src/grounders/prolog.lisp @ 5f26bbe7eab3
Start the CFFI/SWIG/CUDD clown rodeo
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 27 Oct 2016 15:45:42 +0000 |
parents |
67daea4e67cb |
children |
7fe3a52bf1f6 |
(in-package :scully.grounders.prolog)
;;;; Utils
(defun fixed-point (function data &key (test 'eql))
"Find the fixed point of `function`, starting with `data`."
(let ((next (funcall function data)))
(if (funcall test data next)
(fixed-point function next :test test))))
(defun gensyms (n prefix)
(iterate (repeat n) (collect (gensym prefix))))
;;;; Sanitization
(defun clause-is-p (clause functor-name)
(and (consp clause)
(eql (first clause) functor-name)))
(defun clause-is-not-p (clause)
(clause-is-p clause 'ggp-rules::not))
(defun clause-is-distinct-p (clause)
(clause-is-p clause 'ggp-rules::distinct))
(defun clause-is-and-p (clause)
(clause-is-p clause 'ggp-rules::and))
(defun clause-is-or-p (clause)
(clause-is-p clause 'ggp-rules::or))
(defun split-ors (rule)
(labels ((split (body)
;; take the body of a clause and return a list of the bodies that
;; result after splitting up any `(or ...)`s inside it.
(match body
(nil (list nil))
((list* (list* 'ggp-rules::or args) remaining)
(mapcan (lambda (arg)
(mapcar (curry #'cons arg)
(split remaining)))
((list* other remaining)
(mapcar (curry #'cons other) (split remaining))))))
(destructuring-bind (head . body) rule
(mapcar (curry #'cons head) (split body)))))
(defun strip-ands (rule)
(labels ((flatten-ands (body)
(match body
(nil nil)
((list* first-clause remaining)
(append (if (clause-is-and-p first-clause)
(flatten-ands (rest first-clause))
(list first-clause))
(flatten-ands remaining))))))
(destructuring-bind (head . body) rule
(cons head (flatten-ands body)))))
(defun strip-nots (rule)
(destructuring-bind (head . body) rule
(cons head (remove-if #'clause-is-not-p body))))
(defun strip-distincts (rule)
(destructuring-bind (head . body) rule
(cons head (remove-if #'clause-is-distinct-p body))))
(defun sanitize-rule (rule)
(match rule
((list* 'ggp-rules::<= contents)
(->> contents
(mapcar #'strip-ands)
(mapcar #'strip-nots)
(mapcar #'strip-distincts)
(mapcar (curry #'cons 'ggp-rules::<=))))
(fact (list fact))))
(defun sanitize-rules (rules)
(mapcan #'sanitize-rule rules))
;;;; Fluents
(defun find-initial-state (database)
(query-map database
(lambda (result)
`(ggp-rules::true ,(getf result '?what)))
(ggp-rules::init ?what)))
(defun find-trues (database)
(query-map database
(lambda (result)
`(ggp-rules::true ,(getf result '?what)))
(ggp-rules::next ?what)))
(defun find-moves (database)
(query-map database
(lambda (result)
,(getf result '?role)
,(getf result '?move)))
(ggp-rules::legal ?role ?move)))
(defun push-fluents (database fluents)
(push-logic-frame-with database
(map nil (curry #'invoke-fact database) fluents)))
(defun pop-fluents (database)
(pop-logic-frame database))
(defun find-more-fluents (database fluents)
(push-fluents database fluents)
(-> fluents
(union (find-moves database) :test #'equal)
(union (find-trues database) :test #'equal))
(pop-fluents database)))
(defun ground-fluents (rules)
(let ((database (make-database)))
(scully.gdl:load-rules database rules)
(fixed-point (curry #'find-more-fluents database)
(find-initial-state database)
:test (rcurry #'set-equal :test #'equal))))
;;;; Axioms
(defun find-functor (rule)
(ematch rule
((list* 'ggp-rules::<= (list* functor arguments) _)
(cons functor (length arguments)))
((list* 'ggp-rules::<= bare-functor _)
(cons bare-functor 0))
((list* functor arguments)
(cons functor (length arguments)))))
(defun find-axioms (rules)
(-<> rules
(mapcar #'find-functor <>)
(remove-duplicates <> :test #'equal)))
(defun ground-single-axiom (database functor arity)
(let ((vars (gensyms arity "?")))
(invoke-query-map database
(lambda (result)
(if (zerop arity)
`(,functor ,@(mapcar (curry #'getf result) vars))))
`(,functor ,@vars))
:test #'equal)))
(defun find-all-axioms (database functors)
(iterate (for (functor . arity) :in functors)
(unioning (ground-single-axiom database functor arity)
:test #'equal)))
(defun ground-axioms (rules grounded-fluents)
(let ((database (make-database)))
(scully.gdl:load-rules database rules)
(push-fluents database grounded-fluents)
(find-all-axioms database (find-axioms rules))))
;;;; API
(defun ground-rules (rules)
(let* ((rules (sanitize-rules rules))
(fluents (ground-fluents rules))
(axioms (ground-axioms rules fluents)))
; (map nil #'print (ground-rules (scully.gdl:read-gdl "gdl/buttons.gdl")))