Commit Log

commit description author date
6cdd3ed3ef12 Add --dynamic. v0.3.0 Steve Losh 2012-11-24
77798c15666a Added tag v0.2.1 for changeset 0e92c9363422 Steve Losh 2012-11-24
0e92c9363422 Don't choke on deleted files. v0.2.1 Steve Losh 2012-11-24
154eb9cb113d Handle Ctrl+C cleanly. Steve Losh 2012-11-24
6ee9f82b2d71 Added tag v0.2.0 for changeset 6ba80dea5994 Steve Losh 2012-11-17
6ba80dea5994 Mention --smart-interval in the README. v0.2.0 Steve Losh 2012-11-17
4ee5a2152416 Fix the --smart-interval option parser. Steve Losh 2012-11-17
c4f94236bde4 Add --smart-interval. Steve Losh 2012-11-17
e5b500cb033e Added tag v0.1.0 for changeset 22289e267949 Steve Losh 2012-11-14
22289e267949 Start. v0.1.0 Steve Losh 2012-11-14
No more entries