src/rule-trees.lisp @ 2ad170fcb598

Better rule tree shuffling tests
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 24 May 2017 13:27:57 +0000
parents 60c18fdad2b8
children (none)
(in-package :scully.rule-trees)
(in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)

;;;; Rule Trees ---------------------------------------------------------------
(defun abs< (x y)
  (declare (type fixnum x y))
  (< (abs x) (abs y)))

(adt:defdata rule-tree
  (node t rule-tree rule-tree)
  (top t)

(defun rule-tree-hi (tree)
  (adt:match rule-tree tree
    ((node _ hi _) hi)
    (_ (error "No hi for rule tree ~S" tree))))

(defun rule-tree-lo (tree)
  (adt:match rule-tree tree
    ((node _ _ lo) lo)
    (_ (error "No lo for rule tree ~S" tree))))

(defun find-smallest-body-term (bodies)
  "Find the smallest body term in `bodies`.

  Each body in `bodies` must already be sorted.  No body should be empty.

  (iterate (for body :in bodies)
           (for term = (the fixnum (first body)))
           (minimizing (abs term))))

(defun partition (bodies)
  "Partition `bodies` into exclusive groups based on the smallest element.

  `bodies` must each be already sorted.

  Four values will be returned:

  1. The smallest element in any body.
  2. All bodies that DISALLOW that element.
  3. All bodies that REQUIRE that element.
  4. All bodies that DON'T CARE about that element.

    (with element = (the fixnum (find-smallest-body-term bodies)))
    (with negation = (the fixnum (- element)))
    (for body :in bodies)
    (for term = (the fixnum (first body)))
      ((= term element) (collect body :into requires))
      ((= term negation) (collect body :into disallows))
      (t (collect body :into ignores)))
    (finally (return (values element disallows requires ignores)))))

(defun make-node (cache term hi lo)
  (if (eql hi lo)
    (ensure-gethash (list term hi lo) cache
                    (node term hi lo))))

(defun sort-body (body)
  (sort body #'abs<))

(defun make-rule-tree (rules)
  "Make a rule tree for `rules`.

  All rules must have the same head (this is not checked).  Bodies do not need
  to be sorted.

  (let* ((head (rule-head (first rules)))
         (top (top head))
         (cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    ;; (pr head)
    (recursively ((bodies (mapcar (compose #'sort-body #'rule-body) rules)))
        ((null bodies) bottom)
        ((some #'null bodies) top)
        (t (multiple-value-bind (term disallows requires ignores)
               (partition bodies)
             (make-node cache
                        (recur (append (mapcar #'rest requires) ignores))
                        (recur (append (mapcar #'rest disallows) ignores)))))))))

(defun rule-tree-size (tree)
  (adt:match rule-tree tree
    (bottom 1)
    ((top _) 1)
    ((node _ hi lo) (+ 1
                       (rule-tree-size hi)
                       (rule-tree-size lo)))))

(defun head (tree)
  (adt:match rule-tree tree
    (bottom nil)
    ((top term) term)
    ((node _ hi lo) (or (head hi) (head lo)))))

;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------