src/rule-trees.lisp @ addb56e3eb9d

Move all the graphviz code into its own file

Also shove the old rule-tree attempt out of the way for now.
author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:33:17 +0000
parents fcc52d00b79f
children fe02d26f331f
(in-package :scully.rule-trees)
(in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)

;;;; Rule Trees ---------------------------------------------------------------
(adt:defdata rule-tree
  (node t rule-tree rule-tree)
  (top t)

(defun rule-head (rule)
  (first rule))

(defun rule-body (rule)
  (rest rule))

(defun-match bare-term (term)
  (`(ggp-rules::not ,contents) contents)
  (_ term))

(defun term< (a b)
  (< (bare-term a) (bare-term b)))

(defun find-smallest-body-term (bodies)
  (-<> bodies
    (mapcar #'first <>)
    (sort <> #'term<)
    (first <>)))

(defun partition (bodies)
  (let ((element (bare-term (find-smallest-body-term bodies))))
        ((requires (body)
           (equal (first body) element))
         (disallows (body)
           (equal (first body) `(ggp-rules::not ,element)))
         (ignores (body)
           (not (or (requires body)
                    (disallows body)))))
      (values element
              (remove-if-not #'disallows bodies)
              (remove-if-not #'requires bodies)
              (remove-if-not #'ignores bodies)))))

(defun make-node (cache term hi lo)
  (if (eql hi lo)
    (ensure-gethash (list term hi lo) cache
                    (node term hi lo))))

(defun make-rule-tree (rules)
  (let* ((head (rule-head (first rules)))
         (top (top head))
         (cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    (recursively ((bodies (-<> rules
                            (mapcar #'rule-body <>)
                            (mapcar (rcurry #'sort #'term<) <>))))
        ((null bodies) bottom)
        ((some #'null bodies) top)
        (t (multiple-value-bind (term disallows requires ignores)
               (partition bodies)
             (make-node cache
                        (recur (append (mapcar #'rest requires) ignores))
                        (recur (append (mapcar #'rest disallows) ignores)))))))))

;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *rule* '(
                       (500 1 2 (ggp-rules::not 3))
                       (500 4 2 3 15)
                       (500 (ggp-rules::not 19) 18)
                       (500 19 17)

(-<> *rule* make-rule-tree scully.graphviz::draw-rule-tree)