src/reasoners/zdd.lisp @ fc378d24dd2f
default tip
Make zdd union a bit cleaner
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Tue, 30 May 2017 15:13:42 +0000 |
parents |
490f2915466f |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :scully.reasoners.zdd)
(in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)
(defparameter *reasoner* nil)
;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun find-ggp-symbol (atom)
(if (symbolp atom)
(values (intern (symbol-name atom)
(find-package :ggp-rules)))
(defun make-iset (reasoner contents)
(zdd-set (mapcar (curry #'term-to-number reasoner)
(map-tree #'find-ggp-symbol contents))))
;;;; Strata -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* stratum ()
(rule-trees lower-bound upper-bound))
(defun make-stratum (rule-trees lower-bound upper-bound)
(make-instance 'stratum
:rule-trees rule-trees
:lower-bound lower-bound
:upper-bound upper-bound))
(defun update-stratum-with (old-stratum new-rule-trees)
(make-stratum new-rule-trees
(stratum-lower-bound old-stratum)
(stratum-upper-bound old-stratum)))
(defmethod print-object ((o stratum) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (o stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream "with ~D rule~:P (~D-~D)"
(length (stratum-rule-trees o))
(stratum-lower-bound o)
(stratum-upper-bound o))))
(defun find-stratum-bounds (rules)
(extrema #'< (mapcar #'scully.gdl::rule-head rules)))
(defun build-stratum-rule-trees (rules)
(-<> rules
(group-by #'scully.gdl::rule-head <>)
(mapcar #'scully.rule-trees::make-rule-tree <>)))
(defun build-stratum (rules)
(multiple-value-call #'make-stratum
(build-stratum-rule-trees rules)
(find-stratum-bounds rules)))
;;;; Rule Forests -------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (rule-forest :conc-name rf-) ()
(defun make-rule-forest (strata)
(make-instance 'rule-forest :strata strata))
(defun forest-empty-p (forest)
(null (rf-strata forest)))
(defun build-rule-forest (strata-list)
(make-rule-forest (mapcar #'build-stratum strata-list)))
;;;; Universes ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun make-universe (predicate term->number)
(let ((universe (make-array (1+ (hash-table-count term->number))
:initial-element nil)))
(iterate (for (term number) :in-hashtable term->number)
(when (funcall predicate term)
(setf (aref universe number) t)))
;;;; Reasoner -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (zdd-reasoner :conc-name zr-) ()
(defun find-initial-state (rules term->number)
(-<> rules
(mapcan (lambda-match
((list (list* 'ggp-rules::init body))
`((ggp-rules::true ,@body))))
(mapcar (lambda (term) (gethash term term->number)) <>)))
(defun find-roles (rules)
(mapcan (lambda-match
((list (list 'ggp-rules::role r))
(list r)))
(defun make-predicate-zdd (predicate-prefix term->number)
"Make a ZDD with a single member: the set of all terms for a single predicate.
For example:
(make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::legal) ...)
(make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::true) ...)
(make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::sees ggp-rules::white) ...)
(let ((prefix-length (length predicate-prefix)))
(-<> term->number
(mapcar (lambda (rule-mapping)
(destructuring-bind (term . number) rule-mapping
(if (equal predicate-prefix
(take prefix-length term))
(remove nil <>)
(zdd-set <>))))
(defun make-zdd-reasoner (rules)
"Turn a set of grounded GDL rules into a ZDD-based reasoner.
A rule forest is a collection of individual rule trees in a single layer,
stratified as necessary:
|| ||
|| \/
|| (rule-tree-1 rule-tree-2 ...)
(rule-tree-1 rule-tree-2 ...)
(let* ((rules (-<> rules
(roles (find-roles rules)))
(destructuring-bind (term->number number->term possible happens)
(scully.terms::integerize-rules rules)
;; (print-hash-table number->term)
(make-instance 'zdd-reasoner
:rules rules
:roles roles
:possible-forest (build-rule-forest possible)
:happens-forest (build-rule-forest happens)
:initial-zdd (zdd-set (find-initial-state rules term->number))
:legal-zdds (iterate
(for role :in roles)
(role (make-predicate-zdd `(ggp-rules::legal ,role)
:goal-zdds (iterate
(for role :in roles)
(role (make-predicate-zdd `(ggp-rules::goal ,role)
:terminal-zdd (make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::terminal) term->number)
:next-zdd (make-predicate-zdd '(ggp-rules::next) term->number)
(for role :in roles)
(collect-hash (role (make-universe
(lambda (term)
(equal (take 2 term)
`(ggp-rules::sees ,role)))
(for role :in roles)
(collect-hash (role (make-universe
(lambda (term)
(equal (take 2 term)
`(ggp-rules::does ,role)))
:term->number term->number
:number->term number->term)))))
;;;; State Conversion ---------------------------------------------------------
(defun convert-next-to-true (reasoner zdd)
(recursively ((z zdd))
(ematch z
((sink nil) (sink nil))
((sink t) (sink t))
((node n hi lo)
(ematch (number-to-term reasoner n)
(`(ggp-rules::next ,body)
(zdd-node (term-to-number reasoner `(ggp-rules::true ,body))
(recur hi)
(recur lo))))))))
;;;; Sprouting ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun build-role-move-zdd (next-zdd role-moves)
(reduce (lambda (prev move)
(zdd-node move next-zdd prev))
(sort role-moves #'>)
:initial-value (sink nil)))
(defun sprout-extend% (legal-moves-by-role)
(reduce #'build-role-move-zdd legal-moves-by-role :initial-value (sink t)))
(defun sprout-extend (reasoner legal-moves role chosen-move)
(-<> legal-moves
(group-by #'second <>) ; go role by role
(progn (setf (gethash role <>)
(list `(ggp-rules::does ,role ,chosen-move)))
(sort <> #'scully.terms::symbol< ; sort by role
:key (lambda (moves)
(second (first moves))))
nreverse ; go bottom up
(mapcar (lambda (role-moves) ; convert to integers
(mapcar (curry #'term-to-number reasoner) role-moves))
(defun sprout-traverse (reasoner iset role chosen-move)
(recursively ((z iset)
(legal-moves '()))
(ematch z
;; If we hit the empty sink, just bail, there's nothing to add on to.
((sink nil) (sink nil))
;; If we hit the unit sink we're ready to sprout off the `does`es.
((sink t) (sprout-extend reasoner legal-moves role chosen-move))
;; Otherwise we're at a node.
((node n hi lo)
(match (number-to-term reasoner n)
;; If the term is a legal move, we add it into the list when recuring
;; down the hi branch.
(`(ggp-rules::legal ,role ,move)
(zdd-node n
(recur hi (cons `(ggp-rules::does ,role ,move) legal-moves))
(recur lo legal-moves)))
;; Otherwise we just recur down both.
(_ (zdd-node n (recur hi legal-moves) (recur lo legal-moves))))))))
(defun sprout (reasoner iset role chosen-move)
"Sprout off child states for each state in `iset` for all legal moves."
;; Given an information set, we want to compute a new information set with all
;; possible combinations of `does` added, which we'll narrow down later once
;; we get the percepts back from the server.
;; This is going to happen right after we calculate the possible layer, and
;; will result in the appropriate things in the does layer being added.
;; To do this we'll traverse the ZDD recursively, accumulating a list of all
;; legal moves for each player as we go. Once we hit a sink we'll tack on
;; a child ZDD of all the possible combos.
(sprout-traverse reasoner iset role chosen-move))
;;;; Basic API ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun number-to-term (reasoner number)
(gethash number (zr-number->term reasoner)))
(defun term-to-number (reasoner term)
(gethash term (zr-term->number reasoner)))
(defun iset-to-list (reasoner iset)
(let ((contents (scully.zdd::zdd-enumerate iset)))
(if (null contents)
(map-tree (curry #'number-to-term reasoner) contents))))
(defun dump-iset (reasoner iset)
(iterate (for i :from 1)
(for state :in (iset-to-list reasoner iset))
(let ((*package* (find-package :ggp-rules)))
(format t "STATE ~D:~%~{ ~S~%~}~2%" i state)))
(defun dump-rule-tree (reasoner term)
(with target = (term-to-number reasoner term))
(for nf :from 0)
(for forest :in (list (zr-possible-forest reasoner)
(zr-happens-forest reasoner)))
(iterate (for stratum :in (rf-strata forest))
(for ns :from 0)
(iterate (for rule :in (stratum-rule-trees stratum))
(when (= target (scully.rule-trees::head rule))
(pr 'forest nf 'stratum ns)
(return-from finder rule)))))))
(defun initial-iset (reasoner)
"Return the initial information set of the game."
(zr-initial-zdd reasoner))
(defun terminalp (reasoner iset)
"Return whether the given information set is a terminal state."
(-<> iset
(zdd-meet <> (zr-terminal-zdd reasoner))
(defun legal-moves-for (reasoner iset role)
(-<> iset
(zdd-meet <> (gethash role (zr-legal-zdds reasoner)))
(mapcar (curry #'number-to-term reasoner) <>)
(mapcar #'third <>)))
(defun goal-values-for (reasoner iset role)
(-<> iset
(zdd-meet <> (gethash role (zr-goal-zdds reasoner)))
(mapcar #'first <>)
(mapcar (curry #'number-to-term reasoner) <>)
(mapcar #'third <>)))
(defun roles (reasoner)
(zr-roles reasoner))
(defun filter-iset-for-percepts (reasoner iset role percepts)
(let* ((universe (gethash role (zr-percept-universes reasoner)))
(full-percepts (iterate (for p :in percepts)
(collect `(ggp-rules::sees ,role ,p))))
(percepts (mapcar (curry #'term-to-number reasoner) full-percepts)))
(zdd-match iset percepts universe)))
(defun filter-iset-for-move (reasoner iset role move)
(let ((universe (gethash role (zr-does-universes reasoner)))
(moves (list (term-to-number reasoner `(ggp-rules::does ,role ,move)))))
(zdd-match iset moves universe)))
(defun compute-next-iset (reasoner iset)
(-<> iset
(zdd-meet <> (zr-next-zdd reasoner))
(convert-next-to-true reasoner <>)))
(defun apply-possible (reasoner iset)
(apply-rule-forest reasoner iset (zr-possible-forest reasoner)))
(defun apply-happens (reasoner iset)
(apply-rule-forest reasoner iset (zr-happens-forest reasoner)))
;;;; Drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun label (reasoner n)
(let ((*package* (find-package :ggp-rules)))
(-<> n
(number-to-term (if (eq t reasoner)
;; (format nil "~D ~S" n <>)
(format nil "~S" <>))))
(defun draw-zdd (reasoner zdd)
(scully.graphviz::draw-zdd zdd :label-fn (curry #'label reasoner)))
(defun draw-rule-tree (reasoner rule-tree &optional (filename "rule-tree.png"))
(scully.graphviz::draw-rule-tree rule-tree
:label-fn (curry #'label reasoner)
:filename filename))
;;;; Logic Application --------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Utils
(defun tree-to-result (tree)
(adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
((scully.rule-trees::top head) (values nil head))
(scully.rule-trees::bottom (values nil nil))
((scully.rule-trees::node _ _ _) (values tree nil))))
(defun process-stratum (function stratum)
"Process the stratum with `function`.
Two values will be returned:
1. The new stratum (possibly NIL).
2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).
(for tree :in (stratum-rule-trees stratum))
(for (values new-tree new-head) = (funcall function tree))
(when new-tree (collect new-tree :into new-trees))
(when new-head (collect new-head :into new-heads))
(finally (return (values (update-stratum-with stratum new-trees)
(defun process-forest (function forest)
"Process the rule forest with `function`.
Two values will be returned:
1. The new forest (possibly NIL).
2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).
(for stratum :in (rf-strata forest))
(for (values new-stratum new-heads) = (process-stratum function stratum))
(when new-stratum (collect new-stratum :into new-strata))
(appending new-heads :into heads)
(finally (return (values (make-rule-forest new-strata) heads)))))
;;;; Phase 1: Information Set Traversal
(defun advance-tree (tree term heads)
"Advance the rule tree up to (but not beyond) `term`.
Two values will be returned:
1. Either the resulting rule tree, or NIL if it was advanced down to a sink.
2. The new head if it was advanced down to a TOP sink, or NIL otherwise.
(adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
((scully.rule-trees::node term% hi lo)
(if (< term% term)
(if (member term% heads)
(advance-tree hi term heads)
(advance-tree lo term heads))
(tree-to-result tree)))
(_ (tree-to-result tree))))
(defun advance-stratum (stratum term &optional heads)
"Advance the stratum up to (but not beyond) `term`.
Two values will be returned:
1. The new stratum (possibly NIL).
2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).
(process-stratum (rcurry #'advance-tree term heads) stratum))
(defun advance-forest (forest term &optional heads)
"Advance the rule forest up to (but not beyond) `term`.
Two values will be returned:
1. The new forest (possibly NIL).
2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).
(process-forest (rcurry #'advance-tree term heads) forest))
(defun split-tree-hi (tree term)
(adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
((scully.rule-trees::node term% hi _)
(if (= term% term)
(tree-to-result hi)
(tree-to-result tree)))
(_ (error "Cannot split rule tree: ~S" tree))))
(defun split-tree-lo (tree term)
(adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
((scully.rule-trees::node term% _ lo)
(if (= term% term)
(tree-to-result lo)
(tree-to-result tree)))
(_ (error "Cannot split rule tree: ~S" tree))))
(defun split-forest-hi (forest term)
(process-forest (rcurry #'split-tree-hi term) forest))
(defun split-forest-lo (forest term)
(process-forest (rcurry #'split-tree-lo term) forest))
(defun traverse-iset (iset forest)
"Walk down the information set and rule forest in parallel."
(recursively ((iset iset)
(forest forest)
(heads '()))
(ematch iset
;; If we hit an empty sink we're out of sets to ever cons the heads onto,
;; so we can just bail immediately.
((sink nil) iset)
;; If we hit a unit sink we're done with the state-walking portion of this
;; algorithm and can move on the the fixed-pointing of the heads.
((sink t) (finalize-heads forest heads))
;; Otherwise we need to build a new ZDD node with the recursive results.
((node term hi lo)
(((forest advanced-heads) (advance-forest forest term))
((forest-hi hi-heads) (split-forest-hi forest term))
((forest-lo lo-heads) (split-forest-lo forest term)))
(recur hi forest-hi (append heads advanced-heads hi-heads))
(recur lo forest-lo (append heads advanced-heads lo-heads))))))))
;;;; Phase 2: Head Finalization
(defun walk-tree-positive (rule-tree heads)
;; At this point we need to see if this rule tree can be applied to the
;; current heads. This function is called in a fixed-point style, and it may
;; take multiple iterations for the set of heads to add to stabilize.
;; This function is called after the trees have been advanced to the lower
;; bound of the stratum. Because we stratified the negation dependencies,
;; this means that the only things left at this point are positive terms.
(recursively ((tree rule-tree))
(adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
;; If we're at a normal node, check if it's in the heads we've added so
;; far and recur down the appropriate leg.
((scully.rule-trees::node term hi lo)
(if (member term heads)
(recur hi)
(recur lo)))
;; If we hit bottom, it just means we can't add this head *yet*. Return
;; the original rule tree.
(tree-to-result rule-tree))
;; If we hit top we can add the head.
((scully.rule-trees::top _)
(tree-to-result tree)))))
(defun walk-stratum-positive (stratum heads)
(for (values new-stratum new-heads) =
(process-stratum (rcurry #'walk-tree-positive heads) stratum))
(appending new-heads :into all-new-heads)
(setf stratum new-stratum
heads (append heads new-heads))
(while new-heads)
(finally (return (values stratum all-new-heads)))))
(defun finalize-heads (forest heads)
"Finalize the set of heads to add and return the appropriate ZDD."
(declare (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0)))
(for stratum :in (rf-strata forest))
(for lower-bound = (stratum-lower-bound stratum))
(multiple-value-bind (s h) (advance-stratum stratum lower-bound heads)
(setf heads (append heads h)
stratum s))
; (pr '--------------------------------)
; (pr stratum)
; (pr lower-bound)
; (pr heads)
; (map nil (lambda (rt)
; (draw-rule-tree *r* rt)
; (break))
; (stratum-rule-trees stratum))
(multiple-value-bind (s h) (walk-stratum-positive stratum heads)
(setf heads (append heads h)
stratum s))
(finally (return (zdd-set heads)))))
;;;; API
(defun apply-rule-forest (reasoner iset forest)
"Apply `forest` to the given information set for `reasoner`."
(let ((*reasoner* reasoner))
(traverse-iset iset forest))))
;;;; Stats --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun rule-forest-size (forest)
(for stratum :in (rf-strata forest))
(appending (mapcar #'scully.rule-trees::rule-tree-size
(stratum-rule-trees stratum)))))
(defun reasoner-rule-tree-sizes (reasoner)
(append (rule-forest-size (zr-possible-forest reasoner))
(rule-forest-size (zr-happens-forest reasoner))))
;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *i* nil)
(defparameter *r* nil)
; Data columns: X Min 1stQuartile Median 3rdQuartile Max BoxWidth Titles
(defun ground-gdl-size (gdl)
(iterate (for rule :in gdl)
(summing (if (and (consp rule)
(equal (first rule) 'ggp-rules::<=))
(1- (length rule))
(defun run-test (game-name shuffle?)
(let* ((scully.terms::*shuffle-variables* shuffle?)
(gdl (scully.gdl::read-gdl (format nil "gdl/~(~A~)-grounded.gdl" game-name)))
(gdl-size (ground-gdl-size gdl))
(r (make-zdd-reasoner gdl))
(sizes (reasoner-rule-tree-sizes r)))
(values sizes gdl-size)))
(defun percentile (sorted-numbers p)
(nth (truncate (* (/ p 100) (length sorted-numbers)))
(defun percentiles (numbers)
(let ((sorted (sort numbers #'<)))
(values (percentile sorted 5)
(percentile sorted 25)
(percentile sorted 50)
(percentile sorted 75)
(percentile sorted 95))))
(defun run-shuffle-test (x game-name &optional (iterations 10))
(with-open-file (data "data-shuffling-rule-trees"
:direction :output
:if-exists :append
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(let* ((unshuffled-size (apply #'+ (run-test game-name nil)))
(results (iterate
(for i :from 1 :to iterations)
(princ i) (princ #\space) (finish-output)
(for shuffled-size = (apply #'+ (run-test game-name t)))
(collect (/ shuffled-size unshuffled-size 1.0)))))
(multiple-value-bind (p5 p25 p50 p75 p95)
(percentiles results)
(format data "~D ~,5F ~,5F ~,5F ~,5F ~,5F 0.4 ~A~%"
x p5 p25 p50 p75 p95 game-name)))))
(defun run-shuffle-tests (iterations)
(for game :in '(montyhall meier mastermind448 transit vis_pacman3p latenttictactoe stratego))
(pr game)
(for x :from 1)
(run-shuffle-test x game iterations)))
(defun run-basic-test (game-name)
(with-open-file (data "data-rule-tree-sizes"
:direction :output
:if-exists :append
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(multiple-value-bind (sizes gdl-size)
(run-test game-name nil)
(format data "~A ~D ~D ~D~%"
(length sizes)
(apply #'+ sizes)))))
(defun run-basic-tests ()
(for game :in '(montyhall meier mastermind448 transit vis_pacman3p latenttictactoe stratego))
(pr game)
(run-basic-test game)))
;; (run-shuffle-tests 50)
;; (run-basic-tests)