src/reasoners/prolog.lisp @ 5c19b4bd3200
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 22:05:09 +0000 |
parents |
cc9330259660 |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :scully.reasoners.prolog)
;;;; Brute-Force Prolog Reasoner
;;; This is the slow, naive way to play. It's here as a reference point.
;;;; Reasoner -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun load-gdl-preamble (db)
(push-logic-frame-with db
(rule db (ggp-rules::not ?x) (call ?x) ! fail)
(fact db (ggp-rules::not ?x))
(rule db (ggp-rules::or ?x ?y) (call ?x))
(rule db (ggp-rules::or ?x ?y) (call ?y))
(rule db (ggp-rules::and ?x ?y) (call ?x) (call ?y))
(rule db (ggp-rules::distinct ?x ?x) ! fail)
(fact db (ggp-rules::distinct ?x ?y))))
(defun make-reasoner-database ()
(let ((db (make-database)))
(load-gdl-preamble db)
(defclass prolog-reasoner ()
((database :initform (make-reasoner-database) :reader pr-database)
(current-state :initform nil :accessor pr-state)
(current-moves :initform nil :accessor pr-moves)))
(defun make-prolog-reasoner ()
(make-instance 'prolog-reasoner))
;;;; GDL Cleaning -------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Some GDL authors use (or x y) and (and x y) in their game descriptions, even
;;; though it's not part of the GDL "spec". Worse still, some use n-ary
;;; versions of those predicates, because fuck you. So we'll do a quick pass
;;; over the GDL to clean up these bugs.
(defun clean-or (gdl)
(destructuring-bind (or . arguments)
(case (length arguments)
(1 (first arguments))
(2 gdl)
(t (list or (first arguments)
(clean-or (cons or (rest arguments))))))))
(defun clean-and (gdl)
(destructuring-bind (and . arguments)
(case (length arguments)
(1 (first arguments))
(2 gdl)
(t (list and (first arguments)
(clean-and (cons and (rest arguments))))))))
(defun clean-gdl (gdl)
(if (consp gdl)
(case (car gdl)
(ggp-rules::or (clean-or gdl))
(ggp-rules::and (clean-and gdl))
(t (cons (clean-gdl (car gdl))
(clean-gdl (cdr gdl)))))
;;;; State Normalization ------------------------------------------------------
(defun dedupe-state (state)
(iterate (for fact :in state)
(for prev :previous fact)
(when (not (equal fact prev))
(collect fact))))
(defun fact-slow< (a b)
;; numbers < symbols < conses
(etypecase a
(number (typecase b
(number (< a b))
(t t)))
(symbol (etypecase b
(number nil)
(cons t)
(symbol (string< (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b)))))
(cons (typecase b
(cons (cond
((fact-slow< (car a) (car b)) t)
((fact-slow< (car b) (car a)) nil)
(t (fact-slow< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
(t nil)))))
(defun fact< (a b)
(if (eql a b)
(let ((ha (sxhash a))
(hb (sxhash b)))
(if (= ha hb)
(fact-slow< a b)
(< ha hb)))))
(defun sort-state (state)
(sort state #'fact<))
(defun normalize-state (state)
(dedupe-state (sort-state state)))
;;;; Ugly State Management ----------------------------------------------------
(defun apply-state (reasoner state)
(let ((db (pr-database reasoner)))
(push-logic-frame-with db
(loop :for fact :in state
:do (invoke-fact db `(ggp-rules::true ,fact)))))
(setf (pr-state reasoner) state))
(defun apply-moves (reasoner moves)
(let ((db (pr-database reasoner)))
(push-logic-frame-with db
(loop :for (role . action) :in moves
:do (invoke-fact db `(ggp-rules::does ,role ,action)))))
(setf (pr-moves reasoner) moves))
(defun clear-state (reasoner)
(pop-logic-frame (pr-database reasoner))
(setf (pr-state reasoner) nil))
(defun clear-moves (reasoner)
(pop-logic-frame (pr-database reasoner))
(setf (pr-moves reasoner) nil))
(defun ensure-state (reasoner state)
(when (not (eql state (pr-state reasoner)))
(when (not (null (pr-moves reasoner)))
(clear-moves reasoner))
(when (not (null (pr-state reasoner)))
(clear-state reasoner))
(apply-state reasoner state)))
(defun ensure-moves (reasoner moves)
(when (not (eql moves (pr-moves reasoner)))
(when (not (null (pr-moves reasoner)))
(clear-moves reasoner))
(apply-moves reasoner moves)))
;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun load-rules (reasoner rules)
(scully.gdl:load-rules (pr-database reasoner)
(clean-gdl rules)))
(defun initial-state (reasoner)
(query-map (pr-database reasoner)
(lambda (r) (getf r '?what))
(ggp-rules::init ?what))))
(defun terminalp (reasoner)
(prove (pr-database reasoner) ggp-rules::terminal))
(defun next-state (reasoner state moves)
(ensure-state reasoner state)
(ensure-moves reasoner moves)
(query-map (pr-database reasoner)
(lambda (r) (getf r '?what))
(ggp-rules::next ?what))))
(defun legal-moves-for (reasoner role state)
(ensure-state reasoner state)
(invoke-query-map (pr-database reasoner)
(lambda (r) (getf r '?action))
`(ggp-rules::legal ,role ?action))
:test #'equal))
(defun percepts-for (reasoner role state moves)
(ensure-state reasoner state)
(ensure-moves reasoner moves)
(invoke-query-map (pr-database reasoner)
(lambda (r) (getf r '?what))
`(ggp-rules::sees ,role ?what))
:test #'equal))
(defun roles (reasoner)
(query-map (pr-database reasoner)
(lambda (r) (getf r '?role))
(ggp-rules::role ?role)))