src/main.lisp @ 2e93a4fe55f1

author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 21 Apr 2021 14:10:23 -0400
parents 60483297353d
children 9d304403bb0b
(in-package :mycelium)

;;;; Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defconstant +black+ (boots:rgb 0 0 0))
(defconstant +white+ (boots:rgb 255 255 255))
(defconstant +dark-purple+ (boots:rgb #x52 #x2F #x70))

(defconstant +default+ (boots:attr :fg +white+ :bg +black+))
(defconstant +bold+ (boots:attr :fg +white+ :bg +black+ :bold t))
(defconstant +reverse+ (boots:attr :fg +black+ :bg +white+))
(defconstant +selected+ (boots:attr :fg +white+ :bg +dark-purple+ :bold t))

(defconstant +button-default+  (boots:attr :fg +white+ :bg +black+       :bold t))
(defconstant +button-selected+ (boots:attr :fg +white+ :bg +dark-purple+ :bold t))

;;;; State --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *event* nil)
(defvar *mods* nil)
(defvar *seed* nil)
(defvar *debug* (make-ring-buffer))
(defvar *pcg* (pcg:make-pcg))
(defvar *elapsed* nil)
(defvar *messages* (make-ring-buffer :size 16))
(defvar *calories* 0.0)
(defvar *focused* nil)

;;;; Assets -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun load-asset (path)
  (_ path
    (string-right-trim '(#\newline) _)

(defparameter *asset/splash* (load-asset "assets/splash.txt"))
(defparameter *asset/help* (load-asset "assets/help.txt"))

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun random (bound &optional max inclusive?)
  (pcg:pcg-random *pcg* bound max inclusive?))

(defun press-key (event)
  (loop :until (multiple-value-call #'boots:event= event (boots:read-event)))

(defmacro with-ui (ui &body body)
  (alexandria:with-gensyms (prev)
    `(let ((,prev (boots:root boots:*screen*)))
       (setf (boots:root boots:*screen*) ,ui)
       (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
         (setf (boots:root boots:*screen*) ,prev)))))

(defmacro event-case (form &body clauses)
  (alexandria:with-gensyms (e m)
    `(multiple-value-bind (,e ,m) ,form
       (unless (handle-global-event ,e ,m)
         (boots:event-case (values ,e ,m)

(defun handle-global-event (event mods)
  (boots:event-case (values event mods)
    (#(:ctrl #\q) (throw 'quit nil))
    (#\esc (pause) t)
    (#\? (help) t)
    (t nil)))

(defun draw-right (pad x y string attr)
  (boots:draw pad (1+ (- x (length string))) y string attr))

(defun draw-center (pad y string attr &aux
                    (s (string string))
                    (w (boots:width pad))
                    (l (length s)))
  (boots:draw pad (if (<= w l) 0 (truncate (- w l) 2))
              y s attr))

(defun dbg (&optional string &rest args)
  (if string
    (rb-push *debug* (apply #'format nil string args))
    (do-ring-buffer (s *debug*)
      (write-line s)))

(defun msg (string &rest args)
  (rb-push *messages* (if (null args)
                        (aesthetic-string string)
                        (apply #'format nil string args))))

;;;; Items --------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; These classes don't represent individual items, but rather the whole
;;; set/count/pile of a particular type of item.

(defclass* item ()
   (owned :initform 0)))

(defclass* mushroom (item)
  ((section :initform 'mushrooms)
   (price :initform 1)
   (calories :initform 100)))

(defclass* tool (item)
  ((section :initform 'tools)))

(defmethod print-object ((o item) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
    (format s "~A" (key o))))

(defun make-items (class data)
    (for (key description . initargs) :in data)
    (collect (apply #'make-instance class :key key :description description initargs))))

(defun make-tools ()
  (make-items 'tool '((trowel "Small trowel" :owned 1)
                      (bucket "Sturdy bucket" :owned 1)
                      (field-guide "Field guide"))))

(defun make-mushrooms ()
  (make-items 'mushroom
              '((chantrelle "Chantrelle mushroom" :calories 60 :price 1)
                (matsutake "Matsutake mushroom" :calories 200 :price 15))))

;;;; Inventory ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *inventory* nil)
(defvar *inventory-index* nil)

(defparameter *sections* '(mushrooms tools))

(defun inv-ref (section key)
  ;; should have been a setf expander but time is short
  (gethash key (gethash section *inventory*)))

(defun inv-inc (o &optional key)
  (if (null key)
    (incf (owned (gethash (key o) (gethash (section o) *inventory*))) 1)
    (incf (owned (gethash key (gethash o *inventory*))) 1)))

(defun inv-dec (o &optional key)
  (if (null key)
    (decf (owned (gethash (key o) (gethash (section o) *inventory*))) 1)
    (decf (owned (gethash key (gethash o *inventory*))) 1)))

(defun inv-insert (&rest items)
  (dolist (item items)
    (setf (gethash (key item) (gethash (section item) *inventory*))

(defun inv-section-items (section &key only-owned)
  (iterate (for (nil item) :in-hashtable (gethash section *inventory*))
           (when (or (not only-owned) (plusp (owned item)))
             (collect item))))

(defun init/inventory ()
  (setf *inventory* (make-hash-table))
  (dolist (s *sections*)
    (setf (gethash s *inventory*) (make-hash-table)))
  (apply #'inv-insert (make-mushrooms))
  (apply #'inv-insert (make-tools))
  (setf *inventory-index*
        (iterate (for s :in *sections*)
                 (for keys = (sort (alexandria:hash-table-keys (gethash s *inventory*)) #'string<))
                 (collect (list s keys)))))

;;;; Hunger -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *calories-per-second* 1.0)

(defun hungryp ()
  (< *calories* 100.0))

(defun starvingp ()
  (zerop *calories*))

(defun fullp ()
  (> *calories* 1000.0))

(defun eat (mushroom)
  (incf *calories* (calories mushroom))
  (inv-dec mushroom))

(defun attempt-to-eat ()
  (if (fullp)
    (msg "You're too full to eat any more.")
    (let ((options (inv-section-items 'mushrooms :only-owned t)))
      (if (null options)
        (msg "You don't have any mushrooms to eat.")
        (progn (msg "You eat a mushroom.")
               (eat (random-elt options #'random))
               (when (fullp)
                 (unlock 'money)
                 (unlock 'sell)))))))

(defun tick/hunger (delta)
  (let ((consumed (* delta *calories-per-second*)))
    (setf *calories* (max 0.0 (- *calories* consumed)))))

;;;; Money --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *money* 0)

(defun sell (mushroom)
  (incf *money* (price mushroom))
  (inv-dec mushroom)
  (unlock 'buy))

(defun attempt-to-sell ()
  (let ((options (inv-section-items 'mushrooms :only-owned t)))
    (if (null options)
      (msg "You don't have any mushrooms to sell.")
      (progn (msg "You sell a mushroom.")
             (sell (random-elt options #'random))))))

;;;; Splash -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *ui/splash/bg*
  (boots:make-canvas :draw 'draw/splash/bg))

(defparameter *ui/splash/card*
  (boots:make-canvas :width (reduce #'max *asset/splash* :key #'length)
                     :height (length *asset/splash*)
                     :border t :margin t
                     :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                     :draw 'draw/splash/card))

(defparameter *ui/splash*
  (boots:pile ()

(defun draw/splash/card (pad)
    (for y :from 0)
    (for line :in *asset/splash*)
    (boots:draw pad 0 y line +default+)))

(defun draw/splash/bg (pad)
  (dotimes (x (boots:width pad))
    (dotimes (y (boots:height pad))
      (boots:draw pad x y
                  (losh:random-elt "\\/_-,.`" #'random)
                  (boots:attr :fg +dark-purple+)))))

(defun splash ()
  (with-ui *ui/splash*
    (press-key #\space))

;;;; Panels -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *panels* nil)

(defclass* panel ()

(defgeneric panel-name (panel))
(defgeneric panel-widgets (panel))

(defun current-panel ()
  (find-if #'selected *panels*))

;;;; Widgets ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *unlocked* nil)

(defun unlock (&rest keys)
  (apply #'hset-insert! *unlocked* keys))

(defun unlockedp (key)
  (hset-contains-p *unlocked* key))

(defun widget-pos (key)
  (let ((widgets (panel-widgets (current-panel))))
    (destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions widgets)
      (do-range ((r 0 rows)
                 (c 0 cols))
        (when (eql key (aref widgets r c))
          (return-from widget-pos (values r c)))))))

(defun widget-ref (row col)
  (let ((widgets (panel-widgets (current-panel))))
    (destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions widgets)
      (aref widgets (mod row rows) (mod col cols)))))

(defun focusedp (key)
  (assert key)
  (eql key *focused*))

(defun focus (key)
  (assert key)
  (setf *focused* key))

(defun focus-dir (dr dc)
  (multiple-value-bind (r c) (widget-pos *focused*)
      (incf r dr)
      (incf c dc)
      (for key = (widget-ref r c))
      (when (and key (unlockedp key))
        (focus key)

(defmacro with-widget (key (color) &body body)
  `(when (unlockedp ',key)
     (let ((,color (if (focusedp ',key) +button-selected+ +button-default+)))

(defgeneric press (widget-key))

;;;; Forest -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *ui/forest/forage*
  (boots:make-canvas :height 2 :margin-bottom 1 :draw 'draw/forest/forage))

(defparameter *ui/forest/eat*
  (boots:make-canvas :height 2 :margin-bottom 1 :draw 'draw/forest/eat))

(defparameter *ui/forest/sell*
  (boots:make-canvas :height 2 :margin-bottom 1 :draw 'draw/forest/sell))

(defparameter *ui/forest/buy*
  (boots:make-canvas :height 2 :margin-bottom 1 :draw 'draw/forest/buy))

(defparameter *ui/forest*
  (boots:shelf (:fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+)
    (boots:stack (:fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+)
    (boots:stack (:fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+)

(defclass* forest (panel)
  ((ui :initform *ui/forest*)
   (key :initform 'forest)))

(defmethod panel-name ((p forest)) "Forest")
(defmethod panel-widgets ((p forest)) #2A((forage eat)
                                          (buy sell)))

(defun draw/forest/forage (pad)
  (with-widget forage (c)
    (boots:draw pad 0 0 "The forest is peaceful." +default+)
    (boots:draw pad 0 1 "[Forage for mushrooms]" c)))

(defun draw/forest/eat (pad)
  (with-widget eat (c)
    (boots:draw pad 0 0 `("You feel " ,(cond ((fullp) "full")
                                            ((hungryp) "hungry")
                                            ((starvingp) "starving")
                                            (t "content"))
    (boots:draw pad 0 1 "[Eat a mushroom]" c)))

(defun draw/forest/sell (pad)
  (with-widget sell (c)
    (boots:draw pad 0 0 "Other people want mushrooms too." +default+)
    (boots:draw pad 0 1 "[Sell a mushroom]" c)))

(defun draw/forest/buy (pad)
  (with-widget buy (c)
    (boots:draw pad 0 0 "Spend some money?" +default+)
    (boots:draw pad 0 1 "[Buy something]" c)))

(chancery:define-rule (random-forage :distribution :weighted)
  (1 'chantrelle)
  (1 'matsutake))

(defparameter *base-forage-chance* 0.1)

(defun forage-chance ()
  (* *base-forage-chance*
     (cond ((fullp) 1.1)
           ((hungryp) 2.0)
           ((starvingp) 0.5)
           (t 1.0))))

(defmethod press ((k (eql 'forage)))
  (if (randomp (forage-chance))
    (progn (msg "You found a mushroom.")
           (inv-inc 'mushrooms (random-forage))
           (unlock 'eat))
    (msg "You don't find anything.")))

(defmethod press ((k (eql 'eat)))

(defmethod press ((k (eql 'sell)))

(defmethod press ((k (eql 'buy)))
  (msg (choose "What do you want to buy?"
               '(("Foo" . "foo selected")
                 ("Bar" . "bar selected")))))

;;;; Game ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *ui/game/top-bar*
  (boots:shelf (:fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+ :height 1 :border-bottom t)
    (boots:make-canvas :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                       :draw 'draw/game/top-bar/panels
                       :margin-right t)
    (boots:make-canvas :width 10
                       :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                       :draw 'draw/game/top-bar/time)))

(defparameter *ui/game/bottom-bar*
  (boots:make-canvas :height 1 :border-top t
                     :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                     :draw 'draw/game/bottom-bar))

(defparameter *ui/game/messages*
  (boots:make-canvas :height 8 :border-top t
                     :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                     :draw 'draw/game/messages))

(defparameter *ui/game/inventory*
  (boots:make-canvas :width 35 :border-left t
                     :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                     :draw 'draw/game/inventory))

(defparameter *ui/game/panel*
  (boots:pile ()
    (boots:make-canvas :fill-char #\? :fill-attr +default+)))

(defparameter *ui/game*
  (boots:pile (:fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+)
    (boots:stack ()
      (boots:shelf ()

(defun draw/game/bottom-bar (pad)
  (draw-right pad (1- (boots:width pad)) 0 "[?] Help [ESC] Pause/Quit" +default+))

(defun draw/game/top-bar/panels (pad)
  (boots:draw pad 0 0
              (iterate (for panel :in-vector *panels*)
                       (collect (if (selected panel) +selected+ +reverse+))
                       (collect (panel-name panel)))))

(defun draw/game/top-bar/time (pad)
  (draw-right pad (1- (boots:width pad)) 0
              (format nil "~Ds" (truncate *elapsed* internal-time-units-per-second))

(defun draw/game/messages (pad)
  ;; todo make reverse iteration stuff for ring buffers
  (iterate (for i :from -1 :downto (- (rb-count *messages*)))
           (for y :from 0)
    (boots:draw pad 0 y (rb-ref *messages* i) +default+)))

(defun draw/game/inventory (pad &aux (y 0))
  (when (unlockedp 'money)
    (boots:draw pad 0 y (format nil "$~D" *money*) +default+)
    (incf y 2))
    (with h = (boots:height pad))
    (while (< y h))
    (for sy = y)
    (for (section keys) :in *inventory-index*)
    (iterate (for key :in keys)
             (for item = (inv-ref section key))
             (when (plusp (owned item))
               (incf y)
               (boots:draw pad 0 y (format nil "~6D ~A"
                                           (owned item)
                                           (description item))
    (unless (= sy y)
      ;; only draw section header if we drew anything else
      (boots:draw pad 0 sy (symbol-name section) +default+)
      (incf y 2))))

(defmacro with-layer (ui &body body)
  `(progn (push ,ui (boots:children *ui/game*))
     (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
       (pop (boots:children *ui/game*)))))

(defun tick (delta)
  (tick/hunger delta))

(defun game ()
  (with-ui *ui/game*
      (timing real-time :per-iteration-into delta)
      (incf *elapsed* delta)
      (tick (/ (float delta 1.0d0) internal-time-units-per-second))
      (setf (first (boots:children *ui/game/panel*))
            (ui (find-if #'selected *panels*)))
      (event-case (boots:read-event-no-hang)
        (nil (boots:wait 1/30))
        (#\newline (press *focused*))
        (#\tab (msg "TODO"))
        (:left  (focus-dir  0 -1))
        (:right (focus-dir  0  1))
        (:up    (focus-dir -1  0))
        (:down  (focus-dir  1  0))
        (t nil)))))

;;;; Chooser Box --------------------------------------------------------------
(defun choose (heading options &aux (selected 0) (n (length options)))
  ; options: (option . result)
  (with-layer (boots:canvas (:fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                             :margin t :border t
                             :height (+ 2 n)
                             :width (reduce #'max options
                                            :key (alexandria:compose #'length #'car)
                                            :initial-value (length heading)))
                (boots:draw pad 0 0 heading +default+)
                (iterate (for (option . nil) :in options)
                         (for i :from 0)
                         (for y :from 2)
                         (for c = (if (= i selected) +button-selected+ +button-default+))
                         (boots:draw pad 0 y option c)))
    (loop (setf selected (mod selected n))
          (boots:event-case (boots:read-event)
            (#\newline (return (cdr (elt options selected))))
            (#\esc (return nil))
            (:up   (incf selected))
            (:down (decf selected))
            (t nil)))))

;;;; Pause --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *ui/pause*
  (boots:make-canvas :width 30 :height 4 :border t :margin t
                     :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                     :draw 'draw/pause))

(defun draw/pause (pad)
  (draw-center pad 0 "PAUSE" +bold+)
  (boots:draw pad 0 2 "[R]esume" +default+)
  (boots:draw pad 0 3 "[Q]uit Game" +default+))

(defun pause ()
  (with-ui *ui/pause*
    (loop (boots:redraw)
          (multiple-value-bind (e m) (boots:read-event)
            (boots:event-case (values e m)
              ((#\r #\esc) (return-from pause))
              (#\q (throw 'quit nil))
              (t (setf *event* e *mods* m)))))))

;;;; Help --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *ui/help*
  (boots:make-canvas :width 50 :height (+ 2 (length *asset/help*))
                     :border t :margin t
                     :fill-char #\space :fill-attr +default+
                     :draw 'draw/help))

(defun draw/help (pad)
  (draw-center pad 0 "HELP" +bold+)
  (iterate (for y :from 2)
           (for line :in *asset/help*)
           (boots:draw pad 0 y line +default+)))

(defun help ()
  (with-ui *ui/help*
    (press-key t)))

;;;; Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun init ()
  (rb-clear *debug*)
  (rb-clear *messages*)
  (setf *seed* (cl:random (expt 2 60) (cl:make-random-state))
        *pcg* (pcg:make-pcg :seed *seed*)
        *elapsed* 0
        *focused* 'forage
        *money* 0
        *calories* (* 1.0 10)
        *panels* (vector (make-instance 'forest :selected t))
        *unlocked* (make-hash-set :initial-contents '(forest forage)))

(defun run ()
  (boots/terminals/ansi:with-ansi-terminal (terminal :truecolor t)
    (boots:with-screen (boots:*screen* terminal)
        (catch 'quit

(defun toplevel ()

(defun build ()
  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "build/mycelium"
    :executable t
    :save-runtime-options t
    :toplevel #'mycelium:toplevel))