src/terms.lisp @ 8070c79ec77c

Port to cl-digraph
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 06 Nov 2016 16:14:56 +0000
parents f4a9b3af02a3
children a406e590934f
(in-package :scully.terms)
(in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)

;;;; Overview
;;; We start with a set of grounded rules like: ((next bar) x y (true foo)).
;;; We need to turn map each term to a unique integer, making sure that they end
;;; up ordered how we want them.
;;; Our desired ordering has a few "layers":
;;; Base: (true ...)
;;; Does: (does ...)
;;; Possible: (legal ...)
;;;           terminal
;;;           (goal ...)
;;;           anything that depends on only these or lower
;;; Happens: (next ...)
;;;          (sees ...)
;;;           anything that depends on only these or lower

;;;; Ordering -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun-match bare-term (term)
  (`(not ,x) x)
  (x x))

(defun-match negationp (term)
  (`(not ,_) t)
  (_ nil))

(defun content< (c1 c2)

(defun-match* same-predicate-p (t1 t2)
  ((`(,h1 ,@_)
    `(,h2 ,@_))
   (equal h1 h2))
  ((_ _) nil))

(defun-ematch layer-id (l)
  (:base 0)
  (:does 1)
  (:possible 2)
  (:happens 3))

(defun-match layer (term)
  (`(,head ,@_) (case head
                  (true :base)
                  (does :does)
                  ((legal goal) :possible)
                  ((next sees) :happening)))
  ('terminal :possible)
  (_ (error "Unknown layer for ~S" term)))

(defun layer< (l1 l2)
  (< (layer-id l1)
     (layer-id l2)))

(defun layer= (l1 l2)
  (eql l1 l2))

(defun term< (t1 t2)
  (let ((l1 (layer t1))
        (l2 (layer t2)))
    (if (not (layer= l1 l2))
      (layer< l1 l2)


(defun build-layer-graph (rules)
  (let ((graph (digraph:make-digraph :test #'equal
                                     :initial-vertices (mapcar #'first rules))))
      (for (head . body) :in rules)
      (iterate (for term :in body)
               (when (negationp term)
                 (let ((dependency (bare-term term)))
                   (when (digraph:contains-vertex-p graph dependency)
                     (digraph:insert-edge graph head dependency))))))

(defun order-rules (rules)
  (-<> rules
    (digraph::map-topological #'identity <>)))

(defparameter *g*
  (build-layer-graph (list
                       '((t foo) a)
                       '((t bar) a (not (t foo)))
                       '((t baz) a (not (t bar)))
                       '((t dogs) a x)
                       '((t cats) a (not (t dogs)))

(order-rules (list
               '((t foo) a)
               '((t bar) a (not (t foo)))
               '((t baz) a (not (t bar)))))