
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 05 Oct 2011 22:47:16 -0400 (2011-10-06)
parents 295b300cdddb
children 92e18c1d720a
branches/tags (none)
files src/newseasons/templates/main.clj


--- a/src/newseasons/templates/main.clj	Wed Oct 05 22:44:17 2011 -0400
+++ b/src/newseasons/templates/main.clj	Wed Oct 05 22:47:16 2011 -0400
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 (ns newseasons.templates.main
   (:require [noir.session :as sess])
   (:use noir.core
-        hiccup.core
-        hiccup.page-helpers
-        hiccup.form-helpers))
+    hiccup.core
+    hiccup.page-helpers
+    hiccup.form-helpers))
 ; Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -12,135 +12,135 @@
 (defn field [fieldfn field-name label]
   (list [:label {:for (str "id_" field-name)} label]
-        (fieldfn field-name)))
+    (fieldfn field-name)))
 (defn pluralize
   ([coll] (pluralize coll "s"))
   ([coll plural-suffix] (if (= 1 (count coll))
-                         ""
-                         plural-suffix)))
+                          ""
+                          plural-suffix)))
 ; Layout ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defpartial base [body-class & content]
-            (html5
-              [:head
-               (map include-css ["/css/base.css"
-                                 "/css/skeleton.css"
-                                 "/css/layout.css"])
-               (include-less "/css/style.less")
-               (include-js "/js/less.js")
-               [:title "New Seasons"]]
-              [:body {:class body-class}
-               [:div.container.clearfix
-                [:header.sixteen.columns [:h1 (link-to "/" "New Seasons")]]
-                (when-let [message (sess/flash-get)]
-                  [:section.message.sixteen.columns
-                   [:p message]])
-                content
-                [:footer.sixteen.columns
-                 [:p
-                  "Made by "
-                  (link-to "http://stevelosh.com/" "Steve Losh")
-                  " with "
-                  (link-to "http://webnoir.org/" "Noir")
-                  "."]]]]))
+  (html5
+    [:head
+     (map include-css ["/css/base.css"
+                       "/css/skeleton.css"
+                       "/css/layout.css"])
+     (include-less "/css/style.less")
+     (include-js "/js/less.js")
+     [:title "New Seasons"]]
+    [:body {:class body-class}
+     [:div.container.clearfix
+      [:header.sixteen.columns [:h1 (link-to "/" "New Seasons")]]
+      (when-let [message (sess/flash-get)]
+        [:section.message.sixteen.columns
+         [:p message]])
+      content
+      [:footer.sixteen.columns
+       [:p
+        "Made by "
+        (link-to "http://stevelosh.com/" "Steve Losh")
+        " with "
+        (link-to "http://webnoir.org/" "Noir")
+        "."]]]]))
 (defpartial inner [title body-class & content]
-            (base body-class
-                  [:h2.sixteen.columns.page-title
-                   [:div.profile
-                    (form-to [:post "/logout"]
-                             (submit-button "Log Out"))
-                    (form-to [:get "/password"]
-                             (submit-button "Change Password"))]
-                   title]
-                  content
-                  (when-not (= body-class "user")
-                    [:p.sixteen.columns (link-to "/" "&larr; Back to Dashboard")]) 
-                  [:p.delete.sixteen.columns
-                   "Don't want to receive any more notifications? "
-                   "You can "
-                   (link-to "/delete-account" "delete your account")
-                   "."]))
+  (base body-class
+    [:h2.sixteen.columns.page-title
+     [:div.profile
+      (form-to [:post "/logout"]
+        (submit-button "Log Out"))
+      (form-to [:get "/password"]
+        (submit-button "Change Password"))]
+     title]
+    content
+    (when-not (= body-class "user")
+      [:p.sixteen.columns (link-to "/" "&larr; Back to Dashboard")]) 
+    [:p.delete.sixteen.columns
+     "Don't want to receive any more notifications? "
+     "You can "
+     (link-to "/delete-account" "delete your account")
+     "."]))
 ; Pages -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defpartial home []
-            (base "home"
-              [:div.six.columns
-               [:form {:action "" :method "POST"}
-                (field text-field "email" "Email Address")
-                (field password-field "password" "Password")
-                (submit-button "Log In or Create Account")]]
-              [:div.five.columns
-               [:p "New Seasons will notify you when your favorite TV "
-                   "shows have new seasons on iTunes."]]
-              [:div.five.columns
-               [:p "Add some shows to your list, we'll email you when new seasons come out.  That's it."]]))
+  (base "home"
+        [:div.six.columns
+         [:form {:action "" :method "POST"}
+          (field text-field "email" "Email Address")
+          (field password-field "password" "Password")
+          (submit-button "Log In or Create Account")]]
+        [:div.five.columns
+         [:p "New Seasons will notify you when your favorite TV "
+          "shows have new seasons on iTunes."]]
+        [:div.five.columns
+         [:p "Add some shows to your list, we'll email you when new seasons come out.  That's it."]]))
 (defpartial user-show [show]
-            [:li.show.group
-             (form-to [:post "/rem"]
-                      [:input {:type "hidden" :name "artist-id" :value (show :id)}]
-                      (submit-button "Remove"))
-             [:img {:src (show :image)}]
-             [:h3 (link-to (show :url) (show :title))]
-             [:p.latest "Latest: " (show :latest)]])
+  [:li.show.group
+   (form-to [:post "/rem"]
+     [:input {:type "hidden" :name "artist-id" :value (show :id)}]
+     (submit-button "Remove"))
+   [:img {:src (show :image)}]
+   [:h3 (link-to (show :url) (show :title))]
+   [:p.latest "Latest: " (show :latest)]])
 (defpartial user [user]
-            (inner (str "Hello, " (:email user)) "user"
-                   [:div.seven.columns
-                    [:form {:action "/search"}
-                     (field text-field
-                            "query"
-                            "Which show do you want to keep track of?")
-                     (submit-button "Search")]]
-                   [:div.nine.columns
-                    (let [shows (:shows user)]
-                      (if (empty? shows)
-                        [:p "You're not currently watching any shows."]
-                        (list
-                          [:p
-                           "You're watching "
-                           (count shows)
-                           " show"
-                           (pluralize shows)
-                           "."]
-                          [:ul.shows (map user-show shows)])))]))
+  (inner (str "Hello, " (:email user)) "user"
+    [:div.seven.columns
+     [:form {:action "/search"}
+      (field text-field
+        "query"
+        "Which show do you want to keep track of?")
+      (submit-button "Search")]]
+    [:div.nine.columns
+     (let [shows (:shows user)]
+       (if (empty? shows)
+         [:p "You're not currently watching any shows."]
+         (list
+           [:p
+            "You're watching "
+            (count shows)
+            " show"
+            (pluralize shows)
+            "."]
+           [:ul.shows (map user-show shows)])))]))
 (defpartial result [r]
-            [:li.show.group
-             [:img {:src (r "artworkUrl100")}]
-             [:h3 (link-to (r "artistViewUrl") (r "artistName"))]
-             [:p.latest "Latest: " (r "collectionName")]
-             (form-to [:post "/add"]
-                      [:input {:type "hidden" :name "artist-id" :value (r "artistId")}]
-                      (submit-button "Add Show to List"))])
+  [:li.show.group
+   [:img {:src (r "artworkUrl100")}]
+   [:h3 (link-to (r "artistViewUrl") (r "artistName"))]
+   [:p.latest "Latest: " (r "collectionName")]
+   (form-to [:post "/add"]
+     [:input {:type "hidden" :name "artist-id" :value (r "artistId")}]
+     (submit-button "Add Show to List"))])
 (defpartial search [query results]
-            (inner (str (if (empty? results)
-                          "No"
-                          (count results))
-                        " Result" (pluralize results)
-                        " for &ldquo;" query "&rdquo;")
-                   "search"
-                   [:ul.sixteen.columns.search-results
-                    (map result results)]))
+  (inner (str (if (empty? results)
+                "No"
+                (count results))
+           " Result" (pluralize results)
+           " for &ldquo;" query "&rdquo;")
+    "search"
+    [:ul.sixteen.columns.search-results
+     (map result results)]))
 (defpartial password []
-            (inner "Change Your Password" "change-password"
-                   [:section.sixteen.columns
-                    (form-to [:post ""]
-                             (field password-field "password" "New Password")
-                             (submit-button "Change Password"))]))
+  (inner "Change Your Password" "change-password"
+    [:section.sixteen.columns
+     (form-to [:post ""]
+       (field password-field "password" "New Password")
+       (submit-button "Change Password"))]))
 (defpartial delete-account []
-            (inner "Delete Your Account" "delete-account"
-                   [:section.sixteen.columns
-                    [:p "If you're sure about this you can delete your account here."]
-                    (form-to [:post ""]
-                             (submit-button "Delete Account"))]))
+  (inner "Delete Your Account" "delete-account"
+    [:section.sixteen.columns
+     [:p "If you're sure about this you can delete your account here."]
+     (form-to [:post ""]
+       (submit-button "Delete Account"))]))