Commit Log

commit description author date
888f5c30c949 Enhance the sum/prod macros Steve Losh 2020-01-20
8f6ef53eac55 ASPC, portability fixes Steve Losh 2020-01-20
870270771fde PDST Steve Losh 2020-01-20
2735aa6aab79 The great packaging of 2020 Steve Losh 2020-01-20
2d34585c5704 Clean up, remove quickutils Steve Losh 2020-01-20
05bc7da3473f Update README Steve Losh 2020-01-18
892a16d8007e TRIE Steve Losh 2020-01-18
72cd66a36853 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-22
dbd7237ece35 SSET Steve Losh 2019-12-20
dbd94aef5f92 SETO Steve Losh 2019-12-20
049e0d632763 INOD Steve Losh 2019-12-20
814719fdaa0d Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-20
f94bcb404676 LONG Steve Losh 2019-03-01
ad32169fc54c TREE Steve Losh 2019-12-20
c26fa4d063ba REAR Steve Losh 2019-09-18
93ba483d9bc9 Move function Steve Losh 2019-08-26
64aa58880d55 EVAL Steve Losh 2019-02-23
474d88a2af2e Refactor to remove some boilerplate Steve Losh 2019-02-23
ca95211a2d98 RSTR Steve Losh 2019-02-23
7052ec0c6e1d PMCH Steve Losh 2019-02-23
e0c558fa549b KMER, SSEQ Steve Losh 2019-02-23
4962c672f610 2019 Steve Losh 2019-02-09
9b2cfb112dd6 LEXV, PROB, PPER Steve Losh 2019-02-09
2bb2d67ebe22 Fix LGIS Steve Losh 2018-12-24
638d42c1ebe6 Sort for unit tests Steve Losh 2018-12-24
32944636e2d3 TRAN Steve Losh 2018-12-24
df2880a47218 SIGN Steve Losh 2018-12-24
b1baea60c24f Merge. Steve Losh 2018-12-16
1d0852c279f7 Add auto-module ASDF to save typing. Thanks, jackdaniel Steve Losh 2018-12-15
5d71b5f0dfb5 LGIS Steve Losh 2018-11-11
7fd1feb477de LEXF Steve Losh 2018-11-10
23151d9021cf REVP Steve Losh 2018-11-09
b3598dc7ef5c ORF Steve Losh 2018-11-09
b5923704ce42 MPRT Steve Losh 2018-11-09
4660a7402edb LIA Steve Losh 2018-11-09
48e5788f61e3 Cleanup Steve Losh 2018-11-08
fc16ddecf261 Merge. Steve Losh 2018-11-08
f65ed39c371d First passes at MRNA and SPLC Steve Losh 2018-11-06
b8745a9fccd4 LCSM Steve Losh 2018-11-08
e279056b1a5b Start taking some notes Steve Losh 2018-11-03
8de2e6d7c9d9 Inline utils into problem files, add PRTM Steve Losh 2018-11-03
e3dc1e5b762c GRPH Steve Losh 2018-11-03
11df545d1a41 Remove comments, do CONS Steve Losh 2018-11-03
d6e73cb32b9b Clean up the FASTA and buffering utils Steve Losh 2018-11-03
bd06f66ba88f More problems Steve Losh 2018-11-03
0ea8cfbf45ce Clean up Steve Losh 2018-11-02
6088027147e1 Do HAMM, add fancy stream/string management Steve Losh 2018-11-02
4cad0eb1a700 Restructure, do GC Steve Losh 2018-11-02
f4ede9fed310 Expunge Clojure Steve Losh 2018-11-01
c025fc91d497 Two more. Steve Losh 2012-11-12
7f4e6345e260 Do the first few problems. Steve Losh 2012-11-12