Get this shit compiling with the new cl-losh
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 22:54:28 +0000 |
parents |
184af4c4e8fc |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :sand.sketch)
;;;; Config
; (setf *bypass-cache* t)
(defparameter *wat* nil)
(defparameter *width* 600)
(defparameter *height* 600)
(defparameter *center-x* (/ *width* 2))
(defparameter *center-y* (/ *height* 2))
(defvar *shift* nil)
(defvar *control* nil)
(defvar *command* nil)
(defvar *option* nil)
(defparameter *black-pen*
(make-pen :stroke (rgb 0 0 0) :fill (rgb 0.4 0.4 0.4) :weight 1 :curve-steps 50))
(defparameter *red-pen*
(make-pen :stroke (rgb 0.6 0 0) :fill (rgb 0.9 0 0) :weight 1 :curve-steps 50))
(defparameter *green-pen*
(make-pen :stroke (rgb 0 0.6 0) :fill (rgb 0 0.9 0) :weight 1 :curve-steps 50))
(defparameter *blue-pen*
(make-pen :stroke (rgb 0 0 0.6) :fill (rgb 0 0 0.9) :weight 1 :curve-steps 50))
;;;; Utils
(defmacro with-setup (&body body)
(background (gray 1.0))
(defmacro in-context (&body body)
(progn ,@body)
(defmacro scancode-case (scancode-form &rest pairs)
(with-gensyms (scancode)
`(let ((,scancode ,scancode-form))
,@(mapcar (lambda (pair)
(destructuring-bind (key-scancode &rest body) pair
`((sdl2:scancode= ,scancode ,key-scancode)
(defmacro just-once (dirty-place &body body)
`(when ,dirty-place
(setf ,dirty-place nil)
;;;; Sketch
(defsketch demo
((width *width*) (height *height*) (y-axis :up) (title "Sketch")
(copy-pixels t)
(mouse (list 0 0))
(mouse-down-left nil)
(mouse-down-right nil)
(dirty t)
;; Data
(palette (iterate (repeat 45)
(collect (rgb (random 1.0) (random 1.0) (random 1.0)))))
(ideal (rgb (random 1.0) (random 1.0) (random 1.0)))
(lol (progn
(just-once dirty
(with tile-size = 40)
(with tile-count = (/ *width* tile-size))
(for-nested ((y :from 0 :below 100)
(x :from 0 :below tile-count)))
(for color :in palette)
(with-pen (make-pen :fill color)
(rect (* x tile-size) (* y tile-size) tile-size tile-size)))
(text "Ideal Color" 0 (- *center-y* 20))
(with-pen (make-pen :fill ideal)
(rect 0 *center-y*
(- (/ *width* 2) 10)
(/ *height* 2)))
(text "Closest Color" (+ 10 *center-x*) (- *center-y* 20))
(with-pen (make-pen :fill (gray 0.5))
(rect (+ 10 *center-x*) *center-y*
(- (/ *width* 2) 10)
(/ *height* 2)))))
;;;; Mouse
(defun mouse-in-bounds-p (x y)
(and (>= x 0)
(>= y 0)
(< x *width*)
(< y *height*)))
(defun mousemove (instance x y)
(when (mouse-in-bounds-p x y)
(with-slots (mouse) instance
(setf mouse (list x (- *height* y 1)))
(defun mousedown-left (instance x y)
(when (mouse-in-bounds-p x y)
(setf (slot-value instance 'mouse-down-left) t)
(mousemove instance x y)
(defun mousedown-right (instance x y)
(when (mouse-in-bounds-p x y)
(setf (slot-value instance 'mouse-down-right) t)
(mousemove instance x y)
(defun mouseup-left (instance x y)
(declare (ignorable x y))
(setf (slot-value instance 'mouse-down-left) nil)
(defun mouseup-right (instance x y)
(declare (ignorable x y))
(setf (slot-value instance 'mouse-down-right) nil)
(defmethod kit.sdl2:mousemotion-event ((window demo) ts b x y xrel yrel)
(declare (ignore ts b xrel yrel))
(mousemove window x y))
(defmethod kit.sdl2:mousebutton-event ((window demo) state ts button x y)
(declare (ignore ts))
(funcall (case state
(case button
(1 #'mousedown-left)
(3 #'mousedown-right)))
(case button
(1 #'mouseup-left)
(3 #'mouseup-right))))
window x y))
;;;; Keyboard
(defun keydown (instance scancode)
(declare (ignorable instance))
(scancode-case scancode
(:scancode-space (sketch::prepare instance))
(:scancode-lshift (setf *shift* t))
(:scancode-lctrl (setf *control* t))
(:scancode-lgui (setf *command* t))
(:scancode-lalt (setf *option* t))
(defun keyup (instance scancode)
(declare (ignorable instance))
(scancode-case scancode
(:scancode-lshift (setf *shift* nil))
(:scancode-lctrl (setf *control* nil))
(:scancode-lgui (setf *command* nil))
(:scancode-lalt (setf *option* nil))
(:scancode-space nil)))
(defmethod kit.sdl2:keyboard-event ((instance demo) state timestamp repeatp keysym)
(declare (ignore timestamp repeatp))
((eql state :keyup) (keyup instance (sdl2:scancode-value keysym)))
((eql state :keydown) (keydown instance (sdl2:scancode-value keysym)))
(t nil)))
;;;; Run
; (defparameter *demo* (make-instance 'demo))