src/utils.lisp @ 0ea8cfbf45ce

Clean up
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 01 Nov 2018 21:59:30 -0400
parents 6088027147e1
children bd06f66ba88f
(in-package :rosalind)

;;;; Misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun sh (command input)
  (declare (ignorable command input))
  (sb-ext:run-program (first command) (rest command)
                      :search t
                      :input (make-string-input-stream input))
  (ccl:run-program (first command) (rest command)
                   :input (make-string-input-stream input))
  (let ((p (system:run-program (first command) (rest command)
                               :input :stream
                               :output t
                               :wait nil)))
    (write-string input (system:process-input p))
    (close (system:process-input p)))
  #-(or sbcl ccl abcl)
  (error "Not implemented for this Lisp implementation, sorry"))

(defun pbcopy (string)
  (values string (sh '("pbcopy") string)))

(defun ensure-stream (input)
  (ctypecase input
    (stream input)
    (string (make-string-input-stream input))))

(defun ensure-string (input)
  (ctypecase input
    (stream (alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string input))
    (string (copy-seq input))))

(defun nconcatenate (v1 v2)
  (let* ((l1 (length v1))
         (l2 (length v2))
         (needed (+ l1 l2)))
    (when (< (array-total-size v1) needed)
      (adjust-array v1 (max needed (* l1 2))))
    (setf (fill-pointer v1) needed)
    (replace v1 v2 :start1 l1)

(defun make-buffer (&optional (capacity 64))
  (make-array capacity :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))

(defun hamming (sequence1 sequence2 &key (test #'eql))
  "Return the Hamming distance between `sequence1` and `sequence2`."
  ;; todo assert length=?
  (let ((result 0))
    (map nil (lambda (x y)
               (unless (funcall test x y)
                 (incf result)))

;;;; File Formats -------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro-driver (FOR vars IN-FASTA source)
    (destructuring-bind (label line) vars)
    (with-gensyms (stream l))
    (let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for))))
       (with ,label = nil)
       (with ,stream = (ensure-stream ,source))
       (,kwd ,line :do-next
        (labels ((labelp (line)
                   (char= #\> (aref line 0)))
                 (parse-next ()
                   (let ((,l (read-line ,stream nil nil nil)))
                       ((null ,l) (terminate))
                       ((zerop (length ,l)) (parse-next))
                       ((labelp ,l) (progn (setf ,label (subseq ,l 1)
                                                 ,line (make-buffer))
                       (t (progn (nconcatenate ,line ,l)
                                 (unless (char= #\> (peek-char nil ,stream nil #\>)) ; yuck

;;;; Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-test (problem input output &optional (test 'string=))
  `(test ,(symb 'test- problem)
     (is (,test ,output (,problem ,input)))))

(defun run-tests ()

;;;; Problems -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro define-problem (name (arg type) sample-input sample-output &body body)
  (let ((symbol (symb 'problem- name)))
       (defun ,symbol (,arg)
         (setf ,arg ,(ecase type
                       (string `(ensure-string ,arg))
                       (stream `(ensure-stream ,arg))))
         (aesthetic-string (progn ,@body)))
       (setf (get ',symbol 'rosalind-name) ,(string-downcase name))
       (define-test ,symbol ,sample-input ,sample-output)

(defun problem-data-path (problem)
  (format nil "~~/Downloads/rosalind_~A.txt" (get problem 'rosalind-name)))

(defun solve% (problem)
  (with-open-file (input (problem-data-path problem))
    (pbcopy (funcall problem input))))

(defmacro solve (name)
  `(solve% ',(symb 'problem- name)))