
Lots of cleanup, docstrings, comments
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 24 Nov 2016 16:08:20 +0000 (2016-11-24)
parents e2fbd297f5c7
children 8a22df7c2b9d
branches/tags (none)
files package.lisp src/gdl.lisp src/graphviz.lisp src/logic.lisp src/rule-trees.lisp src/terms.lisp src/zdd.lisp vendor/make-quickutils.lisp vendor/quickutils.lisp


--- a/package.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -5,12 +5,23 @@
+    :trivia
+    :named-readtables
-    :dump-gdl))
+    :dump-gdl
+    :normalize-rules
+    :bare-term
+    :negationp
+    :term-predicate
+    :term<
+    :rule-head
+    :rule-body
+    :rule-predicate
+    :rule-head=))
 (defpackage :scully.graphviz
@@ -23,16 +34,6 @@
-(defpackage :scully.dag
-  (:use
-    :cl
-    :losh
-    :iterate
-    :cl-arrows
-    :trivia
-    :scully.quickutils)
-  (:export))
 (defpackage :scully.zdd
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
+    :scully.gdl
@@ -64,8 +66,11 @@
+    :scully.gdl
-  (:export))
+  (:export
+    :integerize-rules
+    :stratify-layer))
 (defpackage :scully.logic
@@ -75,6 +80,7 @@
 (defpackage :scully.reasoners.prolog
--- a/src/gdl.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/gdl.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 (in-package :scully.gdl)
+(in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)
+;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defvar *ggp-gensym-counter* 0)
 (defun gensym-ggp ()
   "Return a unique symbol in the `ggp-rules` package."
   (values (intern (mkstr 'rule- (incf *ggp-gensym-counter*))
                   (find-package :ggp-rules))))
+;;;; Files --------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun read-gdl (filename)
   "Read GDL from the given file"
   (let ((*package* (find-package :ggp-rules)))
@@ -18,6 +21,12 @@
         :while (not (eq form done))
         :collect form))))
+(defun dump-gdl (rules &optional stream)
+  (let ((*package* (find-package :ggp-rules)))
+    (format stream "~(~{~S~%~}~)" rules)))
+;;;; Temperance ---------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun load-rules (database rules)
   (push-logic-frame-with database
     (mapc (lambda (rule)
@@ -27,6 +36,63 @@
               (invoke-fact database rule)))
-(defun dump-gdl (rules)
-  (let ((*package* (find-package :ggp-rules)))
-    (format nil "~(~{~S~%~}~)" rules)))
+;;;; Normalization ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Normalization takes a set of clauses from raw GDL format and turns them into
+;;; friendlier Lispy clauses of the form:
+;;;     (head . body)
+;;; * (<= head .body) becomes (head . body)
+;;; * (fact) becomes ((fact)), i.e. ((fact) . nil)
+;;; * Nullary predicates like terminal have their parens added back.
+;;; So something like (<= terminal (true foo) (not bar)) would become:
+;;;   ((terminal)
+;;;    (true foo)
+;;;    (not (bar)))
+(defun-match normalize-term (term)
+  (`(ggp-rules::not ,body) `(ggp-rules::not ,(normalize-term body)))
+  (`(,_ ,@_) term)
+  (sym `(,sym)))
+(defun-match normalize-rule (rule)
+  (`(ggp-rules::<= ,head ,@body)
+   `(,(normalize-term head) ,@(mapcar #'normalize-term body)))
+  (fact `(,(normalize-term fact))))
+(defun normalize-rules (gdl-rules)
+  (mapcar #'normalize-rule gdl-rules))
+;;;; Rule Data Access ---------------------------------------------------------
+(defun-match bare-term (term)
+  (`(ggp-rules::not ,x) x)
+  (_ term))
+(defun-match negationp (term)
+  (`(ggp-rules::not ,_) t)
+  (_ nil))
+(defun-ematch term-predicate (term)
+  (`(ggp-rules::not (,predicate ,@_)) predicate)
+  (`(,predicate ,@_) predicate))
+(defun term< (a b &optional (predicate #'<))
+  (funcall predicate (bare-term a) (bare-term b)))
+(defun-ematch rule-head (rule)
+  (`(,head ,@_) head))
+(defun-ematch rule-body (rule)
+  (`(,_ ,@body) body))
+(defun rule-predicate (rule)
+  (term-predicate (rule-head rule)))
+(defun rule-head= (rule term &optional (predicate #'=))
+  (funcall predicate (rule-head rule) term))
--- a/src/graphviz.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/graphviz.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 ;;;; ZDDs ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defparameter *draw-unique-sinks* nil)
 (defparameter *draw-unique-nodes* nil)
-(defparameter *draw-hex-p* #'never)
+(defparameter *draw-hex-p* #'no)
 (defparameter *draw-label-fn* #'identity)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
                  (filename "zdd.png")
                  (unique-sinks nil)
                  (unique-nodes t)
-                 (hexp #'never)
+                 (hexp #'no)
                  (label-fn #'identity))
   (let ((*draw-unique-sinks* unique-sinks)
         (*draw-unique-nodes* unique-nodes)
--- a/src/logic.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/logic.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -48,7 +48,47 @@
-(make-rule-forest *rules*)
+; (make-rule-forest *rules*)
+; (defun apply-rule-tree (zdd rule-tree head-bound)
+;   "Apply the logical rules in `rule-tree` to the sets in `zdd`.
+;   `zdd` is assumed to contain sets of logical axioms.  This function will update
+;   each of these sets to add any rule heads derivable from the axioms in the set.
+;   "
+;   (recursively ((zdd zdd)
+;                 (rule-tree rule-tree))
+;     (ematch* (zdd rule-tree)
+;       ;; If Z = ∅ there are no sets to cons heads onto, bail.
+;       (((sink nil) _) zdd)
+;       ;; If R = ∅ or {∅} we've bottomed out of the rule tree and there are no
+;       ;; heads to cons, we're done.
+;       ((_ (sink)) zdd)
+;       ;; If we've passed the head boundary on the rule tree side then we're done
+;       ;; filtering and just need to cons in all the heads.
+;       ((_ (guard (node var _ _)
+;                  (>= var head-bound)))
+;        (zdd-join zdd rule-tree))
+;       ;; If Z = {∅} we might have some heads we need to cons later in the rule
+;       ;; tree, so recur down the lo side of it.
+;       (((sink t) (node _ _ lo))
+;        (recur zdd lo))
+;       ;; Otherwise we need to filter.
+;       (((node var-z hi-z lo-z) (node var-r hi-r lo-r))
+;        (cond
+;          ((= var-z var-r) (zdd-node var-z
+;                                     (recur hi-z hi-r)
+;                                     (recur lo-z lo-r)))
+;          ((< var-z var-r) (zdd-node var-z
+;                                     (recur hi-z rule-tree)
+;                                     (recur lo-z rule-tree)))
+;          ((> var-z var-r) (recur zdd lo-r)))))))
--- a/src/rule-trees.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/rule-trees.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -8,33 +8,34 @@
-(defun rule-head (rule)
-  (first rule))
-(defun rule-body (rule)
-  (rest rule))
-(defun-match bare-term (term)
-  (`(ggp-rules::not ,contents) contents)
-  (_ term))
+(defun find-smallest-body-term (bodies)
+  "Find the smallest body term in `bodies`.
-(defun term< (a b)
-  (< (bare-term a) (bare-term b)))
+  Each body in `bodies` must already be sorted.  No body should be empty.
-(defun find-smallest-body-term (bodies)
-  (-<> bodies
-    (mapcar #'first <>)
-    (sort <> #'term<)
-    (first <>)))
+  "
+  (first (extremum bodies #'term< :key #'first)))
 (defun partition (bodies)
-  (let ((element (bare-term (find-smallest-body-term bodies))))
+  "Partition `bodies` into exclusive groups based on the smallest element.
+  `bodies` must each be already sorted.
+  Four values will be returned:
+  1. The smallest element in any body.
+  2. All bodies that DISALLOW that element.
+  3. All bodies that REQUIRE that element.
+  4. All bodies that DON'T CARE about that element.
+  "
+  (let* ((element (bare-term (find-smallest-body-term bodies)))
+         (negation `(ggp-rules::not ,element)))
-        ((requires (body)
+        ((disallows (body)
+           (equal (first body) negation))
+         (requires (body)
            (equal (first body) element))
-         (disallows (body)
-           (equal (first body) `(ggp-rules::not ,element)))
          (ignores (body)
            (not (or (requires body)
                     (disallows body)))))
@@ -50,13 +51,20 @@
     (ensure-gethash (list term hi lo) cache
                     (node term hi lo))))
+(defun sort-body (body)
+  (sort body #'term<))
 (defun make-rule-tree (rules)
+  "Make a rule tree for `rules`.
+  All rules must have the same head (this is not checked).  Bodies do not need
+  to be sorted.
+  "
   (let* ((head (rule-head (first rules)))
          (top (top head))
          (cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
-    (recursively ((bodies (-<> rules
-                            (mapcar #'rule-body <>)
-                            (mapcar (rcurry #'sort #'term<) <>))))
+    (recursively ((bodies (mapcar (compose #'sort-body #'rule-body) rules)))
         ((null bodies) bottom)
         ((some #'null bodies) top)
--- a/src/terms.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/terms.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 (in-package :scully.terms)
 (in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)
 ;;;; Overview -----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; We start with a set of grounded rules like: ((next bar) x y (true foo)).
@@ -24,65 +23,59 @@
 ;;; relies on the negation of a rule Y, then Y must come before X.
-;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun-match bare-term (term)
-  (`(ggp-rules::not ,x) x)
-  (x x))
-(defun-match negationp (term)
-  (`(ggp-rules::not ,_) t)
-  (_ nil))
-(defun-match normalize-term (term)
-  (`(ggp-rules::not ,body) `(ggp-rules::not ,(normalize-term body)))
-  (`(,_) term)
-  (`(,head ,@body) (cons head (mapcar #'normalize-term body)))
-  (sym `(,sym)))
-(defun-match normalize-term (term)
-  (`(ggp-rules::not ,body) `(ggp-rules::not ,(normalize-term body)))
-  (`(,constant) constant)
-  (`(,head ,@body) (cons head (mapcar #'normalize-term body)))
-  (`,constant constant))
-(defun-match normalize-rule (rule)
-  (`(ggp-rules::<= ,head ,@body) `(,(normalize-term head)
-                                   ,@(mapcar #'normalize-term body)))
-  (fact `(,(normalize-term fact))))
-(defun normalize-rules (rules)
-  (mapcar #'normalize-rule rules))
 ;;;; Dependency Graph ---------------------------------------------------------
 (defun build-dependency-graph (rules &key includep)
+  "Build a dependency graph of the given `rules`.
+  All rule heads will be included as vertices.
+  A head will have a dependency on each of its body terms for which
+  `(funcall includep term)` returns `t`.  If `includep` is `nil` all
+  dependencies will be included.
+  Only body terms upon which there is a dependency will be included in the graph
+  -- if a body term is discarded by `includep` there will be no vertex for it.
+  "
   (let ((graph (digraph:make-digraph :test #'equal)))
         ((mark-dependency (head dep)
            (digraph:insert-vertex graph dep)
            (digraph:insert-edge graph head dep))
          (mark-dependencies (head body)
+           (digraph:insert-vertex graph head)
            (iterate (for b :in body)
                     (when (or (null includep)
                               (funcall includep b))
                       (mark-dependency head (bare-term b))))))
-      (iterate (for rule :in rules)
-               (for (head . body) = (ensure-list rule))
-               (digraph:insert-vertex graph head)
+      (iterate (for (head . body) :in rules)
                (mark-dependencies head body)))
 ;;;; Layer Partitioning -------------------------------------------------------
+;;; We want to partition the terms of the rules into layers.  The result will be
+;;; a hash table containing two types of entries, for convenience:
+;;;   term          -> layer keyword
+;;;   layer keyword -> list of terms in the layer
 (defun mark (layers layer term)
   (setf (gethash term layers) layer)
   (pushnew term (gethash layer layers) :test #'equal))
 (defun extract-simple (predicates layer layers terms)
+  "Extract simple terms for a given `layer` from `terms`.
+  Extract the terms with predicates in `predicates` and mark them appropriately
+  in the `layers` hash table.
+  Returns a list of remaining terms.
+  "
   (iterate (for term :in terms)
-           (if (member (car (ensure-list term)) predicates)
+           (if (member (term-predicate term) predicates)
              (mark layers layer term)
              (collect term))))
@@ -91,6 +84,8 @@
   (let ((terms (extract-simple '(ggp-rules::true
                                :base layers terms)))
+    ;; In addition to the simple things, we need to make sure we've got
+    ;; a corresponding `(true *)` term for any `(init *)` term.
     (iterate (for term :in terms)
              (match term
                (`(ggp-rules::init ,contents)
@@ -104,12 +99,14 @@
 (defun extract-possible% (layers dependencies terms)
   (labels ((find-dependencies (term)
+             "Return the layers of each of `term`s dependencies."
              (mapcar (rcurry #'gethash layers)
                      (digraph:successors dependencies term)))
            (find-eligible (terms)
+             "Find terms that depend only on things in `:base`/`:possible`."
              (iterate (for term :in terms)
-                      (for deps = (find-dependencies term))
-                      (for unmet = (set-difference deps '(:base :possible)))
+                      (for unmet = (set-difference (find-dependencies term)
+                                                   '(:base :possible)))
                       (when (null unmet)
                         (collect term)))))
@@ -121,6 +118,11 @@
       (finally (return remaining)))))
 (defun extract-possible (layers dependencies terms)
+  ;; At this point we've got the :base and :does layers finished.  We then
+  ;; extract the simple things for the :possible layer.
+  ;;
+  ;; Once we've done this, rules that depend on ONLY things in the
+  ;; :base/:possible layers can also be extracted.
   (-<> terms
     (extract-simple '(ggp-rules::legal
@@ -130,11 +132,14 @@
 (defun extract-early-happens (layers terms)
+  ;; We need to extract these early because we don't want them to get included
+  ;; in the `:possible` layer if they don't depend on anything.
   (extract-simple '(ggp-rules::sees
                   :happens layers terms))
 (defun extract-final-happens (layers terms)
+  ;; Everything left at the end must be in the `:happens` layer.
   (mapcar (curry #'mark layers :happens) terms)
@@ -156,10 +161,15 @@
 ;;;; Intra-Layer Ordering -----------------------------------------------------
 (defun sort-layer (negation-dependencies terms)
+  ;; We sort a layer by creating a digraph of only the terms in that layer,
+  ;; adding all negation dependencies between them, and topologically sorting.
   (let ((layer (digraph:make-digraph :test #'equal)))
     (flet ((add-dependencies (term)
                (for dep :in (digraph:successors negation-dependencies term))
+               ;; We only care about dependencies where both the head and body
+               ;; are in THIS layer -- we don't care about a dependency on an
+               ;; earlier layer.
                (when (digraph:contains-vertex-p layer dep)
                  (digraph:insert-edge layer term dep)))))
       (mapc (curry #'digraph:insert-vertex layer) terms)
@@ -167,7 +177,13 @@
     ;; todo: fix the roots/cycles issue in cl-digraph
     (digraph:topological-sort layer)))
-(defun order-predicates (rules)
+(defun order-terms (rules)
+  "Find a linear ordering of all terms in `rules`.
+  Returns two values: a list of the terms, in order, and the final layer hash
+  table.
+  "
   (let* ((dependencies (build-dependency-graph rules))
          (negation-dependencies (build-dependency-graph rules
                                                         :includep #'negationp))
@@ -176,25 +192,50 @@
           (does (gethash :does layers))
           (possible (sort-layer negation-dependencies (gethash :possible layers)))
           (happens (sort-layer negation-dependencies (gethash :happens layers))))
-      ; (pr :base)
-      ; (pr base)
-      ; (terpri)
-      ; (pr :does)
-      ; (pr does)
-      ; (terpri)
-      ; (pr :possible)
-      ; (pr possible)
-      ; (terpri)
-      ; (pr :happens)
-      ; (pr happens)
-      ; (terpri)
+      ;; base < possible < does < happens
       (values (append base possible does happens)
+;;;; Integerization -----------------------------------------------------------
+(defun integerize-term (term->number term)
+  (match term
+    (`(ggp-rules::not ,body)
+     `(ggp-rules::not ,(gethash body term->number)))
+    (_ (gethash term term->number))))
+(defun integerize-rule (term->number rule)
+  (mapcar (curry #'integerize-term term->number) rule))
+(defun integerize-rules (rules)
+  "Integerize `rules`.
+  `rules` should be a (normalized) list of rules.
+  A list of 3 hash tables will be returned:
+    (term->number number->term rule-layers)
+  "
+  (let ((term->number (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+        (number->term (make-hash-table))
+        (rule-layers (make-hash-table)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (terms layers)
+        (order-terms rules)
+      (iterate (for i :from 0)
+               (for term :in terms)
+               (setf (gethash i number->term) term
+                     (gethash term term->number) i))
+      (iterate (for rule :in rules)
+               (for layer = (gethash (rule-head rule) layers))
+               (push (integerize-rule term->number rule)
+                     (gethash layer rule-layers))))
+    (list term->number number->term rule-layers)))
 ;;;; Stratification -----------------------------------------------------------
 (defun build-single-layer-dependency-graph (rules)
-  (let* ((layer-heads (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'first rules))))
+  (let* ((layer-heads (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'rule-head rules))))
       :includep (lambda (b)
@@ -202,6 +243,7 @@
                        (member (bare-term b) layer-heads))))))
 (defun stratify-layer (rules)
+  "Stratify a single layer of rules into a list of strata."
     (with dependencies = (build-single-layer-dependency-graph rules))
     ; (initially (digraph.dot:draw dependencies))
@@ -212,61 +254,11 @@
     (when (null next-heads)
       (error "Cycle in negations detected!"))
-    (for stratum = (remove-if-not (lambda (rule)
-                                    (member (first rule) next-heads))
-                                  remaining))
+    (for stratum = (remove-if-not (rcurry #'member next-heads)
+                                  remaining
+                                  :key #'rule-head))
     (collect stratum)
-    ;; TODO: do we want the full rules or just the heads here?
-    ; (collect next-heads)
     (setf remaining (set-difference remaining stratum))
     (mapc (curry #'digraph:remove-vertex dependencies) next-heads)))
-;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun integerize-term (term->number term)
-  (match term
-    (`(ggp-rules::not ,body)
-     `(ggp-rules::not ,(gethash body term->number)))
-    (_ (gethash term term->number))))
-(defun integerize-rule (term->number rule)
-  (mapcar (curry #'integerize-term term->number) rule))
-(defun integerize-rules (rules)
-  (let ((rules (normalize-rules rules))
-        (term->number (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-        (number->term (make-hash-table))
-        (rule-layers (make-hash-table)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (terms layers)
-        (order-predicates rules)
-      (iterate (for i :from 0)
-               (for term :in terms)
-               (setf (gethash i number->term) term
-                     (gethash term term->number) i))
-      (iterate (for rule :in rules)
-               (for head = (first rule))
-               (for layer = (gethash head layers))
-               (push (integerize-rule term->number rule)
-                     (gethash layer rule-layers))))
-    (list term->number number->term rule-layers)))
-;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; (-<> '(
-;        (ggp-rules::<= a (ggp-rules::true foo))
-;        (ggp-rules::<= b (ggp-rules::true foo) (ggp-rules::true baz))
-;        (ggp-rules::<= c (ggp-rules::true dogs) (ggp-rules::not a))
-;        (ggp-rules::<= x (ggp-rules::not a) b)
-;        (ggp-rules::<= y (ggp-rules::not a) (ggp-rules::not x))
-;        (ggp-rules::<= y (ggp-rules::not c))
-;        )
-;   (integerize-rules <>)
-;   (nth 2 <>)
-;   (gethash :possible <>)
-;   (stratify-layer <>)
-;   (mapc (lambda (s) (format t "Stratum:~%~{    ~S~%~}" s)) <>)
-;   ; (never <>)
-;   ; (map nil #'print-hash-table <>)
-;   )
--- a/src/zdd.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/zdd.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
 (in-package :scully.zdd)
-;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun gcprint (thing &rest args)
-  (let ((*print-circle* t))
-    (apply #'print
-           (prog1 thing
-                  (tg:gc :full t :verbose t))
-           args)))
-(defun never (val)
-  (declare (ignore val))
-  (values))
-(defun print-through (function-or-object val)
-  (if (functionp function-or-object)
-    (pr (funcall function-or-object val))
-    (pr function-or-object))
-  val)
-(defun mapprint-through (function val)
-  "Calling `function` on each item in `val` and print the result, return `val`."
-  (mapc #'pr (funcall function val))
-  val)
 ;;;; Bullshit -----------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; The BDD lib defines a pattern for `node` but not for `leaf`.  It's awkward
 ;;; to have two different syntaxes.  But if we define a pattern for `leaf` and
@@ -337,58 +313,3 @@
   (zdd-match% zdd (sort set #'<) lower-bound upper-bound))
-(defun apply-rule-tree (zdd rule-tree head-bound)
-  "Apply the logical rules in `rule-tree` to the sets in `zdd`.
-  `zdd` is assumed to contain sets of logical axioms.  This function will update
-  each of these sets to add any rule heads derivable from the axioms in the set.
-  "
-  (recursively ((zdd zdd)
-                (rule-tree rule-tree))
-    (ematch* (zdd rule-tree)
-      ;; If Z = ∅ there are no sets to cons heads onto, bail.
-      (((sink nil) _) zdd)
-      ;; If R = ∅ or {∅} we've bottomed out of the rule tree and there are no
-      ;; heads to cons, we're done.
-      ((_ (sink)) zdd)
-      ;; If we've passed the head boundary on the rule tree side then we're done
-      ;; filtering and just need to cons in all the heads.
-      ((_ (guard (node var _ _)
-                 (>= var head-bound)))
-       (zdd-join zdd rule-tree))
-      ;; If Z = {∅} we might have some heads we need to cons later in the rule
-      ;; tree, so recur down the lo side of it.
-      (((sink t) (node _ _ lo))
-       (recur zdd lo))
-      ;; Otherwise we need to filter.
-      (((node var-z hi-z lo-z) (node var-r hi-r lo-r))
-       (cond
-         ((= var-z var-r) (zdd-node var-z
-                                    (recur hi-z hi-r)
-                                    (recur lo-z lo-r)))
-         ((< var-z var-r) (zdd-node var-z
-                                    (recur hi-z rule-tree)
-                                    (recur lo-z rule-tree)))
-         ((> var-z var-r) (recur zdd lo-r)))))))
-;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; (destructuring-bind (term->number number->term layers)
-;     (scully.terms::integerize-rules *rules*)
-;   ; (print-hash-table layers)
-;   (with-zdd
-;     (-<> (gethash :happens layers)
-;       ; (mapprint-through #'pr <>)
-;       (make-rule-tree <>)
-;       ; (draw <> :unique-sinks nil :unique-nodes t
-;       ;       :label-fn (lambda (n)
-;       ;                   (aesthetic-string (gethash n number->term))))
-;       ; (print-through #'zdd-size <>)
-;       (never <>))))
--- a/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+               :extremum
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
+               :yes-no
   :package "SCULLY.QUICKUTILS")
--- a/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Wed Nov 23 11:08:33 2016 +0000
+++ b/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Thu Nov 24 16:08:20 2016 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;; See http://quickutil.org for details.
 ;;;; To regenerate:
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (unless (find-package "SCULLY.QUICKUTILS")
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
   (setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:MAKE-GENSYM-LIST :ENSURE-FUNCTION
                                          :COMPOSE :COPY-HASH-TABLE :CURRY
                                          :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :ENSURE-GETHASH
-                                         :ENSURE-LIST :FLATTEN-ONCE
+                                         :ENSURE-LIST :EXTREMUM :FLATTEN-ONCE
                                          :MAPHASH-KEYS :HASH-TABLE-KEYS
                                          :MAPHASH-VALUES :HASH-TABLE-VALUES
                                          :MAPPEND :MAP-PRODUCT :MKSTR
                                          :ONCE-ONLY :RCURRY :SET-EQUAL
                                          :STRING-DESIGNATOR :WITH-GENSYMS
                                          :WITH-OPEN-FILE* :WITH-OUTPUT-TO-FILE
-                                         :WRITE-STRING-INTO-FILE))))
+                                         :WRITE-STRING-INTO-FILE :YES-NO))))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defun make-gensym-list (length &optional (x "G"))
     "Returns a list of `length` gensyms, each generated as if with a call to `make-gensym`,
@@ -142,6 +142,50 @@
         (list list)))
+  (defun extremum (sequence predicate &key key (start 0) end)
+    "Returns the element of `sequence` that would appear first if the subsequence
+bounded by `start` and `end` was sorted using `predicate` and `key`.
+`extremum` determines the relationship between two elements of `sequence` by using
+the `predicate` function. `predicate` should return true if and only if the first
+argument is strictly less than the second one (in some appropriate sense). Two
+arguments `x` and `y` are considered to be equal if `(funcall predicate x y)`
+and `(funcall predicate y x)` are both false.
+The arguments to the `predicate` function are computed from elements of `sequence`
+using the `key` function, if supplied. If `key` is not supplied or is `nil`, the
+sequence element itself is used.
+If `sequence` is empty, `nil` is returned."
+    (let* ((pred-fun (ensure-function predicate))
+           (key-fun (unless (or (not key) (eq key 'identity) (eq key #'identity))
+                      (ensure-function key)))
+           (real-end (or end (length sequence))))
+      (cond ((> real-end start)
+             (if key-fun
+                 (flet ((reduce-keys (a b)
+                          (if (funcall pred-fun
+                                       (funcall key-fun a)
+                                       (funcall key-fun b))
+                              a
+                              b)))
+                   (declare (dynamic-extent #'reduce-keys))
+                   (reduce #'reduce-keys sequence :start start :end real-end))
+                 (flet ((reduce-elts (a b)
+                          (if (funcall pred-fun a b)
+                              a
+                              b)))
+                   (declare (dynamic-extent #'reduce-elts))
+                   (reduce #'reduce-elts sequence :start start :end real-end))))
+            ((= real-end start)
+             nil)
+            (t
+             (error "Invalid bounding indexes for sequence of length ~S: ~S ~S, ~S ~S"
+                    (length sequence)
+                    :start start
+                    :end end)))))
   (defun flatten-once (list)
     "Flatten `list` once."
     (loop :for x :in list
@@ -377,10 +421,19 @@
                                                :external-format external-format)
       (write-sequence string file-stream)))
+  (defun yes (&rest ignored)
+    (declare (ignore ignored))
+    t)
+  (defun no (&rest ignored)
+    (declare (ignore ignored))
+    nil)
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (export '(compose copy-hash-table curry ensure-boolean ensure-gethash
-            ensure-list flatten-once hash-table-keys hash-table-values
+            ensure-list extremum flatten-once hash-table-keys hash-table-values
             map-product mkstr once-only rcurry set-equal with-gensyms
-            with-unique-names with-output-to-file write-string-into-file)))
+            with-unique-names with-output-to-file write-string-into-file yes no)))
 ;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;