author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sat, 03 Nov 2018 14:41:39 -0400 |
parents |
d6e73cb32b9b |
children |
e3dc1e5b762c |
(in-package :rosalind)
;;;; Misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun sh (command input)
(declare (ignorable command input))
(sb-ext:run-program (first command) (rest command)
:search t
:input (make-string-input-stream input))
(ccl:run-program (first command) (rest command)
:input (make-string-input-stream input))
(let ((p (system:run-program (first command) (rest command)
:input :stream
:output t
:wait nil)))
(write-string input (system:process-input p))
(close (system:process-input p)))
#-(or sbcl ccl abcl)
(error "Not implemented for this Lisp implementation, sorry"))
(defun pbcopy (string)
(values string (sh '("pbcopy") string)))
(defun ensure-stream (input)
(ctypecase input
(stream input)
(string (make-string-input-stream input))))
(defun ensure-string (input)
(ctypecase input
(stream (alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string input))
(string (copy-seq input))))
(defun hamming (sequence1 sequence2 &key (test #'eql))
"Return the Hamming distance between `sequence1` and `sequence2`."
;; todo assert length=?
(let ((result 0))
(map nil (lambda (x y)
(unless (funcall test x y)
(incf result)))
(defun factorial (x)
(check-type x (integer 0))
(iterate (for i :from 1 :to x)
(multiplying i)))
(defun permutations (items)
(gathering (alexandria:map-permutations #'gather items)))
(defmacro-driver (FOR var SEED seed THEN then)
"Bind `var` to `seed` initially, then to `then` on every iteration.
This differs from `(FOR … FIRST … THEN …)` and `(FOR … INITIALLY … THEN …)`
because `then` is evaluated on every iteration, *including* the first.
(repeat 3)
(for x :first 0 :then (1+ x))
(for y :initially 0 :then (1+ y))
(for z :seed 0 :then (1+ z))
(collect (list x y z)))
; =>
((0 0 1)
(1 1 2)
(2 2 3))
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(,kwd ,var :next ,then)
(initially (setf ,var ,seed)))))
(defmacro-clause (RETURNING-FINAL form)
"Evaluate `form` each iteration and return its final value from the `iterate`.
(for i :from 1 :to 4)
(collect (returning-final i) :into l)
(print l))
; =>
(1 2)
(1 2 3)
(1 2 3 4)
(with-gensyms (result)
(with ,result)
(finally (return ,result))
(setf ,result ,form))))
;;;; Buffers ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun make-buffer (&key initial-contents
(element-type t)
(initial-capacity (max 64 (length initial-contents))))
(let ((buffer (make-array initial-capacity
:element-type element-type
:adjustable t
:fill-pointer (length initial-contents))))
(when initial-contents
(replace buffer initial-contents))
(defun make-string-buffer
(&key initial-contents
(initial-capacity (max 64 (length initial-contents))))
(make-buffer :initial-contents initial-contents
:initial-capacity initial-capacity
:element-type 'character))
(defun buffer-push (buffer element)
(vector-push-extend element buffer)
(defun buffer-append (buffer sequence)
(let* ((l1 (length buffer))
(l2 (length sequence))
(needed (+ l1 l2)))
(when (< (array-total-size buffer) needed)
(adjust-array buffer (max needed (* l1 2))))
(setf (fill-pointer buffer) needed)
(replace buffer sequence :start1 l1)
(defmacro-clause (BUFFERING expr &optional
APPEND (append nil)
INTO (var iterate::*result-var*)
INITIAL-CONTENTS (initial-contents '())
ELEMENT-TYPE (element-type t))
(with ,var = (make-buffer :initial-contents ,initial-contents
:element-type ,element-type))
(,(if append 'buffer-append 'buffer-push) ,var ,expr)))
;;;; Translation --------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro codon-case ((vector index) &rest clauses)
;; Compiles a giant list of clauses into a tree of ECASEs.
;; Each codon will have at most 3 ECASEs to pass through. Each ECASE has at
;; most four options, so in the worst case we end up with 3 * 4 = 12
;; comparisons instead of 64.
;; If we ever convert bases to vectors of (unsigned-byte 2)s we could
;; potentially use a lookup table here, e.g.:
;; (aref +amino-acids+ (+ x (ash y 2) (ash z 4)))
(alexandria:once-only (vector index)
(alexandria:with-gensyms (x y z)
`(let ((,x (aref ,vector ,index))
(,y (aref ,vector (+ ,index 1)))
(,z (aref ,vector (+ ,index 2))))
,(labels ((strip (clauses)
(if (= 1 (length (caar clauses)))
(cadar clauses)
(iterate (for (head body) :in clauses)
(collect (list (subseq head 1) body)))))
(split (clauses)
(-<> clauses
(group-by (rcurry #'aref 0) <> :key #'first)
(iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable <>)
(collect (list k (strip v)))))))
(recursively ((clauses (split clauses))
(codons (list x y z))
(i 0))
`(ecase ,(first codons)
,@(iterate (for (k remaining) :in clauses)
(collect `(,k ,(if (atom remaining)
(recur (split remaining)
(rest codons)
(1+ i)))))))))))))
(defun codon-to-protein (vector index)
"Return the amino acid encoded by the codon in `vector` at `index`."
(codon-case (vector index)
("UUU" #\F) ("CUU" #\L) ("AUU" #\I) ("GUU" #\V)
("UUC" #\F) ("CUC" #\L) ("AUC" #\I) ("GUC" #\V)
("UUA" #\L) ("CUA" #\L) ("AUA" #\I) ("GUA" #\V)
("UUG" #\L) ("CUG" #\L) ("AUG" #\M) ("GUG" #\V)
("UCU" #\S) ("CCU" #\P) ("ACU" #\T) ("GCU" #\A)
("UCC" #\S) ("CCC" #\P) ("ACC" #\T) ("GCC" #\A)
("UCA" #\S) ("CCA" #\P) ("ACA" #\T) ("GCA" #\A)
("UCG" #\S) ("CCG" #\P) ("ACG" #\T) ("GCG" #\A)
("UAU" #\Y) ("CAU" #\H) ("AAU" #\N) ("GAU" #\D)
("UAC" #\Y) ("CAC" #\H) ("AAC" #\N) ("GAC" #\D)
("UAA" nil) ("CAA" #\Q) ("AAA" #\K) ("GAA" #\E)
("UAG" nil) ("CAG" #\Q) ("AAG" #\K) ("GAG" #\E)
("UGU" #\C) ("CGU" #\R) ("AGU" #\S) ("GGU" #\G)
("UGC" #\C) ("CGC" #\R) ("AGC" #\S) ("GGC" #\G)
("UGA" nil) ("CGA" #\R) ("AGA" #\R) ("GGA" #\G)
("UGG" #\W) ("CGG" #\R) ("AGG" #\R) ("GGG" #\G)))
(defun translate (rna &key (start 0))
"Translate a string of RNA bases into a protein string of amino acids."
(iterate (for i :from (search "AUG" rna :start2 start) :by 3)
(for protein = (codon-to-protein rna i))
(while protein)
(collect protein :result-type 'string)))
;;;; File Formats -------------------------------------------------------------
(defun read-fasta (stream)
"Read and return the next FASTA label/data pair from `stream`.
`(values label data)` will be returned for each label/data pair. All the
lines of FASTA data for a given label will be concatenated and returned as
a single buffer.
`(values nil nil)` will be returned if there is no remaining data.
(with label = nil)
(case (peek-char nil stream nil :eof)
(:eof (finish))
(#\Newline (read-char stream))
(#\> (if label
(setf label (subseq (read-line stream) 1))))
(t (buffering (read-line stream) :into data
:append t
:element-type 'character)))
(finally (return (values label data)))))
(defmacro-driver (FOR vars IN-FASTA source)
"Iterate over label/data pairs from the FASTA data in `source`.
`vars` must be a list of two symbols that will be bound to the label and data,
respectively, on each iteration.
`stream` can be either a string or a character input stream.
`generate` is supported.
(with data = (remove #\\space \">foo
(for (label dna) :in-fasta data)
(collect (list label dna)))
; =>
((\"foo\" \"CATGGGAA\")
(\"bar\" \"CCCTTG\")
(\"baz\" \"\")
(\"frob\" \"\"))
(destructuring-bind (label data) vars
(with-gensyms (stream)
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with ,stream = (ensure-stream ,source))
(,kwd (values ,label ,data) :next (multiple-value-bind (l d)
(read-fasta ,stream)
(if l
(values l d)
;;;; Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-test (problem input output &optional (test 'string=))
`(test ,(symb 'test- problem)
(is (,test ,output (,problem ,input)))))
(defun run-tests ()
;;;; Problems -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-problem (name (arg type) sample-input sample-output &body body)
(let ((symbol (symb 'problem- name)))
(defun ,symbol (&optional (,arg ,sample-input))
(setf ,arg ,(ecase type
(string `(ensure-string ,arg))
(stream `(ensure-stream ,arg))))
(aesthetic-string (progn ,@body)))
(setf (get ',symbol 'rosalind-name) ,(string-downcase name))
(define-test ,symbol ,sample-input ,sample-output)
(defun problem-data-path (problem)
(format nil "~~/Downloads/rosalind_~A.txt" (get problem 'rosalind-name)))
(defun solve% (problem)
(with-open-file (input (problem-data-path problem))
(pbcopy (funcall problem input))))
(defmacro solve (name)
`(solve% ',(symb 'problem- name)))