src/terrain/diamond-square.lisp @ 833316fc5296

Add a bunch of stuff from the past month or two...
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 14 Oct 2016 21:15:54 +0000
parents 0e1d7a2087cc
children 184af4c4e8fc
(in-package #:sand.terrain.diamond-square)

(defvar *size* nil)
(defvar *tileable* nil)

(defun heightmap-size (heightmap)
  (first (array-dimensions heightmap)))

(defun hm-ref (heightmap x y)
  (flet ((ref (n)
           (cond ((< n 0)
                  (- (mod n *size*)
                     (if *tileable* 0 1)))
                 ((< n *size*)
                 ((>= n *size*)
                  (+ (mod n *size*)
                     (if *tileable* 0 1))))))
    (aref heightmap (ref x) (ref y))))

(defun heightmap-extrema (heightmap)
    (for v :across-flat-array heightmap :with-index i)
    (maximize v :into max)
    (minimize v :into min)
    (finally (return (values min max)))))

(defun normalize-heightmap (heightmap)
  (multiple-value-bind (min max) (heightmap-extrema heightmap)
    (do-array (v heightmap)
      (setf v (norm min max v)))))

(defun ds-init (heightmap)
  (let ((last (1- *size*)))
      (aref heightmap 0 0) 0.5
      (aref heightmap 0 last) 0.5
      (aref heightmap last 0) 0.5
      (aref heightmap last last) 0.5)))

(defun ds-square (heightmap x y radius spread)
  (setf (aref heightmap x y)
        (random-around (average4 (hm-ref heightmap (- x radius) (- y radius))
                                 (hm-ref heightmap (- x radius) (+ y radius))
                                 (hm-ref heightmap (+ x radius) (- y radius))
                                 (hm-ref heightmap (+ x radius) (+ y radius)))

(defun ds-diamond (heightmap x y radius spread)
  (setf (aref heightmap x y)
        (random-around (average4 (hm-ref heightmap (- x radius) y)
                                 (hm-ref heightmap (+ x radius) y)
                                 (hm-ref heightmap x (- y radius))
                                 (hm-ref heightmap x (+ y radius)))

(defun ds-squares (heightmap radius spread)
    (for x :from radius :below *size* :by (* 2 radius))
      (for y :from radius :below *size* :by (* 2 radius))
      (ds-square heightmap x y radius spread))))

(defun ds-diamonds (heightmap radius spread)
    (for i :from 0)
    (for y :from 0 :below *size* :by radius)
      (with shift = (if (evenp i) radius 0))
      (for x :from shift :below *size* :by (* 2 radius))
      (ds-diamond heightmap x y radius spread))))

(defun diamond-square (exponent &key (spread 0.7) (spread-reduction 0.7) (tileable nil))
  (let* ((*size* (if tileable
                   (expt 2 exponent)
                   (1+ (expt 2 exponent))))
         (*tileable* tileable)
         (heightmap (make-array (list *size* *size*)
                      :element-type 'single-float
                      :initial-element 0.0
                      :adjustable nil)))
    (ds-init heightmap)
    (recursively ((radius (floor *size* 2))
                  (spread spread))
      (when (>= radius 1)
        (ds-squares heightmap radius spread)
        (ds-diamonds heightmap radius spread)
        (recur (/ radius 2)
               (* spread spread-reduction))))
    (normalize-heightmap heightmap)