (predicate term->number)
+  (let ((universe (make-array (hash-table-count term->number)
+                    :initial-element nil)))
+    (iterate (for (term number) :in-hashtable term->number)
+             (when (funcall predicate term)
+               (setf (aref universe number) t)))
+    universe))
 ;;;; Reasoner -----------------------------------------------------------------
 (defclass* (zdd-reasoner :conc-name zr-) ()
@@ -81,7 +91,7 @@
-   percept-zdds
+   percept-universes
@@ -154,12 +164,14 @@
           :goal-zdd (make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::goal) term->number)
           :terminal-zdd (make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::terminal) term->number)
           :next-zdd (make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::next) term->number)
-          :percept-zdds (iterate
-                          (for role :in roles)
-                          (collect-hash (role . (make-predicate-zdd
-                                                  `(ggp-rules::sees ,role)
-                                                  term->number))
-                                        :test #'equal))
+          :percept-universes
+          (iterate
+            (for role :in roles)
+            (collect-hash (role (make-universe
+                                  (lambda (term)
+                                    (equal (take 2 term)
+                                           `(ggp-rules::sees ,role)))
+                                  term->number))))
           :term->number term->number
           :number->term number->term)))))
@@ -440,24 +452,24 @@
 ;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defparameter *rules*
-  (scully.gdl::read-gdl "gdl/tictactoe-grounded.gdl"))
+  (scully.gdl::read-gdl "gdl/pennies-grounded.gdl"))
-(-<> *rules*
-  (scully.gdl::normalize-rules <>)
-  (scully.terms::integerize-rules <>)
-  ; (nth 2 <>)
-  ; (make-rule-forest <>)
-  ; (scully.terms::print-strata <>)
-  ; (no <>)
-  ; (rest <>)
-  ; (map nil #'print-hash-table <>)
-  )
+; (-<> *rules*
+;   (scully.gdl::normalize-rules <>)
+;   (scully.terms::integerize-rules <>)
+;   ; (nth 2 <>)
+;   ; (make-rule-forest <>)
+;   ; (scully.terms::print-strata <>)
+;   ; (no <>)
+;   ; (rest <>)
+;   ; (map nil #'print-hash-table <>)
+;   )
 (defparameter *r* (make-zdd-reasoner *rules*))
-(defparameter *i* (initial-iset *r*))
-(defparameter *j* (initial-iset *r*))
+; (defparameter *i* (initial-iset *r*))
+; (defparameter *j* (initial-iset *r*))
 ; (with-zdd
 ;   (-<> *r*
--- a/src/zdd.lisp	Tue Feb 07 12:29:12 2017 +0000
+++ b/src/zdd.lisp	Mon Feb 13 17:54:31 2017 +0000
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
   (zdd-keep-avoiders-of% zdd (sort set #'<)))
-(defun zdd-match% (zdd set lower-bound upper-bound)
+(defun zdd-match% (zdd set universe)
   (recursively ((zdd zdd) (set set))
     (ematch zdd
       ;; If Z = ∅, there are no candidates for matching.
@@ -313,11 +313,61 @@
                                             ;        jeeeeeeeesus
                                             (sink nil))))))))))))
-(defun zdd-match (zdd set lower-bound upper-bound)
+(defun zdd-match% (zdd set universe)
+  (recursively ((zdd zdd) (set set))
+    (ematch zdd
+      ;; If Z = ∅, there are no candidates for matching.
+      ((sink nil) (sink nil))
+      ;; If Z = {∅}, the only set ∅ can match is the empty set.
+      ((sink t) (if (null set)
+                  (sink t)
+                  (sink nil)))
+      ;; Otherwise Z is a real node.
+      ((node var hi lo)
+       (if (not (aref universe var))
+         ;; If this node is not in the universe, we don't care about it at all.
+         ;; Recur down both branches.
+         (zdd-node var
+                   (recur hi set)
+                   (recur lo set))
+         ;; Otherwise this node is in the universe.  Is it in the set we're
+         ;; looking for?
+         (ematch set
+           ;; If our target is empty, only the lo branch of Z can ever match.
+           (nil (recur lo set))
+           ;; Otherwise we've got a target element.  Almost there!
+           ((list* element remaining)
+            (cond
+              ;; If we're below the target element, we recur down the lo
+              ;; branch because the hi branch contains something unwanted.
+              ((< var element) (recur lo set))
+              ;; If we're above the target element, we can never match.
+              ((> var element) (sink nil))
+              ;; Otherwise, we recur down the hi branch with the rest of our
+              ;; target (the lo branch is always missing this element).
+              ((= var element) (zdd-node var
+                                         (recur hi remaining)
+                                         ;        jeeeeeeesus
+                                         (sink nil)))))))))))
+(defun zdd-match (zdd set universe)
   "Return a ZDD of members that exactly match `set` within the universe.
   {α | α ∈ Z and α ∩ U = S}
+  `universe` should be an array of booleans, one per possible term.
-  (zdd-match% zdd (sort set #'<) lower-bound upper-bound))
+  (zdd-match% zdd (sort set #'<) universe))
+;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun test ()
+  (with-zdd
+    (let ((z (zdd-set '(2 3 4 5 8))))
+      (enumerate z)
+      (enumerate (zdd-match z '(2 4 8) #(t nil t nil t nil t nil t nil))))))