mw.lisp @ 90717aee8905

Add static file copying
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 12 Mar 2024 10:24:34 -0400
parents 1af33b2f2616
children d9ae1a68cda2
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (ql:quickload (list :alexandria :iterate :losh :local-time :str
                      :cl-who :3bmd :plump :cl-slug :safe-read)
                :silent t))

(defpackage :config
  (:import-from :cl :t :nil)
    :title :toc
    :extra-titles :extra-slugs
    :t :nil))

(defpackage :mw
  (:use :cl :iterate :losh)
  (:import-from :cl-who
    :with-html-output :htm :str :fmt)
  (:export :toplevel :build))

(in-package :mw)

;;;; Config/Metadata ----------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *config* nil)
(defparameter *current-path* nil)

(defclass* config ()
  (title (link-color :initform nil)))

(defun read-dammit (stream &optional (packages '(config)))
  ;; Have to loop because safe-read is bonkers and just stops after every
  ;; newline, jesus.
  (loop (multiple-value-bind (result error)
            (safe-read:safe-read stream packages)
          (cond (result (return result))
                ((eql error :incomplete-input) (progn))
                (t (error "Error reading from ~A: ~A~%" *current-path* error))))))

(defun read-config ()
  (with-open-file (f "index.markdown" :direction :input)
    (let ((config (read-dammit f)))
      (make-instance 'config
        :title (getf config 'config:title)
        :link-color (getf config 'config:link-color)))))

(defun read-metadata (stream)
  (read-dammit stream))

  ;; Have to do this at toplevel because otherwise cl-who *inlines the default
  ;; prolog into a write-string call*, jesus.
  (setf (cl-who:html-mode) :html5))

;;;; Static -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *style.css*
  (alexandria:read-file-into-string "style.css"))

(defun write-stylesheet ()
  (with-open-file (s "build/style.css" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
    (write-string *style.css* s)
    (format s "~2%:root {~%")
    (when (link-color *config*)
      (format s "  --link-color: ~A;~%" (link-color *config*)))
    (write-line "}" s)))

(defun has-static-p ()
  (uiop:directory-exists-p "static"))

(defun copy-static-directory ()
  (sh '("rsync" "-a" "static/" "build/static/")))

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro delay (&body body)
  `(let (result done)
     (lambda ()
       (if done
         (setf done t result (progn ,@body))))))

(defun force (delay)
  (funcall delay))

(defmacro who (&body body)
  `(with-html-output (*standard-output* nil :indent t) ,@body))

(defmacro whos (&body body)
  `(with-output-to-string (s)
     (with-html-output (s) ,@body)))

(defmacro esc (string)
  `(str (cl-who:escape-string ,string)))

(defun human-date (timestamp)
  (check-type timestamp local-time:timestamp)
    nil timestamp
    :format `(:long-month " " :ordinal-day ", " :year)))

(defun err (&rest format-args)
  (apply #'format *error-output* format-args))

;;;; TOCs ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *header-number* 0)

(defun subheaderp (node)
  (and (plump:element-p node)
       (member (plump:tag-name node) '("h2" "h3" "h4" "h5" "h6") :test #'string=)))

(defun replace-node (node html)
  (plump:replace-child node (elt (plump:children (plump:parse html)) 0)))

(defun replace-content (node html)
  (plump:clear node)
  (loop :for child :across (plump:children (plump:parse html))
        :do (plump:append-child node child)))

(defun linkify-subheader (node)
  (let* ((text (plump:text node))
         (id (format nil "s~D-~A" (incf *header-number*) (slug:slugify text)))
         (href (concatenate 'string "#" id)))
    (plump:set-attribute node "id" id)
    (replace-content node (whos (:a :href href (str text))))))

(defun linkify-subheaders (root)
  (let ((*header-number* 0))
    (plump:traverse root #'linkify-subheader :test #'subheaderp))

(defun header-level (node)
  (digit-char-p (char (plump:tag-name node) 1)))

(defun subheaders (root)
  (_ root
      (plump:traverse _ #'gather :test #'subheaderp))
    (mapcar (lambda (node) (cons (header-level node) node)) _)))

(defun split-if (pred list)
  "Split list into two pieces, at the point where pred first becomes true.

  The first element of the second list will be the point where pred becomes true.

  (loop :for tail :on list
        :for (next . more) = tail
        :until (funcall pred next)
        :collect next :into head
        :finally (return (values head tail))))

(defun extract-toc (root) 
  "Extract a table of contents from `root` as a tree.

  The result will be a tree of `(node &rest children)`, e.g.:

  2 3 3 2 3 4 4 → ((h2 (h3) (h3))
                   (h2 (h3 (h4) (h4))))

  This will add dummy headers when the level jumps unexpectedly, to keep the
  proper TOC structure even when the source is borked.

      ((split (headers)
         "Split `headers` into the first header, its children, and whatever else remains."
         (destructuring-bind (first-header . remaining) headers
           (multiple-value-bind (head tail)
               (split-if (lambda (header)
                           (<= (car header) (car first-header)))
             (values first-header head tail))))
       (section (level header children)
         "Handle a single section (i.e. one header and its children)."
         ;; (node . …recur…)
         (list* (cdr header) (sections (1+ level) children)))
       (sections (level headers)
         "Split `headers` into sibling sections, expecting to be at `level`."
         (if (null headers)
           (let ((l (car (first headers))))
             (if (< level l)
               (sections level (cons (cons (1- l) nil) headers)) ; dummy
               (multiple-value-bind (header children remaining) (split headers)
                 ;;  2 3 3 4 3  2 3 3 2 3 4 4
                 ;; [2 3 3 4 3] 2 3 3 2 3 4 4
                 ;;  section    recur
                   (section level header children)
                   (sections level remaining))))))))
    (sections 2 (subheaders root))))

(defun render-toc (toc)
  "Render a TOC tree from `extract-toc` to HTML."
        (:details :open t :class "table-of-contents"
         (:summary "Table of Contents")
         (:ol (recursively ((sections toc))
                (unless (null sections)
                  (destructuring-bind ((header &rest children) . remaining) sections
                    (htm (:li
                          (when header
                            (htm (:a :href (format nil "#~A" (plump:attribute header "id"))
                                  (str (plump:text header)))))
                          (when children
                            (htm (:ol (recur children))))))
                    (recur remaining))))))))))

(defun insert-toc (root)
  (when-let ((toc (extract-toc root)))
    (plump:prepend-child root (render-toc toc)))

;;;; Content ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass* page ()
  (input-path output-path
   body title url sort-key slug
   extra-titles extra-slugs))

(defmethod print-object ((o page) s)
  (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t)
    (format s "~A" (title o))))

;;;; Linking ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *title-table* nil)
(defparameter *slug-table* nil)

(defun build-title-table (pages)
    (for page :in pages)
    (for keys = (cons (title page) (extra-titles page)))
    (dolist (key keys)
      (when-let ((dupe (gethash key result)))
        (err "Duplicate link title ~S:~%  ~A~%  ~A~%"
             key page dupe))
      (collect-hash (key page) :into result :test 'equal))
    (returning result)))

(defun build-slug-table (pages)
    (for page :in pages)
    (for keys = (cons (slug page) (extra-slugs page)))
    (dolist (key keys)
      (when-let ((dupe (gethash key result)))
        (err "Duplicate link slug ~S:~%  ~A~%  ~A~%"
             key page dupe))
      (collect-hash (key page) :into result :test 'equal))
    (returning result)))

(defun link-to-fix-p (node)
  (and (plump:element-p node)
       (string= "a" (plump:tag-name node))
       (let ((href (plump:attribute node "href")))
         (and (not (str:starts-with-p "http://" href))
              (not (str:starts-with-p "https://" href))
              (not (str:starts-with-p "#" href))
              (not (str:ends-with-p ".html" href))))))

(defun fixup-link (node)
  (let* ((text (str:trim (plump:text node)))
         (href (plump:attribute node "href"))
         (page (if (str:emptyp href)
                 (gethash text *title-table*)
                 (gethash href *slug-table*))))
    (if (null page)
      (progn (err "Can't resolve link in ~A: ~A~%"
                  (plump:serialize node nil))
             (plump:set-attribute node "href" "TODO")
             (plump:set-attribute node "class" "broken"))
      (plump:set-attribute node "href" (url page)))

(defun fixup-links (root)
  (plump:traverse root #'fixup-link :test #'link-to-fix-p)

;;;; Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun parse-markdown (path &key (insert-toc t))
  (let ((*current-path* path))
    (with-open-file (stream path :direction :input)
      (read-metadata stream) ; discard metadata this time
      (_ stream
        (with-output-to-string (s)
          (3bmd:parse-string-and-print-to-stream _ s))
        (if insert-toc (insert-toc _) _)
        (plump:serialize _ nil)))))

(defun read-page (path)
  (with-open-file (f path :direction :input)
    (let* ((*current-path* path)
           (metadata (read-metadata f))
           (slug (pathname-name path)))
      (make-instance 'page
        :input-path path
        :output-path (format nil "build/~A.html" slug)
        :slug slug
        :url (format nil "~A.html" slug)
        :title (getf metadata 'config:title)
        :extra-titles (ensure-list (getf metadata 'config:extra-titles))
        :extra-slugs (ensure-list (getf metadata 'config:extra-slugs))
        :sort-key (string-downcase (getf metadata 'config:title))
        :body (delay
                (parse-markdown path :insert-toc (getf metadata 'config:toc t)))))))

(defun walk (path)
  (_ (sh (list "find" path "-name" "*.markdown") :result-type 'list)
    (remove-if (curry #'str:ends-with-p "index.markdown") _)
    (mapcar #'read-page _)
    (sort _ #'string< :key #'sort-key)))

;;;; HTML ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun a (url text)
  (with-html-output (*standard-output* nil :indent nil)
    (:a :href url (esc text))))

(defun render% (thunk &key page-title)
  (let ((wiki-title (title *config*))
        (now (local-time:now)))
    (with-html-output (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t)
      (:html :lang "en"
        (:meta :charset "utf-8")
        (:meta :name "pinterest" :content "nopin")
        (:title (esc (if page-title
                       (format nil "~A / ~A" page-title wiki-title)
        (:link :href "style.css" :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css")
        (:link :rel "icon" :href "data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo="))
         (:nav (a "page-index.html" "Index"))
         (a "index.html" wiki-title)
         (when page-title
           (with-html-output (*standard-output*)
             (str " / ")
             (a "" page-title))))
         (when page-title
           (htm (:h1 (esc page-title))))
         (str (format nil "~2%<!-- begin page content -->~2%"))
         (funcall thunk)
         (str (format nil "~2%<!-- end page content -->~2%")))
        (with-html-output (*standard-output* nil :indent nil)
           (str "Generated ")
           (:time :datetime (local-time:to-rfc3339-timestring now)
            (esc (human-date now)))
           (str "."))))))))

(defmacro render ((path title) &body body)
  `(with-open-file (*standard-output* ,path
                                      :direction :output
                                      :if-exists :supersede)
     (render% (lambda ()
                (with-html-output (*standard-output* nil :indent t) ,@body))
              :page-title ,title)))

(defun write-home ()
  (let ((body (parse-markdown "index.markdown" :insert-toc nil)))
    (render ("build/index.html" nil)
      (:h1 (esc (title *config*)))
      (str body))))

(defun write-index (pages)
  (render ("build/page-index.html" "Page Index")
    (dolist (page pages)
      (htm (a (url page) (title page))

(defun write-page (page)
  (render ((output-path page) (title page))
    (str (force (body page)))))

;;;; Toplevel -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun toplevel ()
  (let ((*config* (read-config)))
    (ensure-directories-exist "build/" :verbose t)
    (when (has-static-p)
      (ensure-directories-exist "build/static/" :verbose t)
    (let* ((pages (walk "."))
           (*title-table* (build-title-table pages))
           (*slug-table* (build-slug-table pages)))
      (write-index pages)
      (map nil #'write-page pages))))

(defun build ()
  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "mw"
    :executable t
    :compression nil
    :toplevel 'toplevel))

#; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------