src/newseasons/views/main.clj @ 57686202ddc5

Oh god what am I doing?
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:30:50 -0400
parents 78a78bfc7d70
children ead78c7e9a4d
(ns newseasons.views.main
  (:require [newseasons.templates.main :as t])
  (:use noir.core)
  (:require [noir.response :as resp])
  (:require [noir.session :as sess])
  (:require [clj-http.client :as client])
  (:use [cheshire.core :only (parse-string)]))

(def email-regex #"[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}")

(defn itunes-search [params]
  ((parse-string (:body (client/get ""
                                    {:query-params params})))

(defn itunes-search-show [query]
  (itunes-search {"term" query
                  "media" "tvShow"
                  "entity" "tvSeason"
                  "attribute" "showTerm"}))

(defn itunes-lookup [field id]
  ((parse-string (:body (client/get ""
                                    {:query-params {field id}})))

(defn itunes-lookup-artist [id]
  (first (itunes-lookup "id" id)))

; Authentication --------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro login-required [& body]
  `(if-not (sess/get :email)
       (sess/flash-put! "Please log in to access that page!")
       (resp/redirect "/")) 

; Home ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn check-login [{:keys [email password]}]

(defpage [:get "/"] []
         (if-let [email (sess/get :email)]
           (resp/redirect (str "/" email))

(defpage [:post "/"] {:as login}
         (if (check-login login)
           (resp/redirect (str "/" (:email login)))

; User ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defpage [:get ["/:email" :email email-regex]] {:keys [email]}
           (t/user email)))

; Search ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defpage [:get "/search"] {:keys [query]}
           ; TODO: Images.
           (let [results (itunes-search-show query)
                 artists (distinct (map #(select-keys % ["artistName" "artistId" "artistViewUrl"])
             (t/search query artists))))

; Add -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defpage [:post "/add"] {:as show}
         (sess/flash-put! "Added a show to your list.")
         (resp/redirect "/"))