
Implement Aldous-Broder and a bunch of UI/code improvements
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 08 Jun 2016 13:35:49 +0000 (2016-06-08)
parents a012e3f65a0d
children 84b8c9cf94df
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords package.lisp src/demo.lisp src/generation.lisp src/grid.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Wed Jun 08 12:30:15 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Wed Jun 08 13:35:49 2016 +0000
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
 (1 make-sketch)
 (2 grid-loop-cells grid-loop-rows)
 (1 recursively)
+(1 with-cell-active)
+(1 when-let)
--- a/package.lisp	Wed Jun 08 12:30:15 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Wed Jun 08 13:35:49 2016 +0000
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+    #:when-let
@@ -51,11 +52,13 @@
+    #:cell-links
+    #:grid-clear-active
@@ -82,7 +85,9 @@
-    #:sidewinder-generator)
+    #:sidewinder-generator
+    #:aldous-broder
+    #:aldous-broder-generator)
   (:import-from #:snakes
@@ -97,5 +102,7 @@
-    #:mazes.fps))
+    #:mazes.fps)
+  (:import-from #:snakes
+    #:do-generator))
--- a/src/demo.lisp	Wed Jun 08 12:30:15 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/demo.lisp	Wed Jun 08 13:35:49 2016 +0000
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
 (defparameter *center-x* (/ *width* 2))
 (defparameter *center-y* (/ *height* 2))
 (defparameter *maze-size* 700)
-(defparameter *generator* #'sidewinder-generator)
+(defvar *generator* #'sidewinder-generator)
+(defvar *instant* nil)
+(defvar *show-longest* nil)
+(defvar *show-colors* nil)
+(defvar *cell-size* nil)
 ;;;; Globals
 (defvar *shift* nil)
@@ -51,65 +54,85 @@
   (make-pen :fill (rgb 1.000 0.733 0.424)))
 (defparameter *active-pen*
-  (make-pen :fill (rgb 0.731 0.550 0.758)))
+  (make-pen :fill (rgb 1.000 0.273 0.476)))
 (defparameter *active-group-pen*
-  (make-pen :fill (rgb 0.427 0.322 0.443)))
+  (make-pen :fill (rgb 1.000 0.512 0.580)))
+(defun cell-x (cell &optional (offset 0))
+  (* *cell-size* (+ offset (cell-col cell))))
+(defun cell-y (cell &optional (offset 0))
+  (* *cell-size* (+ offset (cell-row cell))))
+(defun draw-cell (cell)
+  (rect (cell-x cell) (cell-y cell) *cell-size* *cell-size*))
+(defun draw-colors (instance)
+  (when *show-colors*
+    (let* ((grid (slot-value instance 'grid))
+           (distances (cell-distance-map
+                        (or (slot-value instance 'start)
+                            (grid-ref grid 0 0))))
+           (max (dm-distance distances (dm-max distances))))
+      (when (plusp max)
+        (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+          (when-let (distance (dm-distance distances cell))
+            (with-pen
+                (make-pen :fill (lerp-color
+                                  (rgb 0.149 0.141 0.212)
+                                  (rgb 0.570 0.429 0.591)
+                                  (/ distance max)))
+              (draw-cell cell))))))))
+(defun draw-longest (instance)
+  (when *show-longest*
+    (with-pen *longest-pen*
+      (map nil #'draw-cell (slot-value instance 'longest-path)))))
+(defun draw-path (instance)
+  (with-slots (start end path) instance
+    (with-pen *path-pen*
+      (map nil #'draw-cell path))
+    (with-pen *end-pen*
+      (when start (draw-cell start))
+      (when end (draw-cell end)))))
+(defun draw-active (instance)
+  (grid-loop-cells cell (slot-value instance 'grid)
+    (when (cell-active-group cell)
+      (with-pen *active-group-pen* (draw-cell cell)))
+    (when (cell-active cell)
+      (with-pen *active-pen* (draw-cell cell)))))
 (defun draw-maze (instance)
-  (with-slots (grid start end path longest-path show-longest show-colors)
-      instance
-    (let ((cell-size (cell-size grid)))
-      (labels ((cell-x (cell &optional (offset 0))
-                 (* cell-size (+ offset (cell-col cell))))
-               (cell-y (cell &optional (offset 0))
-                 (* cell-size (+ offset (cell-row cell))))
-               (draw-cell (cell)
-                 (rect (cell-x cell) (cell-y cell) cell-size cell-size)))
-        (in-context
-          (translate (/ (* (grid-cols grid) cell-size) -2)
-                     (/ (* (grid-rows grid) cell-size) -2))
-          (when (and show-colors start)
-            (let* ((distances (cell-distance-map start))
-                   (max (dm-distance distances (dm-max distances))))
-              (grid-loop-cells cell grid
-                (with-pen
-                    (make-pen :fill (lerp-color
-                                      (rgb 0.149 0.141 0.212)
-                                      (rgb 0.570 0.429 0.591)
-                                      (/ (dm-distance distances cell) max)))
-                  (draw-cell cell)))))
-          (when show-longest
-            (with-pen *longest-pen*
-              (map nil #'draw-cell longest-path)))
-          (with-pen *path-pen*
-            (map nil #'draw-cell path))
-          (with-pen *end-pen*
-            (when start (draw-cell start))
-            (when end (draw-cell end)))
-          (grid-loop-cells cell grid
-            (with-pen *active-group-pen*
-              (when (cell-active-group cell)
-                (draw-cell cell)))
-            (with-pen *active-pen*
-              (when (cell-active cell)
-                (draw-cell cell))))
-          (with-pen *wall-pen*
-            (grid-loop-cells cell grid
-              (let ((x1 (cell-x cell))
-                    (y1 (cell-y cell))
-                    (x2 (cell-x cell 1))
-                    (y2 (cell-y cell 1)))
-                (when (not (cell-north cell))
-                  (line x1 y1 x2 y1))
-                (when (not (cell-west cell))
-                  (line x1 y1 x1 y2))
-                (when (not (cell-linked-east-p cell))
-                  (line x2 y1 x2 y2))
-                (when (not (cell-linked-south-p cell))
-                  (line x1 y2 x2 y2))))))))))
+  (with-slots (grid) instance
+    (in-context
+      (translate (/ (* (grid-cols grid) *cell-size*) -2)
+                 (/ (* (grid-rows grid) *cell-size*) -2))
+      (draw-colors instance)
+      (draw-longest instance)
+      (draw-path instance)
+      (draw-active instance)
+      (with-pen *wall-pen*
+        (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+          (let ((x1 (cell-x cell))
+                (y1 (cell-y cell))
+                (x2 (cell-x cell 1))
+                (y2 (cell-y cell 1)))
+            (when (not (cell-north cell))
+              (line x1 y1 x2 y1))
+            (when (not (cell-west cell))
+              (line x1 y1 x1 y2))
+            (when (not (cell-linked-east-p cell))
+              (line x2 y1 x2 y2))
+            (when (not (cell-linked-south-p cell))
+              (line x1 y2 x2 y2))))))))
+(defparameter *ui-font* nil)
 (defun find-longest-path (grid)
   (let ((distances (-> (grid-ref grid 0 0)
@@ -132,24 +155,27 @@
      (longest-path nil)
      (start nil)
      (end nil)
-     (show-longest nil)
-     (show-colors nil)
-     ;; Pens
-     (log-font (make-font :color (gray 0.8)))
+  ;; Setup
+  (setf *cell-size* (cell-size grid))
+  (setf *ui-font* (make-font :color (gray 0.8) :size 14))
-    ;;
-    (draw-maze sketch::instance)
-    (if (and (not finished-generating)
-             (dividesp frame 4))
+    ;; Maze
+    (when (and (not finished-generating)
+               (dividesp frame 5))
+      (when *instant*
+        (while (not (funcall gen))))
       (when (funcall gen)
         (setf finished-generating t
               longest-path (find-longest-path grid))))
+    (draw-maze sketch::instance)
+    ;; UI
+    (with-font *ui-font*
+      (text "algorithm: [a]ldous-broder [b]inary tree [s]idewinder"
+            (+ (- *center-x*) 5) (- *center-y* 40))
+      (text "display: [C]olor distances [L]ongest path [I]nstant generation"
+            (+ (- *center-x*) 5) (- *center-y* 22)))
-    (with-font log-font
-      (text log
-            (- *center-x*)
-            (- *center-y* 22)))
     (incf frame)
@@ -158,14 +184,13 @@
 (defun cell-clicked (instance x y)
   ;; assume a square grid for now...
   (with-slots (log grid) instance
-    (let* ((cell-size (cell-size grid))
-           (offset (/ (- *width* *maze-size*) 2))
+    (let* ((offset (/ (- *width* *maze-size*) 2))
            (x (- x offset))
            (y (- y offset)))
       (if (and (< -1 x *maze-size*)
                (< -1 y *maze-size*))
-        (values (truncate (/ y cell-size))
-                (truncate (/ x cell-size)))
+        (values (truncate (/ y *cell-size*))
+                (truncate (/ x *cell-size*)))
         (values nil nil)))))
@@ -257,11 +282,15 @@
     (:scancode-s (setf *generator* #'sidewinder-generator))
     (:scancode-b (setf *generator* #'binary-tree-generator))
+    (:scancode-a (setf *generator* #'aldous-broder-generator))
     (:scancode-l (if *shift*
-                   (zap% (slot-value instance 'show-longest) #'not %)
+                   (zap% *show-longest* #'not %)
     (:scancode-c (if *shift*
-                   (zap% (slot-value instance 'show-colors) #'not %)
+                   (zap% *show-colors* #'not %)
+                   nil))
+    (:scancode-i (if *shift*
+                   (zap% *instant* #'not %)
--- a/src/generation.lisp	Wed Jun 08 12:30:15 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/generation.lisp	Wed Jun 08 13:35:49 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 (in-package #:mazes.generation)
+(defmacro with-cell-active (cell-place &body body)
+  `(prog2
+     (setf (cell-active ,cell-place) t)
+     (progn ,@body)
+     (setf (cell-active ,cell-place) nil)))
 (defgenerator binary-tree-generator (grid)
   (grid-loop-cells cell grid
     (setf (cell-active cell) t)
@@ -11,7 +18,8 @@
     (setf (cell-active cell) nil)))
 (defun binary-tree (grid)
-  (do-generator (_ (binary-tree-generator grid))))
+  (do-generator (_ (binary-tree-generator grid)))
+  grid)
 (defgenerator sidewinder-generator (grid)
@@ -44,4 +52,24 @@
             (setf (cell-active cell) nil)))))
 (defun sidewinder (grid)
-  (do-generator (_ (sidewinder-generator grid))))
+  (do-generator (_ (sidewinder-generator grid)))
+  grid)
+(defgenerator aldous-broder-generator (grid)
+  (let ((cell (grid-random-cell grid))
+        (unvisited (1- (grid-size grid))))
+    (while (plusp unvisited)
+      (setf (cell-active-group cell) t)
+      (let ((neighbor (random-elt (cell-neighbors cell))))
+        (with-cell-active cell
+          (when (null (cell-links neighbor))
+            (cell-link cell neighbor)
+            (decf unvisited))
+          (yield))
+        (setf cell neighbor))))
+  (grid-clear-active grid))
+(defun aldous-broder (grid)
+  (do-generator (_ (aldous-broder-generator grid)))
+  grid)
--- a/src/grid.lisp	Wed Jun 08 12:30:15 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/grid.lisp	Wed Jun 08 13:35:49 2016 +0000
@@ -150,6 +150,12 @@
             east (grid-ref grid row (1+ col))))))
+(defun grid-clear-active (grid)
+  (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+    (setf (cell-active cell) nil
+          (cell-active-group cell) nil)))
 (defmethod print-object ((grid grid) stream)
       (grid stream :type t :identity nil)
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Wed Jun 08 12:30:15 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Wed Jun 08 13:35:49 2016 +0000
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@
       (values nil nil)
       (values (elt seq (random length)) t))))
+(defmacro when-let ((symbol value) &body body)
+  `(let ((,symbol ,value))
+     (when ,symbol ,@body)))
 (defun randomp ()
   (zerop (random 2)))