src/reasoners/zdd.lisp @ 41b2461432fc

Implement the basic iset traversal logic
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 15 Dec 2016 13:03:18 -0500
parents 51bc78b22d98
children 4843f09b50f6
(in-package :scully.reasoners.zdd)

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro defclass* (name-and-options direct-superclasses slots &rest options)
  (flet ((slot-definition (conc-name slot)
           (destructuring-bind (name &key
                                     (accessor (symb conc-name name))
                                     (initarg (intern (symbol-name name) :keyword)))
               (ensure-list slot)
               :initarg ,initarg
               :accessor ,accessor
               ,@(when initform `(:initform ,initform))
               ,@(when type `(:type ,type))
               ,@(when documentation `(:documentation ,documentation))))))
    (destructuring-bind (name &key (conc-name (symb name '-)))
        (ensure-list name-and-options)
      `(defclass ,name ,direct-superclasses
        ,(mapcar (curry #'slot-definition conc-name) slots)

;;;; Rule Forests -------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (rule-forest :conc-name rf-) ()

(defun make-forest-with (old-forest strata)
  (make-instance 'rule-forest
    :strata strata
    :upper-bound (rf-upper-bound old-forest)
    :lower-bound (rf-lower-bound old-forest)))

(defun forest-empty-p (forest)
  (null (rf-strata forest)))

(defun find-bound (predicate layer)
  (extremum (mapcar #'scully.gdl::rule-head layer) predicate))

(defun find-lower-bound (layer)
  (find-bound #'< layer))

(defun find-upper-bound (layer)
  (find-bound #'> layer))

;;;; Reasoner -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* (zdd-reasoner :conc-name zr-) ()

(defun find-initial-state (rules term->number)
  (-<> rules
    (mapcan (lambda-match
              ((list (list* 'ggp-rules::init body))
               `((ggp-rules::true ,@body))))
    (mapcar (lambda (term) (gethash term term->number)) <>)))

(defun find-roles (rules)
  (mapcan (lambda-match
            ((list (list 'ggp-rules::role r))
             (list r)))

(defun make-predicate-zdd (predicate term->number)
  (-<> term->number
    (remove-if-not (lambda (rule)
                     (eql predicate (first (first rule))))
    (mapcar #'cdr <>)
    (zdd-set <>)))

(defun make-stratum-rule-trees (stratum)
  (-<> stratum
    (group-by #'car <>)
    (mapcar #'scully.rule-trees::make-rule-tree <>)))

(defun make-rule-forest (rule-layers layer)
  (let ((rules (gethash layer rule-layers)))
    (make-instance 'rule-forest
      :strata (-<> rules
                (mapcar #'make-stratum-rule-trees <>))
      :upper-bound (find-upper-bound rules)
      :lower-bound (find-lower-bound rules))))

(defun make-zdd-reasoner (rules)
  "Turn a set of grounded GDL rules into a logic manager.

  A rule forest is a collection of individual rule trees in a single layer,
  stratified as necessary:

                 ||       ||
                 ||       \/
                 ||     (rule-tree-1 rule-tree-2 ...)
         (rule-tree-1 rule-tree-2 ...)

  (let ((rules (scully.gdl::normalize-rules rules)))
    (destructuring-bind (term->number number->term rule-layers)
        (scully.terms::integerize-rules rules)
        (make-instance 'zdd-reasoner
          :rules rules
          :roles (find-roles rules)
          :possible-forest (make-rule-forest rule-layers :possible)
          :happens-forest (make-rule-forest rule-layers :happens)
          :initial-zdd (zdd-set (find-initial-state rules term->number))
          :legal-zdd (make-predicate-zdd 'ggp-rules::legal term->number)
          :goal-zdd (make-predicate-zdd 'ggp-rules::goal term->number)
          :terminal-zdd (make-predicate-zdd 'ggp-rules::terminal term->number)
          :term->number term->number
          :number->term number->term)))))

;;;; Basic API ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun number-to-term (reasoner number)
  (gethash number (zr-number->term reasoner)))

(defun term-to-number (reasoner term)
  (gethash term (zr-term->number reasoner)))

(defun initial-iset (reasoner)
  "Return the initial information set of the game."
  (zr-initial-zdd reasoner))

(defun rand-state (reasoner iset)
  "Select a random member of the given information set."
  (mapcar (curry #'number-to-term reasoner)
          (zdd-random-member iset)))

(defun terminalp (reasoner iset)
  "Return whether the given information set is a terminal state."
  (-<> iset
    (zdd-meet <> (zr-terminal-zdd reasoner))

(defun roles (reasoner)
  (zr-roles reasoner))

;;;; Drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun label (reasoner n)
  (let ((*package* (find-package :ggp-rules)))
    (-<> n
      (number-to-term reasoner <>)
      (structural-string <>))))

(defun draw-zdd (reasoner zdd)
  (scully.graphviz::draw-zdd zdd :label-fn (curry #'label reasoner)))

(defun draw-rule-tree (reasoner rule-tree)
  (scully.graphviz::draw-rule-tree rule-tree :label-fn (curry #'label reasoner)))

;;;; Logic Application --------------------------------------------------------
(defun tree-to-result (tree)
  (adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
    ((scully.rule-trees::top head) (values nil head))
    (scully.rule-trees::bottom (values nil nil))
    ((scully.rule-trees::node _ _ _) (values tree nil))))

(defun process-stratum (function stratum)
  "Process the stratum with `function`.

  Two values will be returned:

  1. The new stratum (possibly NIL).
  2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).

    (for tree :in stratum)
    (for (values new-tree new-head) = (funcall function tree))
    (when new-tree (collect new-tree :into new-stratum))
    (when new-head (collect new-head :into new-heads))
    (finally (return (values new-stratum new-heads)))))

(defun process-forest (function forest)
  "Process the rule forest with `function`.

  Two values will be returned:

  1. The new forest (possibly NIL).
  2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).

    (for stratum :in (rf-strata forest))
    (for (values new-stratum new-heads) = (process-stratum function stratum))
    (when new-stratum (collect new-stratum :into new-strata))
    (appending new-heads :into heads)
    (finally (return (values (make-forest-with forest new-strata) heads)))))

(defun advance-tree (tree term)
  "Advance the rule tree up to (but not beyond) `term`.

  Two values will be returned:

  1. Either the resulting rule tree, or NIL if it was advanced down to a sink.
  2. The new head if it was advanced down to a TOP sink, or NIL otherwise.

  (adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
    ((scully.rule-trees::node term% _ lo)
     (if (< term% term)
       (advance-tree lo term)
       (tree-to-result tree)))
    (_ (tree-to-result tree))))

(defun advance-forest (forest term)
  "Advance the rule forest up to (but not beyond) `term`.

  Two values will be returned:

  1. The new forest (possibly NIL).
  2. Any new heads to add (possible NIL).

  (process-forest (rcurry #'advance-tree term) forest))

(defun split-tree-hi (tree term)
  (adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
    ((scully.rule-trees::node term% hi _)
     (if (= term% term)
       (tree-to-result hi)
       (tree-to-result tree)))
    (_ (error "Cannot split rule tree: ~S" tree))))

(defun split-tree-lo (tree term)
  (adt:match scully.rule-trees::rule-tree tree
    ((scully.rule-trees::node term% _ lo)
     (if (= term% term)
       (tree-to-result lo)
       (tree-to-result tree)))
    (_ (error "Cannot split rule tree: ~S" tree))))

(defun split-forest-hi (forest term)
  (process-forest (rcurry #'split-tree-hi term) forest))

(defun split-forest-lo (forest term)
  (process-forest (rcurry #'split-tree-lo term) forest))

(defun finalize-heads (reasoner forest heads)
  "Finalize the set of heads to add and return the appropriate ZDD."
  (prl reasoner forest heads)
  (zdd-set heads))

(defun traverse-iset (reasoner iset forest)
  "Walk down the information set and rule forest in parallel."
  (declare (ignorable reasoner))
  (recursively ((iset iset)
                (forest forest)
                (heads '()))
    (ematch iset
      ;; If we hit an empty sink we're out of sets to ever cons the heads onto,
      ;; so we can just bail immediately.
      ((sink nil) iset)

      ;; If we hit a unit sink we're done with the state-walking portion of this
      ;; algorithm and can move on the the fixed-pointing of the heads.
      ((sink t) (finalize-heads reasoner forest heads))

      ;; Otherwise we need to build a new ZDD node with the recursive results.
      ((node term hi lo)
           (((forest advanced-heads) (advance-forest forest term))
            ((forest-hi hi-heads) (split-forest-hi forest term))
            ((forest-lo lo-heads) (split-forest-lo forest term)))
           (recur hi forest-hi (append heads advanced-heads hi-heads))
           (recur lo forest-lo (append heads advanced-heads lo-heads))))))))

(defun apply-rule-forest (reasoner iset forest)
  "Apply `forest` to the given information set for `reasoner`."
  (declare (ignorable reasoner))
    (traverse-iset reasoner iset forest)))

;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *rules*
  (scully.gdl::read-gdl "gdl/tictactoe-grounded.gdl")
  ; (scully.gdl::read-gdl "gdl/hanoi-grounded.gdl")
  ; (scully.gdl::read-gdl "gdl/8puzzle-grounded.gdl")
  ; (scully.gdl::read-gdl "gdl/roshambo2-grounded.gdl")
(defparameter *l* (make-zdd-reasoner *rules*))

; (draw-zdd *l* (initial-iset *l*))

; (-<> *l*
;   (apply-rule-forest <> (initial-iset *l*) (zr-possible-forest *l*))
;   (draw-zdd *l* <>)
;   (no <>)
;   )