src/problems/cons.lisp @ e3aefcbf364c

Cache Uniprot results on the filesystem

This will make only the first `(run-tests)` on a given computer take forever,
instead of the first `(run-tests)` of a given Lisp session.  It will also
hopefully make the Uniprot folks not hate me.
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 24 Jan 2020 23:05:16 -0500
parents 2735aa6aab79
children (none)
(defpackage :rosalind/cons (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
(in-package :rosalind/cons)

(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_1

(defparameter *output* "ATGCAACT
A: 5 1 0 0 5 5 0 0
C: 0 0 1 4 2 0 6 1
G: 1 1 6 3 0 1 0 0
T: 1 5 0 0 0 1 1 6

(defun make-profile-matrix% (length)
  "Allocate a zero-filled profile matrix with 4 rows and `length` columns."
  (make-array (list 4 length) :initial-element 0))

(defmacro pmref (profile-matrix base pos)
  `(aref ,profile-matrix
     (ecase ,base
       (#\A 0)
       (#\C 1)
       (#\G 2)
       (#\T 3))

(defun pmincf (profile-matrix dna)
  "Increment the profile matrix counts for the given `dna` string."
  (iterate (for base :in-vector dna :with-index pos)
           (incf (pmref profile-matrix base pos))))

(defun profile-matrix-from-fasta (source)
  "Read FASTA data from `source` and return its profile matrix.

  All DNA strings in the data must have the same length.

  A profile matrix is a 4xN matrix containing the total counts of A, C, G, and
  T bases at each position in the input strings.  For example, for the input


  the profile matrix would be:

    pos: 0 1 2 3
      A: 2 2 2 1
      C: 0 0 0 2
      G: 1 2 1 1
      T: 1 0 1 0

    (with result)
    (with length)
    (for (nil dna) :in-fasta source)
    (for n :from 0)

      (setf length (length dna)
            result (make-profile-matrix% length))
      (assert (= length (length dna)) ()
        "The ~:R DNA string in the supplied FASTA data has ~D bases (expected ~D)."
        n (length dna) length))

    (pmincf result dna)

    (finally (return result))))

(defun consensus-string (profile-matrix)
  "Return a consensus string from the given `profile-matrix`.

  A consensus string is a string where the base at each position is the most
  common base at that position among all of the input strings (ties are broken
  arbitrarily).  For example, for the input strings:


  the consensus string would be \"AGAC\".

    (with (nil length) = (array-dimensions profile-matrix))
    (for pos :below length)
    (for as = (pmref profile-matrix #\A pos))
    (for cs = (pmref profile-matrix #\C pos))
    (for gs = (pmref profile-matrix #\G pos))
    (for ts = (pmref profile-matrix #\T pos))
    (for m = (max as cs gs ts))
    (for winner = (cond ((= m as) #\A)
                        ((= m cs) #\C)
                        ((= m gs) #\G)
                        ((= m ts) #\T)))
    (collecting winner :result-type 'string)))

(define-problem cons (data stream) *input* *output*
  (let* ((profile-matrix (profile-matrix-from-fasta data))
         (consensus-string (consensus-string profile-matrix))
         (length (length consensus-string)))
    (with-output-to-string (s)
      (format s "~A~%" consensus-string)
      (dolist (base '(#\A #\C #\G #\T))
        (format s "~C:" base)
        (dotimes (i length)
          (format s " ~D" (pmref profile-matrix base i)))
        (terpri s)))))

;; (problem-cons)
;; (solve cons)