src/generic-arithmetic.lisp @ 326c2d62fceb
Get this shit compiling with the new cl-losh
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 22:54:28 +0000 |
parents |
c6cecc512cbc |
children |
bc8ed2a9b4c0 |
(in-package :sand.generic-arithmetic)
;;;; ________ __________ __ __________ _ _________ ____ ______
;;;; / ____/ / / / ____/ //_/ / _/_ __/ | | / / ____( )/ __ \/ ____/
;;;; / /_ / / / / / / ,< / / / / | | /| / / __/ |// /_/ / __/
;;;; / __/ / /_/ / /___/ /| | _/ / / / _ | |/ |/ / /___ / _, _/ /___
;;;; /_/ \____/\____/_/ |_| /___/ /_/ ( ) |__/|__/_____/ /_/ |_/_____/
;;;; __________ _____ ________ ____|/__ ____ __ ______
;;;; / ____/ __ \/ _/ | / / ____/ / ____/ / / / / / / / ____/__ __
;;;; / / __/ / / // // |/ / / __ / /_ / / / / / / / / / __/ /___/ /_
;;;; / /_/ / /_/ // // /| / /_/ / / __/ / /_/ / /___/ /___ / /__/_ __/_ __/
;;;; \____/\____/___/_/ |_/\____/ /_/ \____/_____/_____/ \____//_/ /_/
;;; This is a quick and dirty experiment at adding generic arithmetic operators
;;; to Common Lisp. To add support for operating on another type you would add
;;; methods for `unaryOP` and `binaryOP`, e.g.:
;;; (defmethod unary+ ((v vector)) v)
;;; (defmethod binary+ ((n number) (v vector))
;;; (map 'vector (lambda (el) (+ el n)) v))
;;; (defmethod binary+ ((v vector) (n number))
;;; (binary+ n v))
;;; Compiler macros are defined so that if the op is called on things that are
;;; known to be `number`s at compile time it will compile in the vanilla CL op
;;; instead:
;;; No declaration, calls the generic function in this package:
;;; (defun foo (x)
;;; (+ 5 x))
;;; (disassemble 'foo)
;;; ; disassembly for FOO
;;; ; Size: 38 bytes. Origin: #x100ACC85F8
;;; ; 5F8: 498B4C2460 MOV RCX, [R12+96] ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
;;; ; no-arg-parsing entry point
;;; ; 5FD: 48894DF8 MOV [RBP-8], RCX
;;; ; 601: BA0A000000 MOV EDX, 10
;;; ; 606: 488BFE MOV RDI, RSI
;;; ; 609: 488B0590FFFFFF MOV RAX, [RIP-112] ; #<SB-KERNEL:FDEFN +>
;;; ; 610: B904000000 MOV ECX, 4
;;; ; 615: FF7508 PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
;;; ; 618: FF6009 JMP QWORD PTR [RAX+9]
;;; ; 61B: 0F0B10 BREAK 16 ; Invalid argument count trap
;;; Number, calls the Lisp +:
;;; (defun foo-number (x)
;;; (declare (type number x))
;;; (+ 5 x))
;;; (disassemble 'foo-number)
;;; ; disassembly for FOO-NUMBER
;;; ; Size: 39 bytes. Origin: #x100ACC854B
;;; ; 4B: 498B4C2460 MOV RCX, [R12+96] ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
;;; ; no-arg-parsing entry point
;;; ; 50: 48894DF8 MOV [RBP-8], RCX
;;; ; 54: BF0A000000 MOV EDI, 10
;;; ; 59: 488BD3 MOV RDX, RBX
;;; ; 5C: 41BBD0010020 MOV R11D, 536871376 ; GENERIC-+
;;; ; 62: 41FFD3 CALL R11
;;; ; 65: 488B5DF0 MOV RBX, [RBP-16]
;;; ; 69: 488BE5 MOV RSP, RBP
;;; ; 6C: F8 CLC
;;; ; 6D: 5D POP RBP
;;; ; 6E: C3 RET
;;; ; 6F: 0F0B10 BREAK 16 ; Invalid argument count trap
;;; Small number, SBCL just compiles down to fixnum addition:
;;; (defun foo-byte (x)
;;; (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) x))
;;; (+ 5 x))
;;; (disassemble 'foo-byte)
;;; ; disassembly for FOO-BYTE
;;; ; Size: 22 bytes. Origin: #x100290CB4B
;;; ; 4B: 498B4C2460 MOV RCX, [R12+96] ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
;;; ; no-arg-parsing entry point
;;; ; 50: 48894DF8 MOV [RBP-8], RCX
;;; ; 54: 488D530A LEA RDX, [RBX+10]
;;; ; 58: 488BE5 MOV RSP, RBP
;;; ; 5B: F8 CLC
;;; ; 5C: 5D POP RBP
;;; ; 5D: C3 RET
;;; ; 5E: 0F0B10 BREAK 16 ; Invalid argument count trap
(defmacro define-generic-operation (name op allow-nullary)
(let ((unary (symb 'unary name))
(binary (symb 'binary name)))
(defgeneric ,unary (x))
(defmethod ,unary ((x number))
(,op x))
(defgeneric ,binary (x y))
(defmethod ,binary ((x number) (y number))
(,op x y))
,(if allow-nullary
`(defun ,name (&rest arguments)
((null arguments) (,op))
((null (cdr arguments)) (,unary (car arguments)))
(t (reduce #',binary arguments))))
`(defun ,name (argument &rest more)
(if (null more)
(,unary argument)
(reduce #',binary more :initial-value argument))))
(define-compiler-macro ,name (&whole form &rest arguments &environment env)
(if (every (rcurry #'subtypep 'number)
(mapcar (rcurry #'form-type env) arguments))
`(,',op ,@arguments)
(define-generic-operation + cl:+ t)
(define-generic-operation - cl:- nil)
(define-generic-operation * cl:* t)
(define-generic-operation / cl:/ nil)
;;;; Example: Vectors
;;; Addition
(defmethod unary+ ((v vector)) v)
(defmethod binary+ ((v1 vector) (v2 vector))
(map 'vector #'+ v1 v2))
(defmethod binary+ ((v vector) (n number))
(map 'vector (lambda (el) (+ el n)) v))
(defmethod binary+ ((n number) (v vector))
(binary+ v n))
;;; Multiplication
(defmethod unary* ((v vector)) v)
(defmethod binary* ((v1 vector) (v2 vector))
(map 'vector #'* v1 v2))
(defmethod binary* ((v vector) (n number))
(map 'vector (lambda (el) (* el n)) v))
(defmethod binary* ((n number) (v vector))
(binary* n v))
;;; Subtraction
(defmethod unary- ((v vector))
(map 'vector #'- v))
(defmethod binary- ((v1 vector) (v2 vector))
(map 'vector #'- v1 v2))
(defmethod binary- ((v vector) (n number))
(map 'vector (lambda (el) (- el n)) v))
(defmethod binary- ((n number) (v vector))
(error "Cannot subtract number by a vector: (- ~S ~S)" n v))
;;; Division
(defmethod unary/ ((v vector))
(map 'vector #'/ v))
(defmethod binary/ ((v1 vector) (v2 vector))
(map 'vector #'/ v1 v2))
(defmethod binary/ ((v vector) (n number))
(map 'vector (lambda (el) (/ el n)) v))
(defmethod binary/ ((n number) (v vector))
(error "Cannot divide number by a vector: (/ ~S ~S)" n v))